Poorly hedgehog
This is what a poorly hedgehog looks like. She is dehydrated and on the verge of collapse, from the tick burden she has been ill for some time. Thank you to Gemma and her daughter for getting her to me, I will do my best for her 🤞🏻
We didn’t come home with the award but we’re very proud to be shortlisted. Thank you all for the support that lets us do what we do 😍🦔
Foreman is the last of the hand-reared litter to make release weight. Now they need to toughen up a bit before release as they are far too tame for their safety at the moment.
The hoglets have moved to a crate and had their first experience of kibble today. That triggered self-anointing which is always fun to watch 😍🦔🦔🦔
Mummy hog came out for a look around the enclosure last night. She found the camera 😂
They don’t wait patiently for their food 😂
Speaking of which, thank you so much to everyone who has dropped off puppy pads or purchased wish list item to support these terrors.
Feeding time for the hoglets - they prefer to lap than be syringe fed now and are gaining weight well. They are messy though 😂😍🦔🦔🦔🦔