Busy, busy few weeks! I don't usually use this page as a platform to communicate as I have a lovely client base already and don't feel the need to advertise too much, but I have to say, i'm having more and more people contact me and come back to me for my services because they were misdiagnosed elsewhere. Im having a huge amount of 'empty bi***es' that were firstly progesterone tested in the area and then scanned as in whelp when they clearly weren't. Most of the bi***es that were blood tested - HAD'NT TAKEN. These machines used for progesterone testing are generally cheap knock offs that you can buy from India.
Please, please, check the people who say they are qualified to take blood from your precious girls. Unless they are a Vet or a Veterinary nurse or even a student Veterinary nurse in training working under the direction of a vet THEY ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO DO SO! No ifs, buts or maybes and no exceptions. To get around this, you are signing ownership of your girl across to these 'specialists' (and I use the term super loosely!) and I have sadly heard a fair few horror stories, from massive haematomas under the skin right through to air embolisms (bubbles) being introduced into the vein. THIS CAN BE FATAL! And guess what - because these people have no regulators, there is zero insurance and zero comeback on them. If you loose your bitch, that, essentially is tough - you signed her over to them.
You can either order your tests directly from Idexx (which I'm NOT affiliated with in anyway) and get a veterinary professional to draw the blood (there is a fee for this) or cytology, which takes a little longer (daily swabs) but gives the same results in the long run.
All the 'jabs' these people give out - be it oxytocin right through to the jab that makes your bitch ovulate - there is a reason why these are not just available on the market and it is ILLEGAL for anybody except your vet to give them.
I am all for a bit of competition in business, but generally - if these people have done a 2 day course on breeding, whelping and rearing - they really cannot deem themselves a specialist in their field. No matter the amount of 'certificates' they have on their wall. CHECK the credentials of where they got those certificates - most of them really are not worth the paper they were written on. Ive popped a picture of mine below, it doesn't prove I'm an expert in my field, by any means, but 24 years breeding dogs, 20 years within the Veterinary sector, 13 years of scanning and doing fertility work and ALWAYS working within my remit, not only as a Veterinary Nurse, but also as a member of the public should speak volumes. Hopefully, you can trust me with your girly, to give you the right information.