The elves had to perform some emergency surgery today! Cheeky Chadd managed to eat some tinsel and unfortunately it got stuck! Thankfully the elves were still around to act quickly and remove it under general anaesthesia!
Gastrointestinal foreign bodies are common during the festive period, when new objects such as decorations, toys and gifts are around for our pets to explore with their mouths. Some of the common ones to take extra care around include:
- Cooked bones
- Tinsel, ribbon and string
- Toys: anything small enough to go in their mouth! Foam pellets from toy guns are particularly popular with cats
- Socks
- Stone fruit pips
- Batteries
- Corks and bottle caps
If you think your dog may have eaten something they shouldn’t have, contact your veterinary practice or their out of hours provider outside of opening hours. Our out of hours provider is SDEV 01903 746028