Hong Kong Paws Foundation

Hong Kong Paws Foundation HK Paws Foundation Ltd Charity No.: 91/11168 & Animal Trader License Exemption No: ORG-00059 Your donation means the world to us.

You can donate by direct deposit to our savings account:

HSBC: 817-470339-001
FPS: 94855188
PayPal: [email protected]

We are a registered charity (charity number 91/11168). Donations greater than HKD $100 are tax deductible. Please contact us at if you want to receive a tax deductible receipt.

[暫托/領養 Available for foster/adoption] Tania, 8個月大女 8 months old girlTania 係我地最新加入既Bow Wow Inn成員!雖然佢年紀輕輕,但由出生以來佢既世界只有擔驚受怕...

[暫托/領養 Available for foster/adoption] Tania, 8個月大女 8 months old girl

Tania 係我地最新加入既Bow Wow Inn成員!雖然佢年紀輕輕,但由出生以來佢既世界只有擔驚受怕,因為主人係會以暴力相待😓所以即使Bow Wow Inn已爆滿,我地都唔忍心Tania繼續過苦日子。對Tania黎講而家一切都結束了!Tania會係Bow Wow Inn重新學識信任人類同基本指令,好快就可以踏上尋家之路架啦!

Tania just came to Bow Wow Inn a few days ago! She has experienced nothing but fear and violence since she was born, so we were determined to rescue her despite Bow Wow Inn is near full capacity. She deserves a second chance in life and will be ready for foster/adopt soon 🧡


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【🚨大嶼山斷腳狗B - 請捐助小小Loki!Please donate & help Loki the Lantau pup!🆘】3個月大的Loki於南大嶼山海邊一出世就注定是浪浪,與媽媽及兄弟姊妹間中靠村民有一餐冇一餐地填肚。但出沒既地方...

【🚨大嶼山斷腳狗B - 請捐助小小Loki!
Please donate & help Loki the Lantau pup!🆘】






3-month-old Loki was born along the beautiful South Lantau coast as a stray, following mama and the other litters to survive and sometimes relying villagers to feed. Since where they live is sandwiched between high speed cars and dangerous waves, we have already seen multiple fatal accidents to his peers. On Thursday, fate had Loki injured his right hind leg so badly that this poor little guy was found screaming in pain desperately on the beach rocks, while his brothers couldn’t do anything but watch hopelessly 😫

Despite our low financial reserves, we couldn’t stand heartlessly to watch Loki suffer. Since Loki was picked up, we were determined to secure him the best medical help within the golden hour. On the third day (1/4), the amazing Dr. Cheung at NPV performed a fixation surgery on Loki giving us hopes that he would be run happily again on four legs.

In just a couple of days Loki has had his many first time in his life - the excruciating pain, the alien touch of humans, the cold and lifeless clinic…but inside this 8kg body he managed to find a tremendous amount of bravery 💗 We hope Loki can finally feel at home and recover strong in the next couple of months, as this beautiful soul definitely deserves a well-loved home 🤞🏻

His medical bills unfortunately are now standing at HKD30K+ and there’s still follow-ups and plate removal operation on the way. Our monthly expenses are not able to cover them and we desperately need all your help for Loki:

捐款備注請標明”For Loki” Please remark on donation receipt with “For Loki” -
📍 Donate via PayPal: [email protected]
📍 PayMe: https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/KDbSk1vMmGUiHRNcGG1UL8
📍 FPS: 9485-5188
📍 HSBC: 817-470339-001

一百元以上嘅捐款會獲發扣稅收據,請將捐款紀錄email 俾本會義工 [email protected]🙏🏾💕🐾🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽

Any over HKD100 are eligible for tax deductible receipts - please send them over to [email protected].

Charity No.: 91/11168
Animal Trader License Exemption No: ORG-00059

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

新一年我地Bow Wow Inn既狗狗繼續有福,因為而家每個月我地都獲得Buddy Bites 450kg既狗糧捐助,餵飽Bow Wow Inn同我地友好義工照顧緊既60+隻狗狗,大大減輕我地既財政負擔,Thank you! In this...

新一年我地Bow Wow Inn既狗狗繼續有福,因為而家每個月我地都獲得Buddy Bites 450kg既狗糧捐助,餵飽Bow Wow Inn同我地友好義工照顧緊既60+隻狗狗,大大減輕我地既財政負擔,Thank you!

In this new year we continue to be thankful to buddybites.dog who is donating 450kg kibbles monthly to our Bow Wow Inn doggies. This is surely a great relief to Bow Wow Inn and our rescuers as we have more than 60 🐶🐶 to feed regularly.

🙏 Your support matters! 🙏

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【待領 Available】Hank 1歲半大仔, 1.5 year old boy Hank係眾多Bow Wow Inn狗狗入面較好動既一個,經常出去玩同social架⛰️佢性格活潑,會為你帶黎好多歡樂;佢淺啡色既眼睛、可愛既半摺耳同深淺...

【待領 Available】Hank 1歲半大仔, 1.5 year old boy

Hank係眾多Bow Wow Inn狗狗入面較好動既一個,經常出去玩同social架⛰️佢性格活潑,會為你帶黎好多歡樂;佢淺啡色既眼睛、可愛既半摺耳同深淺交替既混毛色,帶出街又夠哂吸晴👀~細身得黎又靚仔既Hank絕對係你上山下海、生命中既好拍檔!有興趣帶佢返屋企請即刻聯絡我地!🏡

Hank is a lucky pup among Bow Wow Inn friends as he always has a chance to go out and meet new friends! He is waiting to be your family and partner in crime. Just one look and you won’t forget about Hank - he definitely has the most unique yellow-colored eyes, half-folded ears and mixed fur colors of all the mongrels we have had! But more than that, it is his personality that will steal your heart. He can be so goofy we bet you will have a lot of fun with him. Contact us now if you are interested in providing him with a forever home! 🏡


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 [https://www.hkpaws.org](https://www.hkpaws.org/) 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to [https://www.hkpaws.org](https://www.hkpaws.org/) and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【✨HKPAWS Sponsor a Pet Program 助養毛孩計劃✨】即使你唔能夠領養或暫托毛孩,你都可以選擇助養任何一隻HKPAWS既貓/狗,為佢地提供日常所需包括糧食、玩具同醫療費用。我地義工仲會不定期向助養人發放毛孩消息,相當...

【✨HKPAWS Sponsor a Pet Program 助養毛孩計劃✨】


You can spread your love this Christmas even if you cannot adopt or foster - sponsor a cat or dog in need with our latest program. The donations will be dedicated to the pet you choose for their food, toys and medical expenses. Fill in the “Sponsor a Pet” form now and will be in touch:

* 助養 - 金Gold Sponsor $500/月month
* 助養 - 銀Silver Sponsor $300/ 月month
* ⁠助養 - 銅Bronze Sponsor $100/月month

即刻登記 Sign up now 👉🏻 https://www.hkpaws.org/sponsorship

Charity No.: 91/11168
Animal Trader License Exemption No: ORG-00059

🙏 Your support matters! 🙏

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【🐱待領 Available】 Churro, Nachos 6 months old boy and girl六個月大兄妹六個月大嘅Churro同Nachos喺BB嗰陣時已經俾我哋義工救起,一手餵奶湊大嘅小朋友唔覺唔覺已經六個月大喇!出唔...

【🐱待領 Available】 Churro, Nachos 6 months old boy and girl六個月大兄妹


年年聖誕願望都係差唔多,希望所有等緊屋企嘅小朋友都可以盡快返屋企。聖誕老人叔叔🧑‍🎄 你有冇聽到佢哋嘅禱告呀?

It is true! All I want for Christmas is YOU 🎶 In fact, we only have one wish every Christmas, it is for all our furkids to find their forever homes.

Churro and Nachos were rescued as babies, bottle fed by our volunteers by hands and without us noticing - they’re already 6 months old and ready for their furever homes! Papa Santa, will our wish come true this Christmas? 🥹💕🐾

Please help spread the words 🐾💕

Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a cat” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org
and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a cat”.

【Are you the 🎅 for Bow Wow Inn?! Donate for our 🐶 this year!】 短短幾日我地就籌左$5000蚊啦!即係每隻Bow Wow Inn狗狗都起碼有2隻襪可以過聖誕🥰 我地亦加碼有Hung...

【Are you the 🎅 for Bow Wow Inn?! Donate for our 🐶 this year!】

短短幾日我地就籌左$5000蚊啦!即係每隻Bow Wow Inn狗狗都起碼有2隻襪可以過聖誕🥰 我地亦加碼有Hungry Henry既高質零食,每份聖誕襪只需$50🥳請大家繼續慷慨解囊,過左$7000蚊後餘下既捐款我地會用作Bow Wow Inn修築同浪浪醫療費用,免得浪費。

Santa Claus came true for our 40+ 🐶🐶 in needs in Bow Wow Inn! We have gathered more than $5000 in a few days, and please keep it coming now that henryzmama will also chip in with organic homemade cookies! Each stocking costs HKD50, and after $7000 all the rest of the donation will go towards Bow Wow Inn construction & medical fees.

DM收據至我地FB/ IG並標明「聖誕襪捐贈」就得架啦!:

📍 Donate via PayPal: [email protected]
📍 PayMe: https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/KDbSk1vMmGUiHRNcGG1UL8
📍 FPS: 9485-5188
📍 HSBC: 817-470339-001

一百元以上嘅捐款會獲發扣稅收據,請將捐款紀錄email 俾本會義工 [email protected]🙏🏾💕🐾🙇🏽‍♀️

Donate and DM us with a remark for “Christmas Stocking Donation” via FB/IG right now!

📍 Donate via PayPal: [email protected]
📍 PayMe: https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/KDbSk1vMmGUiHRNcGG1UL8
📍 FPS: 9485-5188
📍 HSBC: 817-470339-001

Any over HKD100 are eligible for tax deductible receipts - please send them over to [email protected].

Charity No.: 91/11168
Animal Trader License Exemption No: ORG-00059

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

🆘急尋暫託!Foster needed! 🆘 煤炭屎鬼出沒注意⚠️日前我哋進行絕育放回行動嘅時候發現咗一粒黑鼆鼆嘅小朋友一名!一啲都唔似街貓嘅佢由於外型實在太可愛,太獨特,我哋希望儘量一試幫佢搵個屋企暫託,俾時間睇睇佢有冇機會融入家中🥹暫託...

🆘急尋暫託!Foster needed! 🆘




Omg this is Sususwatari! すすわたり💕🐾

Susu was found during one of our recent CCCP missions. He’s got such pretty eyes and distinctive features, we simply cannot believe he is a stray. So now here we are, hoping that maybe he will be lucky to have a chance to become a house cat - if someone is able to foster him for a while.

We don’t ask for much from foster families, in fact you don’t even need to be experienced at all. All you need is to provide a quiet, safe and clean space so Susu can get used to being an indoor cat. Our cat house is constantly at capacity and it’s really not the suitable set up for Susu. If you’re staying in town for the holidays, please consider giving this poor baby a chance!

能幫忙暫託的話,請到 https://www.hkpaws.org/why-adopt-cat 然後按 “adopt now” 然後選擇暫託,填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

If you can help, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org/why-adopt-cat and click the foster option in our questionnaire under “adopt now”.

【😡😡HKPAWS 強烈譴責任何動物虐待行為HKPAWS strongly condemns animal cruelty 】近日發生的連環毒狗事件令人心痛,HKPAWS呼籲各位狗主特別注意錦田至大埔一帶地區,為寵物做好保護措施!我們強烈譴...

【😡😡HKPAWS 強烈譴責任何動物虐待行為
HKPAWS strongly condemns animal cruelty 】


Hong Kong Paws Foundation sends our deepest condolences to pet owners who are recently victims of the abhorrent act of poisoning animals. We call for all pet owners to be aware around the neighborhoods from Kam Tin to Tai Po. And we strongly condemn for animal cruelty that inflicts unnecessary suffering on all innocent creatures including the wild and strays. Such act shall not be tolerated and we urge relevant departments to act fast and arrest the person responsible before more innocent lives are harmed.

#救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭

【Are you the 🎅 for Bow Wow Inn?! Donate a Gift Stocking for our 🐶 this year!】 呢個聖誕除左同你屋企主子🐶🐱周圍玩之外,HKPAWS請你化身Bow Wow Inn既...

【Are you the 🎅 for Bow Wow Inn?! Donate a Gift Stocking for our 🐶 this year!】

呢個聖誕除左同你屋企主子🐶🐱周圍玩之外,HKPAWS請你化身Bow Wow Inn既聖誕老人,捐贈一份窩心既零食聖誕襪俾一班待家既小朋友!每份聖誕襪只需$50,就會有Hungry Henry同其他義工親手整既高質零食俾狗狗,同佢地歡渡聖誕節🎁! Bow Wow Inn上下有40幾隻狗狗,請大家慷慨解囊,務求隻隻都有一個豐盛既聖誕🥳

We are looking for Santa Claus on behalf of our 40+ 🐶🐶 in needs in Bow Wow Inn! Yes they haven’t found a forever home, but we can bring joy to their Christmas this year by donating each of them Gift Stockings packed with treats! Each stocking (cost HKD50) will come with quality handmade treats from either henryzmama or our volunteers, let’s see how many socks we can gather!

DM收據至我地FB/ IG並標明「聖誕襪捐贈」就得架啦!:

📍 Donate via PayPal: [email protected]
📍 PayMe: https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/KDbSk1vMmGUiHRNcGG1UL8
📍 FPS: 9485-5188
📍 HSBC: 817-470339-001

一百元以上嘅捐款會獲發扣稅收據,請將捐款紀錄email 俾本會義工 [email protected]🙏🏾💕🐾🙇🏽‍♀️

Donate and DM us with a remark for “Christmas Stocking Donation” via FB/IG right now!

📍 Donate via PayPal: [email protected]
📍 PayMe: https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/KDbSk1vMmGUiHRNcGG1UL8
📍 FPS: 9485-5188
📍 HSBC: 817-470339-001

Any over HKD100 are eligible for tax deductible receipts - please send them over to [email protected].

Charity No.: 91/11168
Animal Trader License Exemption No: ORG-00059

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

Thank you to momo.doggie.massage & 一眾義工!今日Bow Wow Inn狗狗超有福!毛毛元氣館導師同義工們入黎幫有需要既🐶🐶斷症同按摩,提醒我地要幫個別狗狗日常注意既事項🥰雖然一班狗狗未搵到屋企,但佢地一樣...

Thank you to momo.doggie.massage & 一眾義工!

今日Bow Wow Inn狗狗超有福!毛毛元氣館導師同義工們入黎幫有需要既🐶🐶斷症同按摩,提醒我地要幫個別狗狗日常注意既事項🥰雖然一班狗狗未搵到屋企,但佢地一樣值得關心同悉心照顧~

特別感謝 OneDegree 贊助同安排今次既活動🥳

We have never thought massage therapy sessions would benefit our dogs at Bow Wow Inn so much! Today we welcomed professional therapists & their volunteers to examine and massage some of our 🐶🐶 in needs. We can tell they all really enjoyed it and we all took home with tips to better care for them. 🥰

Thank you so much for OneDegree in sponsoring the activity as well!

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【待領Available】Left: Kip, 1歲大仔 1 year old boy Right: Comet, 2歲大仔 2 year old boyKip 同 Comet呢對好兄弟成日都一齊玩,真係friend過打band! 😃😃 希...

【待領Available】Left: Kip, 1歲大仔 1 year old boy
Right: Comet, 2歲大仔 2 year old boy

Kip 同 Comet呢對好兄弟成日都一齊玩,真係friend過打band! 😃😃 希望佢地搵到好屋企之後領養人都可以一齊帶佢地探索世界啦~佢地又靚仔、又跑得、又夾到狗狗/小動物/小朋友既狗狗,手快有手慢無💜💙💛

Kip and Comet are best buddies and brothers in Bow Wow Inn! They definitely look forward to having their own new homes. And we can guarantee you both of them will be the gem if you are looking for a great companion for an active lifestyle or a addition to your family with kids or other animals, don’t miss the chance!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not
give up the animal no matter what life brings.

https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷

For more information or to adopt, please go to
https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire
under “adopt a dog”.

#領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養
#救救毛孩 #毛孩
#毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭
#狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

[暫托/待領 Fosters/Available for Adopt] Brandy仔 5個月大 5-month-old boy你睇唔睇得出Brandy係一個文靜乖寶寶呢😜姊妹一個個返哂屋企,爭Brandy同佢哥哥Brownie ja!🤗趁...

[暫托/待領 Fosters/Available for Adopt] Brandy
仔 5個月大 5-month-old boy

你睇唔睇得出Brandy係一個文靜乖寶寶呢😜姊妹一個個返哂屋企,爭Brandy同佢哥哥Brownie ja!🤗趁佢地仲細,處於黃金學習階段,我地好有信心佢地會聽教聽話,為屋企帶黎勁多歡樂!暫托動物係極具意義的活動,有興趣就黎搵我地傾啦🙏🏻

Brandy is our calm and gentle baby! This coffee-colored litter are 100% cute with different personalities. It’s important to get them into foster care or adoption soon while they are still young. Contact us now if you can offer a hand!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【暫托 Foster needed】Rosan, 1歲大女 1 year old girl 唔經唔覺Rosan係Bow Wow Inn渡過左佢第一個年頭🧡佢BB既時候喺港島被途人發現,雖說係我地度可以日日同朋友仔一齊玩一齊訓,但佢其實未見過...

【暫托 Foster needed】Rosan, 1歲大女 1 year old girl

唔經唔覺Rosan係Bow Wow Inn渡過左佢第一個年頭🧡佢BB既時候喺港島被途人發現,雖說係我地度可以日日同朋友仔一齊玩一齊訓,但佢其實未見過Bow Wow Inn出面既世界,等緊有心人可以同佢建立關係,俾一個真正既屋企佢🤗如果你有能力暫托同照顧佢就請即刻聯絡我地啦🙏🏻

Rosan is one year old in a blink of an eye! Despite all the fun she has had with her friends, growing up in Bow Wow Inn since a pup has minimized her exposure to different environments and building bonding with humans. She is still waiting for an owner and a loving home! Please leave us a message if you are available 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

[暫托/待領 Fosters/Available for Adopt] Brownie仔 5個月大 5-month-old boyWow 呢隻笑得咁開心既係Brownie仔仔呀😙 Brownie超級好動親人,絕對係一百分寶寶!想要一隻可愛聰...

[暫托/待領 Fosters/Available for Adopt] Brownie
仔 5個月大 5-month-old boy

Wow 呢隻笑得咁開心既係Brownie仔仔呀😙 Brownie超級好動親人,絕對係一百分寶寶!想要一隻可愛聰明伴侶既你千萬唔好錯過😁趁佢仲細,處於黃金學習階段,我地好有信心Brownie會聽教聽話,為屋企帶黎勁多歡樂!暫托同領養動物係極具意義的活動,有興趣就黎搵我地傾啦🙏🏻

Brownie is SO CUTE! He has put up his most charismatic smile to win over your heart, and we bet he has done so! It’s important to get puppies into foster care or adoption soon while they are still young. Contact us now if you can offer a hand!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【待領 Available】Hank 1歲半大仔, 1.5 year old boy Hank趁天氣好,同朋友仔出左去行山⛰️佢性格活潑好動,會為你帶黎好多歡樂;佢淺啡色既眼睛、可愛既半摺耳同深淺交替既混毛色,帶出街又夠哂吸晴👀~細身得黎又...

【待領 Available】Hank 1歲半大仔, 1.5 year old boy


Hank really enjoyed his winter hike the other weekend! He is waiting to be your family and partner in crime. Just one look and you won’t forget about Hank - he definitely has the most unique yellow-colored eyes, half-folded ears and mixed fur colors of all the mongrels we have had! But more than that, it is his personality that will steal your heart. He can be so goofy we bet you will have a lot of fun with him. Contact us now if you are interested in providing him with a forever home! 🏡


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 [https://www.hkpaws.org](https://www.hkpaws.org/) 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to [https://www.hkpaws.org](https://www.hkpaws.org/) and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪


Hong Kong




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