a complete set of 20-meter vertical mirrors, consisting of 16 panels. This installation is truly remarkable and essential for every professional rider. The full visual provided by these mirrors enables riders to refine their techniques and maintain peak performance. The comprehensive reflection of both the rider and horse's movements exemplifies the pursuit of perfection in equestrian training. www.arenamirrors.com
"Mark Todd, Mirrors for Training have been a game-changer for us! The perfect Clarity reflection and eyes on the ground we need to step up our training game. #MarkTodd #MirrorsForTraining #GameChanger #TrainingEssentials"
"Mark Todd, Mirrors for Training have been a game-changer for us! The perfect Clarity reflection and eyes on the ground we need to step up our training game. #MarkTodd #MirrorsForTraining #GameChanger #TrainingEssentials"
"Mark Todd, Mirrors for Training have been a game-changer for us! The perfect Clarity reflection and eyes on the ground we need to step up our training game. #MarkTodd #MirrorsForTraining #GameChanger #TrainingEssentials"
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Add equestrian training mirrors buy online at www.arena mirrors invest in your potential toughest outdoor mirrors #dressage #eventing
An incredibly useful training aid, arena mirrors give you immediate feedback on your riding, boosting your confidence and improving your horse’s way of going.
Most riders would love to have a trainer with them each time they ride, but realistically this isn’t possible. The visual feedback that comes from in an arena with mirrors can really help you monitor your riding, progress between lessons and give you the confidence to school on your own.
But how should you introduce your horse to mirrors if he’s never seen them?
Treat the mirrors as though they have always been there.
Work at a distance from the mirrors at first, riding past them. Once your horse relaxes, pass the mirrors at a closer distance, until you can calmly ride right alongside them.
The mistake most people make is to confront the horse with the mirror head on, which makes it an issue.
If the horse wants to inspect the mirror closely, then that’s fine, but there is no need to force him to face it. This just makes him more afraid.
The sensible thing to do is to ride alongside the mirror with your horse slightly flexed away from it. Then he should accept it calmly.
The benefits of using arena mirrors
To make sure you’re sitting correctly in the saddle.
To monitor whether your horse is working in a correct outline.
To check whether movements are being ridden accurately.
To check is your horse is straight.
To check the accuracy of your lateral work.
To see if your horse is working properly through his back.
To check if the hindlegs are properly engaged.
To ensure your rein contact is even.
At Mirrors for Training, safety has always been our top priority. Our mirrors are designed with a three-layer system that consists of a safety-backed 6mm mirror, foam cushioning, and a sturdy steel backing, all enclosed within a durable galvanized steel frame. Our installation services cater to both timber and steel structures, and we have earned a reputation for supplying the finest training mirrors that are trusted by thousands of professional riders worldwide. Our training mirrors have been the secret to their success, and we are delighted to supply them globally.
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