The Ayurveda Herb Pack uses 100% Natural Herbs that will cleanse your pet’s skin and remove excess oil and dead skin which is a good source and conducive habitat for ticks to live in. It also creates fluffy and tangle-free coat, prevents excessive oil buildup on skin and maintains skin moisture which prevents itching of dry skin.
Available Animal Ayurveda Products at The Barkyard:
- Beauty & Health Herb Pack: to create fluffy and tangle-free coat
- Skin Health Herb Pack: to prevent unpleasant odour and skin issues
Animal Ayurveda 選用100%天然有機草本配方,天然健康調理毛孩的皮毛。使用後毛髮蓬鬆立體,有助預防毛髮打結、促進毛髮生長、滋潤皮膚同時有助肌膚油水平衡,去除臭味、皮屑、死毛及污垢,更達致驅蟲效果。
The Barkyard現可為毛孩提供使用Animal Ayurveda 產品的寵物草本spa 服務:
- 有機美毛草本泥:增加蓬鬆感,保持毛髮順滑
- 藥用健康草本泥:改善體臭及預防皮膚惡化