PET SPACE Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from PET SPACE, Veterinarian, Shop 19 G/F Kin Fai Building, 69 Fung Cheung Road, Yuen Long.

Pet Space provides professional services through our unique “Medutainment” approach to support both Pets and Pet’s owners from Medical, Education to Entertainment at a high standard of hospitality and customer service.


【2025 寵物展 Hall 3E - B73 | Pet Space 折扣、禮品等您拎!🎁】
誠意邀請大家到我們展位Hall 3E 🔥,拎免費福袋🛍️,仲有好多優惠等您拎🈹!

🔔 駐場資深獸醫護士為毛孩們做免費健康小檢查👩🏻‍⚕️🩺
🔔會場獨家診所服務優惠 🈹
🔔獸醫處方糧低至8折加送$100電子現金券及精美贈品 💯
🔔 獸醫推薦寵物用品低至7折❗

📆 日期 : 2月6日 - 2月9日 (星期四至日)
⏰ 時間 :
2月6-8日 12:00 - 21:00
2月9日 12:00 - 20:00
(每日閉館前30分鐘停止發售/ 換領門券)
📍地點 : 香港會議展覽中心Hall 3E

*有任何爭議Pet Space Group保留最終決定權。


【 🍊農曆新年營業時間公告 🧧🧧】Pet Space 為大家送上溫暖的祝福! 祝各位蛇年吉祥,萬事如意! 🐍🧨各診所應診時間如圖二所示,大家敬請留意!🍊Notice of Lunar New Year Operating Hours 🧧🧧P...

【 🍊農曆新年營業時間公告 🧧🧧】

Pet Space 為大家送上溫暖的祝福! 祝各位蛇年吉祥,萬事如意! 🐍🧨

🍊Notice of Lunar New Year Operating Hours 🧧🧧

Pet Space sends warm wishes to everyone! Wishing you good fortune in the Year of the Snake and success in all your endeavors!
The consultation hours for each clinic are as shown in the second image. Please take note!

📲如緊急情況可致電 - 24小時方舟動物醫院 : 2549 2330
📲In case of emergency, please call 24-hour The Ark Veterinary Hospital: 2549 2330


【感恩有您照顧 | Thanksgiving 禮盒大放送🎁】

感謝各位超可愛的回圖😍,希望大家收到禮盒都開開心心!照顧毛孩從來不容易! 感謝各位毛爸媽的付出~


The Thanksgiving pet gift box giveaway has come to a wonderful end! 🥰
Thank you to everyone for your adorable responses! 😍 We hope you’re all happy receiving the gift boxes! Taking care of our furry friends is never easy, and we appreciate all the efforts from pet parents!

Before the start of 2025, we’ve prepared a second wave of gift boxes for everyone! Be sure to keep an eye on our latest updates! 🥳

【叮叮噹叮叮噹🔔~又是一年聖誕節🎄】Pet Space 預先祝大家聖誕節快樂!❄️🎅🏻 大家可以留意第2-3頁的聖誕新年假期應診時間⏰~如果您在節日期間需要任何寵物健康諮詢或醫療服務都可致電📲 - 24小時方舟動物醫院 : 2549 233...


Pet Space 預先祝大家聖誕節快樂!❄️🎅🏻 大家可以留意第2-3頁的聖誕新年假期應診時間⏰~
如果您在節日期間需要任何寵物健康諮詢或醫療服務都可致電📲 - 24小時方舟動物醫院 : 2549 2330

Pet Space wishes everyone a Merry Christmas in advance❄️🎅🏻! Please take note of the holiday consultation hours on pages 2-3⏰.

If you need any pet health consultations or medical services during the holiday period, 📲 please call 24-hour The Ark Veterinary Hospital: 2549 2330

【人人有份!年終派「FUN」遊戲!💰 積分當錢使】哇哇!白石角動物醫院新活動 🎉- 年終積分大放送,玩遊戲即送積分!Pet Space Points 全新登場,積分當錢使!💰🎯 挑戰玩法簡單:點擊卡牌, 配對相同顏色的硬幣, 就可隨機獲得3...

【人人有份!年終派「FUN」遊戲!💰 積分當錢使】

哇哇!白石角動物醫院新活動 🎉- 年終積分大放送,玩遊戲即送積分!
Pet Space Points 全新登場,積分當錢使!💰

🎯 挑戰玩法簡單:
點擊卡牌, 配對相同顏色的硬幣, 就可隨機獲得300-500積分!人人有份,挑戰成功即有獎!

💡 積分用途:
1 Pet Space 積分 = $1 HKD*,可用於白石角動物醫院的醫療服務*及訂購處方糧。

🎉 活動詳情:
參加方法: 經以下網頁登記並完成遊戲挑戰



🎊積分獎賞: 300-500積分*,挑戰完成即時獲得!


1. 每位參與者僅有一次領取積分的機會。
2. 您需要使用您的真實姓名、有效聯繫電話及電子郵件地址進行登記。這些信息將用於積分兌換時進行身份核實,以確保您的積分安全和有效性。
3. 適用範圍限定:本活動積分僅可在白石角動物醫院使用。

【電梯陷阱:對狗狗的潛在危險 🚨】香港的扶手電梯遍布各地,但它們可能會給狗狗帶來意想不到的傷害!狗狗的腳容易卡在自動扶梯的金屬齒中,導致流血、骨折,甚至需要截肢的嚴重後果!此外,電梯上的細菌還可能引發傷口感染!🛑電梯安全指南:切勿讓狗狗踩上...

【電梯陷阱:對狗狗的潛在危險 🚨】




讓我們保護狗狗的安全! ❤️
📱如緊急情況可致電 - 24小時方舟動物醫院 : 2549 2330

Elevator Trap: Potential Danger to Dogs 🚨

In bustling Hong Kong, escalators are everywhere—but they can pose serious risks to dogs. Their feets can easily get stuck in the metal teeth of escalators, leading to painful injuries, fractures, or even amputation. Plus, bacteria on the elevator may cause wound infection!

🛑Escalator Safety Tips:

Avoid escalators: Never let your dog step on the escalator.
Carry your dog: If you must use an escalator, keep your dog in your arms and away from the edges.

If an accident occurs, please take your dog to animal hospital immediately for examination and treatment!

Let's keep our pups safe! ❤️
📲In case of emergency, please call 24-hour The Ark Veterinary Hospital: 2549 2330

#獸醫診所 #貓 #狗 #寵物護理 #動物醫院 #香港獸醫中心 #獸醫 #寵物中醫 #寵物 #毛孩 #寵物治療 #寵物西醫治療
🐾立即Follow PetSpace Facebook 緊貼寵物醫療及養生最新資訊!🐾喜歡我哋內容記得 Like & Share


【Pet Space 指定獸醫診所 | 限時年尾感謝賞🎊】號外 📢 有好消息帶給大家! 為感謝各位一直以來的支持,我們特別推出年尾感謝優惠!即日起於指定診所惠顧診所服務 / 處方糧訂購,全單可獲9 折優惠*!家長們萬勿錯過!🎉🎉


*優惠適用於Pet Space Discovery Bay,優惠期為即日起至2024年12月18日。
*Pet Space Group保留修改或取消優惠的權利。


📍 Pet Space 愉景灣
📲 預約或查詢
電話:2788 1599
WhatsApp: 5702 9034
點擊 WhatsApp:

📍 銅鑼灣動物醫院
📲 預約或查詢
電話:2510 0836
WhatsApp:7072 1739
點擊 WhatsApp:

📍 白石角動物醫院
📲 預約或查詢
電話:2368 9366
WhatsApp:6180 5332
點擊 WhatsApp:

🤳🏻如緊急情況可致電 - 24小時方舟動物醫院 : 2549 2330

【Pet Space | Year-End Thanks and Appreciation Offer🎊】Exciting Announcement 📢 We have great news for everyone! To express...

【Pet Space | Year-End Thanks and Appreciation Offer🎊】Exciting Announcement 📢 We have great news for everyone! To express our gratitude for your ongoing support, we're thrilled to introduce a special year-end appreciation offer! Starting today, enjoy a 10% discount* on specific medical services and prescription diets orders at our selected clinics! Don’t miss out, pet parents! 🎉🎉

Clinic Services include, but not limited to:
✅ Vaccinations
✅ Physical Examination and Blood Testing
✅ Prescription Diet Order

*The discount applies to products/services at Pet Space Discovery Bay, valid from today until December 18, 2024.
*The discount applies to products/services at Pak Shek Kok Veterinary Clinic and Causeway Bay Animal Hospital, valid from today until December 31, 2024.
*This offer excludes surgical fees, mobile ultrasound services, and cremation services.
*Pet Space Group reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time.

For details regarding the offer, please contact the following hospitals:

📍 Pet Space Discovery Bay
📲 For appointments or inquiries
Tel: 2788 1599
WhatsApp: 5702 9034
Click WhatsApp:

📍 Causeway Bay Animal Hospital
📲 For appointments or inquiries
Tel: 2510 0836
WhatsApp: 7072 1739
Click WhatsApp:

📍 Pak Shek Kok Veterinary Clinic
📲 For appointments or inquiries
Tel: 2368 9366
WhatsApp: 6180 5332
Click WhatsApp:

🤳🏻 In case of emergencies, please call – 24 hours The Ark Veterinary Hospital: 2549 2330

【毛孩醫學百科 | 寵物誤吞繩子不用擔心?  | 個案分享】Dr Ross 今次會為大家分享一個常見的急症情況 - 寵物誤吞繩子。許多貓犬都喜歡玩弄各種繩子,但你知道誤吞繩子其實可以引致非常嚴重的情況嗎?如果寵物不能及時把繩子吐出來,它們往...

【毛孩醫學百科 | 寵物誤吞繩子不用擔心? | 個案分享】

Dr Ross 今次會為大家分享一個常見的急症情況 - 寵物誤吞繩子。


繩子可能會完全切穿腸道,這是非常嚴重的情況。移除繩子手術需要進行多次腸切開術(或腸道切口)來移除, 因為繩子通常會在腸道內壁的多個地方卡住。

📱如緊急情況可致電 - 24小時方舟動物醫院 : 2549 2330

Is There No Need to Worry About Pets Swallowing Strings?

Many cats and dogs enjoy playing with various types of strings, but as Dr Ross said, accidentally swallowing them can lead to very serious complications.

If a pet starts to swallow the string rather than spitting it out they tend to keep swallowing it.
The string will often get stuck and start to cut into the lining of the gut when it contracts, and the intestines will tend to bunch up around this area, which is called plication. Imagine a situation where a drawstring from sweatpants is pulled tight...

The string may cut all the way through the intestine, if the surgery is not done, and it is a very serious condition.

Removing the string typically requires multiple enterotomies (or intestinal incisions) because the string will be stuck in the lining of the gut in more than one place.

If you suspect string / any foreign object ingestion, or if your pet begins to vomit excessively, stops eating, or seems very dull and depressed, please bring your pet to the vet right away.
📲In case of emergency, please call 24-hour The Ark Veterinary Hospital: 2549 2330

#寵物誤吞繩子 #獸醫診所 #貓 #狗 #寵物護理 #動物醫院 #香港獸醫中心 #獸醫 #寵物中醫 #寵物 #毛孩 #寵物治療 #寵物西醫治療
🐾立即Follow PetSpace Facebook 緊貼寵物醫療及養生最新資訊!🐾喜歡我哋內容記得 Like & Share

【Pet Space x YMCA |  信、望、愛,夢想成真。玩具聖誕樹】燈光閃閃的聖誕樹我們都見慣不怪,但您又有否見過由舊玩具組成的聖誕樹呢?這些獨一無二的聖誕樹是由一班創意無限的小朋友及我們團隊(當日寵員工-白白都有去參與!)一起完成...

【Pet Space x YMCA | 信、望、愛,夢想成真。玩具聖誕樹】



在這個充滿愛心的活動中, 主辦機構YMCA 希望小朋友在創造快樂的同時亦能學習一些藝術及環保的事情。


We are all accustomed to seeing sparkling Christmas trees, but have you ever seen a Christmas tree made from old toys?

These unique Christmas trees are artistic creations brought to life by a group of incredibly creative children and our team (even our clinic's pet - Pak Pak, participated that day!).

The host - YMCA hopes all the participants can learn more about the enviromental awareness with artistic concepts through this heartwarming event.

These vibrant Christmas trees will be displayed in the lobby of the YMCA Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui shortly as a meaningful touch to this year's Christmas celebrations!


【大埔超級城 x 全能貓奴練成講座】

🐱喵!我們為貓奴們在萬聖節週末準備了一個活動🎃——「全能貓奴練成講座」!Pet Space 高級註冊獸醫Dr. Anne和營養師Lilian Or將帶來一系列貓咪護理的小秘訣,幫助您更好地照顧您的貓主子。無論您是剛入門的新手,還是已經有經驗的貓奴,都會有讓您驚喜的知識!


- 寵物毛氈
- 營養指南
- Royal Canin 乾糧 400g
- 優惠券,等




*How to be a SUPER Cat parent!*

🐱 Meow! This Halloween weekend, we have a "BUFF" to share with all cat owners! 🎃— "Ultimate Cat Owner Masterclass"! Are you ready to become a "pro" in the cat world?

Dr. Anne, a senior registered veterinarian from Pet Space, and nutritionist Lilian Or will share a series of tips on cat care to help you take better care of your feline friends. Whether you're a beginner or have plenty of experience, you'll definitely level up to become an ultimate cat owner!

Registration will be confirmed via email, and attendees will receive a gift bag:

* Pet fleece blanket
* Nutrition guidebook
* Royal Canin dry diet 400g
* Discount voucher , etc.

Event details:

Date: October 27 (Sunday)
Time: 2 PM to 3 PM
Location: Stage C, Tai Po Mega Mall

There are only 60 seats available for this event, on a first-come, first-served basis, so please register early to avoid missing out!

Register now :


【Pet Space Group x MegaBox 寵物哈囉喂嘉年華 🎃】

🍬Trick or Treat?! 今年我們繼續在Megabox 和大家見面!👻

「Pawsitive Health Challenge! 毛孩健康大檢測! 」會在這搞怪好玩的萬聖節活動派treats比大家,另有駐場資深獸醫護士為毛孩們做個免費的健康小檢查🩺!
只要現場登記成為會員,即可獲Pet Space 福袋及抽獎機會!🎁


1. 成貓泌尿道加護主食濕糧85gx3包(價值$45) / 成犬皮膚舒緩加護主食濕糧 85gx3包(價值$45)

2. 成貓加護系列乾糧400gx2包*(總值$180) / 成犬皮膚舒緩加護主食濕糧85g乙盒

3. SAA限量版購物袋乙個(價值$100)

4. 85折 現金券乙張

*除毛球加護及 亮毛皮膚加護配方各1包

活動詳情【MegaBox 寵物哈囉喂嘉年華】

攤位:Pet Space Pawsitive Health Challenge!
日期:10.26 SAT - 10.27 SUN
時間:11 AM - 9 PM
地點:L5 Atrium, MegaBox


🍬Trick or Treat?! This year, we’re excited to meet you again at MegaBox! 👻

Join us for the *"Pawsitive Health Challenge!"* where we’ll be giving out treats at this fun Halloween event. There will be experienced veterinary nurses on-site offering free health check-ups for your pets! 🩺 Just register on-site to become a member, and you’ll receive a Pet Space goodie bag and a chance to win prizes! 🎁

We’ll also be hosting a fundraising event for SAA. Any donation of HK$50 or more will earn you a beautiful pet gift valued at $330! *

*Goodie Bag Contents:*
1. 3 packs of FCN Urinary Care Adult Cat (85g each, valued at $45) / 3 packs of CCN Dermacomfort Adult Dog (85g each, / valued at $45)

2. 1 pack each of FCN Hairball Care Adult Cat and FCN Hair & Skin Care Adult Cat (400g each, total value of $180) / 1 box of CCN Dermacomfort Adult Dog (85g, 12 packs, valued at $170)

3. 1 limited edition SAA shopping bag (valued at $100)

4. 1 cash voucher for 15% off at

Event Details

* *Booth:* Pet Space Pawsitive Health Challenge!
* *Date:* October 26 (Saturday) - October 27 (Sunday)
* *Time:* 11 AM - 9 PM
* *Location:* L5 Atrium, MegaBox

*Note: Event offers are subject to terms and conditions.


【🎙️寵愛有感 x Pet Space | 你是否一位合格的主人🤔】

動物是人類最好的朋友!熱愛動物的阿感和Pet Space高級獸醫Dr. Anne以輕鬆有趣的方式和大家分享寵物知識!
大家可以到youtube重溫節目,了解一下百思不得其解的貓狗行為學、最容易被忽略的生病警號、飼養貓狗的基本條件和配備 等實用資訊。


🎙️ HashPets x Pet Space | Are You a Qualified Pet Owner? 🤔

Animals are humans' best friends! Gum, who loves animals, and Dr. Anne, our senior veterinary surgeon, share pet knowledge in a fun and relaxed way with you!

You can revisit the program on YouTube to learn about the puzzling behaviors of cats and dogs, the most easily overlooked signs of illness, the basic conditions and equipment for raising cats and dogs in Hong Kong, and other practical information.

We welcome everyone to share your thoughts with us in the comments section after watching!


🐾立即Follow PetSpace Facebook 緊貼寵物醫療及養生最新資訊!
🐾喜歡我哋內容記得 Like & Share

【上門診症服務 9折優惠*】Pet Space 西貢動物醫院和白石角動物醫院現提供上門診症服務,為毛孩家長提供多一種就醫選擇 ! 上門到診服務有以下的好處👍🏻1. 免除舟車勞頓2. ⁠減少寵物出門看診焦慮3. ⁠專注一對一服務*由即日起20...

【上門診症服務 9折優惠*】

Pet Space 西貢動物醫院和白石角動物醫院現提供上門診症服務,為毛孩家長提供多一種就醫選擇 !

1. 免除舟車勞頓
2. ⁠減少寵物出門看診焦慮
3. ⁠專注一對一服務

*由即日起2024年12月31日,憑此頁面可享西貢動物醫院上門診症服務9折優惠* 一次。

📲(西貢獸醫醫院)預約或查詢請致電:2792 8555 / Whatsapp +852 5340 6101 (
📲(白石角動物醫院)預約或查詢請致電:2368 9366 / Whatsapp +852 6180 5332 (

Pet Space 為你盡心服務!🐾
*Pet Space Group保留修改或取消的權利
*只適用於House Call 服務

**House Call Veterinary Service 10% Discount**

Pet Space Sai Kung Veterinary Clinic and Pak Shek Kok Veterinary Clinic now offer home veterinary services, providing pet owners with an additional option for healthcare!
The benefits of home visits include: 👍🏻

1. No travel hassle
2. Reduced anxiety for pets when visiting the vet
3. Focused one-on-one service

*From now until December 31, 2024, you can receive a 10% discount on home veterinary services from Sai Kung Veterinary Clinic by presenting this page.*

For details regarding the home veterinary services/discounts, please inquire with the following clinics:
📲 (Sai Kung Veterinary Clinic) To make an appointment or for inquiries, please call: 2792 8555 / WhatsApp +852 5340 6101 (
📲 (Pak Shek Kok Veterinary Clinic) To make an appointment or for inquiries, please call: 2368 9366 / WhatsApp +852 6180 5332 (

Pet Space is here to serve you with dedication! 🐾
*Pet Space Group reserves the right to modify or cancel the offer.
*This offer is only applicable to House Call services.
*This discount cannot be combined with other offers.*

【毛孩的「終生大事」?- 絕育好處多】在適當的時機*為貓狗進行絕育,不僅能有效預防嚴重疾病如前列腺、睪丸、子宮及乳腺疾病等,還能降低癌症風險。這是讓毛孩過上更健康生活的重要一步!絕育後的毛孩會變得更友善、溫馴,攻擊性和標記行為也會大幅減少,...

【毛孩的「終生大事」?- 絕育好處多】



Pet Space 寵生堂和西貢獸醫醫院現有貓狗絕育優惠:

男仔 (15kg 以下/ 15kg 以上):$1280/ $2180
女仔 (15kg以下/ 15kg 以上):$2180/ $2680

*不適用於患有隱睾/ 子宮發炎 / 懷孕等特殊情況問題的貓犬


📲(西貢獸醫醫院)預約或查詢請致電:2792 8555 / Whatsapp +852 5340 6101 (

📲(寵生堂)預約或查詢請致電: 2520 2373 / Whatsapp +852 9616 7768 (

*Pet Space Group保留修改或取消的權利

Pet's 'Lifetime Decision'? - Benefits of Spay & Neutering!

Neutering cats and dogs at the right time can prevent serious health issues, including prostate, testicular, uterine, and mammary gland diseases, as well as reduce cancer risks. This is crucial for promoting a healthier life for our furry companions! Neutered pets often become friendlier and more docile, with decreased aggression and marking behaviors, enhancing their companionship qualities. Together, let's ensure a healthy future for our pets!

*The appropriate timing varies based on gender and breed, so please consult your veterinarian.

Chong Sheng Tang and Sai Kung Veterinary Hospital are currently offering special prices for spaying and neutering:

Cats 🐈
Male: $880
Female: $1280

Dogs 🐕
Male (under 15kg / over 15kg): $1280 / $2180
Female (under 15kg / over 15kg): $2180 / $2680

*Not applicable to cats and dogs with special conditions such as cryptorchidism, uterine inflammation, or pregnancy.
*Those over 30kg, please contact the clinic for pricing information.

Note: The package prices include a basic pre-surgical examination, anesthesia, IV fluids, surgery, and suture removal. Additional fees will apply for pre-anesthetic blood tests and post-operative pain relief medications.

*Pet Space Group reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer.

【 TOY reborn:賦予棄置玩具新生命!】對動物的愛心與熱誠是我們Pet Space的核心價值,但我們同樣重視社區發展。Pet Space 白石角動物醫院與YMCA聯手舉辦社區活動——「TOY reborn:賦予棄置玩具新生命!」誠邀...

【 TOY reborn:賦予棄置玩具新生命!】

對動物的愛心與熱誠是我們Pet Space的核心價值,但我們同樣重視社區發展。Pet Space 白石角動物醫院與YMCA聯手舉辦社區活動——「TOY reborn:賦予棄置玩具新生命!」


📅 日期: 即日起至10月20日
📍 地點及時間: 醫院應診期間(週一至三 09:00-19:00;週五至日 09:00-19:00)
🎨 活動內容:簡單把舊玩具製成的積木拼入畫框內


Caring for animals and our passion are the core values of Pet Space Group, but we also value community development.

Pet Space Pak Shek Kok Veterinary Clinic has partnered with YMCA to host a community event—“TOY Reborn: Give Discarded Toys a New Life!”
We invite you to join us in creating unique art pieces by transforming old toys into something special, promoting environmental awareness and supporting YMCA’s charitable efforts.

📅 Date: From now until October 20
📍 Location and Time: During clinic hours (Monday to Wednesday 09:00-19:00; Friday to Sunday 09:00-19:00)
🎨 Event Details: Simply assemble a block made from old toys into the frame

Let’s show our care for the community together. We look forward to your participation!


【 體操運動員化身 Pet Space 獸醫小幫手🩺🐾】

香港奧運體操代表 - 石偉雄自從領養了狗狗Carter 後他對寵物的日常生活產生了濃厚的興趣。在一次機緣巧合下,他報讀了獸醫助護課程,希望能深入學習更多與寵物相關的知識,更好地照顧家中的愛犬。
今次石仔會和大家分享一他在西營盤方舟動物醫院實習的情況(亦是獸醫助護課程最後的一環! )
到底對精於體操的石仔能好好勝任獸醫小幫手嗎? 去片!!

【From Gymnast to Pet Space Veterinary Assistant 🩺🐾】

Hong Kong Olympic gymnast Shek Wai Hung Stone has developed a deep interest in pet care since adopting his dog, Carter. By chance, he enrolled in a veterinary assistant course to learn more about pet-related knowledge and improve his ability to care for beloved Carter.
This time, Stone will share his internship experience at the Ark Animal Hospital in Sai Ying Pun, which is also the final component of his veterinary assistant course!
Can the gymnast, known for his precision, excel as a veterinary assistant? Let’s find out!

#香港運動員 #港隊 #奧運 #體操 #石仔 #獸醫助護 #獸醫診所 #貓 #狗 #寵物護理 #動物醫院 #香港獸醫中心 #獸醫 #寵物中醫 #寵物 #毛孩 #寵物治療 #寵物西醫治療 #方舟動物醫院
🐾立即Follow PetSpace Facebook 緊貼寵物醫療及養生最新資訊!
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Shop 19 G/F Kin Fai Building, 69 Fung Cheung Road
Yuen Long

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 00:00
Wednesday 00:00 - 20:00
Thursday 10:00 - 20:00
Friday 10:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday 10:00 - 20:00




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專一動物診所是Pet Space旗下位於元朗的動物診所。提供內外全科各種獸醫服務。包括晶片植入,照X光、超聲波,骨科手街等。

PET SPACE,全港最大獸醫集團 ,亦於新加坡擁有一間旗艦獸醫醫院,以其獨有及創新的”Medutainment”概念,從醫療 (Medication)、教育 (Education) 以至娛樂 (Entertainment) 等方面,配合完善殷切的客戶服務,全方位支持寵物及主人。

就像PET SPACE的扭計骰一樣,展現出我們具備不同面向和靈活性,樂於分享、關懷;最重要的是,我們會用心去愛每一個你。