喵の寮 Caturday Hotel【貓酒店 Cat Hotel】

喵の寮 Caturday Hotel【貓酒店 Cat Hotel】 貓酒店牌照編號:001781
We treat cats 🐱 as humans.👨👩 They are our little ones🤰, our children.👶

好多謝一路以黎咁多位嘅信任 🙏🙇‍♂️ 不經不覺,IG 就已經上咗 🎊 1000 follows 👏 開業雖然只係 8 個月左右,但好多客戶已經黎住咗平均都有兩三次,有啲仲已經住咗成六次,差唔多每個月都見咁制 ❤ 亦都好開心同感動,大家幫我...

好多謝一路以黎咁多位嘅信任 🙏🙇‍♂️ 不經不覺,IG 就已經上咗 🎊 1000 follows 👏 開業雖然只係 8 個月左右,但好多客戶已經黎住咗平均都有兩三次,有啲仲已經住咗成六次,差唔多每個月都見咁制 ❤ 亦都好開心同感動,大家幫我哋咁用心去寫 Feedback。我哋會繼續努力,做好自己 💞💌

秉持我哋嘅理念,當佢哋係自己仔女 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 咁照顧。


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓 #貓奴 #貓星人 #香港貓 #貓貓 #貓奴日常 #貓酒店 #純貓酒店 #貓沖涼 #貓美容 #貓貓美容 #觀塘 #貓沖涼服務 #日本 #日式設計 #日式貓店 #去旅行 #返鄉下 #核心價值 #香港貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #日本旅行 #和風





According to the regulations of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, cats are required to be vaccinated before check-in. The parents of these cats, living in a village house in Sai Kung, face the challenge of a mountainous path as they cannot drive directly.

Our store manager also engages in regular exercise and fitness training, and he find it challenging to walk this path while holding two cats. The parent is struggling on their own.

Declaration: This footage was captured by the store manager when he left on his own, showing his utmost focus on taking care of the cats without engaging in other activities. Safety comes first.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店


祝大家端午節快樂✨🍾!好事接粽而來 ✨💫

Wishing everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival ✨🍾!
Difficult Chinese wording, we don't know how to translate la.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#端午 #端午節 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

Rocket 🚀 is a cat that is as black as can be, shining brightly 😼. This is already his second stay 💫✨🏯. He just wants to ...

Rocket 🚀 is a cat that is as black as can be, shining brightly 😼. This is already his second stay 💫✨🏯. He just wants to play with other cats 😸 and not with humans. You can look at him, but you can't touch him.

He's so black that you can't even see his mouth, like a Hello Kitty 🙈🤣. But he's a male cat and he's completely black.

Rocket 🚀係一隻黑到閃靈靈嘅貓 😼,今次已經係第二次入住💫✨🏯。淨係想同貓貓 😸 玩,唔想同人玩,睇得唔摸得。

佢黑到連個嘴仔都睇唔到,真係成個 Hello Kitty 咁🙈🤣,不過佢係男仔同埋黑色。


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#黑貓 #英短 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店


今日有個家長真係令我哋好感動,生咗 BB 🤱 貓毛有時會整到 BB 👼 自己又有嚴重貓毛敏感 🤧 但無諗過棄養,選擇幫佢哋剃薄啲毛。

人哋咁多困難都唔棄養,而係選擇去解決問題。佢哋嘅 BB 同貓貓真係好幸運,生活咗係一個充愛嘅家庭 🫰❤️🥰


我哋的朋友應該都好鍾意食 Wasabi, 所以有理由相信大家主子🐱都好鍾意。為咗針對呢個需求,我哋推出👉自家品牌,Wasabi 味豆腐貓砂 🥂🤤

我哋採用日本 🇯🇵 產有機山葵🌱🌿🍃☘️🍀作為製作原料,所有肥料均向日本本地貓貓😼採購,用罐罐同佢哋換便便💩,交易過程絕對百分百符合公平貿易原則💯。而且貓砂生產過程無動物傷害🎉,除了貓貓便便,全植物🌵🌴性成份,為純素 🥰 產品(Vegan)。工廠生產過程更取得 ISO9001 及 ISO14001 認證。

咁正嘅產品都只係賣緊 $399 10kg 😦😮😯, 包運費🏇,送到你門口🏠🏡。咁抵玩,大家仲唔快黎同我哋落單,只限今天,有買趁手。

Our friends must really love eating Wasabi, so we have reason to believe that everyone's cats 🐱 would enjoy it too. To cater to this demand, we are introducing our own brand, Wasabi-flavored tofu cat litter 🥂🤤

We use organic Wasabi 🌱🌿🍃☘️🍀 sourced from Japan 🇯🇵 as the main ingredient, and all fertilizers are obtained from local cats in Japan 😼 through a fair trade process where we exchange cans for their litter 💩, ensuring a 100% compliance with fair trade principles 💯. Moreover, the production of this cat litter is cruelty-free and animal-friendly 🎉, as it is made entirely from plant-based 🌵🌴 ingredients, making it a vegan 🥰 product. Our factory production process is also ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified.

This amazing product is currently priced at only $399 for 10kg 😦😮😯, including free shipping 🏇 right to your doorstep 🏠🏡. It's an incredible deal, so why not place an order with us today? This offer is only valid for today, so don't miss out.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#愚人節 #貓砂 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店 #純貓酒店 #喵之寮 #喵の寮

Today is our Store Manager V Jai 6th birthday 😼🎂🍾! Let's have a great meal with some 🧀🥓🥩🍗🍔🌭 to celebrate 🎉. Wishing you ...

Today is our Store Manager V Jai 6th birthday 😼🎂🍾! Let's have a great meal with some 🧀🥓🥩🍗🍔🌭 to celebrate 🎉. Wishing you continued good health and becoming even more handsome.

今日係店長 V 仔😼嘅月 6 歲生日🎂🍾,要食🧀🥓🥩🍗🍔🌭返餐🎉好嘅。Keep 住健健康康同埋愈來愈靚仔


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店 #貓店長

今日係女神節 ✨🍾,祝咁多位女士👸青春常駐,永遠美麗 🤗 開心快樂 ❤️🌟係呢幾日,我哋推出一個特別優惠俾咁多位女性客戶。優惠資格:所有女性客戶優惠詳情:可 8 折購買 20 日酒店服務,適用於任何時段 (包括星期日及公眾假期) (2 年有...

今日係女神節 ✨🍾,祝咁多位女士👸青春常駐,永遠美麗 🤗 開心快樂 ❤️🌟


優惠詳情:可 8 折購買 20 日酒店服務,適用於任何時段 (包括星期日及公眾假期) (2 年有效)
總數:$6384 ($319.2 一日)
截止日期:2024 年 3 月 10 日 23:59 (以成功付款計算)

有留意開我哋嘅朋友都知呢個特別優惠我哋好少推出,大家把握機會啦 🤗

Today is International Women's Day ✨🍾, and we wish all the ladies 👸 everlasting youth and eternal beauty 🤗. May you be happy and joyful ❤️🌟.

During these days, we are offering a special promotion exclusively for our female customers.

Promotion eligibility: All female customers
Promotion details: Enjoy a 20% discount on a 20-days hotel service, applicable for any time slot (including Sundays and public holidays) (Valid for 2 years).
Package Amount: $6384 ($319.2 per day)
Deadline: March 10, 2024, 23:59 (based on successful payment)

Those who follow us closely will know that we rarely offer such special promotions. Seize this opportunity and take advantage of it 🤗.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#婦女節 #38婦女節 #女神節 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店


係呢度同大家講聲,新年快樂 🫰🍾❤️

「喵之寮 Caturday Hotel」祝大家 🍾
喵肥屋潤 🍑
喵想事成 💎
喵壯力健 💪
喵源廣進 💰
喵緣旺盛 💘
呼喵換雨 🌬️

不過我成日都話,一家齊齊整整先係最幸福,所以祝大家闔家平安 💞

我哋好多住住客貓貓😻其實都好靚👑,但版面真係非常有限😣,貼唔到太多,純粹揀唔啲擺位岩用嘅,大家嘅貓貓🐱其實都一樣咁可愛 🤗


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#喵之寮 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

同大家介紹返 🤗,我哋嘅重量級靚女住客 🐱,一睇就知好有份量 🙈 岩岩入黎頭一兩日都淨係匿係房,而家已經喵喵叫咁嘈住要出嚟玩 💃🕺Let me introduce our heavyweight beautiful guest to eve...

同大家介紹返 🤗,我哋嘅重量級靚女住客 🐱,一睇就知好有份量 🙈 岩岩入黎頭一兩日都淨係匿係房,而家已經喵喵叫咁嘈住要出嚟玩 💃🕺

Let me introduce our heavyweight beautiful guest to everyone 🤗, the cat 🐱 who clearly carries a lot of weight 🙈. She spent the first couple of days hiding in the room, but now she's meowing loudly, eager to come out and play 💃🕺.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#英短 #英國短毛 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

兔兔又返黎啦 😍 上次聖誕住完之後,今次新年又返黎 🫰都仲係咁靚女,圓碌碌肥嘟嘟 ⚽ 同埋都仲係咁百厭最近換咗手機之後啲相好似再靚咗好多 ❤️ 之前啲住客好對唔住 🙏最多你哋返黎再住嘅時候同你哋影返多啲靚相 🏯✨💫Toto is back ...

兔兔又返黎啦 😍 上次聖誕住完之後,今次新年又返黎 🫰都仲係咁靚女,圓碌碌肥嘟嘟 ⚽ 同埋都仲係咁百厭

最近換咗手機之後啲相好似再靚咗好多 ❤️ 之前啲住客好對唔住 🙏最多你哋返黎再住嘅時候同你哋影返多啲靚相 🏯✨💫

Toto is back again 😍 After staying over during Christmas, she's here for the New Year too 🫰 She's still as beautiful, round and chubby ⚽ and mischievous as ever.

Since I changed my phone recently, the photos look even more beautiful ❤️ I apologize to the previous guests for not taking enough photos with you when you stayed here. When you come back to stay, we'll take more lovely photos together 🏯✨💫


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#唐貓 #梨花貓 #港短 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

呢個就係果日擠肛門線噴射🚀咗出嚟果位🐱女主角 🙈😂又話女神👸係唔會去廁所🧻🚽,點解你咁高挑💃,咁靚女🏃‍♀️,又藍色藍晶白雪雪,但係個 Pat Pat 咁污糟架 🙊🙈WhatsApp:https://wa.me/55868010Addres...

呢個就係果日擠肛門線噴射🚀咗出嚟果位🐱女主角 🙈😂

又話女神👸係唔會去廁所🧻🚽,點解你咁高挑💃,咁靚女🏃‍♀️,又藍色藍晶白雪雪,但係個 Pat Pat 咁污糟架 🙊🙈


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#長毛貓 #白貓 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

呢兩個百厭仔👻😼,係我哋咁多個住客🐱裡面跑得最鬼快💫☄️,次次小憩完咗都唔肯返入房🏯不過個個都話佢哋好靚仔😎,啲紋好靚 🐅🐆 靚仔係大晒嘅 👊🤩 佢哋身型🏋️‍♂️咁好,因為有 keep 住做運動⛹️‍♂️🧘‍♂️,次次食完飯就上跑步機,遲...

呢兩個百厭仔👻😼,係我哋咁多個住客🐱裡面跑得最鬼快💫☄️,次次小憩完咗都唔肯返入房🏯不過個個都話佢哋好靚仔😎,啲紋好靚 🐅🐆 靚仔係大晒嘅 👊🤩 佢哋身型🏋️‍♂️咁好,因為有 keep 住做運動⛹️‍♂️🧘‍♂️,次次食完飯就上跑步機,遲啲貼埋佢哋跑機片俾大家睇下 🫰❤️

These two mischievous ones 👻😼 are the fastest runners 💫☄️ among all our guests 🐱. Every time their free time is finished, they refuse to go back into their room 🏯, but everyone says they are handsome 😎 with beautiful patterns 🐅🐆. They are incredibly fit 🏋️‍♂️ because they consistently exercise ⛹️‍♂️🧘‍♂️. After every meal, they hop on the treadmill. I'll share their treadmill video with everyone later 🫰❤️.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#豹貓 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

係我哋呢度住酒店🏯,其中一樣最開心🥰嘅,就係收返好多自己仔女🐱🐯嘅靚相相 ❤️Staying at our hotel 🏯, one of the things that brings our customers the most joy ...

係我哋呢度住酒店🏯,其中一樣最開心🥰嘅,就係收返好多自己仔女🐱🐯嘅靚相相 ❤️

Staying at our hotel 🏯, one of the things that brings our customers the most joy 🥰 is receiving beautiful photos of their fur babies 🐱🐯 ❤️.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#港短 #唐貓 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

肥嘟嘟真係好鬼可愛 😍🥰❤️Chubby is truly adorable and lovable 😍🥰❤️.WhatsApp:https://wa.me/55868010Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest In...

肥嘟嘟真係好鬼可愛 😍🥰❤️

Chubby is truly adorable and lovable 😍🥰❤️.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

啲人話:百厭仔😼,有樣睇👻。大家覺得呢隻百唔百厭呢?🤗🐱People say: "You can tell whether he is mischievous😼 or not from his appearance.👻"What do yo...


People say: "You can tell whether he is mischievous😼 or not from his appearance.👻"

What do you all think? Is this cat mischievous or not? 🤗🐱


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

通常我哋都係 cut 做正方形👻先出相,但今次唔 cut 啦,真係 cut 唔到🥹,好靚 😊大家快啲黎幫貓貓 Book 影寫真 🫰啊,唔係,係 book 貓酒店先岩 😂Usually, we cut the photos into squa...

通常我哋都係 cut 做正方形👻先出相,但今次唔 cut 啦,真係 cut 唔到🥹,好靚 😊

大家快啲黎幫貓貓 Book 影寫真 🫰啊,唔係,係 book 貓酒店先岩 😂

Usually, we cut the photos into squares 👻 before posting, but this time we didn't cut them. It's just impossible to cut them 🥹. These photos are so beautiful 😊

Everyone, come quickly to book a photoshoot for your cats 🫰, no, I mean book the cat hotel service 😂.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店


有客戶同我哋反映,新年條片太長,唔方便係 WhatsApp share 俾朋友,想要條短嘅嘅片,徇眾要求,整返條 15 秒店長版俾大家,如果大家想要就 WhatsApp 我哋俾你啦 😊🤗

We received feedback from customers that the New Year video is too long and not convenient for sharing on WhatsApp with friends. They would like a shorter version of the video. In response to popular demand, we have created a 15-second director's cut for everyone. If you're interested, please WhatsApp us and we'll send it to you. 😊🤗


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#2024 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

🐱:大家估下🤗,究竟我係靚仔👻定靚女👩?🐱: Guess what, everyone? Am I a handsome boy 👻 or a beautiful girl 👩?WhatsApp:https://wa.me/55868010...


🐱: Guess what, everyone? Am I a handsome boy 👻 or a beautiful girl 👩?


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店


2023 年仲有三個鐘頭就會過去,好感恩係呢一年得到咁多客戶嘅信任興支持 🙏我哋一定會繼續努力,當大家嘅貓貓係自己仔女咁去照顧,係 2024 年再繼續與你哋同行。✨🍾🎊🎉

祝大家 2024 年全家人貓平安,無乜嘢比起全家人齊齊整整黎得更幸福 🫰

In just three hours, 2023 will come to an end. We are immensely grateful for the trust and support we have received from our customers throughout this year 🙏. We will continue to strive hard, taking care of your cats as if they were our own children, and we look forward to continuing this journey with you in 2024. ✨🍾🎊🎉

Wishing everyone a safe in 2024, because there is nothing more joyful than having the whole family, including our beloved cats, together and happy 🫰.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#2024 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店


一叫就識得走過黎🥰❤️,你嗲d媽咪👨‍👩‍👧‍👦叫你🐱可能都唔應佢哋,又跟出跟入🐾,寸步不離💞。不如你以後轉會跟哥哥我一齊住啦 🤗😂

You come over right away as soon as I call you 🥰❤️. Your sweet parents 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 might call you 🐱 but you may not respond to them. You are constantly going in and out 🐾, sticking to me every step of the way 💞. Maybe you should consider living with me in the future? 🤗😂


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店


祝大家聖誕快樂🎂🍾🍷,係屋企抱住貓貓 🐱 🐾 過一個暖笠笠嘅聖誕節 ❄️☃️

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas 🎂🍾🍷, cozying up with your cats 🐱🐾 at home to celebrate a warm and joyful Christmas ❄️☃️.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#聖誕節 #聖誕快樂 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

祝大家冬至❄️☃️快樂✨🍾!闔家平安👨‍👩‍👧‍👦,屋企嘅貓貓🐱好像湯圓🍡咁圓碌碌⚽🍨Wishing everyone a happy Winter Solstice ❄️☃️✨🍾! May your whole family be saf...


Wishing everyone a happy Winter Solstice ❄️☃️✨🍾! May your whole family be safe 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, and may your cats at home be as round and adorable as sweet dumpling 🍡⚽🍨.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#冬至 #冬至快樂 #做冬 #冬至大過年 #寒冷天氣警告 #冷鋒 #香港天文台 #天文台 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

天氣凍🌬️❄️☃️啊!大家同貓貓🐱都要注意保暖🌡️The weather is freezing 🌬️❄️☃️! Everyone, including the cats 🐱, should take care to keep warm 🌡...


The weather is freezing 🌬️❄️☃️! Everyone, including the cats 🐱, should take care to keep warm 🌡️.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#寒冷天氣警告 #冷鋒 #香港天文台 #天文台 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

出面凍冰冰🥶又大風❄️🌬️,我哋酒店🏯裡面暖笠笠🌞。因為貓貓🐱怕熱又怕凍,所以我哋酒店裡面保持恆溫。Outside is freezing cold 🥶 with strong winds ❄️🌬️, but inside our hote...


Outside is freezing cold 🥶 with strong winds ❄️🌬️, but inside our hotel 🏯, it's warm and cozy 🌞. Because cats 🐱 are sensitive to both heat and cold, we maintain a constant temperature inside our hotel.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#寒冷天氣警告 #冷鋒 #香港天文台 #天文台 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

今日氣溫會急劇下降,由 23℃ 急跌至 12℃。所以大家出門留意保暖,唔好以為朝早仲暖就鬆懈。Today, the temperature will undergo a significant drop, plummeting from 2...

今日氣溫會急劇下降,由 23℃ 急跌至 12℃。所以大家出門留意保暖,唔好以為朝早仲暖就鬆懈。

Today, the temperature will undergo a significant drop, plummeting from 23°C to 12°C. It is important for everyone to take note and ensure they stay warm, as it may be tempting to let one's guard down due to the morning warmth.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#寒冷天氣警告 #冷鋒 #香港天文台 #天文台 #貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

轉返個正面俾我影返張得唔得先?👻Can you turn around and let me take a front-facing picture first? 👻WhatsApp:https://wa.me/55868010Addres...


Can you turn around and let me take a front-facing picture first? 👻


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店


呢隻衰仔🐱今日 check out 啦 🥹

This baby 🐱 checked out today 🥹


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

性感❤️肉球🐾,迷人🥰肚腩仔👻,圓碌碌🫶面豬登🤏,好想咬下你 😂Sexy ❤️ paws 🐾, charming 🥰 little belly 👻, round and plump 🫶 face 🤏. I really want to ta...

性感❤️肉球🐾,迷人🥰肚腩仔👻,圓碌碌🫶面豬登🤏,好想咬下你 😂

Sexy ❤️ paws 🐾, charming 🥰 little belly 👻, round and plump 🫶 face 🤏. I really want to take a bite out of you 😂.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店

你啲酒店🏯房錢 🤑 仲未清,跟我返屋企陪我瞓🛌返幾晚🌛,肉償啦 😍 😂實在太可愛 ❤️ 太犯規,想要長方形原圖係下面 tag  1 個朋友留言啦 🥰You haven't paid your hotel room fees 🤑 yet, s...

你啲酒店🏯房錢 🤑 仲未清,跟我返屋企陪我瞓🛌返幾晚🌛,肉償啦 😍 😂

實在太可愛 ❤️ 太犯規,想要長方形原圖係下面 tag 1 個朋友留言啦 🥰

You haven't paid your hotel room fees 🤑 yet, so come back home with me and stay for a few nights 🌛 to make up for it 😍 😂

You're just too adorable ❤️ and irresistibly cute. Tag 1 friend in the comments below if you want the rectangular original image 🥰.


Address: Flat S, 7/F., Everest Industrial Center, 396 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

#貓酒店 #觀塘貓酒店 #香港貓酒店


觀塘道 396 號毅力工業中心 7 樓 S 室
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 20:00
Thursday 11:00 - 20:00
Friday 11:00 - 20:00
Saturday 11:00 - 20:00
Sunday 11:00 - 20:00




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