🏠 多寵物家庭|Housecalls 服務案例分享 🐾
這位毛孩父母家裡共有 9 隻可愛的毛孩,有貓咪和狗狗,
Dr. Fallon 提供專業的到府的醫療協助、藥物治療,
原本因不同疾病而身體不適的 4 隻毛孩們,
9 隻毛孩家庭的父母留言:
“Dr Fallon is doing great on How to check the dogs
and she has a good relationship with dogs.”
“When the dogs have a problem or not feeling well,
she knows which medicines are good for them &
it’s works & heals the dogs. Thank you .”
為什麼多寵物家庭很適合「Housecalls 服務」呢?
都歡迎預約 Housecalls 服務,
#案例分享 #多寵物家庭 #多寵物照顧
#Housecalls #好評分享 #DoortoDoo
🏠🐾 Struggling with how to care for your pet’'s chronic illness? Don't know where to begin with home-care treatment?
📸 Dr. Fallon has extracted experience from actual cases to empower pet owners with at-home care strategies. By teaching owners to treat their pets at home, the cat has triumphed over a life-threatening challenge and has healthily celebrated its 21st birthday!
🏠 When your pet needs professional care, there's no need to leave your house. Our HouseCall team will bring quality and empathetic medical services directly to the comfort of your own home.
🚨 Before booking, please ensure your pet is nestled in a comfortable and secure setting. Alert us to any unique medical or behavioural needs in advance so we can tailor the home-care treatment to your pet's specific requirements.
✨ Home Veterinary Service:
- Premier in-home veterinary care
- A nurturing, personalised home-care treatment
- Elimination of travel-induced pet anxiety
- Flexible appointment times to fit your lifestyle
🤝 Become part of our extended family and let us join forces to safeguard your pet's well-being and joy. Schedule our home-visit veterinary service for professional care and heartfelt medical attention, all within the familiar comfort of your home.
🏠🐾 您的毛孩患有長期疾病,但您對如何照顧無從入手嗎?
📸Dr. Fallon 從實際案例中提取經驗,通過教導主人在家治療,這隻貓咪渡過了生命危機,健康地迎來了它的21歲生日!
🏠 當您的寵物需要專業照顧時,無需再步出家門。Creature Comforts的團隊會將質量與具同理心的醫療服務直接帶到您的舒適家中。
🚨 注意事項:請在預約前確保您的寵物處於舒適且安全的環境中。有任何特殊醫療需求或行為問題,事先通知我們,以便我們作出最佳安排。
✨ 外診家庭獸醫服務:
- 專業的居家獸醫
🐾 獸醫簡介🐾
🐾Dr. Jossie |骨科專業|高級獸醫(BVM, MVM)🐾
🔍 從醫15年的Dr. Jossie,經過一次親身經歷,體會到動物骨科疾病的細微之處。她在大學期間領養的第一隻狗狗,因為一次骨科手術,從此跑跳如常,她從這個經歷中得到啟發,開啟了對動物骨科專業的熱誠。
🏥 在香港這個愛犬之城,小型犬的骨科與關節問題特別常見。從遺傳性關節病到不慎受傷的骨折或脫臼,這些都是我們日常診治的常態。
🐶 Dr. Jossie建議,為了我們的小伙伴能夠健康成長:
- 定期帶他們進行身體檢查
- 每次接種疫苗時,都讓醫生檢查一下他們的四肢和關節
🚨 早期發現問題,等於早日解決問題。如果您的寵物出現任何異常,Dr. Jossie和她的團隊隨時準備制定個性化的治療計劃,或提供專業建議來防止情況惡化。
👩🏻⚕"動物們擁有著很大的勇氣,所以對於疼痛的忍耐度是非常高的呦!只要小主人願意在牠們的身上多花些心思,牠們在恢復上的潛力可是非常大的。"💪" - Dr. Jossie
#狗狗健康 #骨科獸醫 #愛犬護理 #DrJossie #香港獸醫
🤔 為什麼貓咪要打疫苗呢?
📅 貓咪應該什麼時候打疫苗呢?
👉 常見的疫苗包括:
-首針/第二針疫苗接種 (10min)
-專業獸醫健康檢查 (20min)
-資深獸醫助護一對一照護指導 (30min)
🦴怎麼剪指甲? 怎麼刷牙? 怎麼選擇貓砂盆?
#獸醫 #貓咪 #貓咪疫苗 #貓咪接種 #幼貓
#貓咪知識 #獸醫服務 #貓咪獸醫 #獸醫照護
🐾🏡 Tigger 21歲生日快樂!🎉
我們很高興收到 Tigger 父母的短訊,得知Tigger已經度過第21個生日! 🎂🐱
在 Creature Comforts,我們致力於提供專屬的家庭式上門獸醫護理服務。很榮幸能成為Tigger旅程的一部分,亦感謝 Tigger 父母分享這個鼓舞人心的故事。祝Tigger 21歲生日快樂!願你的未來的日子繼續充滿活力和愛!🎉🎁🎈
Creature Comforts 外診家庭獸醫服務:
We are thrilled to share this heartwarming testimonial from one of our clients, celebrating the 21st birthday of their beloved friend, Tigger! 🎂🐱
A big thank you goes to Dr. Fallon and the Creature Comforts Housecall team for their incredible support. With Dr. Fallon's expertise and innovative approach, Tigger has surpassed all odds and reached this remarkable milestone. 🙌💙
At Housecall Services, we're committed to providing personalized and convenient veterinary care. We're honored to have been part of Tigger's journey and are here to support you and your beloved pets every step of the way. 🤗❤️
If you're seeking compassionate care that comes right to your doorstep, contact us today. Your pet's health and happiness are our top priorities, and we're dedicated to making a difference in their lives. 🚐💕
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our wonderful client for sharing their inspiring story. Happy 21st birthday, Tigger! May your days be filled with love, joy, and many more purrs to come! 🎉🎁🎈
Creature Comforts Housecall Service :
#HousecallVetServices #Celebrating21Years #ResilientPets #CompassionateCare
感激Dr. Kaylen和將軍澳獸醫中心的醫護團隊,在短時間內為Kuni的狀況提供最有效的緊急處理方案,穩定了中暑及其他身體反應。收到Kuni父母的反饋,Kuni現在已經康復啦!❤️
🐾 Meet Kuni, our brave 2-year-old Pomeranian! Recently, Kuni faced a life-threatening emergency while outdoors. He suddenly started coughing and showed cyanosis. His purple tongue indicated a severe lack of oxygen, possibly due to pre-existing breathing issues.
Thanks to Dr. Kayen's swift response and the remarkable team at Veterinary Centre TKO, Kuni's condition stabilized with immediate emergency solutions.
We're thrilled to share that Kuni has made a remarkable recovery and is now back to being happy and healthy! 🎉
If you're looking for a veterinary practice that goes above and beyond, trust the caring hands of Creature Comforts Veterinary Group. Your beloved pets deserve exceptional care. ❤️
#PatientTestimonial #VeterinaryCare #PetRecovery #CreatureComfortsVetGroup #CaringHands #將軍澳獸醫中心
獸醫百問: 貓瘟(貓流感) 101 | Dr.Kaylen (BSc, BVMS)
貓泛白血球減少症 (FPV) 和貓流感(Cat flu)是本地常見的貓隻疾病之一,同樣有「貓瘟」之稱,所以好容易令人產生混淆和誤會。 不過其實兩個病,無論成因、病徵和影響都大不同, Creature Comforts 整理了最多毛孩父母詢問的貓流感問題,以短問短答的形式訪問 Dr.Kaylen,讓各位毛孩父母對貓流感問題有更深入的了解。
東區動物醫院: 2915 3999
將軍澳獸醫中心: 2915 7007
Creature Comforts Veterinary Group團隊祝大家新年快樂!✨
The Creature Comforts Veterinary Group team wishes you happy new year💙
Creature comforts TKO veterinary center will be closed on 1st of Jan &
will be opened on 2nd of Jan
如有需要,請致電:2915 3999
East Island 24hr Animal Hospital opens during the public holidays.
For any enquiry or booking on clinical check up:
East Island Animal Hospital: 2915 3999
#creaturecomfortshk #hkpet #hkdog #hkcat #hkdoglover #hkdogcommunity #hkdoggie #獸醫 #東區動物醫院 #將軍澳獸醫中心 #香港獸醫醫院 #香港獸醫診所 #hkdoginstagram #香港寵物 #dogstagramHK #instadogHK #HKdogs #香港喵星人 #hkAnimals #領養 #香港貓咪 #香港喵喵 #香港貓奴 #instagcat #meowhk #hkAnimalLovers #hkvet #香港狗 #香港狗狗 #香港汪星人
Creature Comforts 將軍澳獸醫中心聖誕限定活動完滿結束 🎁
如需要查詢 / 預約寵物的身體檢查或診療項目,歡迎致電:
東區動物醫院: 2915 3999
將軍澳獸醫中心: 2915 7007
Perfect end of Christmas Celebration at Creature Comforts TKO Vet Center 🎁
Did you get the limited gift?
It's ok if you cannot join this time,
we'll launch more special event in the future
so please follow our instagram or facebook~
For any enquiry or booking for clinical check up:
East Island Animal Hospital: 2915 3999
TKO Veterinary Centre: 2915 7007
#creaturecomfortshk #hkpet #hkdog #hkcat #hkdoglover #hkdogcommunity #hkdoggie #獸醫 #東區動物醫院 #將軍澳獸醫中心 #香港獸醫醫院 #香港獸醫診所 #hkdoginstagram #香港寵物 #dogstagramHK #instadogHK #HKdogs #香港喵星人 #hkAnimals #領養 #香港貓咪 #香港喵喵 #香港貓奴 #instagca
Creature Comforts 將軍澳獸醫中心聖誕限定🎅🏻!
由即日起至12月27號,各位使用診所服務嘅毛毛朋友只要戴上聖誕飾物🎄喺我地將軍澳獸醫中心打卡分享到社交平台並 @creaturecomforthk,就有機會得到零食或聖誕版玩具呀!(詳情請各診所職員查詢)
Christmas Celebration at Creature Comforts TKO Vet Center🎅🏻!
From today till Dec 27th, the fur-buddies who finished our medical service and take a snap with Christmas accessories🎄, will have a chance to win FREE treats or toys!
(Feel free to ask our staff for more details)
片段中嘅Scot ducan一邊做治療一邊笑住電暈曬姑娘啦😍
Most of the owners worry about laser therapy would stress their fur-babies during the process.
Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment and has the least side effects compare with drugs and surgery. The laser light accelerates cellular growth that promote tissue regeneration, speed up the healing process, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
The fur-babies will not feel any pain during the process!
To minimize the stress and tension, our trained nurses will be by your fur-babies 'side.
Just like Scot ducan was so calm and happy while having the laser treatment😍
如需要查詢 / 預約寵物的身體檢查或診療項目,歡迎致電:
東區動物醫院: 2915 3999
將軍澳獸醫中心: 2915 7007
For any enquiry or booking on clinical check up:
East Island Animal Hospital: 2915 3999
TKO Veterinary Centre: 2915 7007
#creaturecomfortshk #hkpet #hkdog #hkcat #hkdoglover #hkdogcommunity #hkdoggie #獸醫 #東區動物醫院 #將軍澳獸醫中心 #香港獸醫醫院 #香港獸醫診所 #hkdoginstagram #香港寵物 #dogstagramHK #instadogHK #HKdogs #香港喵星人 #hkAnimals #領養 #香港貓咪 #香港喵喵 #香港貓奴 #instagcat #meowhk #hkAnimalLovers #hkvet #香港狗 #香港狗狗 #香港汪星人
We understand that cats are sensitive and easy to stress out.🐱
In Creature comforts TKO veterinary center, you don’t need to worry when your cat babies need hospital service! We hope to minimize the stress from our cat friends, the cat hospital area is separated and the feliway defuse device is always on.
Look how chill and relax that Cupid are while staying at our hospital💓
如需要查詢 / 預約寵物的身體檢查或診療項目,歡迎致電:
東區動物醫院: 2915 3999
將軍澳獸醫中心: 2915 7007
For any enquiry or booking on clinical check up:
East Island Animal Hospital: 2915 3999
TKO Veterinary Centre: 2915 7007
#creaturecomfortshk #hkpet #hkdog #hkcat #hkdoglover #hkdogcommunity #hkdoggie #獸醫 #東區動物醫院 #將軍澳獸醫中心 #香港獸醫醫院 #香港獸醫診所 #hkdoginstagram #香港寵物 #dogstagramHK #instadogHK #HKdogs #香港喵星人 #hkAnimals #領養 #香港貓咪 #香港喵喵 #香港貓奴 #instagcat #meowhk #hkAnimalLovers #hkvet #香港狗 #香港狗狗 #香港汪星人
多謝 @hkdr_official 邀請我地參加 Dog In Wonderland我地同一眾狗狗朋友過左個好開心嘅weekend😚 多謝 @vetopia @animalkind.vet 贊助健康又好味嘅小食,你睇各位汪星人食得幾滋味😋
Thanks @hkdr_official for the invitation, we had a wonderful weekend with our hooman and woof friends! Special thanks for @vetopia @animalkind.vet sponsorship on the healthy zesty treats!
#creaturecomfortshk #hkpet #hkdog #hkcat #hkdoglover #hkdogcommunity #hkdoggie #獸醫 #東區24小時動物醫院 #香港獸醫醫院 #香港獸醫診所 #hkdoginstagram #香港寵物 #dogstagramHK #instadogHK #HKdogs #香港喵星人 #hkAnimals #領養 #香港貓咪 #香港喵喵 #香港貓奴 #instagcat #meowhk #CatLifeHK #hkAnimalLovers #hkvet #香港狗 #香港狗狗 #香港汪星人