#dogtraining #topbarksdogtraining #emergencystoptraining #stopwhistle
Working on stop whistle when moving away today.
Seb progressing to walking around some real dogs having initially worked with the stuffies. Trying so hard to resist the temptation of having to say hello. Boy did good.
Seb gets awfully excited by other dogs. We started on lead around these stuffed replica dogs progressing to being off lead here. Ill add another video of him doing some on lead work around three of my gang. Great work Seb.
Finished our sessions With Paddy today. We leave him and his owner in a much better place than when we first met. Paddy wouldn't really have much to do with his owner when outside their garden. Here we see him addicted to his mum. The miracle of blowing bubbles. Who'd have thought it.
Another happy customer. Molly would bark at the TV constantly and get over stimulated in certain situations. Teaching her a relaxed down and some help from her vet has been a game changer. Proper result this. Very happy trainer.
Great work from these two this afternoon.
Only 5 months old and still getting used to the world. We had been practising loose lead walking in the clients kitchen, then onto their patio and on to the garden. Always best with loose lead training to start in an environment with the least distractions. Yes she did make it out onto the street and was blooming awesome.
This young man needs no excuse to be off hunting. When he does the hunting is all consuming and he switches off from his handler. Yesterday we were playing around with ideas to keep him focussed. His handler asked to teach an indication he had found his ball. The indication she asked for was a sit. This is his first session working on that.#workaspanielnotwalkit
Having a reliable stop that interupts your dog even when they are in full on chase mode is priceless. It can be difficult to simulate but my houseguest cooper the sprocker provides an excellent opportunity to practice.
Hats off to Claire and Rigsby.
Claire brings Rigsby all the way down from Tyneside to see me. To say he has been a handful is a bit of an understatement.
Claire came down last month to look for ideas about keeping focus on lead walks. Think we are making some progress. All the more impressive as Rigsby is also a shadow chaser.
Myself and my vet have put a lot of know how into this dog but really all the credit should go to his dedicated owner for taking advice and trusting it. Very very proud trainer seeing this video.
Playing the back to front game with Riva and Flynn. This team of three have made some massive progress. So proud of them.
This is one very special good news story. A story of a dedicated owner and a very special dog. Bonnie is a reactive dog and when I met her owners they had to walk together as she was so strong and reactive. Thanks to a very dedicated and passionate owner and some prescription medication Bonnie has been on quite a Journey. Today her owner told me she can now take Bonnie out on her own. Huge result considering where they started.
Today we had our final session and we worked on a strategy for Bonnie to accept visitors into her home. As you can see she felt comfortable enough to show off a little. Bonnie you Superstar. I'm glad to be part of your journey and immensely proud of what you have all achieved.
Tessie has been doing some junction training.
Thought we'd do some maintenance on Eric's stop whistle this morning before our first lesson.
A little control at a gateway for the team.
Working with Arlo to be more focussed and recall around other dogs. Arlo has been a very difficult dog to motivate. He goes off things really quick. I wondered if working around some trusted dogs would settle him and also increase his desire for food because he had competition. Seemed it worked a treat.