🎄Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town🎶!
同時祝願每個生病嘅毛孩早日康復,令爸爸媽媽不再擔心~ 🌟
🎄Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town🎶!
The Christmas decorations at Concordia Pet Care are now perfectly set up, and we hope that all the 'pawents' who visit us can feel the warm and loving holiday atmosphere! 🎅✨
December is a month full of hope and joy, and no matter how busy or anxious you may feel, we hope every pet parent who comes in with their fur babies can experience a sense of relaxation and comfort. 💖
We also wish for every sick pet to recover soon, so their parents no longer have to worry! 🌟
During this special time of spreading love and warmth, Concordia Pet Care will continue to provide the best care for every fur baby.
Let’s all look forward to a joyful and cozy Christmas together! 🎁🐾
#concordiapetcare #hkpets #hkdogs #hkcats #hkrabbits #hkparrots #hkhamsters #hkpethospital #hkvets #hkbet #happyvalleyvet #merrychristmas #2024christmas #Christmas #康迪亞獸醫 #聖誕 #2024聖誕 #香港貓 #香港狗 #香港寵物 #香港聖誕寵物 #香港珍禽異獸 #香港兔 #兔 #獸醫 #香港2024聖誕 #聖誕節 #Holidayseason #Christmasgifts
【Femoral Fracture in a Lovebird】
Dr. Zoltan performed one of the most delicate orthopaedic surgeries he has ever done. He repaired a femoral fracture on a brave little lovebird named "Pur," who weighs only 46 grams!Her femur, measuring just 1.2 mm in diameter, had a clean break, and the challenge was to stabilize it with a tiny, 0.8 mm intramedullary pin.
Despite her size, she showed incredible strength during the procedure, proving that even the smallest creatures can be the mightiest fighters. These small birds don't tolerate long anaesthesia very well, so Dr. Zoltan had to be quick, and he managed to finish the surgery in 14 minutes.
【Yukina肝葉扭轉康復記——來自Dr. Jamie的病例分享🐰】
還記得Yukina嗎?一隻兩歲半的兔子。她數個月前才因為罕見的大腸阻塞問題而前來進行手術。她一直表現正常,直到最近突然因為不進食及排便變小而前來檢查 。
我們懷疑她對輸血有遲發性過敏反應,但開始服用抗敏藥後便很快地退燒。開始用藥後幾天,Yukina 經過我們團隊照料後出院,回診的紅血球指數也回升至42!🥳
【Yukina's Healing from Liver Lobe Torsion——a case shared by Dr. Jamie🐰】
Liver lobe torsion is commonly seen in rabbits. With acute torsion, bleeding from the twisted liver lobe can sometimes result in severe anaemia and death if untreated‼️
This 2.5-year-old rabbit named "Yukina" was here just a few months ago, undergoing surgery for an unusual condition of
在微小的膀胱上進行微創膀胱切開術。這隻名叫“Mic Mic”的2.5歲雄性龍貓突然開始排出帶血的尿液。Jamie醫生進行了CT掃描,發現Mic Mic有一顆直徑4毫米的膀胱結石。有趣的是,膀胱結石常見於雄性龍貓,但幾乎不見於雌性龍貓。根據文獻記載,這些結石往往會復發。然而,根據Zoltan醫生的經驗,如果在同時進行去勢的情況下移除結石,復發的風險可以大大降低。
為了治療Mic Mic的病情,康迪亞珍禽異獸醫療團隊做了一個尾側正中切口,並進行了腹部去勢。接著,通過同一傷口,分離出膀胱,做了一個5毫米長的切口,成功取出了結石。膀胱用5/0聚單卡環縫合材料分兩層縫合。
【Bladder Stone in a Chinchilla】
A micro cystotomy on a tiny bladder. This 2.5-year-old male chinchilla named “Mic Mic” suddenly started to pass bloody urine. Dr. Jamie took a CT scan and discovered that Mic Mic had a bladder stone that was 4mm in diameter. Interestingly, bladder stones are often seen in male chinchillas but hardly ever in females. Based on the literature these stones often recur. Dr. Zoltan's experience is that if we castrate the chinchillas concurrently with the removal of the stone, the risk of recurrence can be greatly reduced.
To treat Mic Mic’s condition, first, we made a caudal midline incision and performed an abdominal castration. Next, through the same wound, we isolated the bladder, made a 5-mm-long incision, and removed the stone. The bladder was closed in two layers using 5/0 poliglecaprone suture material.
🐱Chu Jai,一隻18歲的短毛家貓, 因持續鼻出血和慢性貓流感症狀尋求第二醫療建議,Chu Jai 嘗試了多種治療,他對其中部分治療有所反應;然而,他的症狀似乎持續進展,反復出現鼻出血和發展單側粘液膿性分泌物。
👩⚕️Dr. Elise Robertson是ABVS®認證的專科獸醫,她同時是貓科和內窺鏡的專科獸醫。她在將近15年前創立了Endoscopy Vet Referrals,旨在提供高品質、高效率和便捷的轉診服務。她前往全球各地轉診的診所進行門診犬貓內窺鏡手術,提供所有診斷和治療性微創介入所需的設備。地方門診內窺鏡服務可以減輕許多客戶因前往遙遠和陌生的臨床環境而產生的焦慮。
內窺鏡專家Dr. Elise 擅長進行各類內窺鏡檢查診斷、微創手術和介入性激光手術治療。她於2024年1月底在康迪亞獸醫應診,於是Chu Jai 獲得了Dr. Elise 的診斷和治療幫助。
Dr. Elise 和Chu Jai 家長根據Chu Jai 持續鼻出血和慢性貓流感的症狀及Chu Jai的治療經歷 , 討論了很多像Chu Jai 這樣的老年貓的主要不同診斷,包括鼻腫瘤、真菌性鼻炎和慢性FHV-1誘發的免疫介導淋巴漿細胞性鼻炎等等。經討論後,Chu Jai安排進行了CT和鼻腔鏡檢查,進行診斷和可能的治療干預。經檢查確認了通向鼻咽腔的腫瘤。由於腫瘤的血管性質,使用激光進行血管消融和減少組織細胞,以實現受控止血。同時將切除的組織樣本提交進行組織病理學檢查。
根據Chu Jai的組織病理學結果,證實了Chu Jai 的腫瘤為鼻腔腺癌。鼻腺癌是一種影響貓和狗鼻腔的癌症。 它是一種惡性腫瘤,是一種相對罕見的癌症,但一旦發生,它可能具有侵襲性並可能致命。貓狗鼻腺癌最常見的症狀包括打噴嚏、流鼻涕、面部腫脹或畸形、呼吸困難和頻繁的呼吸道感染。
Chu Jai 的主人理解激光
在手術過程中,我們預計會看到大量膿液在鼻腔中,但我們震驚地發現Latte的鼻子裡滿是乾草!原來,她有一個口鼻瘺管,這是嘴巴和鼻子之間的開口,讓她每次吃東西時乾草都會進入鼻道。雖然瘺管無法關閉,但手術還是成功了,Latte自那以後狀況大有好轉。她的主人(IG @melody.rabbit)現在可以保持她的呼吸道清潔,雖然仍有一些食物進入她的鼻道,但開放的鼻腔使她能夠正常呼吸。
【🐰Nasal Surgery in a Rabbit】
This 8-year-old bunny named “Latte” had a chronic nasal infection that made it difficult for her to breathe. Despite several antibiotics treatments, the infection persisted, and we recommended a surgery. The proposed operation, called rhinostomy, involved creating a hole in the nasal bones to remove infected tissues and debris from the nasal passages. The hole in the bones would remain open, allowing air to flow freely into the lungs and enabling the rabbit to breathe.
We expected to see lots of pus in the nasal cavities during the surgery, and we were shocked to find that Latte’s nose was full of hay! It turned out that she had an oronasal fistula, an opening between her mouth and nose, which allowed hay to enter her nasal passages every time she ate. Although the fistula could not be closed, the surgery was successful, and Latte has been doing much better since. Her owner (IG @melody.rabbit ) can now keep her airways clean, and although some food still enters her nasal passages, her open
我確信你從未見過這樣的手術!LouLou(IG:@loulou__lop)是一隻兩歲大的兔子,她的胸部長出一個像蘋果那麼大的膿腫!🍎這個膿腫是由Bacteroides fragilis感染引起的,並且在抗生素治療後沒有好轉。
【Thoracic Abscess Surgery in a Rabbit】
I’m sure you haven’t seen a surgery like this! 😱
LouLou (@loulou__lop) is a two-year-old rabbit who developed an abscess in her chest that was the size of an apple! 🍎 The abscess was caused by Bacteroides fragilis infection and didn’t get better after antibiotic treatment.
Many pet owners would have given up at this stage, but not the owner of LouLou! She asked us to try to do a novel surgery to save her bunny’s lif
下半身癱瘓唐狗女孩Judy的故事The story of Judy, a Pelvic Fracture mongrel girl
Judy 一隻車禍受傷嘅可愛唐狗女 ,片段有啲啲長 ,但希望大家可以花小小時間睇完Judy 嘅故事。希望Judy 嘅故事, 可以帶俾咁多位堅持動物救助者,寵物主人更多愛同勇氣!❤️
Judy, a lovely mongrel girl injured in a car accident, has a story that's a bit long, but we hope everyone can take a little time to watch it through. We hope Judy's story can bring more love and courage to so many dedicated animal rescuers and pet owners.❤️
*本影片的圖文素材部分來源於 Judy 的寄養家庭所創建的 IG @unstoppablejudy及康迪亞獸醫
Most of the visual and textual materials in this video are sourced from the IG account @unstoppablejudy created by Judy's foster family and Concordia Pet Care
🧑⚕️Dr. Elaine Ng 伍婉靈
犬科貓科雙專科資格 專科獸醫
Canine and Feline Specialist
Specialized in: Small Animal Surgery, Minimally-invasive Procedures
👍Dr. Elaine伍婉靈醫生是香港少數同時擁有犬科和貓科雙專科資格的專科獸醫,擅長貓科狗科動物的軟組織和骨科手術,多年來替貓隻和狗隻進行無數次大大小小的軟組織和骨科手術,積累了豐富的貓狗科動物臨床外科手術經驗。
Dr. Elaine Ng is one of the few veterinarians in Hong Kong who holds dual specializations in both canine and feline medicine. She excels in soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries for both cats and dogs. Over the years, she has performed countless major and minor soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries for cats and dogs, accumulating extensive clinical surgical experience in these fields.
☎️如需預約諮詢伍醫生請致電2679 1000 或WhatsApp5919 3038
If you want to book an appointment with Dr. Elaine Ng, contact us by calling 2679 1000 or via WhatsApp 5919 3038
📍 康迪亞獸醫:香港跑馬地藍塘道5-7號低座地下及一樓
Concordia Pet Care:LG &
【Pyometra in a Chinchilla❗️】
Meet Snowie, the adorable chinchilla, enjoying her support feeding with the Critical Care Formula of after her pyometra surgery. She initially presented with reduced appetite due to her chronic dental disease. To investigate the dental problem Dr. Jamie did a CT scan on Snowie. Our protocol is that regardless of the problem, we always do whole-body, contrast-enhanced CT scans on every exotic patient instead of only scanning the part of the body we suspect to be abnormal. This extra cautious method with the whole body scan paid off again because we discovered that apart from the dental problem, Snowie had pneumonia and pyometra as well. Next, we treated Snowie’s pneumonia, sorted out her teeth and did a bilateral flank spay to remove her infected uterus. Please check out the surgical video, the CT scan and the histology report.
Snowie,這隻可愛的龍貓,在接受子宮蓄膿手術後享受著Critical Care Formula的餵食。她最初因慢性牙齒疾病而食慾減退。為了調查牙齒問題,Jamie醫生為Snowie進行了CT掃描。我們通常的做法是不管問題如何,我們總是對每一個珍禽異獸病患進行全身增強對比CT掃描,而不只是掃描我們懷疑異常的身體部分。這種特別謹慎的全身掃描方法的優勢再次得到了印證,因為我們發現除了牙齒問題外,Snowie還患有肺炎和子宮蓄膿。接下來,我們治療了Snowie的肺炎,處理了她的牙齒,並進行了雙側腹側切除術以移除她受感染的子宮。請查看手術視頻、CT掃描和組織學報告。
【Large Intestinal Blockage in a Rabbit 兔子大腸梗阻🐰】
【Large Intestinal Blockage in a Rabbit🐰】
A hairball causing a blockage in the small intestine is a relatively common problem in rabbits. On the other hand, seeing a blockage in the colon in the distal part of the large intestine is very unusual. This two-year-old, spayed female rabbit called "Yukina" came to us because she stopped eating and passing faeces the day before. The physical examination revealed that her belly was very distended and gassy, and we felt a cylindrical, firm structure in the caudal abdomen. The X-ray showed that the caecum and the colon were gas-filled, while the stomach was small, and there was no gas in the small intestines. When the blockage is in the small intestine, the X-ray findings are the opposite: large stomach and gassy small intestine, while the gas is absent in the large intestines.
We followed our protocol for rabbits with intestinal blockage and started with conservative treatment using fluid therapy and powerful pain medication in the form of a fentanyl+ketamine+lidocaine constant rate infusion. Yukina didn't start to pass faeces after 24 hours; therefore, we decided to do surgery. During the surgery, we found extremely distended and gas-filled intestinal loops and an obstruction in the colon. Next, we performed an enterotomy to remove the blockage and closed the wall of the colon in two layers. Yukina felt better immediately, and you can see the happy peristalsis of her intestines in the final segment of the surgical video. After the surgery, she became a very vicious patient and attacked anybody who dared to open her cage!😅
We can't resist these dogs' eyes! 關注香港流浪毛孩行動
在這個寒冷的冬季,讓我們關注那些常被忽視的生命,給予他們更多的關愛。1月18日,康迪亞獸醫Concordia Pet Care走訪了毛守救援基地,捐贈了150多個實用的寵物水樽,並親身體驗了義工的辛勤工作。在參與狗狗籠舍清掃這項看似簡單卻至關重要的工作時,我們深切地感受到流浪動物救助工作的艱辛。數百隻狗狗的日常活動會產生大量的糞便和尿液,為了確保他們有一個乾淨的居住環境,不斷的打掃工作變得至關重要,這不僅是為了避免疾病的傳播,更是為了維持狗狗們的健康。
#流浪動物 #香港 #救援行動 #毛守救援 #ConcordiaPetCare #領養代替購買
Dear Concordia Pet Owners,
In this cold winter season, let's turn our attention to those often overlooked lives that need our care. On the 18th January, Concordia Pet Care visited Paws Guardian Rescue Shelter(毛守救援) and donated over 150 portable pet water bottles, while also experiencing firsthand the hard work of volunteering. Engaging in seemingly simple but crucial tasks like cleaning dog kennels, we deeply felt the challenges and hardships of stray animal rescue. The
超級軟超舒服嘅cushion 同寵物定製化頭像畫 ,多謝你哋嘅支持同信任!
【What's it like to be surprised when you see your pet receive a gift from your animal hospital😂?】
Thank you to all the pet parents for your trust over the past year.
We hope you'll like the small token of appreciation we've prepared for you. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy new year! We'd also like to thank you for your support and trust in us in the past, we always believe that your beloved pet deserves the same level of healthcare as you. We are committed to providing the highest quality of veterinary care and service, continually offering superior service to sick pets and their owners.💗
#EmergencyPetHospital #香港獸醫 #急症 #貓狗 #hongkongpets #急救 #hongkongpet #動物醫生 #內窺鏡 #獸醫 #手術 #香港貓咪 #動物醫院 #香港貓 #香港狗 #hongkongpetowners #寵物醫院 #香港寵物 #香港貓奴 #HKVet #exoticvet #hkpet