an international design consultancy with over 25 years experience creating projects all around the world. We work with all types of clients from governments, private & commercial developers, domestic end users, Institutions, blue chip companies and many more. Our experience in the Far East over the last 17 years and our developing presence in China allows us to also brin
g another dimension to our work and offer clients discernible value at all stages. Erich Fromm once said "creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties", we have and continue to strive for in all our design work, wherever possible, to help our clients not only communicate their needs but to let go of the certainties and to create inspirational design solutions. We are in essence 'storytellers with pencils' – our ability to understand the need and to then create a physical environment, a space or whatever the appropriate form requires that captures and inspires the imagination is our goal. We aspire to capture cultural and other relevant information to create a rounded, holistic, meaningful design. Imbedded in that is technology, lighting, energy, pragmatism, experience and the ability to deliver. Simply, we are designers, spatial, 3-dimensional, interior…..we have worked across a myriad of projects from zoo master-plans to fire and ice domes, all of which has allowed us to take a simple, fluid and experienced view of design.