Anyone can explain me why? 😂
#老爺樹蛙 #捕鳥蛛 #毛蛛 #香港雨林缸
淋水、 修剪、除蟲、施肥
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM
The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)
今日有拍攝 所以今日如果上黎嘅朋友要先whatsapp我地啦🙇♂️🙇♂️
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM
The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)
學習不同植物的特性和搭配方法,打造你心目中的理想雨林景觀。 還可以有過百種植物即時加購,打造你獨一無二嘅雨林意境。
聖誕早鳥優惠 (名額有限):
20x20x30cm 雨林造景課程:
原價 $2600/人,早鳥價 $1800/人
升級選項:加價 $800 升級至 30x30x40cm 雨林缸,植物份量加倍,打造更壯觀的雨林景觀!
12月開班日期 (只開2班!每班2-6人):
12月14日 (星期六) 7:45 PM - 10:45 PM
12月17日 (星期二) 7:45 PM - 10:45 PM
WhatsApp: 52172219
Are you ready for Christmas? 森流GreenFlow準備好喇,想見下水陸缸的聖誕老人或聖誕寄居蟹🐚,快D來我地觀塘門市參觀啦! #森流 #christmas2024
【森流GreenFlow小店員訓練 - 大自然中發現孩子的美好特質,親子共享歡樂時光】🌟
- 🐢 親密接觸動植物:孩子可以安全地觀察和觸摸不同的生物,學習牠們的特性與生活習性。
- 💡 創業啟蒙:模擬經營動植物店,學習簡單商業概念,激發孩子的創意思維與責任感。
- 🌟 價值觀培養:幫助孩子發掘自己的美好特質,如耐心、勇敢、尊重他人、充滿愛心和好奇心。
- 👨👩👦 親子共享:家長與孩子一同參與,重新與孩子一起當孩子,體驗童年的純真與好奇心!
- 適合年齡:3-10歲
- 參加人數:每節4-8名小朋友(可包班並安排自行時間)
- 工作坊費用: 每位小朋友 HK$400(每位小朋友可有一位大人免費陪同;6歲以下必須有大人陪同,額外大人+$100/位)
- 工作坊時間:星期六/日 上午10:00-12:00 或 下午2:00-4:00
- 語言:廣東話 (如需英文/普通話教學,請安排包班)
- 地點:觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14C
1. 獨家HK$50購物優惠券(買滿HK$100使用)
2. 即場購物9折優惠
3. 包班6人以上可享額外9折現金回贈
📞 立即報名或查詢更多資訊!
Let Green Flow in You!
🐸 單純分享下一隻我自己好鍾意嘅老爺蛙 😊
好多客人可能見過佢嘅真身啦!🤩 佢依家已經畀我收埋咗,好好保護佢㗎!😂
以前成日用佢黎同客人講解老爺蛙,講講吓… 佢竟然愈黎愈親人喇🙈 真係好神奇!✨
嚟緊準備做一個靚靚嘅雨林景畀佢單獨養,希望佢可以好好咁享受清靜嘅生活呀 💚🐸 繼續努力打造佢嘅舒適小天地!💪
🐸 Just sharing one of my favorite pacman frogs! 😊
Many customers may have seen him in person! 🤩 He's been retired and is now safely tucked away. 😂
I used to use him to explain pacman frogs to customers, and... he's become so much more friendly! 🙈 It's amazing! ✨
We've recently gotten a lot more baby pacman frogs, so he can finally retire! ❤️
I'm going to set up a beautiful rainforest terrarium for him to live in alone, hoping he can enjoy a peaceful life. 💚🐸 I'll keep working on creating his comfortable little world! 💪
Alternatively, a slightly more concise version:
🐸 Sharing a picture of one of my favorite pacman frogs! 😊
Many customers have met him! 🤩 He's now happily retired. 😂
I used to use him to show customers, and he's become so friendly! 🙈
We have lots of baby pacman frogs now, so he deserves a peaceful retirement! ❤️
I'm making him a beautiful rainforest terrarium. 💚🐸 Wish him a happy retirement! 💪
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星
而毛蛛佢哋係透過演化後用手(觸肢)去傳遞精子,因為交配嘅過程男方會面對被女方捕食。😱 因此佢哋用手去頂開對方嘅同時,都會用手去進行整個過程。💪
So that's how tarantulas mate?! 😳
Watching their mating process was truly shocking. It's so different from how other insects mate 😂 Normally, insects mate by connecting tail to tail.
But tarantulas, through evolution, use their pedipalps (modified appendages) to transfer sperm. The male faces the risk of being eaten by the female during mating. 😱 So while fending her off, he uses his pedipalps to perform the entire process. 💪
They might repeat this process several times, so it can last for ten minutes or even half an hour. 😮
It was such an honor to observe them up close 🥰, and I'm so glad they both came out unharmed. I'm looking forward to their successful mating and the birth of their offspring! 🥳🎉
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
非洲雨林蠍係世界上最大嘅蠍子,佢有一對強大嘅鉗,尾部嘅毒針毒性非常弱。 飼養方法可以用爬盒,亦可以植物造景雨林缸飼養。 打理簡單。
「森流缸」骨架試水與上植物前後對比。 有植物同冇植物感覺好唔同。
《報名QR code在片尾》超過150個家庭已經參與,大人細路都enjoy嘅一個活動!歡迎與小朋友一起來到我們的小店員訓練,一同揭開經營動植物店和創業的神秘面紗! 📚我哋嘅互動式學習由專業有愛心團隊講解,發現小朋友嘅美好特質好 ,仲可以喺石屎森林入面與自然互動, 即刻參加啦!🌴 #森流 #親子 #親子活動 #親子好去處 #小店員Over 150 families have joined us and both adults and children enjoy! We welcome you and your little ones to take part in our mini shop assistant training and uncover the mysteries of running a plant and animal shop and entrepreneurship! 📚 Our interactive learning is explained by a professional and caring team, helping to discover the wonderful qualities of children. Join us now! #ForestFlow #ParentChild #FamilyActivities #FamilyFriendlyPlaces #JuniorStaff. You can also interact with nature in the concrete forest! 🌴
終於都係要寄走個缸啦 😭
其實個缸同我哋一齊經歷咗三個月,同我哋一齊成長,由0到100,點都有啲感情 🥺。
客人想養魚蝦蟹蠑螈等等,基本上乜嘢都想加入去 😂。
我哋幫佢做咗呢個雨林缸,有較高嘅水位之餘,入面做咗好多空間可以畀唔同嘅生物有棲身之所 👍。送咗一啲蠑螈同惡魔蟹畀客人,個缸係新地方穩定之前都可以有啲動物仔睇吓先 🎁。
好期待客人加滿曬動物入去嗰陣嘅樣 🤩,到時一定好豐富 🎉!
It's finally time to send off the tank 😭
Actually, the tank has been with us for three months, growing with us from 0 to 100. We definitely have some feelings for it 🥺.
The customer wants to keep fish, shrimp, crabs, axolotls, and everything else imaginable 😂.
We built this paludarium for them. It has a relatively high water level and we've created lots of spaces for different creatures to live in 👍. We gave them some axolotls and devil crabs so they can enjoy some animals while the tank settles into its new home 🎁.
We're really looking forward to seeing what it looks like when the customer fills it with all the animals 🤩. It's going to be so rich and diverse 🎉!
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)
GreenFlow - Let Green Flow