終於都係要寄走個缸啦 😭
其實個缸同我哋一齊經歷咗三個月,同我哋一齊成長,由0到100,點都有啲感情 🥺。
客人想養魚蝦蟹蠑螈等等,基本上乜嘢都想加入去 😂。
我哋幫佢做咗呢個雨林缸,有較高嘅水位之餘,入面做咗好多空間可以畀唔同嘅生物有棲身之所 👍。送咗一啲蠑螈同惡魔蟹畀客人,個缸係新地方穩定之前都可以有啲動物仔睇吓先 🎁。
好期待客人加滿曬動物入去嗰陣嘅樣 🤩,到時一定好豐富 🎉!
It's finally time to send off the tank 😭
Actually, the tank has been with us for three months, growing with us from 0 to 100. We definitely have some feelings for it 🥺.
The customer wants to keep fish, shrimp, crabs, axolotls, and everything else imaginable 😂.
We built this paludarium for them. It has a relatively high water level and we've created lots of spaces for different creatures to live in 👍. We gave them some axolotls and devil crabs so they can enjoy some animals while the tank settles into its new home 🎁.
We're really looking forward to seeing what it looks like when the customer fills it with all the animals 🤩. It's going to be so rich and diverse 🎉!
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow
Do they deserve a better place to live?
Many people keep geckos in small boxes. The space is cramped, offering little room for activity and making observation difficult.
Over time, the geckos become like collectible figurines. But they aren't collectibles; we should provide them with a better environment.
If you want to give your pet a better living environment, contact us now!
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business
Water skink in stock
"Why buy geckos from our shop? 🤔" This is a question I often ask customers.
"Sometimes, the geckos elsewhere don't even look healthy; the ones here are much more lively 💪"
Although we sell animals, they're not toys 🥺.
I hope they have a suitable living environment and can grow up healthy 🌱.
That's why our tank setups aren't always the most visually appealing; I hope you can understand 🙏.
I've tried to choose emojis that best reflect the tone and meaning of each sentence. The English translation maintains the informal and slightly apologetic tone of the original Chinese.___________________________________
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (pa
無論佢嘅形態同埋佢遊水嘅姿勢 或者佢喺水下面行嘅樣 都係古靈精怪
佢非常溫柔 好少會主動攻擊其他魚 除咗食物之外🤫
金豚 更加係清潔大使,佢哋對新鮮嘅食物冇乜嘢興趣,反而放臭咗嘅嘢佢哋就感興趣🙈
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM
The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)
Trick or treat! 由今日起去到31號只要嚟門市購物滿$100,就可以鞭蛛(Harry Potter同款)或毛蛛 🕸️🕷️影張相,感受一下究竟蜘蛛係咪真係咁得人驚……
紅眼娃娃,可以群養的河豚。 屬於小型河豚,淡水。可以同身形差不多或者更大嘅魚混養。 唔食螺,但係會攻擊蝦,落錢小心喔。
少左植物嘅元素裝飾,呢一個缸更加注重細節位, 務求做到逼真無論係 邊一個角度都要做到非常細緻。
This is a desert-themed aquarium landscape. Minimizing plant elements, this tank focuses on intricate details for a realistic effect, ensuring meticulous detail from every angle.
We've used crystals and dinosaur bone models to simulate the harsh environment of a desert, making the small creatures living within appear even more resilient.
With Halloween approaching, this tank perfectly complements the festive theme.
❌️Original Price: $4880❌️
✅️Limited-time discount: $3880✅️
Custom orders accepted.
Offer valid until November 3rd.
Contact us if interested!
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from
Hermit crab molten successfully. The color changed to purple blue, prettier than before.❤️
寄居蟹幾日唔食嘢,行路好慢,擔心就嚟死。 點知唔理佢,過咗一星期成功脫殼,又成功度過一劫。 脫咗殼後顏色由紫紅變成藍紫色,個人感覺靚左。 下次脫殼應該都要等多一年。 咁大嘅蟹,脫殼非常危險。 好彩。
第一次親眼見證寄居蟹換殼,我好似比佢更緊張,怕佢中途唔成功,但又唔能夠伸手幫佢… 見到佢成功換殼反身,我差啲尖叫! 真係好感動 🥹 The first time I witnessed a hermit crab changing shells, I felt as if I were more nervous than the crab itself. #寄居蟹 #水陸缸 #原生缸 #蟹 #小螃蟹 #水族 #小螃蟹🦀 #水陸缸造景 #森流
雖然Frabbie長時間都係喺business trip,但佢嘅真身中華沙蟹終於到店!
粉紅色嘅身體,凸出嚟嘅眼睛,真係好得意㗎!歡迎各位小店長過嚟探吓Frabbie ❤️
食物:小型昆蟲 🐜小魚🐟小蝦🦐藻類
巴西火龍 🦎:缸裡慢吞吞,野外原來係活躍嘅獵手!🤩 今日餵牠們果蠅,補充能量,希望佢哋走動多啲,健康啲啦!🥳
Slow and steady in the tank, but surprisingly active hunters in the wild! 🤩 Feeding them fruit flies today for a boost of energy! 🥳
#巴西火龍 #兩棲類 #寵物 #果蠅 #餵食
#Newt #amphibian #pet #fruitflies #feeding #feedingtime #feedingtimefun
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM
The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)