NifflerMau 緬因貓 埃及貓

NifflerMau 緬因貓 埃及貓 香港 WCF CFA TICA FFF註冊貓舍🐈‍⬛
主營 ᴍᴄᴏ 😺 緬因貓 少量埃及貓
可預約上門 👀

本胎次最後一個BB尋家💕Cyclops x PhoenixRed Classic Tabby and White ❣️ #彌花貓舍    #緬因貓  #緬因貓舍    #歐系緬因貓  #陰影緬因  #香港緬因貓  #香港緬因  #香港緬因貓...


Cyclops x Phoenix

Red Classic Tabby and White ❣️

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因 #埃及貓





很榮幸得到了2nd Best Grooming Cat和2nd Best Grommer。這兩個獎項對花媽意義非凡。記得初入賽場的時候,不懂洗澡。完全一竅不通。後來上過美容課,進步還是不太多。直到遇上了我們的Mentor Lun Tong和 Erica Au Yeung,願意把他們的經驗教給我們。一直努力學習,練習,試驗。這兩個獎項就好像肯定了花媽的一路的努力,是個中期成績表,也告訴師父花媽沒有偷懶🤣沒丟架🤣我係認為美容是對自己的貓負責任的工作。作為Owner有責任把自己的貓最完美的一面展示出來,而美容正正可以做到這樣。所以花媽一直很努力的希望學好,因為我們不能夠辜負了Mentor和Breeders,他們把貓交給了我們一個這樣的新手,我們不能夠糟蹋了他們的breeding works。然後Judge的評語也讓花媽在心裏輕跳了好幾下再原地轉了好幾圈!得到別人肯定真的好高興~🤭

還有我們這次寶寶的出賽。我們感覺是一場考試,考驗我們選擇的眼光。我們一直認為我們一路走來,能得獎項都是因為師父給予我們經驗,信任與信心。貓貓交到我們手上,我們要做的,就是努力的把貓的condition保持得更好,美容下更多的功夫。種貓比賽,面版體格都是Breeder的努力,我們繼承了他的成果,用心機和時間把貓貓發光發亮。這次不同的是,我們有自己的ownbreed出賽。我們信任Mentor的意見去配搭貓貓,與mentor不停的討論,最後決定了keepers。很高興兩隻小貓都在比賽中都有得到過Best Kitten,Judges之中更有緬因資深繁育人。她的評語對我們來說,更特別。同時把同胎參賽,這點我們也考慮了好久。但因為想聽到更多的評語,還是決定一試🤣希望兩兄妹(或者是三兄妹😂)未來能努力成長!

最後很高興的是,能夠與Mentor、朋友們同時得到Grooming Award!感覺能一起努力進步,是件非常難得的事。人生有知己,有良師益友,希望我們一同再繼續努力!❤️❤️❤️

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因 #埃及貓

🐱:爸爸,我想買⋯⋯ #彌花貓舍    #緬因貓  #緬因貓舍    #歐系緬因貓  #陰影緬因  #香港緬因貓  #香港緬因  #香港緬因貓舍  #緬因  #香港貓舍     #美系緬因  #埃及貓


#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因 #埃及貓

我係第一個出世嘅大佬B😘我同媽媽最似樣~所以媽媽最錫我架!I am the first born one. That s why my nickname is Dai Lo B😘 I am the one who look like my ...


I am the first born one. That s why my nickname is Dai Lo B😘 I am the one who look like my mother most, so she love me so much❣️❣️


Red Tabby White
2 mos

GC Life Tree Cyclops of NifflerMau
Faithcat PhoenixJean of NifflerMau

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因 #埃及貓

我排行最細,所以我係細佬B😎😎我平時最中意打交,食飯,打交同埋坐水兜🤪Hi I am Sai Lo B😚 as I am the last to be born, so I am the Sai Lo of my siblings😎😎😎I ...


Hi I am Sai Lo B😚 as I am the last to be born, so I am the Sai Lo of my siblings😎😎😎
I love fighting with my brothers and sisters , eat, keep fighting with them and sitting on my mum’s water bowl🤪🤪


Red Tabby White
2 mos

GC Life Tree Cyclops of NifflerMau
Faithcat PhoenixJean of NifflerMau

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因 #埃及貓

哈囉,又係我同大家見面🙌🏻✨我叫2.0啊🫡因為花爸花媽話我同爸爸好似,除咗顏色唔一樣,pattern位置一模一樣,同爸爸直頭係餅印🤪Hi Everybody. Me again and I m 2.0🙌🏻✨Although colour a...


Hi Everybody. Me again and I m 2.0🙌🏻✨
Although colour are different, as my pattern is exactly same with my daddy. That’s why I called as 2.0🤣🤣🤣

NifflerMau 2.0
Red Tabby White
2 mos

GC Life Tree Cyclops of NifflerMau
Faithcat PhoenixJean of NifflerMau

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因 #埃及貓

Thank you so much for Exotic Fans Club and Hong Kong Cats organising the show!👏🏼👏🏼感謝Exotic Fans Club 以及 Hong Kong Cats舉辦...

Thank you so much for Exotic Fans Club and Hong Kong Cats organising the show!👏🏼👏🏼

感謝Exotic Fans Club 以及 Hong Kong Cats舉辦是次比賽✨✨

This is Baileys’s First CFA show! And also we have Magic again😗 They did a very great job🫡🫡


📌Catnmaus Magic of Nifflermau
6 months old Silver Egyptian Mau

Kit Fung
Allbreed 2nd Best Kitten
Shorthair Specialty BEST Kitten

Larry Adkison
Allbreed 2nd Best Kitten

Allan Raymond
Allbreed 3rd Best Kitten

Gary Veach
Allbreed 6th Best Kitten

Teodoro Vargas Huesa
Allbreed 5th Best Kitten
Shorthair Specialty BEST Kitten

Suki Lee
Allbreed 8th Best Kitten

Barbara Jaeger
Allbreed 4th Best Kitten

📌Lemon Green Baileys of Nifflermau aka Mad Ball
6 months old Blue Cream Exotic LH

Kit Fung
Allbreed 4th Best Kitten
Longhair Specialty 3rd Best Kitten

Larry Adkison
Allbreed 7th Best Kitten

Allan Raymond
Allbreed 5th Best Kitten

Gary Veach
Allbreed 10th Best Kitten

Teodoro Vargas Huesa
Allbreed 4th Best Kitten
Longhair Specialty 3rd Kitten

Suki Lee
Allbreed 6th Best Kitten

Barbara Jaeger
Allbreed 3rd Best Kitten

Melanie Morgan
Allbreed 2nd Best Kitten

Thank you all judges!! And of course thank you their breeders trusting us and hand these two beautiful little ladies to our hand❤️❤️ And our co owner too, we will take good care of mad ball, have a nice and relax trip 😝😝😝

感謝各位評判,同埋當然要多謝兩隻貓貓嘅Breeders,信任我哋將兩隻咁靚嘅貓貓交俾我哋。同埋多謝我哋嘅co owner,我哋會好好照顧喪波,放心去旅行啦😂😂

Magic also became the Highest Scoring Kitten in Shorthair Specialty of the show!! Hurray✨✨✨🥳🥳


#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因 #埃及貓

Wohoo! Finally we are back to Hong Kong! Lots of work need to catch up back but really we have a nice holiday and good t...

Wohoo! Finally we are back to Hong Kong! Lots of work need to catch up back but really we have a nice holiday and good trip in Bali with and !! 😝😝😝

終於返到香港啦!超多工作需要catch up返😖😖!不過我哋真係順手去咗一個好relax嘅旅行啊!峇里真係幾靚㗎!

Thank you so much for fff Indonesia team to hold such a big amazing banquet for all of us!! It is a pleasure to join this great event❤️!!


And for the first photo are the Hong Kong judges and Hong Kong exhibitors team representatives . Thank you so much for all Hong Kong judges bringing fff to Hong Kong which bring us another good chances to know our cats better and more! Also a big clap for all our Hong Kong exhibitors friends , we done a great job!! Let’s chill and fun and rock our cats next year together! Ofcoz thankyou so much for trusting us to represent you guys receiving those prize.


Here are the good news of NifflerMau in 2023 show season of FFF.

Our Brown Tabby Male Mainecoon became as the BEST cat in Hong Kong Region 2023.

Our Silver Female Egyptian Mau became as the BEST cat in Egyptian Mau Breed in National 2023 and 4th Best cat in Hong Kong Region.

🏵️Love Me Lailisa
Our Blue Silver Tabby Little Female Mainecoon Kitten became as the 8th Best Kitten in Hong Kong Region.

We Will do better and better next year, hoping to show our new bloodline and our own breed cats to all of you:)

Thank you so much!! 謝謝各位!

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因 #埃及貓

恭喜發財🙌🏻🐉新一年再公佈多個喜訊!我哋嘅Magmag officially 晉升成為Grand Champion了!作為只有8個月剛剛成為成貓嘅Mag豬非常叻仔完成佢嘅Baby Grand🎉🎉🎉🎉希望Mag豬繼續加油🤞🏻唔好再沖完涼3秒就...

我哋嘅Magmag officially 晉升成為Grand Champion了!
非常叻仔完成佢嘅Baby Grand🎉🎉🎉🎉


Kung Hei Fat Choy🥳🥳🥳 Good news to share in the new year 💯👏🏼
Magneto aka Magmag officially as a Grand Champion!!!😽😽😽
He only eight months old which means he just count as a Championship class🥸It is so great that he finish his baby grand in such young age🤩🤩

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因

新年快樂啊!Nifflermau仝人仝貓祝大家身體健康👏🏼🐲年行大運❤️❤️❤️貓肥屋潤🥳🥳Happy Lunar New Year! Nifflermau wishing you all the best!Good Luck in the...


Happy Lunar New Year! Nifflermau wishing you all the best!
Good Luck in the Dragon year! Warm and Joy with your fur family too💯

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因 #埃及貓

大家好🫶🏻第一次同大家見面!我係啱啱一個月嘅2.0🥳🥳🥳 #彌花貓舍    #緬因貓  #緬因貓舍    #歐系緬因貓  #陰影緬因  #香港緬因貓  #香港緬因  #香港緬因貓舍  #緬因  #香港貓舍     #美系緬因


#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因

Another good news❤️❤️ Our new Egyptian Mau Kitten have already arrived Hong Kong!仲有第二個好消息同大家分享🥰🥰等咗好耐好耐好耐好耐嘅新埃及貓,終於到咗香港啦🥳...

Another good news❤️❤️ Our new Egyptian Mau Kitten have already arrived Hong Kong!


Her name is Magic! She is an energetic and sweet 🍬 girl!

Magic have also joined the pet fair show 2024. This is her first show, and she proof herself that she have wonderful extrovert characteristic and shows the beauty and charm of Egyptian Mau to publics!

We hope this rare breed can be known and appreciated by HongKongers, and this is also the reason why we introduce this breed in HongKong.

Here are the results! 以下係是次比賽成績。

Sarah Ng
2nd Best Kitten in Shorthair

Wendy Heidt
7th Best Kitten in Allbreed

Diana Rothermal
2nd Best Kitten in Allbreed

Edward Maeda
5th Best Kitten in Allbreed

Suki Lee
5th Best Kitten in Shorthair

Kit Fung
2nd Best Kitten in Allbreed
Best Kitten in Shorthair

John Colilla
3rd Best Kitten in Allbreed

Bethany Colilla
9th Best Kitten in Allbreed

Satu Hamalainen
2nd Best Kitten in Allbreed

Thank you all judges. 感謝各位評判。

We would like to special thanks to Magic’s breeder Petter and Sakineh. We never meet face to face, but they do really trust us and letting us to keep Magic. And they also give us lots of guidance of breeding this ancient and rare breed. We Love You❤️❤️ Ofcoz thank you so much for Zoe too. Zoe take very good care of Magic too✨ this make her fantastic characteristic because she know this family love her.

喺呢度我哋好想多謝Magic嘅Breeder Petter同Sakineh,縱使我哋素未謀面,一直都係靠通訊軟件去溝通。佢哋都非常信任我哋,將Magic交咗俾我哋。同時都俾咗好多關於繁育埃及貓嘅知識同經驗分享。✨✨❤️當然重要多謝佢哋嘅囡囡Zoe,一直擔任小幫手照顧Magic,令到佢有咁吸引人嘅性格,咁都係因為佢知道佢哋都非常愛佢❤️❤️

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因 #埃及貓

Wohoo!! Just finished the Pet fair show 2024. So much good news to share🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳剛剛完成咗香港寵物節嘅貓展比賽啦😍🥰今次又有好消息同大家分享🥳First✨✨✨ Our...

Wohoo!! Just finished the Pet fair show 2024. So much good news to share🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


First✨✨✨ Our 8 months old little big boy Magneto unofficially became as Grand Champion!!! He is our Second GC this year!! Once again thank you so much our mentor Zoroaster and Erica! They teach us so many things no matter about the cats or for way of life.

我哋八個月大嘅Magmag,unofficially晉身成為Grand Champion超級冠軍啦!佢係我哋今個賽季嘅第二隻GC貓貓!感謝我哋嘅Mentor Zoroaster 同 Erica 悉心教導我哋🥰🥰

Here are the results of Magneto🫶🏻 以下係是次比賽成績😍

Patrick Au
Best Champion in Longhair

Edward Maeda
3rd Best Champion in Longhair

Suki Lee
2nd Best Champion in Longhair
2nd Best Champion in Allbreed

Diana Rothermel
2nd Best Champion in Longhair

Bethany Colilla
4th Best Cat in Championship Allbreed

Thank you so much for all judges👏🏼👏🏼 Magmag as a GC in so young age, hope he could keeps his state as good as much he can in next season🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因

Sorry for the delay😟😟 We are so busy these two weeks. Finally gotcha a time to announce the result of some shows🫶🏻抱歉,咁遲先...

Sorry for the delay😟😟 We are so busy these two weeks. Finally gotcha a time to announce the result of some shows🫶🏻


NifflerMau joined the Spring Meowfest Championship and New Year Meowfest Championship in 20, 21 January.


This was the first show of our new Silver Tabby White Mainecoon Kitten Pietro. ❤️❤️❤️ Also was the first show of his brother Magneto grow up as Championship from Kitten!


Here are the results!! 以下係是次比賽成績✨

John Colilla
3rd Best Champion in Longhair

Kathy Black
3rd Best Champion in Longhair

Bethany Colilla
3rd Best Champion in Longhair

Olga Grebneva
3rd Best Champion in Longhair

Nadejda Rumyantseva
3rd Best Champion in Longhair

Neil Quigley
2nd Best Champion in Longhair

Nadejda Rumyantseva
5th Best Kitten in Allbreed

Tracy Petty
3rd Best Kitten in Longhair
4th Best Kitten in Allbreed

Thank you all judges🥳🥳🥳 感謝咁多位評判🙌🏻

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因

聖誕快樂呀咁多位🐈🎄花爸花貓同咁多位彌花喵祝大家Meowy Christmas🎅🏻 #彌花貓舍    #緬因貓  #緬因貓舍    #歐系緬因貓  #美系緬因  #陰影緬因  #香港緬因貓  #香港緬因  #香港緬因貓舍  #緬因  #香港...

花爸花貓同咁多位彌花喵祝大家Meowy Christmas🎅🏻

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #美系緬因 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #自家繁殖 #寵物店 #埃及貓 #香港埃及貓

Repost photos🥰. One of the judges Ms Natalia Liumchikova like T**i very much. She hold T**i and take a picture with her ...

Repost photos🥰. One of the judges Ms Natalia Liumchikova like T**i very much. She hold T**i and take a picture with her after the show❤️

🥰Repost一下,WCF Show當天評判之一Ms Natalia Liumchikova好喜歡T**i,完show後抱住佢合照留念咗❤️

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #美系緬因 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #自家繁殖 #寵物店 #埃及貓 #香港埃及貓

Hurray! Nifflermau joined the first and the last show in 2023 of WCF last weekend! This is also the fist show of WCF hel...

Hurray! Nifflermau joined the first and the last show in 2023 of WCF last weekend! This is also the fist show of WCF held on Hong Kong! We have Nefertiti to join the show with us! And we are proud to unofficially announce that she is the BEST OF BEST 2023 of Hong Kong!

Wohoo!!! 上星期日我哋參加咗首屆WCF喺香港舉辦嘅比賽,呢個亦係本年度第一次同最後一次WCF貓展!今次我哋有Nefertiti參加今次嘅比賽,我哋非常高興同榮幸T**i成為左BEST OF BEST 2023 (unofficial)!

Thank you so much for all judges and HKMBC 萌寶 Hong Kong Mang Bo Club to organise such a good show!


Also this is a Joint Show with GCCFA too which same is GCCFA first show in Hong Kong!


Here are the show results! 以下係是次比賽成績❤️

Special Award
🏆WCF BEST OF BEST 1st Adult (Day1)
🏆WCF BEST OF BEST 2nd Adult (Day2)

📍Ms Marina Zhuravleva & Ms Natalia Liumchikova
Ring 1st Adult (Day 1)
Ring 2nd Adult (Day 2)

📍Mr Kit Fung
Fun Show 2nd Female

📍Mr Xun Guo (GCCFA)
3rd Best in Championship
3rd Best in Champion
3rd Best in Short Hair Champion

Thank you so much again for all judges! We have a good time and T**i too!


Last but not least, also special thanks for the prize of BOB 2023, JirpetOfficial Jirpet Pet Hair Dryer and the annual sponsor of Brabanconne! Happypaws 👏🏼

最後要感謝BEST OF BEST 2023禮物嘅贊助商,Jirpet寵物烘乾機同Brabanconne全年糧食Sponsor!🙌🏻👏🏼

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #美系緬因 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #自家繁殖 #寵物店 #埃及貓 #香港埃及貓

Magmag made All 5 finals last Sunday at A Bright Future CFA Championship Cat show and he got 4 BOB and a BEST long hair ...

Magmag made All 5 finals last Sunday at A Bright Future CFA Championship Cat show and he got 4 BOB and a BEST long hair kitten!!

Magmag 上星期日參加咗A Bright Future CFA Championship Cat show ,今次嘅比賽進入咗全部五個決賽!仲拎咗四個品種最佳第一,同埋最佳第一長毛幼貓🥰🥳!

Thank you so much for all judges!

This is the first time Magmag joining a show held on mall. So surprise that he still playful in such spacious place. This also should be the last show for Magmag participated as kitten. He will turn to Championship in next show! Such a good experience for him🥰 hope he will move on to championship successfully like his elder brother 😉


Here are the show result! 以下係是次比賽成績。

Darrell Newkirk
6th Best Kitten in Allbreed

Kathy Calhoun
7th Best Kitten in Allbreed

Suki Lee
7th Best Kitten in Allbreed

Edward Maeda
4th Best Kitten in Allbreed

Pattama Weeranon
BEST Kitten in Longhair

#彌花貓舍 #緬因貓 #緬因貓舍 #歐系緬因貓 #陰影緬因 #香港緬因貓 #香港緬因 #香港緬因貓舍 #緬因 #香港貓舍 #美系緬因


Tsuen Wan



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