Chef Cap HK

Chef Cap HK Human Grade Dog Treats

端午節嘅習俗我哋一定會食糭,但人類嘅糭大部份都系糯米做,餡料對毛孩來講都系偏咸唔啱佢哋食。所以嚟緊5月27號 .hk 會喺北角匯  同大家一齊自制  #寵物糭子 ,等大家都可以享受食糭嘅樂趣 🐶今次鮮食材料嘅重頭戲就係會為狗狗們準備專屬嘅日...


所以嚟緊5月27號 .hk 會喺北角匯 同大家一齊自制 #寵物糭子 ,等大家都可以享受食糭嘅樂趣 🐶

今次鮮食材料嘅重頭戲就係會為狗狗們準備專屬嘅日本元貝,仲要喺唔用糯米情況底下都可以做軟糯嘅口感 🐶


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#狗狗糭 #端午節狗狗也要一起吃肉粽 #狗狗鮮食 #毛孩鮮食

當毛孩搵到心安嘅歸處後,我們就要培養與彼之感情同默契。一個高品質嘅玩具同一份吸引嘅零食,絕對係不可缺少。hk 聯乘 .hk 喺 Hero Dogs Event 呢個意義重大活動推出限定組合優惠,1. 以 $168 購買 .hk 𝗚𝗨𝗨 / ...

hk 聯乘 .hk 喺 Hero Dogs Event 呢個意義重大活動推出限定組合優惠,
1. 以 $168 購買 .hk 𝗚𝗨𝗨 / S + Chef Cap[Meat It!] 訓練零食雞或牛味
(原價: $230)
2. 以 $208 購買 .hk 𝗚𝗨𝗨 / L + Chef Cap[Meat It!] 訓練零食雞或牛味
(原價: $260)


優惠組合只係會喺星期六 Woof Market 出現,數量有限!

A furever home is essential to our doggie. To maintain their happiness and build bonding between the two of you, a high-quality enrichment toy and a mouth watering treats will absolutely going to catch their attention.
hk & .hk decided to work together to offer an exclusive bundle deal on Saturday ONLY at this meaningful Hero Dogs Event for all you dog lovers.

1. $168 for a Lambwolf enrichment toy 𝗚𝗨𝗨 / S* + 1 Chef Cap [Meat It!] Dog Training Treat (Chicken / Beef Flavor)

2. $208 for a Lambwolf enrichment toy 𝗚𝗨𝗨 / L* + 1 Chef Cap [Meat It!] Dog Training Treat (Chicken / Beef Flavor)

Happy moments are momentarily but memorable, so let's join hands to bring some joy and put the biggest smiles on our furry kids!

Note: Exclusive limited bundle is only available for woof market.

當毛孩搵到心安嘅歸處後,我們就要培養與彼之感情同默契。一個高品質嘅玩具同一份吸引嘅零食,絕對係不可缺少。hk 聯乘  喺 Hero Dogs Event 呢個意義重大活動推出限定組合優惠,1. 以 $168 購買 .hk 𝗚𝗨𝗨 / S +...

hk 聯乘 喺 Hero Dogs Event 呢個意義重大活動推出限定組合優惠,
1. 以 $168 購買 .hk 𝗚𝗨𝗨 / S + Chef Cap[Meat It!] 訓練零食雞或牛味
(原價: $230)
2. 以 $208 購買 .hk 𝗚𝗨𝗨 / L + Chef Cap[Meat It!] 訓練零食雞或牛味
(原價: $260)


優惠組合只係會喺星期六 Woof Market 出現,數量有限!

A furever home is essential to our doggie. To maintain their happiness and build bonding between the two of you, a high-quality enrichment toy and a mouth watering treats will absolutely going to catch their attention.
hk & decided to work together to offer an exclusive bundle deal on Saturday ONLY at this meaningful Hero Dogs Event for all you dog lovers.

1. $168 for a Lambwolf enrichment toy 𝗚𝗨𝗨 / S* + 1 Chef Cap [Meat It!] Dog Training Treat (Chicken / Beef Flavor)

2. $208 for a Lambwolf enrichment toy 𝗚𝗨𝗨 / L* + 1 Chef Cap [Meat It!] Dog Training Treat (Chicken / Beef Flavor)

Happy moments are momentarily but memorable, so let's join hands to bring some joy and put the biggest smiles on our furry kids!

Note: Exclusive limited bundle is only available for woof market.

.hk first ever market event!We’re so honoured to be part of the Hero Dogs event on May 6,2023.  is where we adopted Capt...

.hk first ever market event!

We’re so honoured to be part of the Hero Dogs event on May 6,2023. is where we adopted Captain and he changed our lives, bringing so much joy to the family. Sometimes you never know !

Being a part of the Event, you will find our signature - [Meat it!] chicken & beef flavor in the goodie bag, it will definitely boost our HEROs energy & level of happiness 😃

We would also like to invite you to visit and say hi and enjoy our mini seafood buffet at the pet market outside ! We will prepare various seafood such as Razor Clam, ,Japanese Jack Mackerel & Big Shrimp for everyone to try out!

Can’t wait to see ya all on May 6, 1-7pm 👋🏻

嚟緊 5月6號 將會參加由 舉辦嘅 Hero Dogs 籌款活動,今次亦都係 Chef Cap 第一次參加 market 🤩

只要報咗名成為其中一個 Hero,就會有活動福袋,而 Chef Cap嘅牛肉同雞肉味嘅 #訓練零食 都會包含喺福袋入面,務求幫手餵飽一眾 Hero Dogs!

另外,Chef Cap 為咗今次嘅活動都準備咗期間限定嘅零食,包括風乾蘇格蘭蟶子王、日本池魚仔同海虎蝦。到時記得過嚟 Woof Magic 外廣場 #寵物市集 試食呀!

#香港好去處 #狗狗好去處 #籌款活動 #救狗之家 🐶

Chef Cap Product Launch Event 嚟緊星期日3月26號 Chef Cap | Dog Treats]] 零食將會喺南豐紗廠  舉行,大家準備好過嚟放題未啊?🤣當日會有浪浪之家嘅領養日,到時每賣出一排  嘅產品都會捐...

Chef Cap Product Launch Event

嚟緊星期日3月26號 Chef Cap | Dog Treats]] 零食將會喺南豐紗廠 舉行,大家準備好過嚟放題未啊?🤣

當日會有浪浪之家嘅領養日,到時每賣出一排 嘅產品都會捐 $10 俾 #浪浪之家 !
同埋當日如果有有成功領養, Chef Cap | Dog Treats]] 都會送出 1 set三款嘅[Meat it! ]俾領養人。

除此之外 亦會同 Chef Cap | Dog Treats]] 推出1 set #慈善套裝,每賣出一套都會捐 $30 俾浪浪之家!

日期:3月26號 星期日
時間: 下午一點至六點
地址:南豐紗廠 Petisan


#可愛狗狗 #狗狗零食 #寵物零食 #寵物友好

[Meat It!] Collection  We offer the best ingredients for our pups! For Beef/ Lamb, we source from Australia/ New Zealand...

[Meat It!] Collection
We offer the best ingredients for our pups!
For Beef/ Lamb, we source from Australia/ New Zealand 🥩
And we use , breast from Thailand 🐓
DM us to order 🛒

[Meat It!] 系列產品分別有三款味道,牛肉同羊肉分別選用澳洲/紐西蘭入口肉類,
雞肉就選用 #泰國冇激素雞胸肉 🐓
由於 Website 仍然準備中,如果想落單歡迎隨時 inbox message 我哋!

Price list:
1. Chicken $68
2. Beef $72
3. Lamb $75
4. 三款口味(雞、牛、羊)各一排$190
5. 雞肉買3排 :$180
6. 牛肉買3排 :$192
7. 羊肉買3排 :$ 201
買滿 $300 免運費 🛒

#寵物零食 #寵物友好

{Mental stimulation}Enrichment toy is one of the best way to reduce the risk of destructive or attention seeking behavio...

{Mental stimulation}
Enrichment toy is one of the best way to reduce the risk of destructive or attention seeking behaviors, put the treats inside the small pockets, it’ll definitely drive our pups crazy!!!
hk 嘅益智玩具除咗可以訓練腦袋,仲要好耐用,配合埋hk 任意搣嘅 #狗狗零食 ,絕對可以消磨狗狗好一段時間 🐶

#寵物零食 #寵物友好 #狗零食

Human grade, high value dog treats! Easily breakable into pieces, perfect for both training & treating 🍫鍾意點樣搣都得,大狗、細狗都啱食...

Human grade, high value dog treats!

Easily breakable into pieces, perfect for both training & treating 🍫



究竟Captain係望緊媽媽定係 .hk 嘅零食?🤔           #無添加食品  #健康狗狗  #人食等級食材  #狗狗營養     FAQ: Chef Cap 零食可以喺邊度買?北角匯  南豐紗廠

究竟Captain係望緊媽媽定係 .hk 嘅零食?🤔

#無添加食品 #健康狗狗 #人食等級食材 #狗狗營養

Chef Cap 零食可以喺邊度買?

[Meat It!] Beef Flavor 🥩100% 純牛肉產品,我哋選用澳洲 / 紐西蘭牛冧肉再加少量牛心同牛肝製成,全天然  #無添加 !除咗狗狗可以食用之外,其實貓都可以食,[Meat It!]仲可以搣到細粒粒俾主子們享用😋 #狗...

[Meat It!] Beef Flavor 🥩

100% 純牛肉產品,我哋選用澳洲 / 紐西蘭牛冧肉再加少量牛心同牛肝製成,全天然 #無添加 !

除咗狗狗可以食用之外,其實貓都可以食,[Meat It!]仲可以搣到細粒粒俾主子們享用😋

#狗狗零食 #貓狗零食
#寵物零食 #寵物友好 #狗狗零食
#寵物零食 #寵物友好


Wing Kin Industrial Building
Hong Kong


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