Soapy Pawsie最近嘅打卡位多咗啲秋天同中秋氣息🍁(雖然天氣仲係好熱🥵)得閒可以過嚟可以洗白白影番張靚相📸
同月餅打完卡,唔好唔記得預訂慈善寵物風乾雞肉月餅🥮全天然本地手工製作 👍🏻
☎️ 97260920
🏠 西營盤干諾道西158號富康大廈地下
Soapy Pawsie's photo corner is now a bit more Autumn and celebrating Moon Festival 🍁 (although the weather is still very hot🥵) Come groom with us and have beautiful photos taken📸
Don't forget to place your order for the charity air-dried chicken mooncake after photo time🥮 Handmade locally with natural ingredients👍🏻
Pre-order before August 31 to enjoy the early bird price at HK$50.
☎️ 97260920
🏠 G/F, Richwealth Mansion, 158 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong
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