[Foster 暫托/Available 待領養] Bosco,5個月大仔,5 months old boy
Bosco年紀輕輕就同媽媽失散左,搵到佢既時候成身都係虱、成肚都係蟲😩不過一切都過去了!Bosco喺Bow Wow Inn休養得好快,亦都好受歡迎有好多錫佢既🐶哥哥姐姐🥳如果你能幫手暫托仔仔,俾時間佢入屋適應同尋家,將會係一個改變命運既善舉!有興趣快啲聯絡我地啦~🙏🏻🙏🏻
Bosco must be mixing up drinking and going for a dip 🤣🤣 In a blink of an eye Bosco has been at Bow Wow Inn for two months, and he’s growing so fast into a handsome boy! It was almost just yesterday that he was found on his own hiding in bushes, lost and full of fleas! He is friendly and active. Please help if you can lend a hand as foster - this is going to be life-changing for him.
Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.
有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。
For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.
#TheBowWowInnbyHKPAWS #浪印小棧 #hkpaws_official #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #adopt #adoptdontshop #animalwelfare #animalrescue #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #straydogs #straycats #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪 #fostercare #fosterdog #fostercat #hkdogs #hkcats
【暫托 Foster needed/領養 Available】Rosan, 1歲大女 1 year old girl
唔經唔覺Rosan係Bow Wow Inn渡過左佢第一個年頭🧡佢BB既時候喺港島被途人發現,雖說係我地度可以日日同朋友仔一齊玩一齊訓,但佢其實未見過Bow Wow Inn出面既世界,等緊有心人可以同佢建立關係,俾一個真正既屋企佢🤗如果你有能力暫托同照顧佢就請即刻聯絡我地啦🙏🏻
Rosan is one year old in a blink of an eye! Despite all the fun she has had with her friends, growing up in Bow Wow Inn since a pup has minimized her exposure to different environments and building bonding with humans. She is still waiting for an owner and a loving home! Please leave us a message if you are available 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.
有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。
For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.
#TheBowWowInnbyHKPAWS #浪印小棧 #hkpaws_official #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #adopt #adoptdontshop #animalwelfare #animalrescue #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #straydogs #straycats #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪 #fostercare #fosterdog #fostercat #hkdogs #hkcats
【暫托/待領 Foster/adopt 】Loki 4個月大仔 4 months old boy
Loki經歷完斷腳、駁骨手術,年紀輕輕既佢但生命力極強,事隔3個星期已經行到好好🎉醫生話佢右後腳骨仔生得唔錯 ,只要限制佢唔好跑步,兩個月後拆埋釘就好返哂架啦!籌款進度亦已達標至6萬元,多謝大家❣️Loki同其他狗狗一樣,都值得一個有愛既家,而佢亦準備好啦🏡有興趣認識呢隻咁堅強既Loki就快啲聯絡我地!💪🏻
Check out Loki’s amazing recovery progress - he is walking fine and taking daily strolls outside these days. We have all been impressed by his courage and strength. In two months time he is expected to lead a life like a normal dog, and he is now ready for a foster / adoption home! Don’t miss the chance to meet Loki such a brave soul. We would also like to thank you for all the generous donations - we have raised more than HKD60,000 to cover Loki’s operations.
Loki’s 故事story background:
Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.
有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。
For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.
#TheBowWowInnbyHKPAWS #浪印小棧 #hkpaws_official #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #adopt #adoptdontshop #animalwelfare #animalrescue #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #straydogs #straycats #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪 #fostercare #fosterdog #fostercat #hkdogs #hkcats
[尋暫托 Foster needed / 待領 Available] Ross, 6歲仔 6 years old boy
Ross has gone through so much in the last few years, abandoned and moved home multiple times as well as a big surgery in his knees. But that didn’t stop him from being a happy dog. In fact, his goofiness has brought many laughters to us at Bow Wow Inn! He hasn’t lost hope in finding greatness in life, so are we! Leave us a message or fill in the form below if you are interested in giving him a new home.
Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.
有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。
For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.
#TheBowWowInnbyHKPAWS #浪印小棧 #hkpaws_official #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #adopt #adoptdontshop #animalwelfare #animalrescue #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #straydogs #straycats #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪 #fostercare #fosterdog #fostercat #hkdogs #hkcats