Here's Mike working with Marvin who is an assistance dog in training 🦮 (not with us) and one of his lovely owners. Marvin is still a young boy and was showing a lot of interest in other dogs when Mike started working with him. It is imperative that assistance dogs focus on their handler and their assigned tasks. ⚠️ This is why it is important to never distract an assistance dog. ⚠️ Mike implemented some focus techniques and helped Marvin's owners desensitise him to the presence of other dogs 💪.
Marvin had made huge improvements as you can see in this video! We are super proud of them all 🥳.
#assistancedog #assistancedogintraining #cumbriandogtrainer #lakedistrictdogtrainer #ownertrainedassistancedog #lakedistrictsmallbusiness #cumbriansmallbusiness #labrador #distractiontraining
I'll be focusing on some admin today so I'll be aiming to reply to all our emails/messages ✉️.
I had a great time meeting all our new puppy class pups/owners on Sunday and welcoming back some familiar faces for intermediate classes. Everyone did great!! 💪
I'm terrible at remembering to take photos 🙈 but here's little Reggie from puppy classes showing us some of the stuff he's learnt! Isn't he doing a great job?! 🩵🐾
#cumbriandogtrainer #lakedistrictdogtrainer #lakedistrictsmallbusiness #cumbriansmallbusiness #canineunderstanding #PuppyTrainingClasses #proud #cutepuppy #dogtraining #dogbehaviourist #cockerpoo #cockerpoopuppy #positivereinforcement #positivereinforcementtraining
This absolute 😎 D U D E 😎 is Trooper and he has absolutely bossed puppy classes! He is another cool mixed breed. Can anyone guess the mix?!
Here he is doing some awesome disengagement around distractions! Congratulations on graduating Trooper and family, you've done so well 🎓🥳.
#cumbriandogtrainer #lakedistrictdogtrainer #lakedistrictsmallbusiness #cumbriansmallbusiness #dogtraining #dogbehaviourist #cumbria #puppy #canineunderstanding #puppytraining #puppytrainingclasses #mixedbreed #mixedbreedpuppy #cute #proud #cutepuppy #puppyengagement
Here's Ziggy who has also just graduated from puppy classes! 🥳🎓
Ziggy is a super 🩷 C U T E 🩷 girly who is a mixed breed....can anyone guess which breeds are in the mix? 🤔
Here she is showing her fab progress with 'leave'. 💪
#cumbriandogtrainer #lakedistrictdogtrainer #cumbriandog #puppy #puppytraining #puppytrainingwigton #blencogo #blencogovillagehall #dogbehaviourist #dogtraining #proud #canineunderstanding #mixedbreedpuppy
This week I will be showcasing our recent puppy class graduates! I'm super proud of them all!! 🥳
Here's Peggy doing some ✨ A W E S O M E ✨ work with 'leave'. Teaching your pup to leave items can literally be life saving as they often like to pick up things they shouldn't. Peggy is leaving various toys/treats on the floor!
Congratulations on graduating from puppy classes Peggy! 🎓🐾
#springerspanielpuppy #spanielpuppy #spanieltraining #cumbriandogtrainer #canineunderstanding #dogtraining #lifeskill #proud #cumbriandog #lakedistrict #lakedistrictdogtrainer #dogbehaviourist
🤍 C O D Y 🤍
Lovely little Cody showing off his emergency stop skills! Super proud of what my Intermediate class had achieved - well done all! 🥳
#cumbriandogtrainer #canineunderstanding #westhighlandwhiteterrier #lifeskill #cumbriandog #dogbehaviourist #EmergencyStop #cumbria #proud #dogtraining #smalldogtraining
💪 Intermediate classes 💪
Look at William and his lovely owner absolutely ✨S M A S H I N G✨ the 'emergency stop'. This is another life skill we think is important to teach! Well done both 😁🐾.
#germanshorthairedpointer #dogtraining #cumbria #cumbriabusiness #cumbriandog #cumbriandogtrainer #canineunderstanding #proud #teamwork #caninetraining #dogbehaviourist #EmergencyStop #lifeskill #positivereinforcementtraining
Throw back to 2020 when I was still working at Guide Dogs! 🦮
This beautiful foxy girl is Gerry and we were working on some cooperative care by learning chin rest 🧡. Teaching this allows your dog choice and can reduce stress during interventions such as health checks and the administration of medicines.
#canineunderstanding #dogtraining #assistancedogintraining #cumbrianbusiness #cumbria #positivereinforcementtraining #dogbehaviourist #dogtrainer #cooperativecare #chinrest #foxredlabrador
🐾Puppy packages🐾
We now have x2 puppy class packages available -
• Puppy plus - 5 week puppy course and x1 1-1
• Puppy pro - 5 week puppy course and x2 1-1s
These are great for those who want some extra support outside of classes. 1-1 sessions will be tailored to your pup's specific needs and can be held at your home or at an agreed location 🐾.
Check out our website for more information -
#canineunderstanding #cumbrianbusiness #dogtraining #dogbehaviourist #cumbria #puppytraining #positivereinforcementtraining #puppyclasses #dogtrainer
🌸 B O N N I E 🌸
This beautiful girly has just completed our puppy course and has gained so much confidence! Here she is practicing recall and living her best life 😁🩷.
#canineunderstanding #cumbrianbusiness #dogbehaviourist #cumbria #puppy #puppyclasses #recalltraining #PositiveReinforcementTraining #springerspaniel #springerspanielpuppy
✨ Happy New Year!!! ✨
Thank you to all of our wonderful clients, friends, family and followers. ❤️
We are so excited for the future! Here's a quick overview of some of our plans -
🦮 Assistance dog training - I am SO excited for this! I am currently expanding my preexisting knowledge and undertaking a course to expand what assistance dog training I can offer!
🐾 More classes - beginner classes, intermediate classes (for those who haven't attended puppy classes with us!), and more. (Mike is currently doing a scentwork course!!)
🐕 Educational talks - these will be on common behaviour issues.
💻 Online training/behaviour consultations - life is EXPENSIVE for everyone at the moment so I have been looking into a way to offer our services at a lower cost for those who need it. We can also offer these to those out of our catchment area.
#Cumbria #dogtrainer #canineunderstanding #dogbehaviourist #cumbrianbusiness #behaviourmodification #
❄️☃️ D E C E M B E R P U P P Y C L A S S E S☃️❄️
Dates: 01/12, 08/12, 15/12, 22/12 and 29/12 Time: 18:30 - 19:30
Venue: Blencogo Village Hall
🐾 Suitable for pups aged under 20 weeks who are fully vaccinated. 🐾