.hk first ever market event!
We’re so honoured to be part of the Hero Dogs event on May 6,2023. is where we adopted Captain and he changed our lives, bringing so much joy to the family. Sometimes you never know !
Being a part of the Event, you will find our signature - [Meat it!] chicken & beef flavor in the goodie bag, it will definitely boost our HEROs energy & level of happiness 😃
We would also like to invite you to visit and say hi and enjoy our mini seafood buffet at the pet market outside ! We will prepare various seafood such as Razor Clam, ,Japanese Jack Mackerel & Big Shrimp for everyone to try out!
Can’t wait to see ya all on May 6, 1-7pm 👋🏻
嚟緊 5月6號 將會參加由 舉辦嘅 Hero Dogs 籌款活動,今次亦都係 Chef Cap 第一次參加 market 🤩
只要報咗名成為其中一個 Hero,就會有活動福袋,而 Chef Cap嘅牛肉同雞肉味嘅 #訓練零食 都會包含喺福袋入面,務求幫手餵飽一眾 Hero Dogs!
另外,Chef Cap 為咗今次嘅活動都準備咗期間限定嘅零食,包括風乾蘇格蘭蟶子王、日本池魚仔同海虎蝦。到時記得過嚟 Woof Magic 外廣場 #寵物市集 試食呀!
#香港好去處 #狗狗好去處 #籌款活動 #救狗之家 🐶