The Power of Proximity 🙌🏻This four week course teaches your dog the value in being close to you! You’ll learn how to power up your relationship, the reward experience and have fun doing it. So your dog will choose you over their environment 🙌🏻It is a four week online course, starting this Sunday. Check out the event on our page or Inbox me to find out more 😊#dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #gamesbaseddogtraining #prodogtrainertribe #prodogtrainer #wolverhamptonbusiness #wolverhamptondogtraining
Day 23 🎅🏼 Go Commando! 🎅🏼This game builds value in proximity and confidence. It teaches your dog to be cool with being in close contact with you. You can switch it up by getting them to jump over your legs, crawl under your legs, or lift your leg and let them crawl under. Have fun with it!-#dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogsofinstagram #dogtrainingisfun #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainerslife #dogtraining101 #dogtrainingvideo #positivedogtraining #gamesbaseddogtraining #gamesbaseddogtrainingrocks #prodogtrainer #wolverhamptonbusiness #wolverhamptonsmallbusiness #wolverhamptondogtraining
Day 19 🎅🏼 Giving in to lead pressure 🎅🏼A must have game for dogs that like to pull on lead! It builds value in proximity, and teaches them to give in to that lead pressure rather than pulling against it.-#dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainingisfun #dogtraining101 #dogtrainingvideo #prodogtrainer #prodogtrainertribe #positivedogtraining #gamesbaseddogtraining #wolverhamptonsmallbusiness #wolverhamptondogtraining
Day 14 🎅🏼OK GO!🎅🏼
This game is a great way of letting your dog know it’s ok to go off an explore! By making that release into the environment a fun experience, your dog is going to want to come back in order to do it again. Powering up a release cue makes recall even better!
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Day 6 🎅🏼Nose target 🎅🏼
This is a great fundamental game for building loose lead walking, a retrieve and other elements of training. It builds focus, engagement and proximity. Start off presenting your hand and feeding in that hand when they make contact until they get the gist of the game. If you want to learn more, message me today 😊
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Day 3 🎅🏼 The crazy lady game 🎅🏼
You are going to look a little silly for this one but who cares! You are going to talk to imaginary “passers by” and reward your dog. This teaches your dog to disengage from distractions, and that passers by and other people are none of their business 🙌🏻
This is the first time Luna had played this game (hence the confusion on her face 🤣), I’d recommend playing this on lead in a familiar environment for beginners 🙂
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Day 1 - The orientation game!
This game teaches your dog that they can still explore the environment around them but you are part of the fun! It’s a great game to grow focus on you, value in proximity and disengagement from the environment.
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🎉The Cone Game 🎉
This is a great game to help build optimism! Once your dog is down with the game, you can switch out your cone for other items to level up and teach your dog to be cool with novelty 🥳 Win Win! AND! This a great way to muzzle train 🙌🏻
(Ps make sure you clean out your make shift cones first 😉 there were no chocolate crumbs left in my tub!)
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