[暫托/領養 Available for foster/adoption] Tania, 8個月大女 8 months old girl
Tania 係我地最新加入既Bow Wow Inn成員!雖然佢年紀輕輕,但由出生以來佢既世界只有擔驚受怕,因為主人係會以暴力相待😓所以即使Bow Wow Inn已爆滿,我地都唔忍心Tania繼續過苦日子。對Tania黎講而家一切都結束了!Tania會係Bow Wow Inn重新學識信任人類同基本指令,好快就可以踏上尋家之路架啦!
Tania just came to Bow Wow Inn a few days ago! She has experienced nothing but fear and violence since she was born, so we were determined to rescue her despite Bow Wow Inn is near full capacity. She deserves a second chance in life and will be ready for foster/adopt soon 🧡
Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.
有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。
For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.
#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪