Dogaroo Group

Dogaroo Group Dogaroo由澳洲專業資格認可導師提供犬隻訓練,日托,寄養訓練,酒店服務,寵物美容,游泳訓練池,Dog Café 等。

Dogaroo Pet Group provides luxury pet service for your pets. tel 電話︰ (852) 2768 7668

Dogaroo Pet Hotel located in Hong Kong, is an authentic and luxurious pet hotel which is the pioneer in city centre. We are the first pet hotel qualified with ISO 9001 management qualification across Asia. Your pets may enjoy the most at Dogaroo whether you are on business trip or on holiday. Dogaroo's trainers obtained their qualifications from Australia, providing dogs training and boarding trai

ning programs, day care, hotel services, professional pet grooming, swimming training, dog treadmill training, pet products, Dog Café and more. Dogaroo由澳洲專業資格認可導師提供犬隻訓練,日托訓練,寄養訓練,酒店服務,專業寵物美容服務,游泳訓練池,健身,Dog Café 等。Dogaroo Pet Hotel位於旺角,是區內罕見的豪華寵物酒店,我們是全亞洲首間取得ISO 9001國際認証之寵物酒店。同時寄養的寵物可享受到酒店內最佳及設備最齊全的寄宿環境,而當主人們出門工幹或旅遊時,愛寵亦同時歡樂地於The Grand Dogaroo Pet Hotel 渡假。

Dogaroo 售賣歐美各品牌狗糧,貓糧、貓狗小食、寵物玩具、訓練用品、清潔護理用品、營養保健食品等寵物用品等。

Customer Service Hotline/ 客戶服務熱線
tel 電話︰ (852) 2768 7668


Mong Kok

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 20:00
Thursday 10:00 - 20:00
Friday 10:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday 10:00 - 20:00


2768 7668


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