An update on little Ellie
As you know our aim is to prioritise sick or injured cats over healthy cats who need new homes. When the vet sent photos of Ellie after she had been dumped from a car, we we knew that she didn’t look right, with her short legs, fat head and fat tummy. She had no physical injuries but our gut told is that she needed more than just some TLC.
In her first few hours with us we could see that she was dull and slow, not playful like a normal kitten of her age should be, and we started to think that she may have hypothyroidism, a lack of the thyroid hormone, which is incredibly rare in kittens (we have never had a case) and is likely to be congenital.
Kittens with congenital hypothyroidism can display the following symptoms:
• Mental dullness
• Small size compared to their littermates
• Abnormal body proportions, such as a large and wide head, enlarged tongue, and short limbs
• Lethargy
• Wobbly, drunken gait (also known as ataxia)
• Dry skin
• Thin fur
The thyroid hormone is vitally important for the development of the nervous and skeletal systems and so we had to get answers quickly and booked her in for blood tests yesterday
It is so rare that even the vet thought that her appearance was likely to be due to another condition and so was very surprised when the bloods confirmed our fears
The next step is for her to see a specialist, to check for any other conditions which may be of concern, so she is booked in to see the very clever people at Lumbry Park on Monday.
It’s not the best to be starting 2025 with another complicated and expensive cat, but she deserves a chance so we would be so grateful if you could help us to help her.
Every donation amount is greatly appreciated and does make a difference, so please do not think that £2 is not enough because it really is!
** remember to change the additional donation to zero as we do not get that amount, it goes to Just Giving
Or you can donate direct;
Account name: The Cat Welfare Group
Account Number: 73934551
Sort Code: 20-79-31