想你隻老爺樹蛙有個靚靚嘅家?🏡 即刻預約問吓啦,等一齊為佢打造一個理想嘅棲息地!😊
We highly value animal welfare. We don't just provide for their basic needs; we strive to give them the best possible living conditions, ensuring every tree frog lives comfortably! 💯
Want a beautiful home for your tree frog? 🏡 Book a consultation now and let's create the perfect habitat together! 😊
#TreeFrog #Amphibians #Pets #EcoTerrarium #ProfessionalTerrariumDesign #AnimalWelfare
#老爺樹蛙 #兩棲類 #寵物 #生態造景 #專業造景 #動物福利
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM
同你嘅小動物互動多啲 佢地就會越嚟越親近你🥰
Interact more with your pets, and they will become closer to you 🥰
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM
The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)
速成雨林缸造景班 呢一堂係全部都係女仔上嚟上
當中有位妹妹上嚟上堂 係因為想養蟹仔蠑螈嘅動物
如果有興趣上堂嘅話都可以上我哋website 喺課程上面可以預約上堂㗎
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM
The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)
知唔知好多人都勁憎見到蟲蟲?!🐛🐜🪳 所以呀,我哋隆重推介——食蟲植物!🤩 呢啲植物就係蟲蟲嘅天敵!😈
睇住佢哋食蟲,真係勁爽勁滿足㗎!🤤 仲可以幫你解決煩惱添!👍
如果比啲蟲煩到癲咗,想報仇雪恨?!😈 即刻嚟我哋度買幾棵返屋企啦!🏃💨 包你輕鬆KO晒啲蟲蟲!🎉
Did you know many people REALLY hate seeing bugs?! 🐛🐜🪳 That's why we're proudly introducing—carnivorous plants! 🤩 These plants are the natural enemies of bugs! 😈
Watching them eat bugs is super satisfying and cool!🤤 It can also solve your problems! 👍
If you're driven crazy by bugs and want revenge?! 😈 Come get a few plants to take home! 🏃💨 We guarantee you'll easily defeat all the bugs! 🎉
#CarnivorousPlants #BugKiller #PlantLover #IndoorPlants #Gardening #PestControl #Nature #Satisfying #HomeDecor #EasyGardening #食蟲植物 #捕蟲植物 #驅蟲植物 #天然驅蟲 #家居植物 #盆栽 #園藝 #療癒系 #植物控 #消滅蟲蟲
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and busin
睇佢食到咁滋味 應該可以捉多幾隻畀佢🤣
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM
The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)
好多朋友都問起守宮住造景缸會唔會有問題 🤔 其實好多顧慮都可以解決架!常見嘅問題主要有兩個:
1. 難以清潔 🧼❓
好多人擔心造景缸難清潔,但其實守宮有個好習慣:佢哋通常會喺固定嘅位置排泄 💩! 除非環境真係好污糟逼到佢哋轉地方,否則打理起上嚟反而仲簡單添! 定期清潔佢哋嘅「廁所」就搞掂啦! 😉
2. 越嚟越陌生,變得好野生 🦎❓
的確,造景缸嘅環境令守宮更有安全感,所以佢哋可能一開始會比較怕醜,同你嘅互動減少咗。 但呢個問題好解決! 🥰 只要你持續同佢互動,例如親手餵食 🍎,建立信任同感情,佢哋就會慢慢習慣你,甚至主動親近你架! ❤️
我哋準備咗一系列精美嘅守宮造景缸,為你嘅小寵打造一個舒適又美觀嘅家!🏡 歡迎大家嚟參考下我哋嘅作品,親身體驗造景缸嘅優點!🤩 仲有更多驚喜等緊你!🎁 立即聯絡我哋預約參觀啦!📞
Many friends have asked about the potential problems of keeping geckos in terrariums 🤔. Actually, many concerns can be easily addressed! Here are two common questions:
1. Difficult to Clean 🧼❓
Many worry about cleaning terrariums, but geckos have a good habit: they usually poop in a fixed spot 💩! Unless the environment is really dirty and forces them to change, it's actually easier to manage! Regularly cleaning their "toilet" is all it takes! 😉
2. Becoming More Distant, More Wild 🦎❓
It's true, a terrarium provides geckos with more security, so they might be shy at first, reducing interaction. But this is easily solved! 🥰 Just keep interacting with them, like hand-feeding 🍎, building trust and affection. They'll gradually get used to you and even become affectionate! ❤️
We've prepared a series of beautiful gecko terrariums to create a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing home for your pet! 🏡 Com
但係如果想守宮順利咁自己脫皮的話, 保濕同埋提供摩擦點係十分重要,保濕可以令到皮更加容易脫落 唔會黐住個身, 特別係手指腳趾嘅位置 如果唔保濕嘅話好容易會卡皮。
而佢哋準備好脫皮嘅時候會搵 地方嘗試將 準備要脫落嚟嘅皮 撐開 然後先慢慢除低外皮。
例如可以用加濕嘅躲避屋 或者用赤肉土 嘅材料 加濕咗之後可以保持缸內嘅濕氣
適當嘅造景同埋擺設就可以增加到佢哋所需嘅摩擦力啦!嘩!睇到隻守宮自己除「衫」,真係好神奇呀!🤩 佢哋仲會自己食埋啲舊皮添,補補身💪,如果唔係真係唔覺佢哋甩咗皮㗎!🙈
想隻守宮甩皮甩得順順利利,就要注意兩樣嘢:保濕同埋摩擦位!💧 保濕夠,啲皮先唔會黐實身,尤其係手指同腳趾位,甩唔到皮勁易卡住!😭 佢哋準備甩皮嗰陣,會搵位嚟撐開啲舊皮,慢慢先除低。😌
至於摩擦位,就靠佈置啦!佈置靚啲,多啲嘢俾佢哋磨吓,甩皮就冇咁易出事啦!🥳 記得影低佢哋甩皮嘅可愛樣呀!📸
Wow! Seeing a gecko shed its skin is amazing! 🤩 They even eat the shed skin to supplement their nutrition 💪, otherwise you wouldn't even notice they've molted! 🙈
To ensure your gecko sheds smoothly, you need to pay attention to two things: humidity and friction points! 💧 S
There are many different morphs of fat-tailed geckos,
making each one unique❤️🔥!!
We have lots of adorable geckos in our store🦎.
Come find your love🥰 .
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM
The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)
除咗確保到佢哋平時有冇食嘢之外😋,我哋都要睇埋佢哋係咪營養均衡🥦🥕,同埋狀態良好💪。 希望係客人帶佢哋返屋企嘅時候都會係健健康康🥰🏡!
Besides ensuring they eat regularly 😋, we also need to check if their diet is balanced 🥦🥕 and if they are in good condition 💪. We hope that when customers take them home, they will be healthy and happy 🥰🏡!
This time, we're feeding the crickets, and we're adding different calcium powder and vitamins to the crickets depending on the type of reptile, to help them grow quickly 🥳
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)