衷心感謝大家過去19年的支持 💜
天后寵物醫院 將於2024年10月31日最後一天應診後,結束營業。
*取藥及取糧服務:延至2024年11月13日止 (11月份內只限11月4至8、11至13日,9:30am - 7:00pm)
Thank you sincerely for all your support over the past 19 years. 💜
Tin Hau Pet Hospital will discontinue normal operations & consultations after 31st October, 2024.
*Prescriptions, supplements, and pet food pickup service : will be extended to 13th November, 2024 (available only on 4th to 8th, 11th to 13th November, 9:30am-7:00pm).
We apologize for the inconvenience.