So that's it 14 days straight 12 hour shifts and I'm done christmas grooms are complete for another year, and I also want to say what an amazing year it has been I moved my business to wigan and it was the best decision I could have made. I want to thank all my wigan customers for the repeated custom this year and for placing your trust in me to care for your fury family members I appreciate you and ur custom. But I really want to say a massive massive thank you to my Ashton, garswood, bryn and St helens client for your continued support over the past four years for you to trust me so much that you travel through crap traffic some times it can take you an hour to get to me but you still return and show ur continued loyalty means the world to me I really can not express it enough for you to understand and I will always promise to care and put the welfare of ur babies before anything else.
I wish you all a very merry Christmas a very Happy New year and as much as I really need a break I can not wait to see u all next 🎄
And even thought I will be in Thailand for the next 2 weeks I will still reply to mgs bit this will be just to say I will msg every one bk on the 7th of January to book u in.
Have a fab Christmas 🎄 everyone