In what we do, we sadly see the worst of people. But…we also see the best of people!
On 1st January, Little Ellie came to us having been dumped from a car and, after seeing the very clever people at Lumbry Park, it was confirmed that she has congenital hypothyroidism, an incredibly rare condition and one which would mean that she would be on medication for life, with blood tests several times a year.
This is a quite a tall order for a new family to take on but as a charity we are quite different because, when a cat is adopted, we cover any ongoing medication for existing conditions. For Ellie this will be approx. £100 a month, £1200 a year for the rest of her life.
Even with the costs covered, could we find a family to adopt her when she has such a rare condition and one which will require a huge commitment? Well, yes!!!! Not only have we found the most wonderful family to adopt her, they are also adopting Dougie, who came in a week later having been ‘found in the road’
We couldn’t be happier that they both have a wonderful forever, when it could have been so different. Financially it’s a life-long commitment for us but, with your help, we were able to save Ellie and will be able to cover her medication each month.
So today we are running Two Pound Tuesday and asking if you can help Ellie going forward? If we had 50 people set up a £2 a month standing order, this would cover her entire bill for the year! Just a £2 commitment would mean that you truly are giving a cat a life.
Or of course you can help via Just Giving -
To give just £2
** remember to change the additional donation to zero as we do not get that amount, it goes to Just Giving **
To sign up for a monthly Standing Order
Sort Code: 20-79-31
Account: 73934551
Name: The Cat Welfare Group
And don’t forget that we can claim a further 25% on your donation if you complete a Gift Aid form here https://thecatwelfaregroup.
Dougie is Mini-Mungo! He even has the same little antenna, just mirrored.
He hasn’t received the memo that he’s got a bad leg and should be resting, he’s a teeny tiny ball of energy and love. Just what I needed 💙