生活。南丫 Together Lamma

生活。南丫 Together Lamma #選擇快樂 #自己生活自己揀 #生活南丫

#好好生活 一齊實現唔可能嘅夢
🌱manifest the impossible dreams
整全生活探索 HolisticLivingExplore
動物身心靈 AnimalBodyMind
狗狗學堂在南丫 DogBoostcamp@Lamma
共想•共樂•共作 Think•Music•DIY


每周牆邊專訪、實用資訊,Patreon 獨家放送

Envying……. 😍😍😍

Envying……. 😍😍😍







廚餘方面,我們會混合蘿蔔葉去堆肥;鋁罐就拿去回收;gas罐就用來做rocket stove或下次攤位遊戲用;可燃類就用於biochar或草木灰製作;膠樽要拿去回收;紙杯就略沖洗後用於育苗用;三袋垃圾就要丟去垃圾站了。


有義工對於有些許參加者不太珍惜紙杯的使用,有些不滿。我們當時即場跟大家debrief 一下,分享一下:如果進來的人全都是關心農業關心環保的人,這個就不是活動的原意了,我們就是希望對農業、對生態、對行山、對運動、對希望、對環保……都有些欠缺或失落的朋友到來,用「玩」的兩天,去體會上面的可貴及可行性。也不要用「教訓」的方式去批判,老實講,大家已經做得非常之合作同關顧(謝謝大家),當然,我們可以再進一步的,而且方法也可是有趣又好玩的。明年我們可以設計更多用回收的東西做遊戲,例如自帶全套食具有鼓勵印印,重用同一只紙杯也可拿到更多印印等等,我們會以鼓勵的形式同大家一起學習,一起做好事情。



【 動物義工日 🤜🤛 ANIMAL VOLUNTEER DAY 】  🛍️🐾 #即使我們不是動保英雄  #大家總有辦法出一分力 🙌M,一位永遠竭盡所能為浪浪救援付出的天使,一位永不遲疑幫忙、常常獨力承擔活動的後勤工作,還有快閃日當天一整天勞...

【 動物義工日 🤜🤛 ANIMAL VOLUNTEER DAY 】 🛍️🐾
#即使我們不是動保英雄 #大家總有辦法出一分力 🙌


賣攤準備工作從上午 11 點開始,然後中午 12 點開始,一直撐到晚上 6 點,但她總是延遲到 7 點。為的只是希望「賣得幾多得幾多」、「浪浪又可以得到多些些」。

昨晚活動快結束時我請她一起吃飯,她說:「就在這裡吃吧!」 後來才知道她建議這樣做是為了能夠繼續下去…… 昨晚九點收檔。

目前我們正在嘗試尋找其他方式在雨季到來時繼續支持流浪動物救援工作。 有沒有鄰居可以出點子,願意跟我們一起走這條🐾❤️的路呢?

WhatsApp 6381 1368 please 🙏🙏🙏


【 動物義工日 🤜🤛 ANIMAL VOLUNTEER DAY 】  🛍️🐾 (English 👇) #浪浪支援加油站  M,一位永遠竭盡所能為浪浪救援付出的天使,一位永不遲疑幫忙、常常獨力承擔活動的後勤工作,還有快閃日當天一整天勞動的動物...

🛍️🐾 (English 👇)


賣攤準備工作從上午 11 點開始,然後中午 12 點開始,一直撐到晚上 6 點,但她總是延遲到 7 點。為的只是希望「賣得幾多得幾多」、「浪浪又可以得到多些些」。

昨晚活動快結束時我請她一起吃飯,她說:「就在這裡吃吧!」 後來才知道她建議這樣做是為了能夠繼續下去…… 昨晚九點收檔。

目前我們正在嘗試尋找其他方式在雨季到來時繼續支持流浪動物救援工作。 有沒有鄰居可以出點子,願意跟我們一起走這條🐾❤️的路呢?

M, an angel who always does her best for stray rescue, an animal volunteer who never hesitates to help and often undertakes the logistics alone, and works all day on the pop-up day.

Prep work begins at 11am, officially starts at 12nn and lasts till 6pm, but she always delays till 7pm. The only purpose is to "sell as much as we can" and "let the stray animals get more".

When the event was almost over last night, I invited her to have dinner with me, and she said, "Let's eat here!" Later I learned that she suggested this so that it could continue... It closed at 9 o'clock last night.

We are currently trying to find alternative ways to continue supporting the stray rescue when the rainy season arrives. Any neighbors can come up with ideas and willing to walk this 🐾❤️ path with us?

WhatsApp 6381 1368 please 🙏🙏🙏

#即使我們不是動保英雄 #大家總有辦法出一分力 🙌

Can’t agree more!!!

Can’t agree more!!!

"Your Dog Is Your Mirror" by Kevin Behan isn't just a dog training manual; it's a profound exploration of the human-canine bond. Behan challenges the conventional understanding of dog behavior, proposing that a dog's actions are a direct reflection of its owner's emotional state.

This isn't about blaming dogs for our own issues; it's about recognizing the profound connection we share with our canine companions. By observing our dog's reactions, we can gain valuable insights into our own unresolved emotions and subconscious patterns.

"Your Dog Is Your Mirror" encourages us to look beyond surface-level training techniques and delve deeper into the emotional dynamics of the human-animal relationship. It's a transformative journey of self-discovery that strengthens the bond with our dogs while offering valuable lessons about ourselves.

Here are 7 key lessons from the book:

1. Your Dog Reflects Your Emotional Energy
Behan’s central premise is that dogs don’t just respond to your actions—they absorb and reflect your emotions. Whether it’s your stress, fear, joy, or calm, your dog acts as a mirror, revealing feelings you may not even recognize in yourself. This is a profound invitation to look inward, using your dog’s behavior as a lens to better understand your own emotional state.
2. Emotions, Not Commands, Are the True Language of Dogs
While training techniques focus on commands and behaviors, Behan argues that dogs are driven by emotional energy, not logic. When your emotions are in harmony, your dog responds naturally. This lesson pushes you to step away from rigid control and focus on fostering emotional alignment, teaching that connection comes from the heart, not the leash.
3. Dogs Teach You to Live in the Present
Unlike humans, dogs don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future—they exist fully in the now. Their ability to immerse themselves in the present moment is a gift, reminding you to slow down and engage with the here and now. Through their presence, they teach mindfulness and the beauty of savoring life as it unfolds.
4. Vulnerability Strengthens the Bond
Behan highlights the deep emotional bond between humans and dogs, emphasizing that this connection thrives on authenticity. Your dog doesn’t judge you for your flaws or weaknesses—they accept and love you as you are. This lesson is a call to embrace vulnerability, both with your dog and yourself, creating space for healing and growth.
5. Dogs Are Emotional Healers
Your dog senses when you’re sad, anxious, or overwhelmed, often stepping in to provide comfort. Behan suggests that dogs have an innate ability to absorb and neutralize your negative emotions, serving as emotional healers. This symbiotic relationship reminds us of the profound power of love and connection to mend emotional wounds.
6. Your Fears Become Their Fears
Dogs pick up on the emotional signals you send, even the unconscious ones. If you’re fearful or anxious, your dog may mirror those emotions through their own behavior. This insight is both humbling and empowering—it challenges you to address your own fears and insecurities to create a sense of calm and safety for both you and your dog.
7. Dogs Teach Unconditional Love and Acceptance
Above all, dogs embody unconditional love. They don’t care about your achievements, failures, or flaws—they simply love you for who you are. This lesson is one of the most profound: learning to love yourself as your dog loves you, and striving to extend that same acceptance to others.
Your Dog Is Your Mirror is more than a book about dogs—it’s a journey into understanding yourself through the lens of your relationship with your dog. Behan’s insights challenge you to see your dog not just as a pet but as a teacher, healer, and emotional companion. It’s a call to deepen your connection, nurture your emotional health, and embrace the profound lessons of love, presence, and authenticity that your dog offers every day.

BOOK: https://amzn.to/3Ccp2by

You can also get the AUDIO BOOK for FREE using the same link. Use the link to register for the AUDIO BOOK on Audible and start enjoying it.

 🛍️🐾 #浪浪支援加油站   Our two super models 😍💢Bandana, brand new, @$10, $20 for 3!!Til 6 pm today!! 👋100% goes to support anima...


Our two super models 😍💢
Bandana, brand new, @$10, $20 for 3!!
Til 6 pm today!! 👋
100% goes to support animal rescue 🐾✨

#遍地浪浪遍地心 #浪浪不是别人的事

 🛍️🐾 #浪浪支援加油站   HAPPENING NOW (16th).... 12:00-18:00 👋100% goes to support animal rescue 🐾✨ #遍地浪浪遍地心  #浪浪不是别人的事   #生活南丫 ...


HAPPENING NOW (16th).... 12:00-18:00 👋
100% goes to support animal rescue 🐾✨

#遍地浪浪遍地心 #浪浪不是别人的事


🎉 02.16 招生,最後三天倒數中 👋
Enrollment for 02.16, the last 3 days start counting down 📯
Probably the last few classes before 🌧️ till October
. . . . . . . . . .
【 狗狗學堂🎈南丫 🐾 DogBoostcampLamma 】
2025.01.19 💓 FLASHBACK #2
💌 All about.... LOVE
. . . . . . . . . .
1️⃣【 狗狗社交 及 肢體語言 🐾 Socialization & Canine Body Language 】
📆 2025.02.16 (日 Sun) | ⏰ 10:30-12:00
💰 費用 Fee :HKD400/二人單元 2PP-unit

內容 Content
• 觀察肢體語言以確定狗狗的情緒臨界點並在需要時介入提供協助
Observe body language to determine your dog’s emotional breaking
point and step in to provide assistance when needed
• 分辨遊戲和衝突狀態
Distinguish between game and conflict states
Understand your dog's social needs and play style
• 學習正確的牽繩和引導技術
Learn proper leash and guiding techniques
• 介入的時機和技巧
Timing and techniques of intervention
• 遛狗安全及有關法律
Dog walking safety and related laws
• 發生事故該怎麼辦
What to do if there are incidents
. . . . . . . . . .
2️⃣【 牽繩訓練工作坊 🐾 Leash Walking Workshop 】
📆 2025.02.16 (日Sun) | ⏰ 13:30-15:00
💰 費用 Fee :HKD580/二人一狗 2PP-1DOG

Workshop focuses on :
• 安全 Safety
• 建立參與度 Engagement Building
• 行為強化 Behavior Reinforcement History
• 處理者的處理技巧 Handling skills of Handler

⚠️ 參加此工作坊必須是已參加「狗狗社交和肢體語言」的學員
Attendance of "Socialization and Canine Body Language" is a prerequisite in participating this workshop.
. . . . . . . . . .
📲 WhatsApp 6381 1368
📩 查詢課程及練習群組
Enquiries about classes & Practice Group
✋ 預繳報名
Advance Payment to Sign up
🙏🏻 恕不設退款
No refunds available
. . . . . . . . . .
📍 地點 Venue:生活。南丫 Together Lamma
GF, 21 Tai Yuen Village, Yung Shue Wan, Lamma

💐 特別鳴謝 Special Thanks to
Sebastian Alcaraz of Island Kennel Training
Hong Kong Ethical Animal Training Association IG

Sebastian 持有心理學學位,並具有教育領域的背景。 他是香港十三位通過專業訓練狗師認證局認證的專業訓狗師之一。 他在行為科學方面的知識和技能,以及多語言能力,幫助香港許多家庭加強了伴侶犬與其監護人之間的理解和連結。
Sebastian holds a degree in Psychology and has background in the education field. He is one of 13 certified professional dog trainers in Hong Kong through the Certification Council for Professional dog trainers. His knowledge and skills in behavioral sciences, and being multilingual, has helped numerous families in strengthening the understanding and bond between companion dogs and their guardians in Hong Kong.


#好好生活 🌿

【 動物義工日 🤜🤛 ANIMAL VOLUNTEER DAY 】CARRIE's 動物傳心 ✨ Animal Communication💓 一月見證 ✨January's testimonies  💢 只餘一位 Only ONE spot...

CARRIE's 動物傳心 ✨ Animal Communication
💓 一月見證 ✨January's testimonies
💢 只餘一位 Only ONE spot left
💝 隨緣樂助 By DONATION Event ✨ 100% 支援動物救援 100% goes to animal rescue
📆 2025.02.26 (日 Sun) | ⏰ 1530-1630
. . . . . . . . .
只接受預約 By booking only 🙏🏻
WhatsApp 6381 1368

✨ 通靈者 | CARRIE YU
與 你+🐶😺 的「動物傳心小組閱讀」60分鐘約會

小寶貝將和你分享他的個性 💕

• 請帶備(在生)毛孩的一張清晰特寫照片,及他的一件物品 (如. 頸帶、心愛玩具)
• 各家長可提出一個問題
✨ Psychic Medium | CARRIE YU
A 60-Minute "Animal Communication Private Group Reading" with you and your 🐶😺

An opportunity to connect with your 🐶😺 furry children. Your kids will share their personalities. 💕

• Please bring a clear close-up photo of your (alive) pet, and one of his/her belongings (ie. collar, favorite toy)
• Each pawrent may ask a question
. . . . . . . . . .

【 動物義工日 🤜🤛 ANIMAL VOLUNTEER DAY 】CARRIE's 動物傳心 ✨ Animal Communication💓 一月見證 ✨January's testimonies  💝 隨緣樂助 By DONATION E...

CARRIE's 動物傳心 ✨ Animal Communication
💓 一月見證 ✨January's testimonies
💝 隨緣樂助 By DONATION Event ✨ 100% 支援動物救援 100% goes to animal rescue
📆 2025.02.26 (日 Sun) | ⏰ 1530-1630
. . . . . . . . .
只接受預約 By booking only 🙏🏻
WhatsApp 6381 1368

✨ 通靈者 | CARRIE YU
與 你+🐶😺 的「動物傳心小組閱讀」60分鐘約會

小寶貝將和你分享他的個性 💕

• 請帶備(在生)毛孩的一張清晰特寫照片,及他的一件物品 (如. 頸帶、心愛玩具)
• 各家長可提出一個問題
✨ Psychic Medium | CARRIE YU
A 60-Minute "Animal Communication Private Group Reading" with you and your 🐶😺

An opportunity to connect with your 🐶😺 furry children. Your kids will share their personalities. 💕

• Please bring a clear close-up photo of your (alive) pet, and one of his/her belongings (ie. collar, favorite toy)
• Each pawrent may ask a question
. . . . . . . . . .

【 動物義工日 🤜🤛 ANIMAL VOLUNTEER DAY 】[二月好物🛍️快閃日   🐾]📆日期 | 🕰️時間 :2025.02.16 | 1200-1800 👋📍地點 | 生活。南丫 Together Lamma          ...

[二月好物🛍️快閃日 🐾]
📆日期 | 🕰️時間 :2025.02.16 | 1200-1800 👋
📍地點 | 生活。南丫 Together Lamma
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
✨ 1月19日 賣出好物得款總額 ✨$2050✨ 🙇
• 全數已於1月27日轉帳至獨立義工戶口
• 為 #索罟灣貓媽媽 支付絕育費用
• 是次手術及其相關費用總數為$2860,將在2月活動賣物所得金額中支付$810餘額。
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
💓 「索罟灣貓媽媽」的故事




其實,在做手術之前媽媽已逃脫過兩次,但最後還是因為不捨,冒著驚恐也跑回寄養家,甚至自願入捕籠,為的就是要看孩子,這才讓義工再次捉回。否則,浪浪的命運就得這樣輪迴著,直到老死... 想到這裏,義工決心為媽媽努力找一個家,最後大團圓結局地被早前領養了頭胎一對貓咪的好人家,願意領養媽媽,一家得以團聚;隨後三個新生貓寶寶也陸續找到領養家!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
💌 小編感言


查詢 WhatsApp 63811368
#遍地浪浪遍地心 #浪浪不是别人的事
#好好生活 🌿

🐝🐝🐝 By residents' REQUEST...Other than MEAD (honey wine 🥂)We will have HONEY today 👻Sunday, 12:00-17:30 📯📯Beetales  IG

🐝🐝🐝 By residents' REQUEST...
Other than MEAD (honey wine 🥂)
We will have HONEY today 👻
Sunday, 12:00-17:30 📯📯
Beetales IG


Hey, the BEE🐝 guys are HERE 👻
Come meet them!! 🤩 🥳
💌 「蜜語」共同創辦人 HARRY WONG
The co-founder of Beetales HK, Harry Wong says, “You don’t have to like bees, just don’t kill them.”

02.08-09 | 1200-1730
“Honey Mead Tasting Cart” 🐝🍸✨
爸爸媽媽同家中小情人... 招手區 👋
“Story Sharing about Hong Kong Bees”
All you lovebirds
Parents and your little ones 👋

🐝 有關 About BeeTales HK & Bee's Brew
🐝 Two young HongKongers set up an environmental conservation organization, who has such passion for bee conservation, and has even successfully obtained fundings under the “HKEX Foundation” scheme and Civil Society and Governance HKU’s “Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities” for their Bee Rescue Projects!!

To know about their ideas, works, or to volunteer
Pls follow their social media and interview links 👇







有關今次活動 About this event

查詢 Enquiry | WhatsApp 6381 1368


02.08-09 this Saturday & Sunday 💓Just TWO days away... Don't miss out 🐝👋........................................🌸 春回大地 萬...

02.08-09 this Saturday & Sunday 💓
Just TWO days away... Don't miss out 🐝👋........................................
🌸 春回大地 萬物重生
With spring, comes the rebirth of all living beings
過兩星期就係情人節💕 一齊聽聽🐝先生說故事
while Valentine's Day is just TWO weeks away.... Let's hear a little tale from our Mr.🐝 💕💕

💌 「蜜語」共同創辦人 HARRY WONG
The co-founder of Beetales HK, Harry Wong says, “You don’t have to like bees, just don’t kill them.”
. . . . . . . .
🌸 大家有冇聽過蜜釀酒呢? 係咪都好想試下係咩味道呀?
其實... 能夠喺呢日同大自然多一份連結,呢份情人節禮物可能會係你收到最難忘嘅一份 💓
Ever heard of Honey Mead? You wanna try what it tastes like, huh?
In fact... being able to have a stronger connection with nature on this Valentine's Day may be the most unforgettable gift you will ever receive. 💓

好開心.... 我哋被選中咗為「第一站」 🤩
We're chosen to be the 1st stop.. So HAPPY!!! 🥳

02.08-09 | 1200-1730
🌸 「蜜釀侍酒車巡迴」
“Honey Mead Tasting Cart” 🐝🍸✨
🌸 「香港蜜蜂故事分享」
爸爸媽媽同家中小情人... 招手區 👋
“Story Sharing about Hong Kong Bees”
All you lovebirds
Parents and your little ones 👋

🐝 有關 About BeeTales HK & Bee's Brew
🐝 Two young HongKongers set up an environmental conservation organization, who has such passion for bee conservation, and has even successfully obtained fundings under the “HKEX Foundation” scheme and Civil Society and Governance HKU’s “Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities” for their Bee Rescue Projects!!

To know about their ideas, works, or to volunteer
Pls follow their social media and interview links 👇

FB Beetales | IG






有關今次活動 About this event

查詢 Enquiry | WhatsApp 6381 1368



【 狗狗學堂🎈南丫 🐾 DogBoostcampLamma 】
2025.01.19 💓 FLASHBACK #1
💌 所有🐾父母最想見嘅可愛面孔
The cutest face that all 🐾 parents wanna see the most... 🥰
🎉 02.16 招生,最後十天倒數中
Enrollment for 02.16, the last 10 days start counting down 📯
. . . . . . . . . .
1️⃣【 狗狗社交 及 肢體語言 🐾 Socialization & Canine Body Language 】
📆 2025.02.16 (日 Sun) | ⏰ 10:30-12:00
💰 費用 Fee :HKD400/二人單元 2PP-unit

內容 Content
• 觀察肢體語言以確定狗狗的情緒臨界點並在需要時介入提供協助
Observe body language to determine your dog’s emotional breaking
point and step in to provide assistance when needed
• 分辨遊戲和衝突狀態
Distinguish between game and conflict states
Understand your dog's social needs and play style
• 學習正確的牽繩和引導技術
Learn proper leash and guiding techniques
• 介入的時機和技巧
Timing and techniques of intervention
• 遛狗安全及有關法律
Dog walking safety and related laws
• 發生事故該怎麼辦
What to do if there are incidents
. . . . . . . . . .
2️⃣【 牽繩訓練工作坊 🐾 Leash Walking Workshop 】
📆 2025.02.16 (日Sun) | ⏰ 13:30-15:00
💰 費用 Fee :HKD580/二人一狗 2PP-1DOG

Workshop focuses on :
• 安全 Safety
• 建立參與度 Engagement Building
• 行為強化 Behavior Reinforcement History
• 處理者的處理技巧 Handling skills of Handler

⚠️ 參加此工作坊必須是已參加「狗狗社交和肢體語言」的學員
Attendance of "Socialization and Canine Body Language" is a prerequisite in participating this workshop.
. . . . . . . . . .
📲 WhatsApp 6381 1368
📩 查詢課程及練習群組
Enquiries about classes & Practice Group
✋ 預繳報名
Advance Payment to Sign up
🙏🏻 恕不設退款
No refunds available
. . . . . . . . . .
📍 地點 Venue:生活。南丫 Together Lamma
GF, 21 Tai Yuen Village, Yung Shue Wan, Lamma
. . . Island Kennel Training特別鳴謝 Special Thanks to
Sebastian Alcaraz of Island Kennel Training
Hong Kong Ethical Animal Training Association IG

Sebastian 持有心理學學位,並具有教育領域的背景。 他是香港十三位通過專業訓練狗師認證局認證的專業訓狗師之一。 他在行為科學方面的知識和技能,以及多語言能力,幫助香港許多家庭加強了伴侶犬與其監護人之間的理解和連結。
Sebastian holds a degree in Psychology and has background in the education field. He is one of 13 certified professional dog trainers in Hong Kong through the Certification Council for Professional dog trainers. His knowledge and skills in behavioral sciences, and being multilingual, has helped numerous families in strengthening the understanding and bond between companion dogs and their guardians in Hong Kong.


#好好生活 🌿


南丫島榕樹灣大園村 21A Tai Yuen Village, Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Wednesday 15:00 - 20:00
Thursday 15:00 - 20:00
Friday 15:00 - 20:00
Saturday 13:00 - 18:00
Sunday 13:00 - 18:00



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