Well West Buckland, that’s a wrap 😢
It’s been quite a week waving off rehab liveries, saying goodbye to all you lovely clients and my wonderful support crew, and closing the doors on Chapter One of ESP Equine 🥹
Lord Dickie Dude and Roo Poo (who came to us as a rehab livery, and never went home 🥰) are tucked up in their temporary new beds, before we embark on the next chapter near Burford/Chipping Norton.
🐎 Dickie Dude was the first one on, and as chief in charge of nannying so many nervous horses, was definitely going to be the last one off. Dick, there were plenty of times that we quite literally couldn’t have done it without you 🥰
It’s taken a week to take down the barn, pack up the treadmill and close the doors on what is now a rather unrecognisable yard 😞
Thank you SO much to my amazing parents, who supported me in the beginning of this journey and have worked tirelessly this week. Legends. Big huge shout out to my partner for all his help with taking the barn down, dealing with the all the mixed emotions, all whilst fitting in his own busy work life 🤹✈️❤️
Many others have given up their time to help move the treadmill and fix things that needed fixing. THANK YOU 🙏🏻
A little thought to leave you with for anyone who is doubting their career dreams. Ask me 10 years ago if I saw myself doing this, the answer would have been a big fat “no”. I would have been too full of fear and “what ifs”. The one phrase that kept going round my head before I embarked on this journey was “the only person stopping you, is you”. Rehabbing horses is hard, the equine industry is….challenging…running a business is damn hard. But. The rewards and knowing you are making a difference, is worth it. So get qualified (this bit is SOOOO important!!) and get living your dream ✨
And on that bombshell, we shall see you on the other side of the summer, in our new location, ready to start splish splashing ☀️💦🥂
Water depth
💦 How much water do we put in and why?
💦 We initially start with 3-4” of water. We never increase the depth of water until the horse is straight, balanced and can consistently work in a straight line for 15 minutes. Water is then gradually added incrementally, reduced if needed to allow for rest (HIIT exercise).
💦 Why? Because even the fittest of horses are learning a new form of exercise. Would you go into a gym and go for the heaviest weight? NO! Why? Because it will probably cause an injury.
💦 We already know that increasing the water height increases the stride length from the literature. We also know that deeper water influences the biomechanics of the spine and pelvis.
💦 Does this mean that just because you can, you should? In my opinion, no. We have to build the balance, core, symmetry and muscle tone first. It may take longer and may not look that impressive, but that’s just a case of managing expectations.
💦 We know that in a 15 minute session the horse will do the equivalent of 600 consecutive raised poles. Add the water, you add resistance to this too. If there are visible asymmetries, then these will be exaggerated by the deeper water, which means you will be training the horse in a compensatory pattern. And that rather defeats the object of the exercise.
💦 So, there is a method to our slow and steady introductory phase. We’re always watching, observing, referring to your team of body workers, saddle fitters etc if needed because our aim is to build a supple, strong and balanced frame. And that isn’t built in a day 💦💪🏻🐎
What a fabulous day it’s been! ☀️
Made all the more wonderful by a very special first driving lesson with Fenix Carriages.
Faced with the dilemma of a child who’s about to outgrow the family pony, we decided to have a go at driving to see if this would offer a second career for Lord Dick 🙏🏻
Just can’t say enough about how positive this experience was. Mark and Jo are so welcoming, knowledgeable and the teaching is superb. Child’s face was a picture and safe to say we are going back for round two! Highly recommend for anyone else faced with a similar dilemma! 👏🏻
Meet Twigs, the Quarter Horse, who went home today after spending 8 weeks with us following a bilateral suspensory operation. He came to us after his rest and initial hand walking had been completed. He’s given us a lesson in first impressions. We initially thought, “yikes”, then we saw what the water did to his gait. Proprioception is one powerful thing. We gradually worked up to mid canon height with the water. That’s it. 8 weeks later, with controlled turn out, chiropractic and remedial farrier, he was signed off by the vet and has gone home to continue his return to work. We are thrilled for his owner, and very grateful to our team of helpers Four Star Equine Livery Services Hazel ClewleyDale Maggs Dip Wcf
To celebrate the forthcoming festive season we are launching our Christmas Sale! 🎄
🎁 Just £35 per session
🎁 On Treadmill sessions on Mon, Tues & Thurs only
🎁 Minimum block booking of 3 sessions
🎁 Initial introduction session just £20
🎁 Offer valid until 31.01.24
This fabulous offer is perfect to get your horse up and running for 2024 - click here to read the benefits of our equine water treadmill https://espequine.co.uk/water-treadmill or call 07725 841778 to discuss your horses individual requirements 🐴
Book now to secure your horses sessions for:
1️⃣ Resistance Training
2️⃣ Increased Core Stability
3️⃣ Improved Balance
4️⃣ Increased Joint Range of Motion
5️⃣ Improved Muscle Tone
6️⃣ Increased Cardiovascular Fitness
7️⃣ Reduced Concussive Impact
On Friday we were visited by students from #kingscollegetaunton for a water treadmill demo. Obviously we had to get the kids splish splashing 💦😂. We also discussed anatomy and proprioception, rehab and performance, along with the importance of rider biomechanics and saddle fit. A great time was had by all 🐎💦. If you would like to book a group demo to find out more about what we do and why we do it, please get in touch! 💦🐎
A little compare and contrast for your Friday highlighting the changes in biomechanics in walk and trot and with the addition of water💦🐎
Rather excited to share this 🥰 7 weeks of water treadmill work, chiropractic, acupuncture and corrective showing. He’s off home this weekend to start ridden work. Think the jockey will have fun riding this power house 💦💪🏻🏇
Great to see Tim Cheffings Eventing this morning for their pre #Gatcombe water treadmill workout! 💦💪🏻🐎
Wishing Team Cheffings a safe and successful weekend 🤞🏻🏇
#watertreadmill #cobscantoo #rehab #boxrest #wereheretohelp #turnout #chiropractic
This afternoon has been all about a little maintenance, which included a huge clean out of the holding tank that sits under the conveyor belt 🤯💦
Sanity levels may have been tested 😵💫😂🙈
Team ESP have a little plea to make 🙏🏻
Please can all clients do their very best to arrive with clean legs, washed and picked out feet 🙏🏻
We totally appreciate things can get messy during travel, however if any mud, mud, pesky mud can be washed off before you get to us, the filtration system and us will be really grateful 🙌🏻🐎🙌🏻