Gorgeous Bailey has come on so much from her first visit.
I have been working with Bailey for 6 months, consisting of regular visits to the caravan to gain her trust. Bailey unfortunately was too traumatised to get groomed resulting in her going to the vets to get sedated and groomed. This was causing more distress for her and her parents were very concerned about her.
Baileys mum got in contact with myself to ask if there was anything I could do to help Bailey have a more enjoyable grooming experience. With the devotion of her parents and visits every two weeks I finally got to give Bailey a haircut. I am unbelievably happy with the turn around Bailey has had as the first time she visited the caravan she wouldn’t even let me within two feet of her.
I can only thank Pamela for trusting me to work with Bailey and create a wonderful bond with her. She now looks forward to coming to the caravan as I look forward to seeing her.
Hard work and dedication pays off❤️