Happy Paws - Dearne Valley Dog Walker / Handler

Happy Paws - Dearne Valley Dog Walker / Handler Page offering professional and experienced Pet Services, which includes A fully Qualified Dog Walking, Pet Sitting /Transport, House Calls, Holiday Checks

Dog Walking & Pet Transporting -- Happy Paws Dog Walker - Covering the Dearne Valley Area. Professional Canine Handler, and Specialist Walker. Prices from £7.50
Many Years experience, also defra approved, CRB checked. Insured. First Aid Trained. Will cover house calls for home owners away. Pet transport also available. Now under going training in Canine behaviour!Please pm for more details..Specia

list in small and medium breeds. Like and share our page. Once we have 500 likes one lucky person will win a canine mystery pack, or a free welcome walk!! https://www.facebook.com/happypawsdogdaycare


How to be a good mentor to children!

Meet my patrol dog..lol..-

Meet my patrol dog..lol..


❄ Santa's Magical Elevator! New Experience for 2024 ❄
A santa’s grotto experience with a difference – hop on Santa’s Magical Elevator for a trip you’ll never forget.
What you get:
A trip in the elevator where the elves will meet you in Santa’s Study
Meet Santa in his enchanting grotto
See the elves in the toy factory and choose a gift.
Real life reindeer.
Tickets go on sale on Sunday: to get early access sign up for our mailing list (see comments.)

Oh lord ATTORNEY OF PAWS...lol-

Oh lord ATTORNEY OF PAWS...lol


❄Cooling Fish Tanks in Hot Weather!
Tank temperatures will be rising rapidly📈 in this hot weather.

🐠 Make sure the fish have good adequate filtration, and a sufficient water flow.
🔵 Where possible Add an extra air stone, or bubbler in the tank, as a rise in tank temperature takes much needed oxygen out of the tank.
✅Extra suggestions:
You can half fill a plastic bottle and freeze the water, then re add that back in to your tank. You may also situate a room fan next to the tank blowing air around the tank.
🌞Remember, monitor your tank temperature regularly during hot weather as you may need to adapt lighting, water changes, or feeding, as well as the above maintence tips!
Kind regards Admin

Happy Paws - Dearne Valley Dog Walker / Handler

Here to let you all know that while England may come home early, if you take your dogs out for in hot weather, then cons...

Here to let you all know that while England may come home early, if you take your dogs out for in hot weather, then consider the following: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤣⚽️🥅

During hot weather there may be an increased risk to our pets. So I will remind you of the DANGERS of the heat and how it could impact your pets!

Please be careful with all your pets during higher temperatures - we are reaching temperatures at times that alot of people aren't used to and can't cope with so think about your furry family members too 🥺🥵🌡

Also, remember that heat is the intensity of a temperature - it's not measured by the sun... just because the sun isn't out doesn't mean the temperature isn't too warm for safe exercise and fun, 🥺😔 and that while they are inside at home it's your responsibility to ensure you have measures in place to keep them safe, comfortable, happy and cool inside!

We have said this many times before! 😔

Heat stroke can be DEADLY. Your dog will not die from missing a midday walk but they may if you walk them. 💔
And your cats must be considered too! Where possible keep your cats indoor during the peak heat!
With little shade, extremely hot tarmac and not alot of water sources this kind of heat is dangerous for cats too!
Not alot of people think of cats struggling, but with the temperatures predicted we know they will!

- Avoid peak heat times! Scheduled Walkies early in the morning and late in the evening are better!🚶 🚶‍♂️
Plenty of cooling measures available for your dogs AND cats include;
Cooling mats, cooling bandanas and fans.
Also consider closing the curtains in one room to create shade and a cooler room.
Alternatively, paddling pools can help, but no unsupervised garden time!
Other useful things include, frozen kongs, or licki mats, and plenty of fresh cool water.
There's so many fun cooling ideas out there, tell me below if I missed any! 🥰
Where possible, even when avoiding peak heat go for a walk where there's shaded areas and ideally rural footpaths.
Try to avoid street walking as it will reduce the risk of burning your dogs pads - concrete can and does hold onto heat for prolonged periods! 😔
Absolutely do not leave your dog or cat in a hot car.💔
Animals left in unattended cars or vehicles can die in just a few short minutes 💔
Use suncream on those light ears and noses! Like us their skin can be sensitive, especially lighter animals who can burn without being in direct sunlight. 🌞
You coukd Be The FUN 🚨 Police if you have to! 👮‍♂️👮‍♀️
Don't let your pooch play excessively while in the heat - find them something calming to do with their brain instead! (Stuffed kong, treat balls, puzzle feeders, toe nail scratch feeders, destruction boxes etc) 👌, the same goes for your feline friends.
Please keep your cat indoors and entertained.
Check your gardens and fencing before allowing your dog to have a short toilet break - the LAST thing you want is your dog getting loose and running in the heat!!!! 😭

BELOW you will find common signs of heatstroke (as provided by our amazing friends at the PDSA):
⚠️ Excessive panting and salivating
⚠️ Drowsiness/Lethargy
⚠️ Collapsing/Weakness
⚠️ Vomitting/Diarrohea
⚠️ Bright red tongue
⚠️ Pale gums
⚠️ Excessive thirst (Dehydration)
The following Pets are at a higher risk of heat stroke:
🐾 Puppies/Kittens
🐾 Elderly animals
🐾 Obese animals
🐾 Pets with Heart/Respiratory conditions
🐾 Short-nosed breeds suffer more, these include (Bulldogs, Frenchies, Pugs, Persians etc)
If you are concerned that your pet has heat stroke, please don't delay in getting them to a vet as soon as possible 🚑

We hope you all stay safe and have some fun time with your pets, but remember - STAY OUT OF THE HEAT!👌

**Also note the GUIDE BELOW is only fora basic understanding of temperatures. As responsible owners you should know your pets better than anyone else!.

Temperatures that could be okay for one dog, cat or small furry animal may still be too hot for your pet, or others! **

Does Your Dog Hate having its claws cut? This may help?I saw this Amazing Cool Dog Slow feeder bowl a while back, that g...

Does Your Dog Hate having its claws cut? This may help?
I saw this Amazing Cool Dog Slow feeder bowl a while back, that grooms your dog claws - how cool is this?
And, if You get the new type from Amazon the sanding pads are self-healing too, so it lasts longer!

😳😱 How cool n funny is this!?!

😳😱 How cool n funny is this!?!


What You Get When Your Dog Is Groomed by A Professional!
Food for thought, it's not just a wash behind the ears.. :)

This news and information was put together to help and assist the community on understanding the current social impact f...

This news and information was put together to help and assist the community on understanding the current social impact from the new XL BULLY BAN. Feel free to share and Tag friends!

XL Bully ban: What should you do if you haven't exempted your dog - as clock runs out for owners!
- by Amber Allott (National_word
With owning an XL bully-type dog without an exemption now an offence, NationalWorld asked Defra what owners should do if they missed the deadline.
It may still be possible to get your XL bully-type an exemption from the breed ban, but you'll need to be proactive about it.

As of Thursday (1 February), the government's XL bully ban is now in full effect. It is now a criminal offence to own a dog meeting the XL bully criteria without an exemption, and owners must have insurance in case their dog hurts someone. All XL bullies already need to be muzzled and on a leash when out in public, and can no longer be rehomed under phase one of the ban, which kicked in on 31 December.
MPs first took aim at American XL bullies, a fairly new breed derived, in part, from pit bulls, in late September 2023. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak later announced the breed would be banned on the back of two high-profile attacks. A Defra - Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs - spokesperson said there has been an increase in dog attacks in recent years. Up until 2021 there were around three fatalities per year, but there have been 23 since the start of 2021 – with the XL bully being disproportionately involved in this rise.
Owners had until midday on 31 January to apply for an exemption for dogs meeting the government's XL bully criteria. However, this criteria is based on physical characteristics rather than breeding or DNA, and some have raised concern online that their dog might meet the criteria, but they have missed the boat applying for an exemption certificate.
NationalWorld asked Defra what owners in this position should do. Here's what they had to say:

What should I do if I think my dog might count as an XL bully, but I didn't get an exemption?
If you missed the exemption deadline, but think your dog might meet the XL bully criteria, you need to get in touch with your local police proactively.

There are 137 dog legislation officers across the country, with at least one in every force. This is who you will need to be put in touch with, the department says. "If you think you have an XL Bully dog and you do not have a Certificate of Exemption, you should contact your local police force and ask to speak to the Dog Legislation Officer, who can advise on next steps.
"Applications for a Certificate of Exemption to keep an XL Bully dog opened on the 14 November and were open for over two months," Defra's guidance continues. "Applications closed at midday on 31 January. This date is set out in legislation."

However, this does not mean that legally there is nothing police can do to help you. "New exemptions can only be authorised by a court order," Defra said. This will mean you will need to go through the courts, and have your dog deemed not to be a danger to public safety -- and added to the exemption register. There may be costs associated with this.

What happens if I just don't get one?
If someone reports your dog to a police dog legislation officer, you run the risk of them taking your dog away to assess it. Officers can even get a warrant to search for and seize it from your property. If an expert rules it meets the criteria, you may end up in court.

The court will then have to decide whether your dog should either be destroyed, or deemed not a danger to public safety. Depending on the outcome, you may end up with a criminal record, or subject to an unlimited fine.

You may also lose your dog, with police saying illegal XL bullies with non-compliant owners will have to be put down.
see comments, for link to full article!


TO NEW PUPPY OWNERS🐾....In the way of Introducing puppies to their new homes, I wanted to address a common problem breed...

In the way of Introducing puppies to their new homes, I wanted to address a common problem breeders often face with new owners.
🐾Managing Realistic Expectations:
You may see pictures and videos of the breeder and the puppies are all social. They are quiet in the enclosure. The breeder shows you videos of them completely relaxed, happy, and playful.
Everything looks wonderful and you take your puppy home.
Then the reality hits. The puppy may cry in the crate on the first few nights, leaving you tired and restless. Happy, cuddly puppy refuses to greet the half-dozen overly-excited friends you invited to see your new puppy. Or the over-excited, playful children you have at home. The puppy is refusing to walk on the leash. Many wonder how my perfect puppy turned into a nightmare.
So let’s talk about realistic expectations when a puppy comes home.
🐾The Beginning:
At first, the puppy was at the breeder's house from birth. He had his mother and often litter siblings. They had their routine, were introduced to expectations, and were comfortable in their surroundings.
🐾The Transitioning & New Environment:
Now they are suddenly brought to a completely new environment. Imagine being exposed to an unknown country, often in a different part of the world. They only know a few words of the native language. Other trees, animals, smells, temperatures, and people. In the meantime, we change your routine, decide to party with people you don't know, and ask you to take on tasks you have no idea about. This is overwhelming, to say the least.
This is what every puppy goes through when they get to their new home. Stress comes in many forms. He doesn't eat, doesn't want to play, and doesn't greet people. They're anxious when they have to go to the vet or when strangers attack them. Diarrhoea, vomiting, and depression can also occur.
🐾How The New Owner Can Help:
So what can you do as a new owner to help your little one settle in?
- Most puppies take 3-4 weeks to adjust to their new homes. I repeat: THREE to FOUR WEEKS, sometimes even longer!
Not just 1-2 days. I cannot stress enough how long it takes for a dog or puppy to feel comfortable in their new home!

- Please, Limit the attendance of visitors within the first week. We understand you're excited to show off your new baby, but it will take time to adjust. Plan 1-2 weeks before inviting guests.

- Ask the guests to sit on the floor and let the puppies come to you. No squeaking and grabbing for the pup, this is essential.

- Establish a good routine

- Confine the puppy to a small area of the house. Not only does this prevent it from being crowded, but it also allows you to observe it.

- Don’t expect an 8-13 week old puppy to walk on a leash. Work at home instead with a leash he feels comfortable on. Let him pull on the leash and encourage him with treats to go with you. Praise him often for good behaviour.

- If your puppy refuses to leave, give him time. On my first trips to town with pups, a walk around a small block took 1 1/2 hours. We only move when they initiate the movement because they need time to take in the new environment.

- Understand that your puppy needs time to see you as family. It’s unrealistic to expect instant attachment.

- Take time to train your puppy. This will not only help you build a bond but also help the pup to orient and orientate towards you.

- Children are also a big stress factor for small, fragile puppies. Please keep your pup in check at all times when children are around.

- Groom your dog and check them regularly, it helps you bond and socialise your dog, imprints your smell on them, plus helps identify early warning signs of a variety of medical conditions.

- And finally, you should be patient and calm. Don't explain, "something is wrong with this dog". Nothing happens overnight. Excursions should be planned at a puppy pace. Even if you're imagining a nice walk around the lake, it's possible that your pup can only run, or walk a short distance that day.

Most outings take a very long time for me, as I often just stand there while the puppy carefully explores the new environment. Patience is a virtue and necessity!

🐾Remember this: If the puppy was wonderful at the breeder's, but is struggling now, as the owner you need to help the puppy adjust, which takes time, patience, and training. Have realistic expectations and give positive experiences to the pup. Every puppy is an individual.
Don't compare your current puppy to past pets and don't judge their behaviour based on how another dog did. Lastly, try to see things from the puppy's perspective and adjust situations accordingly.

Feel free to Copy and Share.🐾🐾
(art by )

What is on your list to give your dog at Christmas?-My list would include:Plenty of Extra hugs and care.A new collar, le...

What is on your list to give your dog at Christmas?
My list would include:
Plenty of Extra hugs and care.
A new collar, lead and name tag.
A new place to visit or dog walk to try!
An extra groom and tidy.
A new soft toy and a new chew toy.
A new coat or blanket.
what top items or things do you give?
All the best Happy Paws - Dearne Valley Dog Walker / Handler


Wath Upon Dearne


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