Joni loves a stick, and as you may already know, I hate them! She is forever trying to get me to throw them and I won’t but this smart arse has recently realised that she can get other people to throw it if she ever so politely tosses it at their feet and gives them “the eyes” 👀
Sticks are dangerous, I know that but many people don’t. It is also in Joni’s breed to be obsessive and when she is focused on a ball or a stick she doesn’t engage in doggy things like sniffing and exploring. Obsessive behaviour causes stress.
Whilst out walking this weekend I realised what a problem this is becoming and I know that the more she practises this behaviour and the more people throw the stick the worse it is going to get. Sometimes people throw the stick before I can say anything, I am also not very assertive so the thought of keep having to say no to people and explain why they can’t throw the stick fills me with dread.
So here is my solution 😂 I recommend stuff like this to a lot of my clients if other people’s actions are causing a bit of an issue. This was custom made so you can have whatever you like printed on them. You can also get jackets, attachments for leads and harnesses. Maybe your dog has an allergy and you don’t want people giving treats, or your dog is nervous and you don’t want people to approach. Clients report they make a huge difference so let’s see how we get on!