Mole hunting!
We saved this little fella in the field this morning! He's super cute and I've never seen a mole like this before, luckily I spotted him in the grass before the dogs and got him to safety... this is basically what I look like trying to get out of bed in the morning 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Our 2 gate policy
Just a reminder that we operate a 2 gate policy. Do not enter the parking area until the previous user has got their dogs in their vehicle safely and do not enter the parking area before the hour. Please make sure you leave on or before the next hour starts.
You also don't need to hold the metal gate open with bricks. There is a hook on the fence to hold it open whilst you drive in.
Happy Thursday 😁
Lucky dogs!
Came down to the field for our evening check of fences and equipment. Our Dogs just love it here, it's still quite light and the birdsong is lovely to hear as we potter around... what do you love about our field?
Dufus on the telly!!!
Wow, so one of our Off The Lead dogs, the wonderful Dufus, was featured in the TV show "how to keep your dog happy at home"!!
Here's a clip of him enjoying the agility jumps at our field that was featured on the show!
Well done Dufus!!!
Driving during lockdown
Early morning check of the field and talking about driving during lockdown 😁
Sleepy louie
So here's what an hour in the field does to your dog! Louie enjoyed the field today and if you've got the sound up you can here the loud rustling of his favourite packet of treats... doesn't even lift his head... 🤣🤣🤣 the field is open to rent by the hour and despite our "lockdown" it could be your "One walk a day" all we ask is you wear disposable gloves to open any locks and if you touch any benches or equipment. We have antibac spray for use too. We hope your dog has as much fun as Louie had today!!!
Start the day with a good run around!
Gorgeous morning over at the field. Blue skies and plenty of space for a run around! Get in touch if you'd like to come and use our field for a stress free walk in our lovely 5 acres. And just £10 an hour!
5 acres to run a round in!
Here's what you can look forward to by booking our lovely field. £10 an hour, please get in touch to book!
Daisy the viszla having a good run around
Daisy had a great run around in the field today, she got the chance to burn off some energy and do some scentwork. As a young dog she is learning all the time and it was great for her owners to bring her down and build their confidence and work on her recall in a safe environment. If you'd like to rent our 5 acre then please do get in touch. The website is under construction but we are taking bookings privately. £10 an hour. Private parking and lots of space for your dog to run free safely 😁😁😁
A little break in the rain and we can show you our field 😁
One of our own is poorly sick after his general anaesthetic so we thought we'd share our experience now he's home