Paws and Tails Veterinary Hospital

Paws and Tails Veterinary Hospital Paws & Tails Veterinary Hospital 動物醫院 致力於提供貓狗最適當的醫療及照顧,主診醫師經驗豐富,迅速診斷正確治療。內外科、心臟超聲波、針灸、住院治療、牙科、日間急診服務。

**Holiday Notice & Happy Chinese New Year!** 🧧 **Holiday Hours:****28/1:** Closing at 5 PM 🕔**29-31/1:** Closed 🛑Wishing...

**Holiday Notice & Happy Chinese New Year!** 🧧

**Holiday Hours:**
**28/1:** Closing at 5 PM 🕔
**29-31/1:** Closed 🛑

Wishing you and your furry friends a joyful Chinese New Year! May your homes be filled with love, laughter, and good health. See you on February 1st. 🏮🐾

Paws and Tails Team

**Attention Pet Owners!**We would like to inform you that our clinic will be closing early at **3:30 PM** on **January 1...

**Attention Pet Owners!**

We would like to inform you that our clinic will be closing early at **3:30 PM** on **January 11th** for our annual staff dinner. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Thank you for your continued support!


我們想通知您,我們的診所將於 **1 月 11 日**下午 3:30** 提前關閉,以舉辦年度員工晚宴。對於由此造成的不便,我們深表歉意,並感謝您的理解。


Christmas Eve is finally here, wishing all of our clients and families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎆🎅🎄 🐾 ❄️

Christmas Eve is finally here, wishing all of our clients and families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎆🎅🎄 🐾 ❄️

Holiday Opening Hours! Wishing all of our clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄 🎅 🤶 🎁

Holiday Opening Hours! Wishing all of our clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄 🎅 🤶 🎁

Please contact us if you need help. Our apology for any inconvenience caused.若需要協助請聯繫診所,造成不便敬請見諒。

Please contact us if you need help. Our apology for any inconvenience caused.


🎃🐾 Spooktacular! 🐾🎃Check out Dor Dor dressed up in best Wizard outfit! 🐱✨ With her magical hat and enchanting charm, he’...

🎃🐾 Spooktacular! 🐾🎃

Check out Dor Dor dressed up in best Wizard outfit! 🐱✨ With her magical hat and enchanting charm, he’s ready to cast a spell on all the treats this Halloween! 🧙‍♀️🍬

Dor Dor and Paws & Tails Team Wishing everyone a purr-fectly spooky Halloween! 🕷️

🎃🐾 萬聖節驚奇! 🐾🎃

快來看 Dor Dor 化身成為最棒的巫師! 🐱✨ 帶著他神奇的帽子和迷人的魅力,他準備在這個萬聖節施展魔法! 🧙‍♀️🍬

Dor Dor 與Paws & Tails 祝大家度過一個完美又有些嚇人的萬聖節! 🕷️

🌕 *多多祝大家中秋節快樂!* 🐾🥮我們的診所團隊明天9月18日休診一日,與家人一起享受這個假期。我們將於 *2024年9月19日* 營業,若需要緊急醫療協助,麻煩請聯繫其他診所,造成不便盡請見諒。Paws and Tails 祝大家佳節愉...

🌕 *多多祝大家中秋節快樂!* 🐾🥮

我們將於 *2024年9月19日* 營業,若需要緊急醫療協助,麻煩請聯繫其他診所,造成不便盡請見諒。

Paws and Tails 祝大家佳節愉快

🌕 *Happy Mid Autumn Festival!*🐾🥮

Wishing you and your pets a wonderful celebration! Our team will be taking a break tomorrow to enjoy the holiday with our families. We’ll be back on *September 19, 2024*.

Thank you for your understanding!

Warm wishes,
Paws and Tails Team

This is Iggy, my male cat who has gone missing since Saturdaymorning August 3rd near where I live next to resident carpa...

This is Iggy, my male cat who has gone missing since Saturday
morning August 3rd near where I live next to resident carpark.
He was wearing a blue collar with a little bell and an AirTag. He is has a very timid personality . If you see him or hear the bell, please don’t try to chase, contact me asap.
Microchips:ISOCHIP945000002414571 AVIDCHIP604572309
此家貓自 3rd Aug 2024 星期六上午,在大浪灣村民停車場附近走 失。貓咪應有佩戴藍色頸圈及 Apple AirTag。 此貓性格細膽,容易嚇跑,如有發現此貓蹤影,請勿追捕。 請即聯絡 Mauro 9753 2804 告知位置。
Thank you very much. 萬分感謝🙏🙏

Sterile neutrophilic lymphadenitis is a relative rare disease but can cause fever especially in young dogs. Careful diag...

Sterile neutrophilic lymphadenitis is a relative rare disease but can cause fever especially in young dogs. Careful diagnosis and treating with steroid is the key to resolve the disease.

Your dogs and cats deserve appropriate dental care just like you do and dental Xray is the basic examination for dental ...

Your dogs and cats deserve appropriate dental care just like you do and dental Xray is the basic examination for dental procedure.

Due to the suspension of electricity supply to the whole building, we are going to open at 11:30 am on 18/7/2024. Phone ...

Due to the suspension of electricity supply to the whole building, we are going to open at 11:30 am on 18/7/2024. Phone service will be available for booking appointments and enquiry. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Date: 18/07/2024 (Thursday)
Affected Time: 09:00 am - 11:30 am

For booking or enquiry, please Whatsapp +85298705711
For Email: [email protected]

受影響時間:上午09:00 - 上午11:30


若需要查詢請Whatsapp 9870 5711

許多貓貓即使患有中度或嚴重的的貧血也可能沒有症狀,而讓主人跟醫生認為可以不需要處理繼續觀察,然而慢性的貧血不僅對器官造成影響也可能會有突發轉差死亡的風險。Many cats may not show symptoms even if the...


Many cats may not show symptoms even if they have moderate or severe anemia, which can lead their owners and veterinarians to believe that no treatment is needed and observation can continue. However, chronic anemia not only affects the organs, but also carries the risk of sudden deterioration and even death.

貓貓糖尿病若早期發現並給予正確的治療是有可能被治癒的,良好的血糖控制還有正確的飲食是治療成功的關鍵。Feline diabetes can possible be cured if treated properly in the early...


Feline diabetes can possible be cured if treated properly in the early stage. Good blood sugar control with appropriate diet are the keys to success.



Can a cat's diabetes be cured?

In fact, part of diabetic cats can be cured. Here is today’s case of diabetes remission - Lily.
Please scroll down for English version 👇

Paws and Tails Veterinary Hospital 詢問或預約
WhatsApp: 98705711








Lily is a 4-year-old spayed domestic shorthair cat. Her owner noticed that about two weeks ago, Lily started drinking and urinating more, and was losing weight. She was diagnosed with diabetes at two previous clinics and was recommended for hospitalization. So the owner came to seek for second opinion from me.

On the examination, Lily was clearly dehydrated, so she was hospitalized and receive IV fluids, and I installed the Freestyle libre subcutaneous glucose monitoring sensor. After her dehydration improved, Lily's energy and appetite clearly got better. She was discharged on the third day to continue observation at home.

However, Lily did not respond well to insulin during the first week. After continually adjusting the insulin dose, I found that she needed 4-5 times of the normal dose to get her blood sugar under control. After one month of insulin therapy, Lily's weight had significantly increased, and the diabetes-related symptoms had resolved. When I installed the sensor again, Lily's blood sugar curve remained consistently normal in low range. I gradually reduced the insulin dose, and eventually she was able to stop insulin completely. Lily's condition remains stable, indicating that her diabetes has gone into remission.

📌Why is it possible for some cats' diabetes to go into remission?
Most diabetes in cats might be triggered by other factors, steroid use, or pancreatitis, which can lead to insulin resistance. If diagnosed and treated early with appropriate insulin and diet, the body's response to insulin can gradually return to normal, and additional insulin injections may no longer be needed.

📌How can we increase the chance of diabetes remission in cats?
To increase the chance of remission, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Proper use of long-acting insulin, with the right dosage and diet, is important to keep blood sugar in the appropriate range most of the time. Unstable blood sugar can lead to dehydration and even life-threatening low blood sugar which lower the chance of remission. Thankfully, continuous glucose monitoring devices can now provide the vets with data to optimize treatment if they know how to manage diabetes correctly.

In Lily's case, I had to increase her insulin dose 4-5 times of the normal amount in the first week to get her blood sugar under control. Without the continuous monitoring data, I would not have dared to give such a high dose, and the uncontrolled high blood sugar would have left Lily dehydrated and unwell.

📌Could a cat's diabetes remission relapse in the future?
It's possible. Cats with a history of diabetes may have underlying factors like genetics, obesity, diet, or related conditions like pancreatitis that affect their body's blood sugar regulation mechanism. So there is a risk of relapse even after remission. Close monitoring, avoiding obesity, providing suitable diet and preventing steroid use are the keys to preventing from recurrence.

⚠️ If you need veterinary assistance, please contact:
Paws and Tails Veterinary Hospital for inquiries or appointments
☎️ 28322836
WhatsApp: 98705711


膀胱結石的治療不一定只有手術,跟獸醫師討論決定適合自己動物的治療Surgery is not always the the only way to resolve bladder stone issue. Discuss with your...

Surgery is not always the the only way to resolve bladder stone issue. Discuss with your vet and find out the suitable treatment for your pets.

膀胱結石一定要開刀手術嗎 ?今天要分享一個病例讓大家對膀胱結石有多些了解

Is surgery necessary for bladder stones? I hope the case I share today will give pet owners more ideas about bladder stone treatment. Please scroll down for English version.

Paws and Tails Veterinary Hospital 詢問或預約
WhatsApp: 98705711



以下是一些關於膀胱石的基本觀念, 希望能幫助到一些主人。





Momo is a ten-year-old neutered male cat. The owner noticed that on May 10th, MoMo kept going in and out of the litter box. So he took him to the first clinic for an examination. Several small stones were found in the bladder under ultrasound, but it was difficult to obtain a urine sample due to the small size of the bladder. Therefore, MoMo was given some pain relief and relaxing medication for the urethra, the doctor at the previous clinic suggested that the owner should consider surgery as soon as possible to avoid potential serious complications. However, the owner couldn't decide whether immediate surgery was necessary, and since MoMo's symptoms improved after taking medication, they came to me for second opinion.

On May 14th, I performed a bladder ultrasound on MoMo and found that all the stones were no longer present. A urine test was also conducted, and since MoMo was completely normal, I recommended that MoMo only needs to be fed urinary tract diet as a preventive measure against stone formation.

Here are some basic concepts about bladder stones that may help some owners:

📌 Is surgery necessary for bladder stones?
⚠️ Some bladder stones can actually be dissolved. Typically, the vet might suggest to try a urinary prescription diet and measure the size of the stones after a few weeks to determine if they are getting smaller and can be dissolved. If they continue to decrease in size, surgery may not be necessary. Also, some tiny stones could possibly be voided during urination.
⚠️ However, if the stones have sharp or rough surface, are too large in size, or there are too many of them, and they continue to irritate the bladder causing bleeding or inflammation, it may be advisable to directly remove them through surgery, which can often provide a quicker resolution to the problem.
⚠️ If a stone accidentally enters the urethra and causes blockage, it is necessary to flush the stone back into the bladder under anesthesia. In such cases, it is usually recommended to perform surgery to remove the stone to avoid the risk of reobstruction.

📌 How can you generally determine the type of stone and whether it can be dissolved?
To accurately identify the composition and type of stone, it is necessary to send the stones to a laboratory for analysis. However, preliminary identification can be done through urine examination to determine the urine's acidity or alkalinity. Additionally, microscopic examination can be conducted to check for crystal formation and make an educated guess about the type of stone. If the stone is suspected to be composed of calcium oxalate, it cannot be dissolved and may require surgical removal. If the urine pH is high and ammonium magnesium phosphate crystals are found, it is more likely that the stones can be dissolved due to increased acidity and urine volume.

⚠️ If you need veterinary assistance, please contact:
Paws and Tails Veterinary Hospital for inquiries or appointments
☎️ 28322836
WhatsApp: 98705711


急性的虛弱無力加上蒼白的牙肉有可能是腹腔出血造成的嚴重貧血 若沒有緊急處理動物往往會有生命危險The sudden weakness and pale gums could be signs of severe anemia caused ...

急性的虛弱無力加上蒼白的牙肉有可能是腹腔出血造成的嚴重貧血 若沒有緊急處理動物往往會有生命危險

The sudden weakness and pale gums could be signs of severe anemia caused by intra-abdominal bleeding. Without urgent treatment, the animal is often at risk of a life-threatening condition.

你的寶貝寵物有幾顆蛋蛋呢?來認識一下遺傳性疾病隱睪的問題吧How many testicles does you pet have?Have a read about the congentical disease-cryptorchid

How many testicles does you pet have?
Have a read about the congentical disease-cryptorchid

Dor Dor and Paws & Tails Team wish you all happy new year, good health and all the best in the Year of Dragon.🥳🥳🥳

Dor Dor and Paws & Tails Team wish you all happy new year, good health and all the best in the Year of Dragon.🥳🥳🥳

Paws & Tails 祝大家新年快樂 龍年行大運 麻煩留意診所營業時間 祝大家的寶貝毛孩都健健康康9/2/2024 (除夕)      9am - 1pm   2pm - 6pm10/2/2024(年初一)   CLOSED11/2/2...

Paws & Tails 祝大家新年快樂 龍年行大運

麻煩留意診所營業時間 祝大家的寶貝毛孩都健健康康

9/2/2024 (除夕) 9am - 1pm 2pm - 6pm

10/2/2024(年初一) CLOSED

11/2/2024(年初二) CLOSED

12/2/2024(年初三) CLOSED

13/2/2024(年初四) 初四啟市 9am - 1pm 2pm - 7pm


Sheung Wan

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 19:00
Sunday 09:00 - 18:00


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