星寵動物醫院 Zodiac Pet & Exotic Hospital

星寵動物醫院 Zodiac Pet & Exotic Hospital Our team ensures compassionate, personalized attention for your pet. Our goal is to provide the highest standard of service and care to you and your animals.

🏥 珍禽異獸及寵物專科醫院 Veterinary Specialty Hospital

Highly rated since 2014, Zodiac offers veterinary specialty care for pets and exotic pets. Zodiac Pet & Exotic Hospital provides services for an entire range of animal species from dogs and cats to birds, exotic companion mammals, reptiles and amphibians. The hospital’s design, facilities, and equipment we

re carefully chosen to cater to each species' individual needs. Our core medical team has received specific training with over 10 years of experience in the field.


Zodiac was created by people who understand the needs of animals and their caretakers. Because we are pet lovers ourselves, we understand the value and need for fair and honest treatment. Fostering long term medical support and care for animals is the philosophy on which our hospital is built.


We are conveniently located in the heart of Hong Kong, between Fortress Hill and Tin Hau. When in need, we are here for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone (+852-2527-1718) for details, enquiries, or to schedule an appointment. Contact details are on our website www.zodiacvet.com. Thank you!

貓狗絕育之後一定變肥仔/妹?傳言定真相?Swipe 睇睇真實情況係點!?Will spaying/neutering automatically make your pet gain weight? Myth or fact?Swipe t...

Swipe 睇睇真實情況係點!?

Will spaying/neutering automatically make your pet gain weight? Myth or fact?
Swipe to see what’s really going on!

#貓 #貓絕育 #狗 #狗絕育 #星寵動物醫院 #獸醫香港 #寵物醫院

🐾💖 Happy Love Your Pet Day! 💖🐾今日係Love Your Pet Day!寵物唔只係寵物,佢哋仲係家人👨‍👩‍👧‍👦。記住畀多啲擁抱、帶佢散步或嚟個小食獎勵🍖🐶🐱🐹🐰🐢🐦🐟🦎!分享你同毛孩嘅甜蜜時刻📸,記得Tag...

🐾💖 Happy Love Your Pet Day! 💖🐾

今日係Love Your Pet Day!寵物唔只係寵物,佢哋仲係家人👨‍👩‍👧‍👦。記住畀多啲擁抱、帶佢散步或嚟個小食獎勵🍖🐶🐱🐹🐰🐢🐦🐟🦎!

分享你同毛孩嘅甜蜜時刻📸,記得Tag我哋@zpehhk 💞

Today’s the day to celebrate our furry (or scaly, feathery) family members! ❤️ Give them extra cuddles, a fun walk, or a tasty treat 🍖🐶🐱🐹🐰🐢🐦🐟🦎.

Share your sweet moments with your pet 📸 and tag us @‌zpehhk 💞


📢 兔仔 Lulu 等你嚟領養!🐰❤️📢 Lulu the Bunny is Looking for a Home! 🐰❤️可愛嘅🐰👧Lulu 等緊你領養!🏡✨ Lulu 依家大約2歲幾,星寵希望可以幫佢搵到一個溫暖嘅家!Lulu 大約10...

📢 兔仔 Lulu 等你嚟領養!🐰❤️
📢 Lulu the Bunny is Looking for a Home! 🐰❤️

可愛嘅🐰👧Lulu 等緊你領養!🏡✨ Lulu 依家大約2歲幾,星寵希望可以幫佢搵到一個溫暖嘅家!Lulu 大約10吋長、5吋高,仲乖巧可愛,等緊有緣人帶佢返屋企! 🥰

🐾 如果你想同Lulu成為家人,快啲PM我哋,我哋會幫你聯絡現時主人,一齊為Lulu搵個幸福嘅新家!💕

Meet Lulu, an adorable little 2-year-old bunny waiting for her forever home! 🏡✨ She is about 10 inches long and 5 inches tall. While we may not know everything about her, one thing is for sure—she's gentle, lovable, and ready to be part of a family! 🥰

🐾 Want to give Lulu a loving home? Send us a PM, and we’ll connect you with her current owner to help Lulu find her happily-ever-after!

#領養不棄養 #兔兔尋家 #星寵動物醫院

恭喜詹世傑醫生(Dr. Stephen Chan)獲香港獸醫管理局認證其美國獸醫學院(ABVP)鼠兔專科獸醫資格,正式成為香港執業鼠兔專科獸醫,並專注所有特殊哺乳動物,包含兔子、天竺鼠、倉鼠、龍貓、雪貂、刺蝟等的醫療服務。由即日起,詹醫生的...

恭喜詹世傑醫生(Dr. Stephen Chan)獲香港獸醫管理局認證其美國獸醫學院(ABVP)鼠兔專科獸醫資格,正式成為香港執業鼠兔專科獸醫,並專注所有特殊哺乳動物,包含兔子、天竺鼠、倉鼠、龍貓、雪貂、刺蝟等的醫療服務。



Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Chan on receiving recognition from the Veterinary Surgeons Board of Hong Kong for his American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP) veterinary specialist certification. He is now officially a registered Veterinary Specialist in Hong Kong, focusing on the medical care of exotic small mammals, including rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, ferrets, hedgehogs, and more.

Please note that there will be adjustments to Dr. Chan's specialist consultation fees starting today; for details, feel free to inquire.

For appointments or more information, please contact us.

#詹世傑醫生 #專科獸醫 #珍禽異獸

🐰🐹🦔🐭【珍禽異獸點解要絕育?|女仔篇】by Dr. Angela你知道嗎?🐾 雌性兔兔、倉鼠、天竺鼠、刺蝟甚至龍貓,都有機會因為子宮腫瘤、卵巢囊腫或子宮炎而縮短壽命💔 絕育唔止可以防止意外懷孕、減低疾病風險,仲可以穩定情緒、改善行為、提升...

🐰🐹🦔🐭【珍禽異獸點解要絕育?|女仔篇】by Dr. Angela

你知道嗎?🐾 雌性兔兔、倉鼠、天竺鼠、刺蝟甚至龍貓,都有機會因為子宮腫瘤、卵巢囊腫或子宮炎而縮短壽命💔 絕育唔止可以防止意外懷孕、減低疾病風險,仲可以穩定情緒、改善行為、提升生活質素!✨SWIPE👉睇多啲啦!

💬 想知你嘅小動物適合絕育嗎?DM我哋了解更多💙

🔗 Tag朋友一齊關心小毛孩健康!

Dr. Angela: Why Should Female Exotic Pets Be Spayed? 🐰🐹🦔🐭

Did you know? 🐾 Female rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, hedgehogs, and even chinchillas are at risk of uterine tumors, ovarian cysts, and pyometra, which can shorten their lifespan 💔 Spaying not only prevents unexpected pregnancy & reduces disease risks, but also stabilizes their mood, improves behavior, and enhances their overall well-being! ✨ SWIPE 👉 to learn more!

💬 Not sure if your little one should be spayed? DM us to learn more! 💙

🔗 Tag a fellow pet parent to spread the word about exotic pet health!

#小型哺乳類 #寵物醫院 #刺蝟 #倉鼠 #兔仔 #天竺鼠 #星寵動物醫院

【12星座 × 寵物】究竟你最啱養邊種寵物?「白羊座 ♈️ 總係衝第一?金牛座 ♉️ 又懶洋洋中帶點堅持?想知自己啱養咩寵物?Swipe ➡️ 睇下啦!」小提醒:星座只係參考,最緊要係同自己生活模式match,又確保自己有能力照顧。若有疑問...

【12星座 × 寵物】
「白羊座 ♈️ 總係衝第一?金牛座 ♉️ 又懶洋洋中帶點堅持?想知自己啱養咩寵物?Swipe ➡️ 睇下啦!」


[12 Zodiacs × Pets]
Which one’s your perfect match?
“Aries ♈️ always first in line? Ta**us ♉️ laid-back yet stubborn? Curious which pet best fits your star sign? Swipe ➡️ to find out!”

Friendly Reminder: This is a fun zodiac-based recommendation—make sure you consider your living space, schedule, and official regulations before bringing any pet home!

If you’ve got questions or need a check-up, Zodiac is always here to help!

#星座 #寵物 #星寵動物醫院

📸✨【 #星寵開工大吉】✨📸🐍蛇年第一彈!天竺鼠「朗朗」可愛登場🐹💛過年食好住好,依家輪到Check Check嗰Body!💪🐾新一年,帶埋你嘅毛孩嚟星寵報到,健康順風順水過蛇年!🐍🎊📸✨【 】✨📸🐍Welcoming the Year o...

📸✨【 #星寵開工大吉】✨📸

過年食好住好,依家輪到Check Check嗰Body!💪


📸✨【 】✨📸

🐍Welcoming the Year of the Snake with our first furry visitor—Long Long the guinea pig! 🐹💛
After all the festive feasting, it’s time for a health check! 💪

🐾 Start the new year right—bring your furry friend to Zodiac for a check-up and a cute photo op!

Wishing everyone a year of good health and smooth sailing ahead! 🎊🐍

#寵物 #新年快樂 #星寵動物醫院

🐾✨ 農曆新年毛孩打卡分享! ✨🐾🐾✨ Lunar New Year Pet Photo Booth! ✨🐾農曆新年就嚟到,好多可愛嘅客人嚟打卡星寵動物醫院嘅新年佈置呀!今日同大家分享3位超Cute嘅毛孩朋友:1️⃣ 豬肉丸2️⃣ Pak ...

🐾✨ 農曆新年毛孩打卡分享! ✨🐾
🐾✨ Lunar New Year Pet Photo Booth! ✨🐾


1️⃣ 豬肉丸
2️⃣ Pak Pak 白白
3️⃣ BB & BNUI
4️⃣ Fei Fei

如果您嘅毛孩都有嚟影靚相,快啲 tag 我哋同分享俾我哋啦!🎉

🐍 蛇年行大運!毛孩開心健康! 🐾✨

📢 溫馨提示:農曆新年期間嘅營業時間將有調整,詳情請參考之前嘅Post啦!

The Lunar New Year is just around the corner, and many of our adorable furry guests have been stopping by to snap photos with our festive decorations at Zodiac Pet Hospital! Today, we’re excited to share 3 super cute visitors with you:

1️⃣ Pork Ball
2️⃣ Pak Pak & Bai Bai
3️⃣ BB & BNUI
4️⃣ Fei Fei

A big thank you to their pet parents for sharing these lovely New Year photos with us! 📸
If your fur baby has also taken some snapshots here, don’t forget to tag us and share them with us too! 🎉

🐍 Wishing you and your pets a joyful and healthy Year of the Snake! 🐾✨

📢 Reminder: Our opening hours will be adjusted during the Lunar New Year. Please check out our earlier post for details!

#寵物 #新年快樂 #星寵動物醫院 #營業時間調整

📣 貓貓絕育快問快答 🐾📣 FAQ about Cat Spaying and Neutering 🐾想了解貓咪絕育的好處、最佳時機和術後護理嗎?Dr. Yannie 已為你整理了最常見的問題和專業答案!想幫絕育但係又心大心細?👉 即刻睇吓...

📣 貓貓絕育快問快答 🐾
📣 FAQ about Cat Spaying and Neutering 🐾

想了解貓咪絕育的好處、最佳時機和術後護理嗎?Dr. Yannie 已為你整理了最常見的問題和專業答案!
想幫絕育但係又心大心細?👉 即刻睇吓專業意見啦!

Curious about the benefits of spaying, the best timing, or how to care for your cat after surgery? Dr. Yannie has compiled the most common questions and expert answers for you!

Thinking about it but feeling unsure? 👉 Check out the professional advice now!

#貓絕育 #貓絕育價錢 #星寵動物醫院

🐍🎥 16套寵物電影陪您同毛孩過好年! 🎥🐍🐍🎥 16 Pet Movies to Enjoy with Your Pets this Lunar New Year! 🎥🐍農曆新年假期唔知做咩好?同埋您嘅毛孩,一齊喺屋企睇返場溫馨又搞笑嘅寵...

🐍🎥 16套寵物電影陪您同毛孩過好年! 🎥🐍
🐍🎥 16 Pet Movies to Enjoy with Your Pets this Lunar New Year! 🎥🐍


🎬 狗狗系列:忠心耿耿,狗狗一定係最佳拍檔!
🎬 貓貓系列:高冷又可愛,呢幾套一定讓您又感動又開懷大笑!
🎬 珍禽異獸系列:兔仔、天竺鼠等,仲有幻想世界嘅寵物角色,絕對精彩!
🎬 經典寵物電影:睇幾多次都感動嘅好戲!

立即 swipe 睇下我哋推薦嘅16套電影清單,快啲計劃好您嘅新年假期!🐕🐈🐰🐹🐍🐾

📢 記得!我哋嘅農曆新年營業時間如下:
📅 28 JAN(年廿九)
⏰ 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
*Closed at: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

📅 29 - 31 JAN(年初一至年初三)
🛑 Closed 休息

📅 2月1日 – 2日(年初四至年初五)
⏰ 9:00am – 6:00pm
*Closed at: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

🐍 ㊗️蛇年行大運!祝大家好運連連,毛孩開心健康! 🐾✨

Not sure what to do during the Lunar New Year holiday? Why not cozy up at home with your pets and watch some heartwarming and hilarious pet movies?

🎬 Dog Series: Loyal and loving—these dog movies prove they’re truly our best friends!
🎬 Cat Series: Cool, quirky, and downright adorable—get ready for lots of tears & laughs!
🎬 Exotic Animals Series: From bunnies to guinea pigs, and anime characters, these picks are a wild ride!
🎬 Classic Pet Movies: Timeless gems that tug at your heartstrings every time you watch.

Swipe to check out our 16 movie recommendations and start planning your perfect holiday movie marathon! 🐕🐈🐰🐹🐍🐾

🐍 Wishing you and your furry friends a prosperous and joyful Year of the Snake! 🐾✨

#寵物 #新年快樂 #星寵動物醫院 #營業時間調整

🐾✨ 農曆新年營業時間安排 ✨🐾🐾✨ Lunar New Year Opening Hours ✨🐾親愛嘅毛孩家長,農曆新年將至,星寵動物醫院嘅營業時間會稍作調整,請留意以下安排:Dear pet parents, the Lunar Ne...

🐾✨ 農曆新年營業時間安排 ✨🐾
🐾✨ Lunar New Year Opening Hours ✨🐾


Dear pet parents, the Lunar New Year is just around the corner! Zodiac’s opening hours will be adjusted as follows:

📅 28 JAN(年廿九)
⏰ 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
*Closed at: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

📅 29 - 31 JAN(年初一至年初三)
🛑 Closed 休息

📅 2月1日 – 2日(年初四至年初五)
⏰ 9:00am – 6:00pm
*Closed at: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

🐍 ㊗️蛇年行大運!祝各位身體健康,毛孩活力滿分! 🐾💖

🐍 Wishing you and your furry friends good health and all the best in the Year of the Snake! 🐾💖
Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or need to book an appointment!

☎️ 客服電話 Tel:2527-1718
📱 客服 WhatsApp:5699-3227

#新年快樂 #星寵動物醫院 #營業時間調整

🛡️ Dr.Joey 話你知:家貓都要打針!🛡️ Dr. Joey Explains: Indoor Cats Need Vaccines Too!🏠 即使唔出街,細菌同病毒都可以經空氣或你嘅衫鞋傳入屋企。💉 FVRCP疫苗保護貓貓免受:🐾...

🛡️ Dr.Joey 話你知:家貓都要打針!
🛡️ Dr. Joey Explains: Indoor Cats Need Vaccines Too!

🏠 即使唔出街,細菌同病毒都可以經空氣或你嘅衫鞋傳入屋企。
💉 FVRCP疫苗保護貓貓免受:
🐾 鼻氣管炎 | 🐾 貓杯狀病毒 | 🐾 泛白血球減少症 (貓瘟)

📅 疫苗優惠只需$280!

🏠 Even if they stay inside, germs and viruses can enter your home through the air or your clothes.
💉 FVRCP Vaccine protects your cat against:
🐾 Rhinotracheitis | 🐾 Calicivirus | 🐾 Panleukopenia virus

📅 Special Offer: Just $280!
Call or WhatsApp us now to book NOW!

#星寵動物醫院 #寵物醫院 #貓咪 #貓疫苗


🐹🐰 關於鼠兔嘅牙齒健康,你知道幾多?🐹🐰 How much do you know about your pet's dental health?由精準診斷到個性化治療,再到有效嘅預防措施,星寵專業團隊,全程守護毛孩每一步!🦷✨唔好俾牙齒...

🐹🐰 關於鼠兔嘅牙齒健康,你知道幾多?
🐹🐰 How much do you know about your pet's dental health?

唔好俾牙齒問題影響佢哋嘅幸福生活,👉 Swipe睇完整內容!

📞 預約牙科檢查,讓星寵詹醫生為您嘅鼠兔提供最貼心專業嘅呵護!

From precise diagnostics to personalized treatments and effective prevention, our team at Zodiac is here to support your furry companion every step of the way! 🦷✨
Don’t let dental issues affect their happiness—👉 Swipe to read more!

📞 Book a dental check-up now and let Dr. Stephen Chan provide your small pet with the most professional and caring treatment!

#珍禽異獸獸醫 #天竺鼠 #龍貓 #兔醫生 #鼠兔專科 #星寵動物醫院

✨🐾 2024年度最受歡迎寵物名稱! 🐾✨✨🐾 The Most Popular Pet Names of 2024! 🐾✨呢個名單有冇你嘅寶貝份呢?無論係貓貓、狗狗、兔兔定係爬蟲動物,每個名字都好有意思~❤️👉 Swipe睇完整榜單,睇吓...

✨🐾 2024年度最受歡迎寵物名稱! 🐾✨
✨🐾 The Most Popular Pet Names of 2024! 🐾✨


👉 Swipe睇完整榜單,睇吓你嘅寶貝有冇上榜啦!📲🐕🐈🦜🐇🦎
💬 留言同大家分享你寵物名稱同個名嘅由來~等寵物新手有多啲改名ideas!😻

Is your pet on the list? Whether it’s a cat, dog, bunny, or reptile, every name here is full of story. ❤️

👉 Swipe to see the full list and check if your pet’s name made it! 📲🐕🐈🦜🐇🦎
💬 Comment below to share your pet’s name and the story behind it—let’s give new pet parents some great name ideas! 😻


🎉🐾【星寵「好好運」利是封放送!】🐾🎉🎉🐾 Zodiac Good Good Luck Lai See Giveaway! 🐾🎉就快過年啦 🥳 星寵精心準備咗蛇年「好好運」利是封,想送俾你同你嘅毛孩,帶住滿滿嘅好運同祝福過年!✨想攞利是封?...

🎉🐾 Zodiac Good Good Luck Lai See Giveaway! 🐾🎉

就快過年啦 🥳 星寵精心準備咗蛇年「好好運」利是封,想送俾你同你嘅毛孩,帶住滿滿嘅好運同祝福過年!✨


1️⃣ 明天開始,來星寵睇醫生,即可獲贈「好好運」利是封10個。(送完即止)
2️⃣ 去星寵IG留言同大家分享你同毛孩今年過年嘅節目(無論宅係屋企定係旅行都得!),留言最多 like 嘅前 5 位就可以攞到 20 個「好好運」利是封!🎁(郵寄或自取)

📅 記住,得獎名單會喺 1 月 22 號上午 10 點公佈,唔好錯過!快啲同我哋分享你同毛孩嘅新春故事啦!💕

Lunar New Year is just around the corner! 🥳 We’ve designed these "Good Good Luck" Lai See packets for the Year of the Snake, and we want to share them with you and your pets! ✨

How to get them:

1️⃣ Starting from tomorrow, visit Zodiac for a vet consultation and receive 10 'Good Good Luck' Lai See packets. (While supplies last)
2️⃣ Share in the comments in our IG. Tell us how you and your pet are spending this New Year (staying home or traveling — anything works!)The 5 comments with the most likes will win 20 "Good Good Luck" Lai See packages each! 🎁 (By Post or Pick up at Zodiac)

📅 Winners will be announced at 10 am on January 22nd. Don’t miss out — share your story with us! 💕

#新年快樂 #星寵動物醫院

「你嘅毛孩可能正默默承受健康問題!🐾」"Your furry friend might be silently suffering! 🐾"行動慢、食慾差、無精打采?其實可能係痛症作怪!✨寵物針灸可以:✅ 舒緩慢性痛症✅ 改善活動能力✅ 減壓...

"Your furry friend might be silently suffering! 🐾"


✅ 舒緩慢性痛症
✅ 改善活動能力
✅ 減壓同提升健康

👩‍⚕️ 即刻預約 Dr. Nicole & Dr. Sylvia 專業針灸療程,幫你嘅毛孩重拾活力啦!

Moving slower, eating less, or looking tired? These might be signs of discomfort or pain! ✨

Pet acupuncture can help:
✅ Relieve chronic pain
✅ Improve mobility
✅ Reduce stress and boost overall health

👩‍⚕️ With Dr. Nicole & Dr. Sylvia’s expert care, your furry friend can feel their best again!

📞 查詢電話:2527-1718


#寵物醫院 #星寵動物醫院

Dr. Yannie 寵物護理小貼士:狗狗疫苗接種全攻略 🐾Dr. Yannie’s Petscare Tips: The Ultimate Guide to Dog Vaccines 🐾狗狗疫苗看似簡單,但其實好多人都未必清楚每一種疫苗嘅...

Dr. Yannie 寵物護理小貼士:狗狗疫苗接種全攻略 🐾
Dr. Yannie’s Petscare Tips: The Ultimate Guide to Dog Vaccines 🐾

狗狗疫苗看似簡單,但其實好多人都未必清楚每一種疫苗嘅效用同接種時間。 為咗保障您嘅狗狗健康,正確選擇並按時接種疫苗至關重要。

星寵推薦:DHPPi + L4 Booster 疫苗組合 🌟($630)
DHPPi + L4 Booster 組合,保護狗狗免受鈎端螺旋體(Leptospirosis) 嘅感染,呢個病係好多傳統 5 合 1 疫苗冇覆蓋嘅。
DHPPi 四合一:必打核心疫苗,預防狗瘟、病毒性腸炎、傳染性肝炎(type 1 & 2)及流行性感冒等常見疾病。
L4 Booster:提供額外對鈎端螺旋體(Leptospirosis)的保護,適合愛戶外活動或經常接觸水源嘅狗狗。

1️⃣狂犬病疫苗:必打核心疫苗,根據香港法律,狗隻滿12星期便需接受狂犬病疫苗注射,滿5個月大前就要向漁農自然護理署申領狗牌,每 3 年加強一次。 ($280)
2️⃣博德氏菌疫苗:防止「狗房咳」,建議住狗房或經常美容嘅狗狗接種。 ($350)


Dog vaccines seem simple, but many pet owners are unsure about their benefits and timing. To protect your dog’s health, it’s essential to choose and administer the right vaccines on schedule. Let’s dive into the vaccine packages offered at Zodiac:

Zodiac Recommendation:
DHPPi + L4 Booster Combo🌟 ($630)
DHPPi 4-in-1: Annual shot to protect against Distemper, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Hepatitis.
L4 Booster: Extra protection against Leptospirosis, ideal for dogs exposed to outdoor activities or water sources.

Other Zodiac Dog Vaccines + Consultation packages:
1️⃣Rabies Vaccine: Dogs above the age of 12 weeks can be vaccinated. Required by law dogs older than five months MUST be vaccinated, with boosters every 3 years. ($280)
2️⃣Bordetella Vaccine: Prevents Kennel Cough, recommended for dogs that stay in boarding facilities or visit grooming salons. ($350)

All Zodiac vaccine packages include a consultation before vaccination.
Book an appointment today for the best protection for your dog! 📲

#狗 #狗疫苗 #寵物醫院 #星寵動物醫院

星寵動物醫院的重要通知Important Updates from Zodiac Pet & Exotic Hospital1: 取消普通科預約訂金自2025年1月1日起,本院將取消普通科診症的預約訂金政策。1: Cancellation ...

Important Updates from Zodiac Pet & Exotic Hospital

1: 取消普通科預約訂金

1: Cancellation of GP Consult Reservation Deposit
Effective January 1, 2025, the appointment reservation deposit for General Practitioner visits will be canceled.

2: 公眾假期營業安排

2: Public Holiday Openings
We are pleased to inform you that we will be open on most public holidays to accommodate your needs. Monitor our social media for updates.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

電話/Phone:2527 1718
客服/Customer Service WhatsApp:5699 3227
電郵/Email:[email protected]
Address: Shop 102, 1/F, Victoria Centre, 15 Watson Road, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong

#星寵動物醫院 #2025


Shop 102, 1/F, Victoria Centre, 15 Watson Road, Fortress Hill
North Point

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00
Sunday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00




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Send a message to 星寵動物醫院 Zodiac Pet & Exotic Hospital:




Our Story

Zodiac Pet & Exotic Hospital provides services for an entire range of animal species from dogs and cats to birds, exotic companion mammals, reptiles and amphibians. The hospital’s design, facilities, and equipment were carefully chosen to cater to each species' individual needs. Our core medical team has received specific training with over 10 years of experience in the field. 星寵動物醫院能為多種動物提供服務,從貓、狗、鳥類、珍禽異獸及其他小型哺乳類動物。本院無論在設備,設施及設計上均經過精心挑選,務求滿足每個物種的特別需要。我們的核心醫療團員均接受過具體培訓及擁有10年以上的實際經驗。 Zodiac was created by people who understand the needs of animals and their caretakers. Our goal is to provide the highest standard of service and care to you and your animals. Because we are pet lovers ourselves, we understand the value and need for fair and honest treatment. Fostering long term medical support and care for animals is the philosophy on which our hospital is built. 星寵創立的目標是為了向動物提供持續的醫療支援,令你的寵物得到最佳照顧。同時,我們亦是寵物愛好者,深明公平與誠懇對待的重要性。 We are conveniently located in the heart of Hong Kong, between Fortress Hill and Tin Hau. When in need, we are here for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone (+852-2527-1718) for details, enquiries, or to schedule an appointment. Contact details are on our website www.zodiacvet.com. Thank you!