Staying truly grateful!
l love my life despite its extreme pressures financially and emotionally as a mum and business owner. ❤️ So lucky to have health and wellbeing despite it all
I woke up grateful today.
Can you even believe we are here? Still here!!!
In this life…with its hot showers and safe homes, with pillows that don’t hurt our necks and our choice of breakfast and clothes to wear?
Knowing we are fundamentally okay. No one is going to hunt us for our intuitive powers or persecute us for our beliefs. Unless the world turns in a heartbeat, we are pretty, amazingly, wonderfully safe.
This is as good as it gets, my friends.
I hear people say all the time that this world is getting worse but I don’t think that at all.
Perhaps I have been here before or maybe my ancestors whisper to me as I sleep but I think this is a golden moment in this earth’s timeline. All things considered.
Yes, there is suffering.
There is always suffering.
There always has and always will be suffering.
Gratitude reminds us how lucky we are in this lottery and urges us to help someone, anyone, who is not.
That’s it. That’s what you can do, that is all you can truly do whilst saving your own self. Even the blessings come with pain attached. We know what it is to hurt.
You cannot fix the problems of this world but you can be sure never to add to them.
And you can show how you would like this world to be, every day.
In all of your thoughts and actions.
THAT’S what you can do.
Can you believe we are here, still here?
Despite so many who are not and so many who have gone before?
What. A. Thing.