A friendly reminder from Ted to remember your (waterproof) trousers today 😂
Absolutely disgraceful behaviour from Shara, we agree with you Mango! 🫣😱😂
Have you thought about whether your horse needs a wormer or not? If they do, now is the time to worm for encysted red worms! However we are trying to reduce the amount of wormers we use as worms are starting to get resistant to them - which will cause big problems!
This little one needed a rather large tooth taking out - thankfully Neil the dental specialist came to help Dana with the job! 🤩
You were all correct - this was a big old bean! 🫘
Something dodgy about these horses 😂
They must be such a relief! 😮💨
Subconjunctival injections - not for the faint hearted! 🫣
* don’t watch if you’re squeamish! * What do you think this lump is?!
Impaction colic and dehydration 🥶
We often change our management in winter (diet changes, less movement whilst stabled). Try to stick to the following management:
👍 As much turnout as possible
👍 Forage - little and often (trickle fed to mimic grazing). This may mean double netting for the greedy ponies in our lives!
👍 Hydration (hay is drier than grass - it can be soaked but otherwise encourage drinking and make sure fresh water is readily available)
We all think of it in the heat, but it’s also very important for your horse to drink enough in the cold weather. Dehydration is a big cause of impaction colic!
Some of our top tips to encourage drinking are;
💧 Make sure ice is broken and removed from troughs and buckets
💧Offer slightly warm water, as horses often don’t like drinking such cold water (can’t blame them!)
💧Add extra water to their feeds
💧Provide flavoured water - molasses/apple juice/salt
💧Add a little salt to their diet
Did you know that the average length of a horses tongue is 11 to 16 inches 😳😝