Tai Wai Small Animal and Exotic Hospital

Tai Wai Small Animal and Exotic Hospital Tai Wai Small Animal and Exotic Hospital was the first exotic hospital established in Hong Kong. Since 1997 our team has grown to 10 vets and 60+ support staff.

We look forward to meeting and caring for your pets - cats, dogs and especially all exotics.

情人節快樂!今日就轉發你鍾意嘅圖比你心愛嘅家人同朋友啦❤️Happy Valentine’s Day! Save and forward the pictures you like to your beloved family and fr...


Happy Valentine’s Day! Save and forward the pictures you like to your beloved family and friends today❤️

情人節除左送💙💙比愛寵之餘,是時候要真真正正愛護牠們的心臟﹗我們為了愛護寵物的您,特別推行「情人節心臟健康篩查」,立即留言給我們以了解特別優惠。內容包括:- 健康檢查及諮詢* ProBNP(血液測試)* 血壓測量* 醫療點超聲波檢查 - 胸...


- 健康檢查及諮詢
* ProBNP(血液測試)
* 血壓測量
* 醫療點超聲波檢查 - 胸腔 - 基本心臟篩查**

立即預約,請致電 2687 1030。

Except giving our 💙💙 to our beloved pets, it's time for us to take care their hearts! This February, we have a special offer "Valentine's Heart Health Screen", message or call us now for more details.

What's included?
- Consultation & Health Check
- ProBNP (Blood test)
- Blood Pressure Measurement
- Point of care ultrasound - Thorax (Chest) - Basic Heart Screen**

Offer valid from 14th - 28th February, 2025.

Schedule an appointment today, call 2687 1030.
📍G/F, No 75 Chik Shun St, Tai Wai


感謝你們在2024年的支持Thank you for being part of our 2024!在2025年,醫療團隊繼續於假日無間斷提供24小時緊急獸醫服務﹗In 2025 we will continue to serve your...

Thank you for being part of our 2024!

In 2025 we will continue to serve your pets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including public holidays!

如有任何查詢或需要預約🩺醫療服務,歡迎致電我們的24小時熱線📞2687 1030。
For any enquiries or 🩺 medical appointments, please call us on our 24-hour hotline📞2687 1030.
📍G/F, No 75 Chik Shun St, Tai Wai






📩歡迎 save 低及分享

Happy Year of the Snake from us all at Taiwai Exotic! We wish you a prosperous, healthy year ahead. 🐍🧧

We’re open during the holidays with 24/7 veterinary services throughout. Be it cats, dogs, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters, terrapins, lizards, parrots or more - our medical team is here for all your pets’ emergency needs. Don’t hesitate to bring them to us anytime!

To serve more pets in need and provide quality service to animals and pet owners, we’re also downward our consultation fees in the new year.

📩Welcome to save and share
📞For any enquiries or appointments, please call our 24-hour hotline: 26871030


https://www.saveourbuffs.com/只剩一天時間來拯救我們!最後日期1月24日!加入拯救南大嶼山的水牛及其美麗的棲息地❤️Time is running out!Deadline Friday, 24th Janua...




Time is running out!
Deadline Friday, 24th January

Only 1 Day to Save Us!

Join to save South Lantau’s buffalos and their beautiful habitat

The cows of South Lantau will soon be gone. The AFCD’s bovine eradication program has prevented new births for the past six years. They are doomed to disappear.

‼️SALE ‼️YuMOVE Cat Advance 360給您的貓帶來了一個好消息!產品現以88折優惠價出售,每盒$396。**產品的過期日期為03/25**對於保健劑量(長期用戶),每5公斤貓體重給予1粒膠囊。新用戶在開始的4-6週,...

‼️SALE ‼️

YuMOVE Cat Advance 360給您的貓帶來了一個好消息!產品現以88折優惠價出售,每盒$396。**產品的過期日期為03/25**對於保健劑量(長期用戶),每5公斤貓體重給予1粒膠囊。新用戶在開始的4-6週,請給予2粒膠囊。一盒有60粒藥,可足夠1-2個月使用。別錯過這個特別優惠,貨存有限,不設預留!齊來確保您的貓保持健康和靈活的關節!

YuMOVE Cat Advance 360 has great news for you! The product is now available at a discounted price of $396, previously $450, but act fast - this offer is only valid while stocks last! The product's expiration date is 03/25. For maintenance dosages (for ongoing users), simply administer 1 capsule per 5 kg of your cat's weight. For new users during the initial 4-6 weeks, please give 2 capsules. Each box contains 60 capsules, providing a 1-2 month supply. Don't miss out on this special deal to ensure your feline companion maintains healthy joints!

                 Pet 寵物Exotic Pet 珍禽異獸寵物Dog 狗 Cat 貓Rabbit 兔仔  🐰Bird 雀   🐤Parrots 鸚鵡  🦜Hamster 倉鼠   🐹Guinea Pig 天竺鼠Tortoi...

Pet 寵物
Exotic Pet 珍禽異獸寵物
Dog 狗
Cat 貓
Rabbit 兔仔 🐰
Bird 雀 🐤
Parrots 鸚鵡 🦜
Hamster 倉鼠 🐹
Guinea Pig 天竺鼠
Tortoise 陸龜 🐢
Terrapin 水龜 🐢
Snake 蛇 🐍
Gecko 壁虎 🦎
Bearded Dragon 鬆獅蜥蜴 🦎
Tegu 泰加蜥蜴 🦎
Iguana 鬣蜥 🦎🦖
Sugar Glider 蜜袋鼯
Frog 蛙 🐸
Lizard 蜥蜴 🦎
Hedgehog 刺蝟 🦔
Fish 魚 🐠
Reptile 爬蟲類 🦎
Amphibian 兩棲類b 🐸
Small Mammal 小哺乳類動物 🐰🐹🐭







如有任何查詢或需要預約醫療服務,歡迎致電我們的24小時熱線📞2687 1030。

【Are your pet’s teeth healthy?🦷】
📝Compare your pet’s dental conditions with the photos! Share this simple test with other pet owners!!

4 Grades in Dental Grading Chart
🦷There is not much visible plaque or tartar, and the gingiva is not inflamed.
✅No professional treatment is required. Home care with brushing is recommended.

😳There is visible plaque and mild visible tartar. The margin of the gingiva may be inflamed.
🚿With scale and polish, it is possible to return to a healthy mouth. X-rays can be done but not compulsory.

😵There is visible plaque and tartar, the periodontal space is infected and the gingiva bleeds when touched.
⚠️Treatment is required. Scale & polish, dental x-rays to check for damage under the gingiva. May need extractions.

😱Extensive plaque and tartar, severe infection. Gums have receded in places and there is bone loss as well. Very painful mouth for the pet.
⚠️Treatment is required. Scale & polish, dental x-rays to check for damage under the gingiva, and extractions.

For any enquiries or medical appointments, please call us on our 24-hour hotline📞2687 1030.
📍G/F, No 75 Chik Shun St, Tai Wai

#牙齒護理 #洗牙 #牙石 #拔牙






如有任何查詢或需要預約醫療服務,歡迎致電我們的24小時熱線📞2687 1030。

【⏰Limited Dental Care Offer for Cats & Dogs🦷】

One in every two pets has dental problems, and this could lead to disease, a lot of pain, and could greatly impact their health, such as causing heart disease or chronic kidney disease⚠️. As a responsible pet owner🤓, we need to take our pets for regular veterinary dental check and ensure their oral health.

From now on till 31st Dec, 2024, we have an amazing offer for your pet’s dental care. Special dental care package: HK$4,500 for Cats🐱, HK$4,900 for Dogs🐶.
Package includes:
🦷Scale and Polish
🩻Dental X-rays
🩺Pre-anaethestic vet check
💉IV fluid therapy
🎯General anaethestic

By prioritizing dental care, pet owners can help ensure their pets lead healthier, happier lives.😁

For any enquiries or medical appointments, please call us on our 24-hour hotline📞2687 1030.
📍G/F, No 75 Chik Shun St, Tai Wai

#牙齒護理 #洗牙 #牙石 #拔牙

【🩺利用內窺鏡於龜龜體內取出異物🐢】🔬使用內窺鏡檢查是需要長時間訓練及技術指導。由於我們有不同體型的患病寵物和品種,使用內窺鏡檢查時需要根據不同用途及狀況作出調整。 Dr Vicente👨‍⚕️接收了的一名龜龜,牠吞食了塑膠異物,有腸道阻塞...



Dr Vicente👨‍⚕️接收了的一名龜龜,牠吞食了塑膠異物,有腸道阻塞的風險。Dr Reece🧑‍⚕️協助他利用柔性光纖內窺鏡從胃中取出異物。👏

如有任何查詢或需要預約醫療服務,歡迎致電我們的24小時熱線📞2687 1030。

【🩺Rigid Endoscopy foreign body removal in a terrapin🐢】

🔬Utilizing endoscopy is an acquired skill - we have different types of scopes that are used in different size patients, and for different reasons.

Here, Dr Vicente 👨‍⚕️has a patient that ingested a plastic foreign body posting an intestinal blockage risk. Dr Reece 🧑‍⚕️assisted him utilizing the flexible fiber optic endoscope to aid in retrieving the foreign body from the stomach.👏

For any enquiries or medical appointments, please call us on our 24-hour hotline📞2687 1030.
📍G/F, No 75 Chik Shun St, Tai Wai

#珍禽異獸寵物 #內窺鏡檢查

【🌎世界狐猴日】首次的「世界狐猴日」於2014年由創辦人Jonah Ratsimmbazafy在馬達加斯加舉辦。大約 2000 年前,人類遷移到島上,導致狐猴的生存範圍被限制在大約 10% 的土地上。 98% 的狐猴物種面臨滅絕威脅,31%...

首次的「世界狐猴日」於2014年由創辦人Jonah Ratsimmbazafy在馬達加斯加舉辦。
大約 2000 年前,人類遷移到島上,導致狐猴的生存範圍被限制在大約 10% 的土地上。 98% 的狐猴物種面臨滅絕威脅,31% 極度瀕危。🥹


如有任何查詢或需要預約醫療服務,歡迎致電我們的24小時熱線📞2687 1030。

【🌎World Lemur Day】
The holiday was first observed in 2014, when it was founded by Jonah Ratsimmbazafy in Antananarivo, Madagascar. The migrations of humans onto the island about 2,000 years ago led to lemurs being restricted to around 10% of the land. 98% of lemur species are threatened with extinction and 31% critically endangered.🥹

Their name is derived from the Latin “lemures”, meaning “specters” or “ghosts”. Today, several species of lemurs are critically endangered⚠️. They are threatened by a myriad of environmental issues, hunting, climate change, and the exotic pet trade. They are running out of resources for survival, largely due to habitat destruction and degradation.😭

For any enquiries or medical appointments, please call us on our 24-hour hotline📞2687 1030.
📍G/F, No 75 Chik Shun St, Tai Wai

#珍禽異獸寵物 #狐猴 #世界狐猴日

【拔牙好可怕 ?! 🦷⚡️⚡️】獸醫牙科需要進階培訓才能正確進行牙科治療,是一項需要長時期訓練出來的技巧💉。由於不同品種之間存在差異,牙科治療需要獨特的技能是可以理解的。這裡,Dr Erika正為一隻狗進行拔牙手術,同時傳授技巧給其他獸醫,...

【拔牙好可怕 ?! 🦷⚡️⚡️】

獸醫牙科需要進階培訓才能正確進行牙科治療,是一項需要長時期訓練出來的技巧💉。由於不同品種之間存在差異,牙科治療需要獨特的技能是可以理解的。這裡,Dr Erika正為一隻狗進行拔牙手術,同時傳授技巧給其他獸醫,並有效利用牙科機器和設備。


如有任何查詢或需要預約🦷醫療服務,歡迎致電我們的24小時熱線📞2687 1030。

【Tooth Extraction is scary?! 🦷⚡️⚡️】

Veterinary Dentistry is an acquired skill and advanced training is required to perform dentals appropriately. 💉With all the differences in the species, it is understandable that dentistry can provide unique skills. Here Dr Erika is performing a tooth extraction procedure in a dog while teaching the veterinarians; Utilizing the dental machine and equipment efficiently.

🩺Performing the correct approach to the specific tooth extraction (all teeth have a different root structure and require a specific technique to ensure complete extraction). Creating a gingival flap to aid in the mouth healing after tooth has been removed.

For any enquiries or 🦷 medical appointments, please call us on our 24-hour hotline📞2687 1030.
📍G/F, No 75 Chik Shun St, Tai Wai





如有任何查詢或需要預約,歡迎致電我們的24小時熱線📞2687 1030。

【🌎World Okapi Day】
🤔What is an Okapi? Imagine a zebra mixed with a giraffe! The okapi (Okapia johnstoni) is a species native to the dense rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa. They are solitary and herbivores lovingly referred to as the "African unicorn" 🦄due to its striking appearance. Okapis are classified as endangered, primarily due to habitat destruction (burning forests plants for agriculture purposes), Illegal gold mining and poaching.

World Okapi Day aims to raise awareness on the need to protect forest ecosystems🪵🌴🦓, as loss of habitat is directly linked with wildlife extinction. Indeed, when habitat is destroyed, it can't provide animals' basic needs, including shelter, food and water! 🌳 If you're passionate about wildlife conservation and interested in celebrating World Okapi Day, there are various ways to get involved. Learn about the Okapi, support conservation organizations, participate in events, and spread the word.

For any enquiries or medical appointments, please call us on our 24-hour hotline📞2687 1030.
📍G/F, No 75 Chik Shun St, Tai Wai







如有任何查詢或需要預約醫療服務,歡迎致電我們的24小時熱線📞2687 1030。

【🌏World Migratory Bird Day🐦🦅🦇】

In 2024, World Migratory Bird Day is celebrated on two days, 11 May and 12 October, aligning with the cyclic nature of bird migration in different hemispheres.

“Birds play crucial roles in pollination and pest control while migrating.
The reason to create awareness for these amazing phenomenon are mainly to stress the need for proactive conservation measures. This includes reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and where possible, switching to organic farming worldwide. Other measures include maintaining and connecting areas of natural vegetation which provide food and shelter for birds and other species, in agricultural landscapes.” Migratory Bird Day

💪How can we help? Support pesticide free, organic, free-range products & produce in your local communities. Donate to local charities supporting these worthy causes. Reduce, re-use & recycle.

For any enquiries or medical appointments, please call us on our 24-hour hotline📞2687 1030.
📍G/F, No 75 Chik Shun St, Tai Wai

#珍禽異獸寵物 #世界候鳥日

世界獸醫護士日 2024今日我們一齊慶祝專業獸醫護士為獸醫行業提供寶貴及專業的服務獸醫護士具備專業知識及多元化的技能: 包括麻醉監察、x光 影像、資深護理及照顧深切治療的患病寵物。.我們的護士團隊提供專業護理及治療患病的寵物:沒有獸醫護士就...

世界獸醫護士日 2024


獸醫護士具備專業知識及多元化的技能: 包括麻醉監察、x光 影像、資深護理及照顧深切治療的患病寵物。.


致我們的獸醫護士 - 感謝你們的悉心照顧與辛勤工作。 我們感謝您們所做的一齊🫶🏻。

World Veterinary Nurse Day 2024

Today we are Celebrating the importance & value these professionals bring to the veterinary world.

Veterinary nurses are highly skilled in many different fields: anaesthesia, taking X-rays, advanced nursing care of critical patients - just to name a few.

Our nurses are essential for the care & treatment of all the pets admitted in our wards: we simply cannot run veterinary hospitals without them!

To all our vet nurses - thank you for your amazing care & hard work. We appreciate everything you do !

From All the veterinarians at Tai Wai


【龜龜因陰莖脫垂而進行內窺鏡檢查】你知道嗎?原來龜龜出現陰莖脫垂的情況是相當普遍 。早前Dr Yu Han 診斷出一隻龜龜出現陰莖脫垂,而調查的其中一部分需要用內窺鏡來檢查。Dr Yu Han 在進行內窺鏡檢查時,專科獸醫Dr Vicent...


你知道嗎?原來龜龜出現陰莖脫垂的情況是相當普遍 。
早前Dr Yu Han 診斷出一隻龜龜出現陰莖脫垂,而調查的其中一部分需要用內窺鏡來檢查。Dr Yu Han 在進行內窺鏡檢查時,專科獸醫Dr Vicente 亦在旁指導及協助。

【Rigid endoscopy in a tortoise with pr*****ed p***s】
Did you know? Pr*****ed p***s is a common issue in tortoise.
Previously Dr Yu Han diagnosed a pr*****ed p***s in a tortoise, part of the investigation involves an endoscopy examination. Dr Vicente provides valuable guidance & explanation as Dr Yu Han performs the endoscopy procedure in a fully anesthetized patient. There are several reasons why this could happen, for example, trauma during mating, if they have a tumour or urinary infections.
The p***s of a tortoise is an internal organ that only become exposed with mating. When the p***s remains extruded, meaning it does not contract internally on its own, it is deemed pr*****ed. Internal investigation via endoscopy helps us to assess possible reasons for the prolapse to determine if it can be resolved, or if the p***s should be amputated instead. Even though this sounds quite drastic, the p***s does not contain parts of the urinary tract like in dogs or cats, and it is just a small muscular structure that can be removed without effecting the reptiles quality of life.



At our hospital, we have a diverse team of veterinarians that regularly collaborate on cases and perform procedures together. We do this predominantly to provide a comprehensive care and treatment approach for our patients in all the different species.
As trained medical professionals, we collaborate to provide an In-house training platform for our veterinarians, technicians, nurses, veterinary assistants and even veterinary students. Each species has unique characteristics and with the combined efforts we ensure the best possible outcome for each patient.
During this month, we will share a sneak peak into “behind the scenes” training that is part of our practice culture. We are proud of all our veterinarians and their teams, and very fortunate to work with and under our specialists’ guidance at Taiwai Small Animal & Exotic Hospital.




⭐️免於飢餓與口渴的自由 - 隨時獲得食水和食物來維持健康及活力。
⭐️免於不適的自由 - 提供適當的環境,包括飼養環境和具有正常活動範圍(睡眠、坐著、站立、行走、跑步)的舒適休息區。

如有任何查詢或需要預約醫療服務,歡迎致電我們的24小時熱線📞2687 1030。

【🌍World Animal Day🦎🐶🐱🐰🐍🐢】
Today we celebrate “World Animal Day”, and we hope to take this opportunity to raise people’s awareness in animal rights and welfare across the globe.💪

“Global animal protection is a critical issue that many fight for and face daily. World Animal Day helps bring people together to increase awareness and improve education worldwide so animals can live the lives they deserve.” - World Animal Protection 🤝

🧐Did you know… what are the 5 animal freedoms?
⭐️Freedom from Hunger and Thirst - through ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour.
⭐️Freedom from Discomfort - by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area with normal range of movement (sleeping, sitting, standing, walking, running).
⭐️Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease - by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.
⭐️Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour - by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind.
⭐️Freedom from Fear and Distress - by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid physical and mental suffering.

For any enquiries or medical appointments, please call us on our 24-hour hotline📞2687 1030.
📍G/F, No 75 Chik Shun St, Tai Wai



G/F, Shop C-D, Lap Wo Building, 69-75 Chik Shun Street
Hong Kong


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