Aetaire 空氣殺菌機 醫療級

Aetaire 空氣殺菌機 醫療級 醫療級空氣殺菌燈

使用,購買UV紫外線消毒用品,目的是保障健康,免受病毒同細菌侵害,但使用不合格的UV紫外線消毒用品,比不用造成更大傷害!  停一停,諗一諗,平真係等於好?

使用,購買UV紫外線消毒用品,目的是保障健康,免受病毒同細菌侵害,但使用不合格的UV紫外線消毒用品,比不用造成更大傷害! 停一停,諗一諗,平真係等於好?



點揀空氣殺菌機,今晚TVB恐怖真相話你知! UV燈波長直接影響殺菌效能,一般家用UV燈未必夠強,要強又唔安全! Aetaire用上醫療級別UV殺菌燈,加上超強保護金屬外殼! 除了全方位反射波長達至最強效力,還提供防漏光保護!


明白有好多企業對UV 殺菌燈的需求量大,老闆會以project形式報價! 大家齊心抗疫!


點解 Aetaire可以消除病毒,淨化空氣? 原因在於Aetaire 用咗醫療級別波長嘅UV紫外光燈去消毒空氣! UV 燈有利亦利弊,一定! 一定! 一定! 要配合高規格金屬外殼,以防漏光! 造成危險! 加埋高質素3M濾網抽風作過濾就萬無一失啦!

快d打嚟 2512 6606 揾我地! 潔淨空氣,你值得擁有!


流感季節高鋒,很容易交叉感染,一個病,全家輪住病,注意個人及環境衛生, 多呼吸鮮空氣,多曬太陽吸收維他命D


流感感染嚴重,歡迎學校,院舍,機構預約Aetaire 醫療級空氣殺菌機 免費咨詢服務


Aetaire is a proven and affordable system to improve working environments, product/service quality and thus also your business result. Aetaire brings specific benefits to markets by decreasing bacteria and fungi in the air. In each Aetaire set-up at our clients, the amount of bacteria and fungi in the air decreased between 50% (partially open rooms) and 99% (fully closed rooms)

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A proven ánd affordable system to improve the air in your environment


Decreasing negative influences such as bacteria and fungi will improve recovery of patients and clients. Aetaires are installed at in the medical, dental and veterinarian field. Leading to a decrease in air pollution of up to 50%. This decrease can only benefit the recovery of patients. We are proud to be able to contribute to the healthcare system worldwide.

Decay of food is caused by bacteria. By reducing bacteria and fungi in the air of storage rooms, kitchens, factories etc. suppliers are able to increase shelf life and give their customers / guests products that are more fresh. And by bringing down decay there is less waste. So not only does the Aetaire improve the quality of supplied products, it also has a positive influence on the business economics.

A healthier working environment will lead to happier employees and less sickleave. Why pay attention to chairs, desks, etc. but forget about the largest area surrounding your employees; Air! Use Aetaire to minimise spreading of bacteria and to keep your staff healthy.

– TNO test result prove that Aetaire realises disinfection rate of >3 log and >4log, meaning that it reaches disinfection.
– In semi-open locations cuch as (cold) storage rooms, an Aetaire demonstration has showed a decrease of bacteria and Fungi of 60-70%
– In open locations such dental and medical centres Aetaire decreases bacteria in the air with 50%


Why ebm-papst fans?

Ebm-papst is a market leader in fans, blowers and drives and offers a uniquely comprehensive range of products with German quality. 10,000 committed individuals are busy in Germany and throughout the world developing and producing products they care about with a passion, striving for the perfect application solutions in the most diverse range of industries. As a member of ZVEI (German Association of Electrical and Electronic Industries), ebm-papst is clearly strongly committed to gaining even wider acceptance of efficient technology. Energy efficiency is their business, for instance, which aims at sponsoring joint efforts that will benefit government initiatives, the economy and end users.

The ebm-papst 4400 fan has been built using state-of-the-art technologies. The vanes, for example, are fitted with winglets that result in a 3dB noise reduction in comparison to a standard fan. The fan is not only quiet; intelligence built-into the motor also makes it very economical to operate. The fan is extremely energy efficient. The power consumption at the highest speed is four watts, and that drops to just one watt at the night setting.
ideal for high-velocity equipment. A 3M filter is ideal to help remove larger particles such as dust, pollen, mould spores and pet dander from the air passing through the filter. The antimicrobial agent helps inhibit the growth of mould and mildew on the filter media.


Why 3M filters?

3M is fundamentally a science-based company. They produce thousands of imaginative products and are leader in scores of markets from health care and highway safety to office products, abrasives and adhesives.

The 3M High Air Flow (HAF) air filtration media with antimicrobial agent effectively capture larger particles from the air. These filters attract and capture dust and are ideal for high-velocity equipment. A 3M filter is ideal to help remove larger particles such as dust, pollen, mould spores and pet dander from the air passing through the filter. The antimicrobial agent helps inhibit the growth of mould and mildew on the filter media.


Why Philips UV-C lamps?

As the world’s largest lamp manufacturer, Philips has a reputation for innovation, efficiency and high quality. No other lamp manufacturer can offer you the lighting knowledge and expertise that Philips has gained over the course of more than a hundred years. The range of lamps offered is vast and includes both low- and medium-pressure mercury lamps.
UV-C treatment is not only used for disinfection of air, but for water and surface disinfection as well. Philips has extensive experience in the application of these technologies in hospitals, bacteriological research laboratories, the pharmaceutical and food-processing industry, drinking water and waste water treatment, air handling systems, etc.

Other advantages of Philips UV-C light disinfection technology include:

Long service life of the lamps
Highest end of life output
Wide range of single-ended lamps permits compact equipment and easy lamp replacement
Very low mercury dose to protect the environment
Consistent quality for equipment reliability

根據香港衛生署,從5月5日到8月4日,夏季流感確診人數為1萬4721人,累計死亡人數312人,死亡率約為2.1%,總死亡人數超越2003年嚴重急性呼吸道綜合症(SARS)時期。 香港食物及衛生局長陳肇始指,前幾年的夏季流感沒有像今年那麼厲害,目前病房仍需加床。 由於人口老化,病人患有多種慢性病,使病情更複雜,並降低病床流轉速度。 2003年2月至6月爆發SARS期間,共確認1755人染病,299人死亡,死亡率高達17%。


夏季流感高峰,首一百支Aetaire空氣殺菌燈,成本價每支$4998.00,免費掛牆安裝! 只限醫療機構及護老院!


想了解多啲 Aetaire, 快啲下載說明書。。。有幾勁? 用料幾好? 點解要揀Aetaire? 咩嘢先係平,靚,正?



Room 2401, 24/F. , Berkshire House, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00





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