寵物水療 |高壓氧治療|寵物按摩
We offer professional hydrotherapy service, through underwater treadmill and hydropool. Amiko AquaWalk 水療中心佔地2000呎,同時設有 “水中步行機” 和 “恆温水療池” ,一年四季都適宜給狗狗運動,專業的水療訓練員會觀察及根據狗狗的身體狀況及步姿問題,利用水療中心的設施,度身制訂最合適的改善步姿或運動方案給狗狗,同時會協肋狗狗慢慢適應水中環境以達至水療的最佳效果。
Amiko AquaW
alk 水療中心獨有特點:
• 同時設有 “水中步行機” 和 “恆温水療池”
• 有充足的活動空間,讓狗狗落水前慢慢適應環境及放鬆
• 每節訓練時段,只提供服務予一個家庭的狗狗,以便能更有效地提供一對一的專業服務
• 先進的 “水中步行機”,只需數分鐘就能夠注入適合不同體形及運動需要的水位於水缸內
• 專業水質管理,注重狗狗和訓練員的健康,每天進行水質測試及定期驗水
• 水療設施全年保持恆溫狀態,維持在30°C,以達到最佳治療效果
水療對狗狗的身心健康有長遠益處,有助增強肌肉力量和靈活性、改善血液循環和身體耐力,是手術後康復護理、體能鍛鍊和減重健身的理想選擇 。 水療也是髖關節或肘關節發育不良、關節炎、十字韌帶傷患、以及改善肥胖問題的合適治療方法。
Amiko AquaWalk offers tailored-made Hydrotherapy Service for our furry friends with one-on-one private session, through the use of Underwater Treadmill and Hydrotherapy Pool, allow us to observe, create and provide a customized program based on doggy’s condition and circumstance, with close monitoring on the progress to ensure that the entire progress is stress free for doggy. Some highlight of us @ Amiko AquaWalk
• equipped with both Underwater Treadmill and Hydrotherapy Pool in one place
• doggy can easily relax and adopt to our spacious environment
• provide One-on-One Hydrotherapy private session for each Family
• just takes few minutes to fill up the tank of Underwater Treadmill
• water in our facilities are kept at a constant temperature throughout the year at 30°C to achieve the best therapeutic effect
• safely managed water, sanitation, and water hygiene are essential part of our daily centre management
Hydrotherapy offers long-term benefits to doggy’s physical health and well-being, helps to improve muscle strength, flexibility, blood circulation and stamina, making it ideal for postoperative recovery, rehabilitation, and general fitness and training of the body for doggy.