Ginkgo Veterinary Hospital

Ginkgo Veterinary Hospital Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Ginkgo Veterinary Hospital, Veterinarian, Shop 2, G/F, 20 F**k Tak Street, Yuen Long.


如果你有興趣,並承諾一生永遠愛護,照顧佢地,歡迎whastapp 92284232 詳談 (工作關係未必能即時回覆)

We have another 4 handsome kittens up for adoption. Full of energy and curiosity, these bundle of joys are ready to find a responsible and caring family to take them in. These kittens will need to go in pairs, and it is required for potential candidates to have their homes visited, and to have their windows cat proofed to ensure their safety! Please WhatsApp if you‘re interested: 92284232.

#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理 #動物知識 #動物疾病 #貓貓日常 #動物日常 #診所日常 #獸醫診所 #獸醫診所日常 #領養代替購買

四個超可愛BB尋家成功🎉 一對領養大家都有個伴,翻到新屋企要乖乖地,唔好周圍搗亂呀,要健健康康咁成長💓These four little sweet pumpkins have found their homes. We hope they...

四個超可愛BB尋家成功🎉 一對領養大家都有個伴,翻到新屋企要乖乖地,唔好周圍搗亂呀,要健健康康咁成長💓

These four little sweet pumpkins have found their homes. We hope they grow bigger, stay healthy, happy and behave with their new families.

#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理 #動物知識 #動物疾病 #貓貓日常 #動物日常 #診所日常 #獸醫診所 #獸醫診所日常 #領養代替購買

中風常見導致動物出現中風原因為缺血性中風及出血性中風。缺血性中風例如: 血栓、腫瘤、血小板凝集、細菌或寄生蟲導致血管阻塞出血性中風例如: 腦血管破裂或凝血障礙導致腦內出血患有心臟病的動物中風的機率較高,由於心臟病容易造成血栓的形成,導致動物...

缺血性中風例如: 血栓、腫瘤、血小板凝集、細菌或寄生蟲導致血管阻塞
出血性中風例如: 腦血管破裂或凝血障礙導致腦內出血

Thromboembolism, is a condition when there is a blood clot that has become dislodged in the circulation, obstructing the blood flow.

Symptoms depend on the site of the affected area. The most common one in cats is Feline arterial thromboembolism (ATE). The cat usually shows severe pain, vocalization, pulselessness, and paralysis in the hind limbs.

Further diagnostic tests such as blood work, heart ultrasound, x rays may be needed.

It is important to see your local vets immediately if your pet is experiencing these conditions.

Note* The picture shows that the left hind paw of this cat is more pale than the right paw, due to an arterial thromboembolism.

圖中所示: 由於中風引致的血栓,血液無法正常流動,貓貓的左後腳掌呈蒼白色

#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理 #動物知識

超淡定又乖既Mui Mui 黎做身體檢查,主人早前係公園附近見到佢自己流浪,經過幾日相處決定收編成為家庭成員❤️Mui Mui was here for her body check. Originally out in the stree...

超淡定又乖既Mui Mui 黎做身體檢查,主人早前係公園附近見到佢自己流浪,經過幾日相處決定收編成為家庭成員❤️

Mui Mui was here for her body check. Originally out in the streets, she was luckily adopted by some lovely people and have given this sweetie a warm and comfortable home.❤️

#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理 #動物知識 #動物疾病 #貓貓日常 #動物日常 #診所日常 #獸醫診所 #獸醫診所日常

Ginkgo獸醫診所榮獲2023 年度最傑出專業獸醫診所。我們致力於提供優質的獸醫服務,為有需要的毛孩進行專業治療。感謝大家一直以來的支持,我們會一直維持專業服務的水準,不斷提升改進,滿足大家的期望與支持。Ginkgo Veterinary...

Ginkgo獸醫診所榮獲2023 年度最傑出專業獸醫診所。

Ginkgo Veterinary Hospital strives in providing top-notch customer service as well as patient care. Our transparency and commitment to you and your pets is our professionalism.
Thank you to everyone for their continuous support. We will do our utmost to maintain our standard and improve to meet our clients’ trust and expectations.


歡迎whatsapp 91671701聯絡💛

#領養代替購買不棄養🐶🐱 #領養狗狗 #唐狗也是寶💛 #唐狗寶寶
#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理 #動物知識 #動物疾病 #貓貓日常 #動物日常 #診所日常 #獸醫診所 #獸醫診所日常

超可愛 4個BB 已經進駐咗我地Ginkgo獸醫診所嘅領養櫃啦🎉甜筒,乳酪,脆皮,鳳仙 正尋找忠心貓奴 !4個bb 超級貪玩同活潑,每日都係診所食好多野,跑黎跑去有無限精力🙈已杜蟲杜蚤,佢地感情要好,需一對領養🫶🏻申請者請提供自我簡介✔必須...

超可愛 4個BB 已經進駐咗我地Ginkgo獸醫診所嘅領養櫃啦🎉
甜筒,乳酪,脆皮,鳳仙 正尋找忠心貓奴 !
4個bb 超級貪玩同活潑,每日都係診所食好多野,跑黎跑去有無限精力🙈已杜蟲杜蚤,佢地感情要好,需一對領養🫶🏻

歡迎WhatsApp 9228 4232傾談

Four cutie pies are now ready for adoption at Ginkgo Veterinary Hospital! These four active kittens are in need of a loving home. It is required for all candidates to possess fenced windows. New owners are required to present a brief introduction as well as sign adoption papers.
If you are interested, please WhatsApp 92284232
(please kindly allow time for responses)

超可愛 4個BB 已經進駐咗我地Ginkgo獸醫診所嘅領養櫃啦🎉甜筒,乳酪,脆皮,鳳仙 正尋找忠心貓奴 !🐥4個bb 超級貪玩同活潑,每日都係診所食好多野,跑黎跑去有無限精力🙈已杜蟲杜蚤,佢地感情要好,需一對領養🫶🏻申請者請提供自我簡介✔必...

超可愛 4個BB 已經進駐咗我地Ginkgo獸醫診所嘅領養櫃啦🎉
甜筒,乳酪,脆皮,鳳仙 正尋找忠心貓奴 !🐥
4個bb 超級貪玩同活潑,每日都係診所食好多野,跑黎跑去有無限精力🙈已杜蟲杜蚤,佢地感情要好,需一對領養🫶🏻

歡迎WhatsApp 9228 4232傾談

Four cutie pies are now ready for adoption at Ginkgo Veterinary Hospital! These four active kittens are in need of a loving home. It is required for all candidates to possess fenced windows. New owners are required to present a brief introduction as well as sign adoption papers.
If you are interested, please WhatsApp 92284232
(please kindly allow time for responses)

可愛Zofi 翻嚟診所打針同做驗血檢查,抽血個陣Zofi 都有少少嚇親有啲驚,但姑娘姐姐一路氹住佢,抽完即刻俾零食佢,即刻開心翻晒😙😙Zofi is back for her annual vaccine and check up! She...

可愛Zofi 翻嚟診所打針同做驗血檢查,抽血個陣Zofi 都有少少嚇親有啲驚,但姑娘姐姐一路氹住佢,抽完即刻俾零食佢,即刻開心翻晒😙😙

Zofi is back for her annual vaccine and check up! She co-operated like a champ. She was much happier having some treats as a reward !

#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理 #動物知識 #動物疾病 #貓貓日常 #動物日常 #診所日常 #獸醫診所 #獸醫診所日常

望住姑娘姐姐好好奇既皮皮,係一個好斯文好溫柔既小女生。因為少少皮膚問題黎睇醫生,希望你快啲好翻啦~Sweet Pei Pei is here due to skin issues. She is a very curious girl an...


Sweet Pei Pei is here due to skin issues.
She is a very curious girl and loves to watch what we are doing. ❤️

#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理 #動物知識 #動物疾病 #貓貓日常 #動物日常 #診所日常 #獸醫診所 #獸醫診所日常

雷射治療 Laser Therapy雷射治療有促進傷口癒合、減輕發炎及治療疼痛的作用。進行治療時,動物不會感到疼痛,全個過程亦不需要麻醉或鎮靜,因此也會比較常見於動物治療的一部份。常見及適用於動物的病症包括: 傷口,肌肉或肌腱損傷,關節炎、...

雷射治療 Laser Therapy
雷射治療有促進傷口癒合、減輕發炎及治療疼痛的作用。進行治療時,動物不會感到疼痛,全個過程亦不需要麻醉或鎮靜,因此也會比較常見於動物治療的一部份。常見及適用於動物的病症包括: 傷口,肌肉或肌腱損傷,關節炎、椎間盤疾病等等。由於操作手法簡單,有時主人在家中也可以輕鬆為動物進利保健治療。

Laser therapy has become more and more common in veterinary medicine. It can be used to manage pain, aid in wound healing and joint healing, as well as muscle regeneration. For better results, laser treatments can also be used alongside other alternative therapies, such as acupuncture and physiotherapy.

#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理 #動物知識 #動物疾病 #貓貓日常 #動物日常 #診所日常 #獸醫診所 #獸醫診所日常 #寵物雷射針灸 #寵物雷射治療 #寵物雷射儀

2個月大嘅可樂好精靈古怪,第一次睇醫生都完全唔驚煲水煲唔停,跑跑跳跳超級活潑,希望你快高長大,健健康康❤️2 months old Cola is a sweet little kitten! He purred whole way thr...


2 months old Cola is a sweet little kitten! He purred whole way through his check up and just wanted attention. ❤️

角膜潰瘍在動物很常見,常見的原因包括: 外傷引致 (如擦傷,撞傷,抓傷),異物入眼,感染,眼部疾病(如眼瞼內翻,乾眼症) 等等一旦發生角膜潰瘍,動物會出現紅腫流淚,不斷抓眼睛,眼睛分泌物增多等情況。如不進行治療,情況惡化的話,會令眼角膜深層...

角膜潰瘍在動物很常見,常見的原因包括: 外傷引致 (如擦傷,撞傷,抓傷),異物入眼,感染,眼部疾病(如眼瞼內翻,乾眼症) 等等

A corneal ulcer is an erosion through the corneal surface. These lesions are usually superficial and affecting the surface layer. In more severe cases, deeper layers are affected, and may require surgical attention.

The most common cause for cornea ulceration is trauma. This usually happens when our pet rubs its eye, or gets into a fight with other animals.

To reduce the risk of infection and further damage to the eye. It is best to visit your local vets if your pet is experience discomfort regarding its eye.



Pneumothorax is when there is an abnormal amount of free air in the chest cavity, outside the lungs but inside the chest wall. This can cause the lungs to not fully expand, and may even cause it to collapse, resulting in signs of respiratory distress that could lead to a life threatening condition. The most notable signs to look out for are breathing difficulty, lethargy, and/or bluish color on the gums.

The most common cause of pneumothorax is due to trauma or injury to the chest. Other causes can include but are not limited to lung disease or infection, neoplasia, or rupture of lung bullae.

If your pet is having abnormal breathing patterns, then it would be best to visit your local vets for a check up as soon as possible.

Ginkgo 獸醫診所團隊恭祝各位主人及毛孩們新年快樂,身體健康,大吉大利🧧🪭🍊❤️‍🔥The team at Ginkgo Veterinary Hospital wishes every pet and their families b...

Ginkgo 獸醫診所團隊恭祝各位主人及毛孩們新年快樂,身體健康,大吉大利🧧🪭🍊❤️‍🔥

The team at Ginkgo Veterinary Hospital wishes every pet and their families boundless happiness, vigorous health, and a very Happy Chinese New Year!



The year of the dragon is approaching! Many pet owners would usually buy different flowers to celebrate the Chinese New Year! However, some of these flowers and plants we buy are harmful to our beloved pets. These plants include lilies, tulips, amaryllis, hydrangea, lucky bamboo, narcissus, chrysanthemum, hyacinth, azalea, HaiTang, Bird of Paradise Flower etc.

These house plants may cause signs of illnesses such as vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, central nervous system and coordination problems, kidney damage and seizures.

So please remember and do take care to be mindful of the flowers we buy, so that we as well as our beloved pets can have a trouble-free and worry-free start to the New Year!

妹妹定期都要翻黎做針灸同Laser,每次黎到都好自動自覺入房等姑娘獎佢食零食,只要有零食食就咩都唔驚🤭🤭❤Mui Mui is a regular at Ginkgo for her acupuncture and laser treatm...


Mui Mui is a regular at Ginkgo for her acupuncture and laser treatments. She is upbeat for every visit as she knows she gets her treats as a reward once she gets through her sessions! ❤❤

農曆新年期間,本診所營業時間將會有所更改,如有不便,敬請原諒。年三十 (9/2): 9:30am-6:00pm農曆年初一 (10/2): 休息農曆年初二 (11/2): 休息農曆年初三 (12/2): 照常營業恭祝各位新年快樂,龍年事事順利...


年三十 (9/2): 9:30am-6:00pm
農曆年初一 (10/2): 休息
農曆年初二 (11/2): 休息
農曆年初三 (12/2): 照常營業


Please kindly take note of changes to our schedule regarding the beginning of the Chinese New Year.

9th Feb: 9:30-18:00
10th Feb: Closed
11th Feb: Closed
12th Feb: Open as usual

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause, but wish everyone good health, good fortune and a Happy New Year in the year of the Dragon.

Ka Ka因為身體問題,每個星期都會翻黎診所探姑娘。每次做治療個陣Ka Ka都會好配合好乖,有時仲會瞓著教添🤭❤️Due to ongoing health problems, KaKa visits us regularly, but i...

Ka Ka因為身體問題,每個星期都會翻黎診所探姑娘。每次做治療個陣Ka Ka都會好配合好乖,有時仲會瞓著教添🤭❤️

Due to ongoing health problems, KaKa visits us regularly, but is incredibly cooperative every time she’s here. She is such a sweetheart! ❤️





When your pet has a dislocated hip, also known as a coxofemoral luxation, this means the ball part of the hip joint comes out of the socket. This dislocation will disrupt and damage the joint capsule, and may cause damage to the ligaments, muscles and bones of the hip.

A hip dislocation is most commonly caused by trauma, such as falling from height, or being hit by a car. Other causes include degenerative joint disease or hip dysplasia, which may increases the risk.

In these cases, the animal will need X-rays to confirm the luxation. For example, we were able to replace the dislocation through anesthesia for the patient in the picture above. Additionally, bandaging the patient’s injury ensured it healed well and had a good recovery.

If you do see your pet limping, showing signs of discomfort or is sore to the touch on its hind legs, then it would be better to visit your local vets and have diagnostic images done if needed.

好可愛嘅皮蛋嚟打一年一次預防針,坐定定咁俾姑娘影相個樣好認真😳Cute Pei Dan was here for her annual vaccination. She was such a sweet girl and loves att...

Cute Pei Dan was here for her annual vaccination. She was such a sweet girl and loves attention.



Fracture occurs when a bone splits into two pieces or more due to injury. There are many types of fractures, depending on the cause and type of force involved.

Fractures can occur due to sports and play injuries, falls, car accidents, traumatic wounds such as dog fights, and underlying disease processes that weaken bones.

Some fractures can be splinted and bandaged, where as, more complicated fractures require surgery repair. If your pet is experience pain and non weight bearing in any of its limbs, it is advised to visit your local vets as soon as possible.

Soju BB返黎探我地順便打預防針😍 見到你有個咁錫你既屋企 又食到你肥肥白白 招招積積咁 姑娘同醫生們都倍感安慰🥹Adorable but cheeky little Soju came back to us for her vacci...

Soju BB返黎探我地順便打預防針😍 見到你有個咁錫你既屋企 又食到你肥肥白白 招招積積咁 姑娘同醫生們都倍感安慰🥹
Adorable but cheeky little Soju came back to us for her vaccination. Although she has already forgotten the time she was here, we are overjoyed to see her growth❤
#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理


Intussusception occurs when one segment of the intestine folds into another segment. This portion of gastrointestinal tract gets trapped inside the linen of the adjoining GI tract. This can lead to a partial or complete mechanical obstruction and can compromise the blood flow to the trapped portion of GI tissue.

Clinical signs depends on the area where the intussusception takes place. These include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, blood in f***s, abdominal mass.

Intussusception is considered a surgical emergency. In addition to being very painful, intussusception can be fatal without treatment. Therefore, if your pet is experiencing on going diarrhoea, it is best to pay a visit to your vets.


基本診斷胰臟炎方法為驗血或腹部超聲波檢查。一般患有胰臟炎的動物,會出現精神不佳、 食慾下降、 嘔吐、 腹痛 (肚子痛呈祈禱式), 腹瀉, 甚至吐血、 血便。嚴重時更會出現發燒、 黃疸、腹水等症狀,亦會引起其他併發症而導致死亡。
Pancreas is situated on the right side of the abdomen, and it produces enzymes to assist in food digestion and hormones.

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory condition that is common in dogs and cats. It can be acute or chronic and subclinical. When your pet has pancreatitis, it may show signs including nausea, vomiting, fever, lethargy, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and decreased appetite.

The prognosis depends on the severity of the disease. If your animal shows abnormal symptoms and is not doing well. Pancreatitis can be fatal, please visit your local vets for laboratory testing and imaging.
元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理 #胰臟炎

本診所明天將會照常營業9:30am - 7:30pm祝各位主人及毛孩們新年快樂🎆Happy New Year!!🎊 We are open as usual tomorrow from 9:30am to 7:30pm.Wish every...

9:30am - 7:30pm
Happy New Year!!🎊
We are open as usual tomorrow from 9:30am to 7:30pm.
Wish everyone a wonderful year ahead.
#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理

多謝主人們送俾我地團隊既聖誕禮物🎁我地祝各位聖誕快樂,佳節愉快!Thanks for everyone’s kind gifts and Christmas wishes. Ginkgo Veterinary Hospital wishes...

Thanks for everyone’s kind gifts and Christmas wishes. Ginkgo Veterinary Hospital wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🌲
#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理

好可愛既Melody同Kuromi姐妹聖誕裝咁黎打預防針🤤一話幫佢地影相就即刻坐定定😍 你地咁可愛 醫生姑娘們都爭住抱你地🤣Aren’t these ladies adorable? Melody and Kuromi came in al...

好可愛既Melody同Kuromi姐妹聖誕裝咁黎打預防針🤤一話幫佢地影相就即刻坐定定😍 你地咁可愛 醫生姑娘們都爭住抱你地🤣
Aren’t these ladies adorable? Melody and Kuromi came in all dressed up for Christmas for their prevention injections. They were so cute that all of us couldn’t resist giving them a hug😍
#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理

我地送左個少少聖誕禮物俾Horlick🎁好似都幾滿意個小禮物😆 我地祝Horlick 小雲 同埋主人們有個愉快既聖誕節🎄A little Christmas gift for Horlick. It seemed she was quite...

我地送左個少少聖誕禮物俾Horlick🎁好似都幾滿意個小禮物😆 我地祝Horlick 小雲 同埋主人們有個愉快既聖誕節🎄
A little Christmas gift for Horlick. It seemed she was quite pleased with it! Wish Horlick and her family a very happy Christmas
#元朗獸醫 #元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理

毛毛,圓圓同小黑都分別被兩個好有愛既家庭領養了🩷 圓圓同小黑一齊返左去一個溫暖既新家,毛毛將會同新家既貓貓狗狗做好朋友。無論對佢地定係我地Ginkgo獸醫團隊黎講,都係最好既聖誕禮物❤️我地都非常開心搵到屬於佢地既家 希望你地永遠健康快樂🏡...

毛毛,圓圓同小黑都分別被兩個好有愛既家庭領養了🩷 圓圓同小黑一齊返左去一個溫暖既新家,毛毛將會同新家既貓貓狗狗做好朋友。無論對佢地定係我地Ginkgo獸醫團隊黎講,都係最好既聖誕禮物❤️我地都非常開心搵到屬於佢地既家 希望你地永遠健康快樂🏡
Mo Mo, Yuen Yuen and Siu Hak have all been adopted and are enjoying their new homes! This is the best Christmas wish for us.❤️ Nothing is better then seeing these adorable pets with their new families!
#元朗獸醫診所 #元朗動物診所 #寵物護理 #獸醫護理 #領養


Shop 2, G/F, 20 F**k Tak Street
Yuen Long

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 19:30
Tuesday 09:30 - 19:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 19:30
Thursday 09:30 - 19:30
Friday 09:30 - 19:30
Saturday 09:30 - 19:30
Sunday 09:30 - 19:30




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