🌟Top Tip Tuesday🌟
✨How to apply a spot on flea treatment to your cat✨
Here is a short video on how to apply a spot on flea treatment to your cat correctly. If you would like more information on veterinary strength flea treatment then please call the practice on 01933 442188. We would be happy to help with any enquiry you have.
Have a great day 😊
Have you got Monday blues? 🥶💙
Don’t worry, here is the handsome Rocco to make you smile and cheer you up 😊
Rocco was super happy to come in and see one of our nurses for a weight check. He’s is growing well and always loves a treat when he comes in 🥰 🐾🐶
Happy Friday everyone!🐾🎉❤️
This is Des who was very happy and chilled at his visit to see one of our nurses for his 6 month health check up. 🐈
Our practice is taking part in the 2024 Antibiotic
Amnesty. Throughout November 2024 we are asking pet owners to return any unused or leftover antibiotic medications to us for safe disposal. Please drop off any unused medications to us at the practice. You can hand them in to a vet, nurse or the reception team. This medication might be left-over from a recent prescription, antibiotics that you didn’t need or out-ofdate medication. Let’s keep antibiotics working, together! #AntibioticAmnesty #onehealth
Firework season is just around the corner, the below video has some top tips on how to keep your furry friends safe. 🐾
You may never have seen behind the consultation room in a veterinary practice.
So take a look at the work our vets and nurses do on the front line every day to look after animals in veterinary practices, hospitals, in the field and on call - so that they receive the best possible care.
Thanks to Molly Case for the poem you have written about our profession.
#careforanimals #veterinaryprofession