This is Psipsi. Psipsi is a stray cat that I have taken to my house because of her terrible condition. She is undergoing treatment for skin lesions and very severe ear mites, that have possibly caused neurological damage.
She will need at least one more anti-inflammatory injection and time for the ear mites to clear up and from then we will see about her neurological problem and whether it gets better when her ear mites have gone.
Ginger is one of the cats that we've taken into our care because if we hadn't, he would have died horribly and slowly. The vet has examined him today and it's believed that he has probably been hit by a car. He has a very nasty wound on his front leg and some neurological issues. It's not sure whether his neurological issues are due to having been hit by a car or whether he got hit by a car due to having neurological issues. For now we're focusing on getting his leg healed, which will take some time and then we will deal with the neurological problem.
He will have to stay at the vet's for treatment as he's a street cat and finding him on a daily basis will not be possible. Without treatment he will not survive. If you would like to help Ginger, please get in touch for further details. Thank you.