Hong Kong Paws Foundation

Hong Kong Paws Foundation HK Paws Foundation Charity No.: 91/11168 & Animal Trader License Exemption No: ORG-00059 Your donation means the world to us.

You can donate by direct deposit to our savings account:

HSBC: 817-470339-001
FPS: 94855188
PayPal: [email protected]

We are a registered charity (charity number 91/11168). Donations greater than HKD $100 are tax deductible. Please contact us at if you want to receive a tax deductible receipt.


Cat house daily - Checker/Dice/Dottie

Available for adoption

【Tomorrow’s Adoption Day @ Bow Wow Inn!】聽日就係領養日,快啲報名啦!Bow Wow Inn有好多尋家中既朋友仔等緊你吖🐾🐾哇哇哇我地今個夏天Bow Wow Inn工程不斷,為既係防備雨季來臨同幫我地一...

【Tomorrow’s Adoption Day @ Bow Wow Inn!】

聽日就係領養日,快啲報名啦!Bow Wow Inn有好多尋家中既朋友仔等緊你吖🐾🐾

哇哇哇我地今個夏天Bow Wow Inn工程不斷,為既係防備雨季來臨同幫我地一班狗狗加設宿舍。心思思想為本地動物救援工作出一份力既你立即預約8月24號、下午時間入黎Bow Wow Inn開放日/領養日,親身同我地資深義工了解Bow Wow Inn日常運作、擴展近況同領養/暫託過程!💪🏻

We have so many new members at Bow Wow Inn waiting for their furever home 🐾

Bow Wow Inn has been undergoing many enhancement work this summer to get prepared for the typhoon season while keep expanding for more doggies in need. Our adoption day on Aug 24 will be a great opportunity for you to meet all our doggies residents at once, and discuss face-to-face on the latest updates of our shelter expansion & how you can help. It has been the toughest times of all for HKPAWS with dwindling foster help and soaring construction costs - and we’d appreciate any help that’s coming our way.

🗓️ Aug 24, Saturday 星期六
⏱️ 3-6 pm
📍 Tai Kong Po, Kam Tin 錦田大江埔


DM us if you are interested with intended number of visitors and arrival time, and we will share arrival instructions right after.

Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not
give up the animal no matter what life brings.


#領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養
#救救毛孩 #毛孩
#毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭
#狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

Cat House Daily - Wilson

Cat House Daily - Wilson

[暫托 Fosters Needed!] Brandy Brownie2仔 4個月大 2 4-month-old boys,4兄弟姐妹有2隻入左屋暫托,仲有Brandy同 Brownie兩個等緊!佢地一個活潑,一個文靜,但都一樣可愛靚仔🤗趁...

[暫托 Fosters Needed!] Brandy Brownie
2仔 4個月大 2 4-month-old boys,

4兄弟姐妹有2隻入左屋暫托,仲有Brandy同 Brownie兩個等緊!佢地一個活潑,一個文靜,但都一樣可愛靚仔🤗趁佢地仲細,處於黃金學習階段,我地好有信心佢地會聽教聽話,為屋企帶黎勁多歡樂!暫托動物係極具意義的活動,有興趣就黎搵我地傾啦🙏🏻

We still have Brandy and Brownie two boys with us! Both of the coffee-colored litter are 100% cute with different personalities. It’s important to get them into foster care or adoption soon while they are still young. Contact us now if you can offer a hand!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪


【Aug Adoption Day @ Bow Wow Inn next week!】

想暫托或領養?Bow Wow Inn有好多尋家中既朋友仔等緊你吖🐾🐾

哇哇哇我地今個夏天Bow Wow Inn工程不斷,為既係防備雨季來臨同幫我地一班狗狗加設宿舍。心思思想為本地動物救援工作出一份力既你立即預約8月24號、下午時間入黎Bow Wow Inn開放日/領養日,親身同我地資深義工了解Bow Wow Inn日常運作、擴展近況同領養/暫託過程!💪🏻

We have so many new members at Bow Wow Inn waiting for their furever home 🐾

Bow Wow Inn has been undergoing many enhancement work this summer to get prepared for the typhoon season while keep expanding for more doggies in need. Our adoption day on Aug 24 will be a great opportunity for you to meet all our doggies residents at once, and discuss face-to-face on the latest updates of our shelter expansion & how you can help. It has been the toughest times of all for HKPAWS with dwindling foster help and soaring construction costs - and we’d appreciate any help that’s coming our way.

🗓️ Aug 24, Saturday 星期六
⏱️ 3-6 pm
📍 Tai Kong Po, Kam Tin 錦田大江埔


DM us if you are interested with intended number of visitors and arrival time, and we will share arrival instructions right after.

Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not
give up the animal no matter what life brings.


#領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養
#救救毛孩 #毛孩
#毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭
#狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

感謝 Lane Crawford今個月為HKPAWS舉辦員工籌款之外,仲集合群體力量捐贈左好多新淨物資俾Bow Wow Inn,支持環保之餘亦幫助我地救援工作💪🏻 Thank you Lane Crawford Hong Kong for ...

感謝 Lane Crawford今個月為HKPAWS舉辦員工籌款之外,仲集合群體力量捐贈左好多新淨物資俾Bow Wow Inn,支持環保之餘亦幫助我地救援工作💪🏻

Thank you Lane Crawford Hong Kong for helping to raise the awareness for local animal welfare! Not only have their employees donated for Bow Wow Inn, we have also received a lot of goodies for our pups!

Cat House daily - Fiorella

Cat House daily - Fiorella


[急URGENT - 暫托/領養 Available for foster/adoption] 5隻可愛黑狗B 2個月大 2 month old


A DESPERATE CALL FOR FOSTER HELP! We have got 5 puppies rescued along with their young mum Lizzy. For Bow Wow Inn to rescue and home more doggies like this family of Lizzy, we must get help from families like you for fostering or adoption first. Contact us now if you can offer a hand!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪


Cat House Daily - Rosita

Cat House Daily - Arabelle

Cat House Daily - Arabelle

如果你都好鍾意Kinder出奇蛋,鍾意嗰種一次過滿足你所有願望嘅感覺嘅話;又一直心大心細唔知邊隻顏色嘅貓咪先最適合你,咁你就係天選之人喇!一家五口灰虎班貓媽媽芳齡約一歲,仲有幾隻兩個月大黃白色、虎斑、玳瑁嘅可愛bb, 完全滿足曬你想集齊所有...

如果你都好鍾意Kinder出奇蛋,鍾意嗰種一次過滿足你所有願望嘅感覺嘅話;又一直心大心細唔知邊隻顏色嘅貓咪先最適合你,咁你就係天選之人喇!一家五口灰虎班貓媽媽芳齡約一歲,仲有幾隻兩個月大黃白色、虎斑、玳瑁嘅可愛bb, 完全滿足曬你想集齊所有色嘅願望。如果你有心有力,好鍾意照顧趣致嘅貓bb同怕醜嘅貓媽媽嘅話,不妨接佢地返屋企暫托,幫助佢地尋找領養家庭。 (留言區仲有佢哋獲救前嘅天真無邪BB樣添) (仲有仲有,佢哋未改名㗎,專登留返俾暫託奶媽幫佢哋改名,等你唷!)

Amid the typhoon season, when we are warm and safe at home, a young vagrant kitten, about one year old herself, was braving the storm, desperately seeking even just a moment of respite from the weather. Unfortunately, the mountainous area of The Peak offers little option. This lone girl is now faced with a dilemma… because while she is on her lonesome now, she won’t be for long. Running out of time and options, she had no choice but to enter a random stranger’s home uninvited. Shortly thereafter, the residents of this home would report that they found a stray female cat, along with her 4 newborn kittens.

Over the next 8 weeks, sporadic efforts have been made to care for this new family of 5. However, we are hoping to find a foster home to house this new family consistently until candidates for adoption can be found. It is most beneficial that they adapt to home environment asap.

Basic amenities shall be provided upon request.

In addition, as a gesture of appreciation for undertaking this fostering task on such short notice, the naming rites for the mother and her 4 kittens shall be granted to the foster host(s).

Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a cat” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a cat”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪


Cat House daily - Nonny, Prince 44 and Rooney


[暫托/領養 Available for foster/adoption] 5隻可愛黑狗B 2個月大 2 month old


A cute video of young mother Lizzy and her cute 5 little pups! They have grown so quickly and healthily into energy balls! For Bow Wow Inn to rescue and home more doggies like this family of Lizzy, we must get help from families like you for fostering or adoption first. Contact us now if you can offer a hand!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【 待領 Available】Hugo 小白 3歲大仔 3 years old boyHugo呢隻富有喜感既🐷🐷,白雪雪又乖巧溫馴,黎左Bow Wow Inn幾日就好快成為義工既至愛啦😝其實佢係師傅既同胎黎架!兩兄弟都咁嗲咁溫柔😬成犬性格穩...

【 待領 Available】Hugo 小白 3歲大仔 3 years old boy

Hugo呢隻富有喜感既🐷🐷,白雪雪又乖巧溫馴,黎左Bow Wow Inn幾日就好快成為義工既至愛啦😝其實佢係師傅既同胎黎架!兩兄弟都咁嗲咁溫柔😬


Hugo’s happy face and gentle (and very silly) character has immediately captured everyone’s hearts at Bow Wow Inn. Same as Master his brother, Hugo is super gentle, calm and friendly.

At his young age, he has so much to explore with his new owner. He really deserves a second chance to start a new life.


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #暫託狗狗


Cat House daily - Hashbrown

Why are you so cute 😻😻

Cat House Daily - Norbert 🧡

Cat House Daily - Norbert 🧡

【待領 Available】Gus 8歲仔 8 years old boy 天氣炎熱,醒目仔Gus既消暑方法就係喺Bow Wow Inn樹蔭下抖涼同嘆西瓜😁佢自4歲起就被HKPAWS救起,一直都十分乖,亦都喺眾多Bow Wow Inn住客中...

【待領 Available】Gus 8歲仔 8 years old boy

天氣炎熱,醒目仔Gus既消暑方法就係喺Bow Wow Inn樹蔭下抖涼同嘆西瓜😁佢自4歲起就被HKPAWS救起,一直都十分乖,亦都喺眾多Bow Wow Inn住客中既最成熟穩重既大佬😍但你信唔信Gus既上半生竟然係俾個無情村民用鐵鏈鎖住佢?😢 雖然佢之前嘅經歷令人心痛,但無阻佢成為你屋企嘅心肝寶貝!❤️❤️ 我哋決心要為佢尋找一個永遠嘅家!唔好猶豫,即刻聯絡我哋!🏡🐾

Come and meet Gus, who definitely knows his way of dealing with the hot summer 😂 At 8 years old, he still has a heart full of innocence and joy! Can you believe that before he came to HKPAWS 4 years ago, he was once cruelly chained up by a heartless villager? 😢 Although his past experiences are heartbreaking, they won't stop him from becoming the apple of your eye at home! ❤️ We are determined to find Gus a forever home where he can experience the warmth and happiness he deserves! 😄 Are you ready to give Gus a life filled with love? Contact us now! 🏡🐾


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

[暫托/領養 Available for foster/adoption] 5隻可愛黑狗B  2個月大 2 month old年輕狗女媽媽Lizzy過去2個月棉乾絮濕咁照顧呢5隻狗B,我地見證住佢地由未開眼,到而家精靈活潑,轉眼間已經準備出...

[暫托/領養 Available for foster/adoption] 5隻可愛黑狗B 2個月大 2 month old

年輕狗女媽媽Lizzy過去2個月棉乾絮濕咁照顧呢5隻狗B,我地見證住佢地由未開眼,到而家精靈活潑,轉眼間已經準備出暫托啦!💪🏻Bow Wow Inn近排熱鬧非常,但要確保我地可以拯救更多好似Lizzy一家咁樣有需要既狗狗,就有賴熱心人士暫托或領養先至得🥺有興趣幫手就快啲聯絡我地啦~

We have witnessed the selflessness of young mother Lizzy in the past two months in raising these 5 cute little beans. They have grown so quickly and healthily into energy balls! For Bow Wow Inn to rescue and home more doggies like this family of Lizzy, we must get help from families like you for fostering or adoption first. Contact us now if you can offer a hand!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪


Cat House Daily - Rina


Cat house daily - Nonny

Cat House Daily - our beautiful Monifa  😻

Cat House Daily - our beautiful Monifa 😻

【Bow Wow Inn領養快訊Bow Wow Inn’s Rescue Update】 Callie, 7歲女  7 year old girlCallie返左屋企啦!Callie喺狗場住左好幾年了,雖然以往出post佢都已經好受大家歡迎...

【Bow Wow Inn領養快訊Bow Wow Inn’s Rescue Update】 Callie, 7歲女 7 year old girl

Callie返左屋企啦!Callie喺狗場住左好幾年了,雖然以往出post佢都已經好受大家歡迎,但輾轉等到Bow Wow Inn擴展第二期後多左人接觸佢,先成功搵到領養屋企🥰見到佢開開心心的笑容,我地都安心哂!😊

Callie is now home! After staying in the shelter for several years, we finally could find her a forever home, thanks to the exposure she’s been getting in Bow Wow Inn! We cannot be more than happy for her second life 😘


We urgently need your generous support. You can donate via:

📍 Donate via PayPal: [email protected]
📍 Scan the PayMe QR code (Comment/homepage)
📍 FPS: 9485-5188
📍 HSBC: 817-470339-001

一百元以上嘅捐款會獲發扣稅收據,請將捐款紀錄email 俾本會義工 [email protected]🙏🏾💕🐾🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽

Any over HKD100 are eligible for tax deductible receipts - please send them over to [email protected].

Charity No.: 91/11168
Animal Trader License Exemption No: ORG-00059

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

【待領 Available】Hank 1歲大仔, 1 year old boy Hank大個仔左少少咁啦,性格穩定左但一樣咁魅力四射,活力十足🤭 佢淺啡色既眼睛、可愛既半摺耳同深淺交替既混毛色,夠哂靚仔特別😍而且佢係一名超級活潑嘅好奇寶寶,...

【待領 Available】Hank 1歲大仔, 1 year old boy

Hank大個仔左少少咁啦,性格穩定左但一樣咁魅力四射,活力十足🤭 佢淺啡色既眼睛、可愛既半摺耳同深淺交替既混毛色,夠哂靚仔特別😍而且佢係一名超級活潑嘅好奇寶寶,學嘢都會快啲上手㗎~有興趣帶佢返屋企請即刻聯絡我地!🏡

It’s been a few months since we posted an update about Hank! Just one look and you won’t forget about Hank - he definitely has the most unique yellow-colored eyes, half-folded ears and mixed fur colors of all the mongrels we have had! And just like his name, Hank is very outgoing. He is super curious about everything and filled with energy to investigate🐕 Contact us now if you are interested in providing him with a forever home! 🏡


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 [https://www.hkpaws.org](https://www.hkpaws.org/) 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to [https://www.hkpaws.org](https://www.hkpaws.org/) and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪


Cat House Daily - Leon and Aurora 🥰

[暫托/領養 Available for foster/adoption] Pretzel, 8歲仔 8 years old boy十隻黃貓九隻肥,Pretzel就係嗰隻第十隻。 因為佢有腎病,腎貓都會比較瘦。唔好見佢有一雙可以隱藏成個銀河...

[暫托/領養 Available for foster/adoption] Pretzel, 8歲仔 8 years old boy

十隻黃貓九隻肥,Pretzel就係嗰隻第十隻。 因為佢有腎病,腎貓都會比較瘦。

唔好見佢有一雙可以隱藏成個銀河嘅深情眼睛,好似Puss in Boots嘅貓主角咁,其實佢壞出銀河系㗎!因為佢依家食緊腎藥,身體舒服咗就餓底,會大聲喵提醒人類放飯俾佢。 而享受laid back生活嘅佢,食飽咗之後就會靜靜雞地享受既溫飽又慵懶嘅時光,絕對係一名浪子。




If I were to ask you to name a well-known ginger cat, 9 times out of 10 you would likely gravitate towards either the chubby yet immensely huggable Garfield, or the swashbuckling and starry-eyed Puss in Boots from Shrek. However, this is only because you have yet to learn of a feline by the name of Pretzel.

Pretzel, named after the baked pastry, is the most on-the-nose name to describe his personality and circumstances. Afflicted with kidney issues, Pretzel endures it all with his calm and icy blue-eyed stare. Yet, once you peel away the outer shell, you will discover that Pretzel has a warm and fluffy personality, with a laid-back demeanor that resembles that of a wanderer in search of companionship just like the rest of us.

Due to Pretzel’s timid nature, he might require a bit more time to adapt to new people and unknown surroundings. However, he is very vocal when he gets hungry, so be sure to be aware of this not-so-subtle trait of his. Although Pretzel’s kidney condition is currently being treated through medication and a prescription diet, he tends to rub his feline peers the wrong way and gets picked on among any clowder of cats. However, just like a sole firefly in a sea of night, Pretzel stands out among any crowd, and his fire for love and companionship is unmatched.

If you are interested in caring for a cat with kidney issues but yearn for a bond that, just like the baked pastry, will make the two of you inseparable and limitless, Pretzel is the companion you would want to wander the trials and tribulations that is life.


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a cat” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a cat”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪


Cat House Daily - Filly


[🚨急尋暫托 Urgent fosters needed for foster🚨]
3仔1女3個月大狗B 3 boys & 1 girl 3-month-old litter
Boys: Brandy Bean Brownie & Girl: Bailey

B字頭litter成長得好快,話咁快就3個月啦🥹因應Bow Wow Inn忙過無停手,我地急需有心家庭幫呢班狗B入屋,佢地活潑又可愛,一定會為屋企帶黎勁多歡樂!暫托動物係極具意義的活動,有興趣就黎搵我地傾啦🙏🏻

Our coffee-colored litter has reached 3 months old in a blink of an eye! Bow Wow Inn is now full of puppies these days - and we urgently need foster help for them. They are super energetic and adorable 🥰 Contact us now if you can offer a hand!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

[🚨急尋暫托 Urgent fosters needed for foster🚨] 3仔1女3個月大狗B 3 boys & 1 girl 3-month-old litterBoys: Brandy Bean Brownie & Girl:...

[🚨急尋暫托 Urgent fosters needed for foster🚨]
3仔1女3個月大狗B 3 boys & 1 girl 3-month-old litter
Boys: Brandy Bean Brownie & Girl: Bailey

B字頭litter成長得好快,話咁快就3個月啦🥹因應Bow Wow Inn忙過無停手,我地急需有心家庭幫呢班狗B入屋,佢地活潑又可愛,一定會為屋企帶黎勁多歡樂!暫托動物係極具意義的活動,有興趣就黎搵我地傾啦🙏🏻

Our coffee-colored litter has reached 3 months old in a blink of an eye! Bow Wow Inn is now full of puppies these days - and we urgently need foster help for them. They are super energetic and adorable 🥰 Contact us now if you can offer a hand!


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪

[暫托/領養 Available for foster/adoption] Sam Sam, 3歲仔 3 years old boySam Sam由細到大都係流浪狗,搵一餐食一餐,又曾經被人困籠養,不過苦日子都過去了!而家黎到Bow Wow...

[暫托/領養 Available for foster/adoption] Sam Sam, 3歲仔 3 years old boy

Sam Sam由細到大都係流浪狗,搵一餐食一餐,又曾經被人困籠養,不過苦日子都過去了!而家黎到Bow Wow Inn可以同朋友仔喺草地奔跑耍玩,期待尋家既機會!加油呀Sam Sam,精彩既第二人生等緊你!

Sam Sam has gone through a lot of tough times being a stray since young. He had also been caged for a while until he arrived at Bow Wow Inn. But now he is all ready for a new home! We are looking forward to finding him a second life.


Adoption is for life.
When you adopt you are making a commitment to not give up the animal no matter what life brings.

有任何查詢,有興趣領養的話請到 https://www.hkpaws.org 然後按 “adopt a dog” 填寫問卷以便我們跟進。

For more information or to adopt, please go to https://www.hkpaws.org and fill out the questionnaire under “adopt a dog”.

#浪印小棧 #領養 #領養代替購買 #領養不棄養 #領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #救救毛孩 #毛孩 #毛孩是家人 #浪浪 #浪浪別哭 #狗義工 #貓義工 #暫託 #暫托狗狗 #暫託貓咪


Hong Kong




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