Thank you so much. Be my valentines today. I love you all. 🫰🐶🫶🐱🐕💘🐈⬛ Happy Valentine's Day.
多謝今日各位陪我做嘢嘅小情人, jer jer愛你。情人節快樂!! 🫰🐶🫶🐱🐕💘🐈⬛
#hkpetsitter_yoko #hkcatsitter #mongrel #shiba #happyvalentinesday #catsitter #bemyvalentine #neko #inu #sweetheart #catislove #dogislove #jeanbearyopetsitting #adoptdontshop #shiba #domesticlonghaircat #yoko姐姐之湊喵日誌 #專業上門寵物保姆 #專業上門寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #貓咪保姆_yoko姐姐 #情人節快樂 #情人節 #情人節曬命 #唐狗 #柴犬 #狗保姆 #家貓 #寵物保姆
Elder sister September and little brother Monday~~ They are both very sweet and hooman lover!
家姐9月與細細佬星期一, 細細佬總係一臉天真嬌樣, 又乖又親人。 而家姐雖然有初四樣, 但佢係一個好溫柔同嗲人嘅喵喵。
#cat #catsofinstagram #catsitter #hkcat #hkcatsitter #hkcatsitter_yoko #catvisit #jeanbearyocatvisit #jeanbearyocatsitting #septemberandmonday #september #monday #localcat #tabbycat #neko #catty #kitten #catoftheday #domesticshorthair #家喵 #唐貓 #yoko姐姐 #yoko姐姐之湊喵日誌 #喵 #家貓 #喵星人 #貓
papa is the best one, He has cancer, but he is doing well. We need to feed him the wet food and special care. Hope you get well very soon. good boy, papa.
papa係年老喵喵, 有鼻cancer, 需要特別照顧, 但佢好乖好合作, 要快快好返, 多多食嘢, 先可以同病魔對抗, 加油。
#jeanbearyopetsitting #hkcatsitter #catsitter #jeanbearyocatsitting #seniorcat #papa #papameow #meow #cat #hkcat #tabbycat #tabbymeow #tabby #catvisit #domesticshorthair #neko #petsitter #老貓 #老貓照顧 #寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆 #喵星人 #貓保姆 #貓咪保姆 #喵保姆 #家貓 #唐貓 #虎紋 #港短 #虎紋貓
Holiday Surcharges and Additional Rates
Please be noted that there is an additional holiday surcharge 10% on Chinesw New Year holiday from 4th Feb 2024 to 18th Feb 2024.
Thank you very much.
請注意, 由2024年2月4日起到2024年2月18日嘅農曆新年期間, 我哋會收取10%假期服務費用。多謝支持。
#jeanbearyodogwalking #dogwalker #hkdogwalk #hkdogwalker_yoko #yokojerjer #hkdogwalking #hkdogwalker #catsitter #jeanbearyopetsitting #hkpetsitter_yoko #jeanbearyocatsitting #petsitter #yoko姐姐之湊狗日誌 #yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆日記 #專業上門寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #領養不購買 #yoko姐姐之湊喵日誌
Happy Catmas to all Furries~~ 🐶🦊🐱🐈🐕🐗🐃🐰🐭🦔🦒🐦🐿🐇🦇🐁🐐🐑
Merry Catmas!! ☃️❄🎄
祝所有喵狗兔鼠所有動物有個快樂聖誕~~~ 🐶🦊🐱🐈🐕🐗🐃🐰🐭🦔🦒🐦🐿🐇🦇🐁🐐🐑
聖誕快樂!! ☃️❄🎄
#jeanbearyopetsitting #hkpetsitter
#hkpetsitter_yoko #hkdogwalker
#dogwalker #petsitter #petlover #doglover #merryxmas #xmasgift #xmasgiftfordogs #merrychristmas #yokojerjer #oxmastree #xmastree #christmastree #yoko姐姐 #yoko姐姐之湊狗日誌 #寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #寵物保母 #寵物保姆 #寵物 #狗狗日常 #聖誕禮物 #聖誕樹 #聖誕節 #聖誕快樂 #狗狗聖誕 #汪星人 #喵星人
We wish you and your furry friends all the very best for the Christmas season and the New Year. Stay safe, and get in touch with the jeanbearyo team if you ever need a helping hand.
With warmest regards,
Yoko from jeanbearyo pet sitting services
祝各位聖誕快樂!! ☃️❄🎄
#jeanbearyopetsitting #hkpetsitter
#hkpetsitter_yoko #hkdogwalker
#dogwalker #petsitter #petlover #merryxmas #bunnyxmas #hkpet #merrychristmas #yokojerjer #bunny #rabbit #santapaws #furrychristmas #yoko姐姐 #yoko姐姐之湊狗日誌 #寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #寵物保母 #寵物保姆 #寵物 #聖誕節 #聖誕快樂 #狗狗聖誕 #汪星人 #喵星人 #兔兔
jeanbearyo pet sitting services Annoucement
Please be noted that availability is limited booking in Dec 2023 and Jan 2024. Please reserve in advance we will more than likely be able to provide the services to you.
Thank you very much.
請注意, 我哋嘅2023年12月以及2024年1月嘅booking, 尚餘少量空檔日期, 如有需要, 請儘早與我哋查詢或留位。謝謝。
#jeanbearyodogwalking #dogwalker #hkdogwalk #hkdogwalker_yoko #yokojerjer #hkdogwalking #hkdogwalker #catsitter #jeanbearyopetsitting #hkpetsitter_yoko #jeanbearyocatsitting #petsitter #yoko姐姐之湊狗日誌 #yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆日記 #專業上門寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #領養不購買 #yoko姐姐之湊喵日誌
New friend, gau wong mui mui, she is one of leo chai (lab)'s friend. gau wong is a bit shy, but she will be very sweet once you get her trust. At the same time, we do some interaction with build confidence and make her feel more enjoy her walking.
And gau wong mui mui looks like as my fanshyshu, same tooth and same eyes when looking at me.
韭黃妹妹係leo仔嘅好朋友, 佢性格比較怕醜, 但信任咗你之後, 佢都係一個嗲嗲豬嚟。與此同時, 為咗可以得到佢嘅信任, 我哋walk佢嘅時候, 都會同佢做一d提升自信嘅互動, 令佢可以好好享受行街街嘅樂趣。
又, 韭黃妹妹同我哋嘅開國功神, 蕃薯薯好似樣, 牙仔同眼神係似到jerjer偏心晒韭黃妹妹。
#gauwong #mongrel #adoptdontshop #dogwalker #petsitter #mixbreed #jeanbearyodogwalking #hkdog #gauwongandyoko #gauwongmuimui #hkdogwalker_yoko #yokojerjer #hkdogwalker #jeanbearyopetsitting #hkpet #localdog #hkpetsitter_yoko #yoko姐姐之湊狗日誌 #yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆日記 #專業上門寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #領養不購買 #唐狗 #寵物保母 #唐狗係最好 #唐狗是寶 #韭黃 #韭黃妹妹
Euzzy needs time to warm up, He is shy but we try our best to make him feels more comfortable while his pawents are away.
Euzzy係超級怕醜仔, 我哋盡最大努力令到佢感到安心舒適, 就算佢爸媽離港外遊。
#jeanbearyocatvisit #catlover #jeanbearyocatsitting #catsitter #hkcatsitter_yoko #euzzy #domesticshorthair #euzzyandyoko #neko #gingerwhite #gingerwhitecat #domesticshorthaircat #euzzymeow #meow #hkcatsitting #adoptdontshop #yoko姐姐 #yoko姐姐之湊喵日誌 #貓咪保姆_yoko姐姐 #貓保姆 #寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆 #家貓 #本地貓 #本地短毛貓 #寵物 #喵星人 #喵星人的日常 #湊人喵b最開心 #香港短毛貓
Long story but must read if you have flat faced breed.
Last night, mus has got the heatstroke after his walk (10pm). Even we only carry him outside have a pee n poo quick walk. Still cannot avoid the heatstroke.
Flat-faced breeds can suffer from a range of health and welfare issues including breathing problems, digestive issues, eye diseases, difficulty giving birth, spinal malformations, exercise and heat intolerance, sleeping difficulties, skin and ear diseases, as well as dental disease.
Breathing problems bring out Mus has heatstroke, we found his breath difficult and throwing up white foam.
We called the 24hrs emergency service immediately and sent Mus to there and needed the oxygen therapy.
Oxygen therapy is the act of supplementing the air the dog breathes with extra oxygen. This is needed in many situations when the pets has breathing difficulties and struggles to absorb oxygen or transporting that oxygen around the body.
Luckily Mus is ok now and we are doing more special care for him.
If you also have the flat faced breeds, please keep on eye for their breath, humidity, weather (even winter).
On the other hands, we are so sorry to cancel some dog walking job last night and today and thank you so much for all of the owner's understanding, the care feom the clinic, my fds who help me.
#musmus #mus #jeanbearyopetsitting #frenchie #frenchielover #frenchielife #frenchbulldog #doghealthtips #dogheatstroke #hkdogwalking #musandyoko #doghealth #hkpetsitter #petsitter #bulldog #hkdogwalker_yoko #loveislove #hkpetsitter_yoko #dogsitter #frenchbulldogpuppy #yoko姐姐之湊狗日誌 #yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆日記 #寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆 #法國老虎狗 #法虎 #法國鬥牛犬 #狗狗保姆 #狗狗中暑
Are you looking for the professional pet sitter to stay with your sweetheart while you are away? ♡jeanbearyo offer the professional pet sitting services, don't hesitate to contact us at +852 6284 7263 or email us [email protected]
想安心去旅行但又唔捨得家中嘅小可愛? 又或者想搵一個有豐富照顧動物經驗嘅人上門照顧寵物, ♡jeanbearyo 寵物保母服務可幫到你, 有需要請打 6284 7263 或電郵到 [email protected] 同我哋聯絡。
#petsitterhongkong #hkpetsitter_yoko #hkpetsitter #hkdogcareservices #hkdogowner #doglover #hkdogwalker #jeanbearyodogwalking #happydoggy #jeanbearyopetsitting #hkpetnanny #hkdogcarer #dogwalkbuddy #petcarer #dogdaycare #hkdogboardingservices #yoko姐姐 #yoko姐姐之湊狗日誌 #流口水 #專業上門寵物保姆 #專業上門寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #湊狗達人 #放狗buddy #寵物託管保姆 #專業寵物託管 #寵物託管
New friends, Fay Mic and Mu. Hope see you two again.
新朋友仔, 肥米同埋亞mu, 希望有緣再見la!!
#jeanbearyocatvisit #catlover #jeanbearyocatsitting #catsitter #hkcatsitter_yoko #faymicandmu #domesticshorthair #localcat #neko #tricolorcat #domesticshorthaircat #meow #hkcatsitting #adoptdontshop #yoko姐姐 #yoko姐姐之湊喵日誌 #貓咪保姆_yoko姐姐 #貓保姆 #喵保姆 #寵物保姆yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆 #家貓 #本地貓 #本地短毛貓 #寵物 #喵星人 #喵星人的日常 #唐貓 #三色貓 #肥米亞mu
halo our new bbf luffy boy~~ 🐶😍🐕😘 xoxo
你好ar! 新相識嘅毛毛朋友 luffy仔仔! 🐕😍🐶😘 xoxo
#hkpetsitter_yoko #hkpetsitter #hkdogcareservices #poodle #hkdogowner #doglover #luffy #luffyandyoko #happydoggy #jeanbearyopetsitting #petsitter #redpoodle #hkpetnanny #teddybear #hkdogcarer #dogdaycare #yoko姐姐 #專業上門寵物保姆 #專業上門寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #放狗buddy #寵物保姆 #寵物 #寵物託管 #貴婦狗 #貴婦 #寵物保母 #寵物保姆日記 #寵物保母_yoko姐姐 #yoko姐姐之湊狗日誌 #yoko姐姐
Polka does do her great job on her subcutaneous fluids and medicine treatment, she is very sweet and very calm during the fluid treatment.
Polka喵真係超乖, 打皮下水同餵藥其間都非常合作, Polka身體健康唷。
#jeanbearyopetsitting #hkcatsitter #catsitter #jeanbearyocatsitting #fluidinjectionforcat #kidneycat #kidneydiseasecat #kidneydisease #polkameow #meow #hkcat #polkaandyoko #domesticshorthair #neko #腎病貓 #腎貓 #腎病貓照顧 #皮下水 #貓打皮下水 #腎貓照護 #寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆 #貓星人 #貓保姆 #貓咪保姆 #腎貓照顧 #喵保姆 #家貓 #唐貓 #喵星人
🐱99meow: Hello, I am a beautiful 99 meow. 🥰🐈
九九🐱: 你哋好, 我叫九九係一隻好靚嘅布偶喵。
#jeanbearyocatvisit #hkcatvisit #jeanbearyocatsitting #hkcat #hkcatsitter #hkcatsitter_yoko #ragdoll #ragdollcat #99meow #99meowandyoko #hkpet #hkpetsitter_yoko #pet #blueeyescat #catsitter #meow #九九 #yoko姐姐之湊喵日誌 #yoko姐姐 #布偶猫 #布偶 #藍眼精 #喵 #喵星人 #寵物保姆yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆 #貓保姆 #貓咪保姆日記 #專業上門寵物保姆 #專業上門寵物保姆_yoko姐姐
Kinobi and Nikka. funny and sweet. 🐱🐾😺
好嗲又好甜嘅姊妹花, kinobi and nikka. 🐱🐾😺
#jeanbearyocatvisit #catlover #jeanbearyocatsitting #catsitter #hkcatsitter_yoko #nikka #konobi #domesticshorthair #neko #tabbycat #gingercat #domesticshorthaircat #kinobiandnikka #hkcatsitting #adoptdontshop #yoko姐姐 #yoko姐姐之湊喵日誌 #貓咪保姆_yoko姐姐 #貓保姆 #喵保姆 #寵物保姆yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆 #唐貓 #本地短毛貓 #寵物 #喵星人 #喵星人的日常 #港短 #蝴蝶紋貓 #橘貓
jeanbearyo pet sitting services Annoucement
Please be noted that we will be on holiday from 22nd May to 2nd June 2023. And back to work on 19th January 2023.
Thank you.
Kitkit is the queen of queen, she is shy but also ask for the attention on her. afyer all. she is 17 years old. 🐾🐱❤️🥰
Kitkit係喵喵中嘅太皇太后, 佢唔容易接受新嘅人, 畢竟佢都17歲, 係需要多d關愛嘅。🐾🐱❤️🥰
#jeanbearyocatvisit #catlover #jeanbearyocatsitting #catsitter #hkcatsitter_yoko #kitkit #domesticshorthair #neko #whitecat #domesticlonghair #domesticlonghaircat #kitkitmeow #meow #hkcatsitting #adoptdontshop #kitkitandyoko #yoko姐姐 #yoko姐姐之湊喵日誌 #貓咪保姆_yoko姐姐 #貓保姆 #喵保姆 #寵物保姆yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆 #家貓 #本地短毛貓 #寵物 #喵星人 #喵星人的日常 #白貓 #白喵
jeanbearyo pet sitting services Annoucement
Please be noted that our pet sitting services were fully booke from now on to April 2023.
We recommend at least one month in advance to reserve the booking.
Thank you very much.
我哋嘅booking由而家到4月都已經fully booked, 如有需要我哋嘅上門寵物保姆服務, 請提前1個月預約。謝謝。
#jeanbearyodogwalking #dogwalker #hkdogwalk #hkdogwalker_yoko #yokojerjer #hkdogwalking #hkdogwalker #catsitter #jeanbearyopetsitting #hkpetsitter_yoko #jeanbearyocatsitting #petsitter #yoko姐姐之湊狗日誌 #yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆日記 #專業上門寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #領養不購買 #yoko姐姐之湊喵日誌
We are not walk Harley 🐶 regularly but we have to build up the relationship between us becaues of her pawent's BIG DAY in March. She is the one a bit shy but having treats more than anything. ❤️🐾🐕
哈莉🐶係一隻比較怕醜但又好鍾意食嘢嘅狗狗, 有嘢食就咩都可以。因為3月係哈莉爸媽嘅大日子, 所以就搵咗我哋幫手照顧哈莉幾個鐘。呢日我哋就係同哈莉建立信任, 令到大日子個日更加流暢。❤️🐾🐕
#jeanbearyodogwalking #harley #harleyandyoko #mongrel #adoptdontshop #dogwalker #hkdogwalk #hkdogwalker_yoko #yokojerjer #hkdogwalking #hkdogwalker #paws #jeanbearyopetsitting #inu #hkpetsitter_yoko #woof #petsitter #happydog #tonggau #hongkongvillagedog #yoko姐姐之湊狗日誌 #yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #寵物保姆日記 #專業上門寵物保姆_yoko姐姐 #領養不購買 #唐狗 #唐狗是寶 #汪星人 #哈莉