Hong Kong Paws Foundation

Hong Kong Paws Foundation HK Paws Foundation Charity No.: 91/11168 & Animal Trader License Exemption No: ORG-00059 Your donation means the world to us.

You can donate by direct deposit to our savings account:

HSBC: 817-470339-001
FPS: 94855188
PayPal: [email protected]

We are a registered charity (charity number 91/11168). Donations greater than HKD $100 are tax deductible. Please contact us at if you want to receive a tax deductible receipt.

【This Sat Adoption Day @ Bow Wow Inn!】一班待家中既可愛狗狗,今個星期六四月二十日約定你喺Bow Wow Inn見面👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻除左等大家可以一次見哂平時無咩機會出黎既狗狗,仲可以親身同我地資深義工了解B...

【This Sat Adoption Day @ Bow Wow Inn!】

一班待家中既可愛狗狗,今個星期六四月二十日約定你喺Bow Wow Inn見面👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻除左等大家可以一次見哂平時無咩機會出黎既狗狗,仲可以親身同我地資深義工了解Bow Wow Inn日常運作、擴展近況同領養/暫託過程!


Bow Wow Inn is open for another adoption day this April 20th, Saturday! This is a great opportunity for you to meet all our doggies residents at once, and discuss face-to-face on the latest updates of our shelter expansion & how you can help. It has been the toughest times of all for HKPAWS with dwindling foster help and soaring construction costs - and we’d appreciate any help that’s coming our way.

🗓️ Apr 20, Saturday 星期六
⏱️ 2pm - 5pm
📍 Tai Kong Po, Kam Tin 錦田大江埔


DM us if you are interested with intended number of visitors and arrival time, and we will share arrival instructions right after.

Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not
give up the animal no matter what life brings.


#領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養
#救救毛孩 #毛孩
#毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭
#狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

[Foster/Available 暫托或待領] Randy, 7個月仔 7 months old boy Randy 2個月前由元朗被我地救左返黎,雖然一開始怕怕醜醜,但過左幾個星期已經好快適應左Bow Wow Inn既生活,同識左好多新...

[Foster/Available 暫托或待領] Randy, 7個月仔 7 months old boy

Randy 2個月前由元朗被我地救左返黎,雖然一開始怕怕醜醜,但過左幾個星期已經好快適應左Bow Wow Inn既生活,同識左好多新朋友啦!佢眼仔碌碌,玩起上黎又鐘意笑,考慮緊養狗既你不妨同我地傾下啦🤗

Randy was rescued from Yuen Long two months ago. He was very shy at the beginning but in no time he has started coming out of his shell making new friends at Bow Wow Inn! He has got a great smile and is getting ready for foster / adoption. Leave us a message or fill in the form below if you are keen to help this cute pup!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

[Foster/Available 暫托或待領] Kip, 10 個月仔 10 months old boy Kip同佢既同胎初初黎既時候,全身佈滿身上被牛蜱蟲咬過既傷疤,但轉眼之間Kip已經完全銳變,驟眼睇落去眼大大、白雪雪仲有啲似sno...

[Foster/Available 暫托或待領] Kip, 10 個月仔 10 months old boy


In no time Kip has grown out to become a young handsome boy and his scars from ticks were almost invisible. Look at the before and after! Kip is really shining with his full colors now - leave us a message or fill in the form below if you are keen to help this cute pup!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【🐱待領 Available】HashBrown 薯餅 ,8歲仔 8 years old boy《貓屋日常》 Just another day in our Cat House 🙎🏽‍♀️:薯餅,你點解咁靚仔嘅,你係咪天生就咁靚仔㗎嗻?😼:...

【🐱待領 Available】HashBrown 薯餅 ,8歲仔 8 years old boy

Just another day in our Cat House



🙎🏽‍♀️: Oh HashBrown, you’re just so cute, has anyone told you that?
😼: Yes, ma’am, you told me that yesterday and the day before, oh and like everyday in the past 2 years…
🙎🏽‍♀️: And you’re just so fluffy, so huggable, so sweet and I just want to pet you all day long!
😼: Ma’am… are you a little obsessed with me? Would you mind just helping me find a forever home soonest please? 💕🐾

Adult cats are the best companions as they’re stable, loving and grateful. They’ll repay you with 100x the love you give them. Please give HashBrown a chance!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animals no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a cat” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a cat”

Come to visit us at Discovery Bay Siena Central Park on 13th April 2024 (Saturday)We start at 1pm to 6pm! Happy to see y...

Come to visit us at Discovery Bay Siena Central Park on 13th April 2024 (Saturday)

We start at 1pm to 6pm! Happy to see you there!

【待領Available】Blixem, 1歲3個月大女 1 year and 3 months old girl好耐無幫Blixem妹妹出post啦~睇下佢幾有鏡頭觸角👻Blixem想問,點解兄弟姊妹一個個都搵到屋企,但佢仲係Bow Wo...

【待領Available】Blixem, 1歲3個月大女 1 year and 3 months old girl


Blixem想問,點解兄弟姊妹一個個都搵到屋企,但佢仲係Bow Wow Inn😩係咪有句叫⋯ 禾稈冚珍珠,好野往往留最後俾有心人發掘架呢?惟有信住先👀佢聰明醒目,等緊有心人帶佢返屋企!

Blixem sometimes can’t help but wonder why she still hasn’t found a home while her sisters and brothers are starting a new life with adopters already. Well, we just have to keep believing the best is yet to come for her. Book us a visit now if you are interested to give her a forever home 💗


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not
give up the animal no matter what life brings.

https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷

For more information or to adopt, please go to
https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire
under “adopt a dog”.

#領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養
#救救毛孩 #毛孩
#毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭
#狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【急尋暫托 Foster needed】Rosan, 4個月大女 4 months old girl Rosan妹妹隔左幾個星期又靚女左啦🥰手長長腳長長,但其實佢仲係好細粒架ja~ 不過年紀輕輕既佢正值黃金學習期,要盡早適應入屋環境,同人類...

【急尋暫托 Foster needed】Rosan, 4個月大女 4 months old girl

Rosan妹妹隔左幾個星期又靚女左啦🥰手長長腳長長,但其實佢仲係好細粒架ja~ 不過年紀輕輕既佢正值黃金學習期,要盡早適應入屋環境,同人類建立關係,要Rosan喺Bow Wow Inn成長實在唔理想!🚨如果你有能力暫托同照顧佢就請即刻聯絡我地啦🙏🏻

Rosan is growing day by day but she can’t wait anymore! Growing up in Bow Wow Inn will minimize her exposure to different environments and building bonding with humans. It is important that we can prepare Rosan and set her up for success at this young age. We are still seeking immediately available foster help for Rosan - please leave us a message if you are available 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【April Adoption Day @ Bow Wow Inn!】一班待家中既可愛狗狗,四月二十日約定你喺Bow Wow Inn見面👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻除左等大家可以一次見哂平時無咩機會出黎既狗狗,仲可以親身同我地資深義工了解Bow Wow I...

【April Adoption Day @ Bow Wow Inn!】

一班待家中既可愛狗狗,四月二十日約定你喺Bow Wow Inn見面👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻除左等大家可以一次見哂平時無咩機會出黎既狗狗,仲可以親身同我地資深義工了解Bow Wow Inn日常運作、擴展近況同領養/暫託過程!


Bow Wow Inn is open for another adoption day this April 20th, Saturday! This is a great opportunity for you to meet all our doggies residents at once, and discuss face-to-face on the latest updates of our shelter expansion & how you can help. It has been the toughest times of all for HKPAWS with dwindling foster help and soaring construction costs - and we’d appreciate any help that’s coming our way.

🗓️ Apr 20, Saturday 星期六
⏱️ 2pm - 5pm
📍 Tai Kong Po, Kam Tin 錦田大江埔


DM us if you are interested with intended number of visitors and arrival time, and we will share arrival instructions right after.

Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not
give up the animal no matter what life brings.


#領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養
#救救毛孩 #毛孩
#毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭
#狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【🐱待領 Adopter Needed】 Noah and Nash 3-4 year old boys 三至四歲仔[English below]我哋貓屋真係好多虎斑貓!上個月提過,虎斑貓性格其實非常塞ㄋㄞ(台語嚟,意即撒嬌呀😇)。真係人見...

【🐱待領 Adopter Needed】 Noah and Nash 3-4 year old boys 三至四歲仔

[English below]


兩隻虎斑仔Noah 同Nash年紀輕輕,雖然唔係親生兄弟但就一直一齊長大。可惜舊年喺山上照顧住佢哋嘅人突然病倒入咗深切治療部,佢哋就輾轉到咗我哋貓屋。但係,多貓環境嘅貓屋實在唔適合佢哋生活😢


If you want a uniquely beautiful cat then a tabby cat would be the perfect choice for you!

They all have unique markings and the best personalities. Here at HKpaws we have a lot of gorgeous tabbies in our care and two of these pretty kitties are Noah and Nash.

These playful young boys are between 3 and 4 years old and were raised by an elderly lady who was suddenly sent to the ICU and was tragically no longer able to care for them.

Noah and Nash have been with us for about a year now and are eager to go to a loving home like yours!


[急尋暫托 Urgent foster needed] 旺財, 4歲大女 Wong Choi 4 years old girl Update: 旺財呢幾日精神好啲,傷口都長番新組織出黎啦!不過由於重未用得麻醉藥,每次洗傷口都係同旺財既一次搏...

[急尋暫托 Urgent foster needed] 旺財, 4歲大女 Wong Choi 4 years old girl

Update: 旺財呢幾日精神好啲,傷口都長番新組織出黎啦!不過由於重未用得麻醉藥,每次洗傷口都係同旺財既一次搏鬥👉🏻👈🏻希望大家繼續幫旺財集氣,有暫託家庭可以伸出援手 🙏🏻而醫藥費已近萬,請大家幫下旺財🚨



Update: Wong Choi is slowly recovering and having good spirits. But she is still suffering every time we clean her wounds 👉🏻👈🏻 Please help us in raising funds as medical bills are piling up and we urgently need a foster home for her!

Wong Choi is a girl raised by some villagers in Tuen Mun. She has been sprayed at a young age and has always enjoyed her freedom around the neighborhood, until recently she was found laying in the ground not moving. Upon closer inspection, there was a bleeding wound on her and after the help of many neighbors, Wong was brought to the clinic.

After shaving, it was found that Wong has new and old scars all over her body. We just couldn’t imagine how many fights she has been through 😱Fortunately, there were no fractures or internal bleeding but with her heartworm condition, we cannot treat her wound under anesthesia. She is about to be discharged soon from the clinic and staying in a shelter will not be ideal at all for her open wounds!😮‍💨

If you can help with fostering Wong Choi, please DM us immediately! 🙏🏻 Meanwhile the medical expenses have already exceeded HKD10K, please help if you can.

📍 Donate via PayPal: [email protected]
📍 PayMe: https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/KDbSk1vMmGUiHRNcGG1UL8
📍 FPS: 9485-5188
📍 HSBC: 817-470339-001

一百元以上嘅捐款會獲發扣稅收據,請將捐款紀錄email 俾本會義工 [email protected]

Donations of HKD 100 or more are eligible for tax-deductible receipts. Please email your donation records to [email protected].

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【待領 available】Kendall, 1歲大女 1 year old girl夏天就黎到⋯⋯Kendall決心要操fit啲個身材去見更多有潛質既領養家庭💪🏻不過⋯⋯頭幾次操係爭啲架啦,搞到呢個傻妹要就地補眠🤪下次再同朋友仔去玩過啦!...

【待領 available】Kendall, 1歲大女 1 year old girl



Look how much fun Kendall is having with her friends outdoor! She is determined to get ready to impress more potential adopters with a fit body this summer…well but maybe naps are also necessary between 🤪

Our young lady Kendall is very composed and gentle, friendly to all humans and furry paws 🐾 She’s graded 5-star guest at any foster home so far - will you be interested in giving her a forever home? Sign up below!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

‼️Volunteers urgently needed for every weekend‼️號召大隻佬義工幫手Bow Wow Inn擴展工程一直進行中,我地夢想中既萬呎草地就⋯⋯距離目標仲有一大段架!現場有好多碎石瓦礫,希望可以號召有心...

‼️Volunteers urgently needed for every weekend‼️

Bow Wow Inn擴展工程一直進行中,我地夢想中既萬呎草地就⋯⋯距離目標仲有一大段架!現場有好多碎石瓦礫,希望可以號召有心之士一齊幫手清除!


Calling for strong arms 💪🏻 and generous help! Our Bow Wow Inn boarding center has been in refurbishment in the hopes of accommodating more dogs. And we are still miles away from offering a safe and clean yard area for our dogs to exercise freely! Please help us remove all the rubbles now.

Location: Tai Kong Po Village, Kam Tin, public transit available from Kam Sheung Road MTR
Time: 10am - late every Saturday & Sunday

Join our volunteers Whatsapp Group or DM us now to learn more:


【 待領 Available】Hugo 小白 3歲大仔 3 years old boy如果你搵緊一隻性格穩定、溫馴、崇尚「慢活」主義、最鐘意享受下午悠閒陽光既狗狗,Hugo就岩哂你啦🐷🐷白雪雪又乖巧溫馴,近排仲俾義工訓練到好有鏡頭觸覺添😝成...

【 待領 Available】Hugo 小白 3歲大仔 3 years old boy



Hugo’s happy face and gentle (and very silly) character has immediately captured everyone’s hearts at Bow Wow Inn. His favorite activity is scrolling around our grass patch in the afternoon sun, and nothing else from a passionate tummy rub!

At his age his personality is pretty relaxed and calm, but still has so much to explore with his new owner. He really deserves a second chance to start a new life.


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #暫託狗狗

[急尋暫托 Urgent foster needed] 旺財, 4歲大女 Wong Choi 4 years old girl 🚨 旺財剛被我地義工救起,急尋暫託+籌醫藥費!🚨旺財係一隻屯門村民放養的狗女,一直行動自如,義工多年前趕及她懷孕...

[急尋暫托 Urgent foster needed] 旺財, 4歲大女 Wong Choi 4 years old girl

🚨 旺財剛被我地義工救起,急尋暫託+籌醫藥費!🚨



希望有暫託家庭可以伸出援手 🙏🏻而醫藥費已過萬,請大家幫下旺財!

Wong Choi is a girl raised by some villagers in Tuen Mun. She has been sprayed at a young age and has always enjoyed her freedom around the neighborhood, until recently she was found laying in the ground not moving. Upon closer inspection, there was a bleeding wound on her and after the help of many neighbors, Wong was brought to the clinic.

After shaving, it was found that Wong has new and old scars all over her body. We just couldn’t imagine how many fights she has been through 😱Fortunately, there were no fractures or internal bleeding but with her heartworm condition, we cannot treat her wound under anesthesia. She is about to be discharged soon from the clinic and staying in a shelter will not be ideal at all for her open wounds!😮‍💨

If you can help with fostering Wong Choi, please DM us immediately! 🙏🏻 Meanwhile the medical expenses have already exceeded HKD10K, please help if you can.

📍 Donate via PayPal: [email protected]
📍 PayMe: https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/KDbSk1vMmGUiHRNcGG1UL8
📍 FPS: 9485-5188
📍 HSBC: 817-470339-001

一百元以上嘅捐款會獲發扣稅收據,請將捐款紀錄email 俾本會義工 [email protected]

Donations of HKD 100 or more are eligible for tax-deductible receipts. Please email your donation records to [email protected].

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【Adoption Day @ Bow Wow Inn is back!】Bow Wow Inn今個星期六再度開放領養日,除左等大家可以一次見哂平時無咩機會出黎既狗狗,仲可以親身同我地資深義工了解Bow Wow Inn日常運作、擴展近況同領...

【Adoption Day @ Bow Wow Inn is back!】

Bow Wow Inn今個星期六再度開放領養日,除左等大家可以一次見哂平時無咩機會出黎既狗狗,仲可以親身同我地資深義工了解Bow Wow Inn日常運作、擴展近況同領養/暫託過程!


Bow Wow Inn is open for another adoption day this Saturday! This is a great opportunity for you to meet all our doggies residents at once, and discuss face-to-face on the latest updates of our shelter expansion & how you can help. It has been the toughest times of all for HKPAWS with dwindling foster help and soaring construction costs - and we’d appreciate any help that’s coming our way.

🗓️ Mar 23, Saturday 星期六
⏱️ 2pm - 5pm
📍 Tai Kong Po, Kam Tin 錦田大江埔


DM us if you are interested with intended number of visitors and arrival time, and we will share arrival instructions right after.

Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not
give up the animal no matter what life brings.


#領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養
#救救毛孩 #毛孩
#毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭
#狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【Adoption Day @ Bow Wow Inn is back!】Bow Wow Inn今個星期六再度開放領養日,除左等大家可以一次見哂平時無咩機會出黎既狗狗,仲可以親身同我地資深義工了解Bow Wow Inn日常運作、擴展近況同領...

【Adoption Day @ Bow Wow Inn is back!】

Bow Wow Inn今個星期六再度開放領養日,除左等大家可以一次見哂平時無咩機會出黎既狗狗,仲可以親身同我地資深義工了解Bow Wow Inn日常運作、擴展近況同領養/暫託過程!


Bow Wow Inn is open for another adoption day this Saturday! This is a great opportunity for you to meet all our doggies residents at once, and discuss face-to-face on the latest updates of our shelter expansion & how you can help. It has been the toughest times of all for HKPAWS with dwindling foster help and soaring construction costs - and we’d appreciate any help that’s coming our way.

🗓️ Mar 23, Saturday 星期六
⏱️ 11am - 5pm
📍 Tai Kong Po, Kam Tin 錦田大江埔


DM us if you are interested with intended number of visitors and arrival time, and we will share arrival instructions right after.

Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not
give up the animal no matter what life brings.


#領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養
#救救毛孩 #毛孩
#毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭
#狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【急尋暫托 Foster needed】Rosan, 3個月大女 3 months old girl 最近申請領養或暫託既家庭少之又少,但Rosan妹妹唔等得啦😫年紀輕輕既佢正值黃金學習期,要盡早適應入屋環境,同人類建立關係,要Rosan喺...

【急尋暫托 Foster needed】Rosan, 3個月大女 3 months old girl

最近申請領養或暫託既家庭少之又少,但Rosan妹妹唔等得啦😫年紀輕輕既佢正值黃金學習期,要盡早適應入屋環境,同人類建立關係,要Rosan喺Bow Wow Inn成長實在唔理想!🚨適逢長假期就黎到,如果你有能力暫托同照顧佢就請即刻聯絡我地啦🙏🏻

Rosan is growing day by day but she can’t wait anymore! Growing up in Bow Wow Inn will minimize her exposure to different environments and building bonding with humans. It is important that we can prepare Rosan and set her up for success at this young age. We are now seeking immediately available foster help for Rosan - please leave us a message if you are available 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

[Scroll down for English]🚨🐾 呼籲所有愛貓嘅朋友!🐾🚨 Volunterring opportunity - Calling all animal lovers! 📢 千載難逢嘅機會呀!HKPaws而家招募緊義工,...

[Scroll down for English]

🚨🐾 呼籲所有愛貓嘅朋友!🐾🚨
Volunterring opportunity - Calling all animal lovers!

📢 千載難逢嘅機會呀!HKPaws而家招募緊義工,加入我們港島嘅貓屋!🏠同我哋一齊為貓貓獻身🙊真係日日都係貓の日🐾

🕒 貓屋每日有兩個義工時段,分為早上同下晝。我哋宜家急需至少可以付出特定三個鐘嘅時間協助清潔、餵食同埋俾貓玩,唔係,係同貓咪玩先啱嘅朋友仔。或者,如果你可以付出特定日子嘅一個鐘頭同貓咪玩、訓練佢哋社交能力嘅話,我哋都非常歡迎你加入,幫助貓貓早日融入新屋企😺

💪 如果你熱愛動物並且希望為喵民服務,付出愛心時間同精力,我們非常歡迎你加入!如果你希望領養但屋企情況唔許可,或者暫時未能作出終生承諾的話,呢個義工機會就係為你而設㗎喇!唔熟貓性嘅朋友仔都唔需要擔心,因為我哋會為你提供在職培訓🐈🐈‍⬛😻

📝 有興趣嘅朋友仔請通過我哋網站提交申請,註明你能夠服務嘅具體日期同時段。我哋隨後會有專人同你跟進聯絡!

📢 We are seeking dedicated volunteers for our cat house in HK Island! 🏠

🌟 Join us in making a difference in the lives of these amazing feline friends. 🐱

🕒 We have two daily volunteer shifts, morning and evening. Volunteers must be able to commit to a minimum of 3 hours per shift, assisting with cleaning, feeding, and playing with the cats. Alternatively, if you can spare just 1 hour in the morning or evening, your help in socializing and playing with the cats will help ready them for finding a furever home. 😺

💪 If you are passionate about animals and want to contribute your time and energy to a worthy cause, we would love to have you on board!

Volunteering with us is the perfect opportunity for anyone who's ever dreamed of having a cat but wants to gain some hands-on experience and learn more about their behavior and needs. Rest assured, we provide hands-on training to all selected volunteers, ensuring you're equipped with the necessary skills! 🐈🐈‍⬛😻

📝 To apply, please submit an application via our website, including the specific day(s) and time you can commit to.

🙏 Your support will make a significant impact on the well-being of these furry companions. Together, we can create a brighter future for them! 🧡

[待領 Available] Jana, 4 year old girl 4歲女唔經唔覺原來Jana已經喺HK PAWS度過第2個年頭😮仲記得初初救起既時候Jana仲係一位年輕狗媽。佢性格文靜溫和,夾狗夾小朋友,仲係我地Bow Wow In...

[待領 Available] Jana, 4 year old girl 4歲女

唔經唔覺原來Jana已經喺HK PAWS度過第2個年頭😮仲記得初初救起既時候Jana仲係一位年輕狗媽。佢性格文靜溫和,夾狗夾小朋友,仲係我地Bow Wow Inn既開心果🥳Jana既仔仔囡囡都相繼返左屋企,有無人又想帶Jana返屋企呢?

Jana came to HKPAWS as a young mother of litters two years ago - we can’t believe she has turned 4 with us recently! Her sweet and gentle nature can definitely bring a lot of joy to a family, also good for those with kids and other pets. All her puppies have found their forever home but Jana is still waiting 🥺


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【🐱待領 available】 Lana,2-3 years old girl, 兩至三歲女大家應該都睇過各媒體上對貓貓性格嘅分析。虎斑貓大多數被中文媒體形容為警覺心較強、謹慎小心🥲 但小編自己都可以作證,虎斑貓好多都係嗲精就真!上個月本來...

【🐱待領 available】 Lana,2-3 years old girl, 兩至三歲女

大家應該都睇過各媒體上對貓貓性格嘅分析。虎斑貓大多數被中文媒體形容為警覺心較強、謹慎小心🥲 但小編自己都可以作證,虎斑貓好多都係嗲精就真!



Do you believe in horoscope? And do you believe in telling a cat’s character from its fur coat? We don’t really, but find it entertaining to read sometimes. Brown tabby cats are mostly described as affectionate, and oh boy, don’t we have to agree with this one!? 😎

Lana was trapped off the streets last month as part of our TNR program. Most of the time the adult cats we rescue off the streets are not suitable for rehoming as they tend to be feral and alert…. But wait till you meet silly Lana!

She’s amazingly affectionate and gentle, she just loves love 🥰 Lana will make a wonderful company on those work from home days and weekends. She’s now living in our cat house and is just too sweet not to have her own humans! If you could help foster or better yet, give Lana a furever home. Please act now!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.xn--org-5p3f27mcwz/ “adopt a cat” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org
and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a cat”.


【萬尺草地狗舍遙不可及?Bow Wow Inn 擴展全面停工!!!!!!!!!! Expansion project halted due to lack of funds】

🚨經過兩個月來的汗與淚,Bow Wow Inn 2期的圍籬已全數裝上,萬尺草地亦逐漸成形。奈何第一和第二期籌款已全數用於繳付屋頂和草地圍欄工程,水電、間隔仲未開始,戶口的資金已所剩無幾💸(期間的救援,腹膜炎加腎衰竭的獸醫費用亦上升😔)工程被逼暫停⚠️ 我地目前需籌款的金額高達20萬,請大家立即施以援手,用以下途徑捐款俾HKPAWS,支持Bow Wow Inn🙏🏻。

We are happy to update that all the fences have been properly installed in Bow Wow Inn and the grass field is very soon to be cleared up. BUT - we have run out of funds to continue, as there were on the other hand stacking vet bills to be paid for sick kittens 💸It is estimated that we need at least HKD200K for the remaining refurbishment ⚠️ Please, please we urgently need your support as we cannot let this effort die away.

📍 Donate via PayPal: [email protected]
📍 PayMe: https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/KDbSk1vMmGUiHRNcGG1UL8
📍 FPS: 9485-5188
📍 HSBC: 817-470339-001

一百元以上嘅捐款會獲發扣稅收據,請將捐款紀錄email 俾本會義工 [email protected]

Donations of HKD 100 or more are eligible for tax-deductible receipts. Please email your donation records to [email protected].

Charity No.: 91/11168
Animal Trader License Exemption No: ORG-00059

🙏 Your support matters! 🙏

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【🐱待領 available】 The Fish Kittens 四個月大貓貓,4 months old kittens 正所謂少年不知愁滋味。呢五隻貓B舊年年尾被義工發現喺街頭流浪,媽媽不知蹤影😫 好彩佢哋到咗暫託屋企之後好快就適應新生活...

【🐱待領 available】 The Fish Kittens 四個月大貓貓,4 months old kittens

正所謂少年不知愁滋味。呢五隻貓B舊年年尾被義工發現喺街頭流浪,媽媽不知蹤影😫 好彩佢哋到咗暫託屋企之後好快就適應新生活!

大家成日都話想領養小貓,希望從少開始親訓。而家你嘅機會黎啦!雖然我哋一向主張幼貓成貓一樣可愛,但百貨應百客,希望大家都可以領養到自己嘅夢中貓咪😍 五隻貓貓毛色紋路各有特質,快啲申請帶返一對返屋企先啦!

If you’re looking for a small bundle of fluff then let me introduce you to the fish kittens!

Cod, Kipper, Salmon, Tuna and Squid are an adorable litter made up of 3 boys and 2 girls are in search of a loving home.

They were sadly abandoned by their mother in a village hut and were found when they were only 2 weeks old! They were born in October 2023 making them around 4 months old now.

If you’re looking for some playful youngsters then these little angels are looking for you. Please don’t let them grow old without a home!

Kittens have to be adopted in pairs or trios.


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.xn--org-5p3f27mcwz/ “adopt a cat” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org
and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a cat”.

【待領Available】Blixem, 1歲大女 1 year old girl呢隻咁有鏡頭觸角既狗女,原來係Blixem呀👻Blixem想問,點解兄弟姊妹一個個都搵到屋企,但佢仲係Bow Wow Inn😩係咪有句叫⋯ 禾稈冚珍珠,好野往...

【待領Available】Blixem, 1歲大女 1 year old girl

呢隻咁有鏡頭觸角既狗女,原來係Blixem呀👻Blixem想問,點解兄弟姊妹一個個都搵到屋企,但佢仲係Bow Wow Inn😩係咪有句叫⋯ 禾稈冚珍珠,好野往往留最後俾有心人發掘架呢?惟有信住先👀佢聰明醒目,等緊有心人帶佢返屋企!

Blixem sometimes can’t help but wonder why she still hasn’t found a home while her sisters and brothers are starting a new life with adopters already. Well, we just have to keep believing the best is yet to come for her. Book us a visit now if you are interested to give her a forever home 💗


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not
give up the animal no matter what life brings.

https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷

For more information or to adopt, please go to
https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire
under “adopt a dog”.

#領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養
#救救毛孩 #毛孩
#毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭
#狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【待領 available】Kendall, 1歲大女 1 year old girl叫得Kendall就梗係靚女啦🤪唔止咁,佢仲係易湊女一名😙只可惜爭左啲運氣,已經轉過好多次暫托屋企了🥺不過佢適應力強,而且性格穩定乖巧,我地相信佢會好叻女...

【待領 available】Kendall, 1歲大女 1 year old girl


Our young lady Kendall here totally lives up to her name as a superstar 🌟 She is very composed and gentle, friendly to all humans and furry paws 🐾 She’s graded 5-star guest at any foster home so far - will you be interested in giving her a forever home? Sign up below!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【待領 Available】Coco 3歲大女, 3 years old girl經過一輪等候,Coco又一嘗入屋既滋味啦🥳回歸佢細細個長大既愉景灣,Coco又可以日日行山同去沙灘玩啦🏝️其實Coco係一位好動親人嘅靚女,日日都為暫托家庭帶...

【待領 Available】Coco 3歲大女, 3 years old girl



It’s been a while but we are so glad to have found a foster home again for Coco! They really transformed beautifully under great care - she is just radiating beauty and cuteness!

Coco is very friendly with hoomans and full of liveliness, and she can’t wait to share it with the one who will give her a forever home! Contact us now if you’re interested in bringing her home! 🏠


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 [https://www.hkpaws.org](https://www.hkpaws.org/) 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to [https://www.hkpaws.org](https://www.hkpaws.org/) and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪


Hong Kong




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