1 . 梨形蟲 (Giardia)
2. 心絲蟲 (Heartworm)
3. 鞭蟲 (Whipworm)
開估啦🎉佢就係大家成日聽到嘅心絲蟲喇🐛 聽就聽得多 係咪好少見到佢真身呢🫣 心絲蟲(Dirofilaria Immitis)係一種寄生係狗既線狀寄生蟲,一般經蚊傳染,蚊吸食左被心絲蟲感染嘅狗隻血液後,就會吸入幼絲蚊(Microfilariae) ,幼絲蟲會係蚊嘅身體內成長為感染性幼蟲(Infected Larvae),經由蚊子傳播俾下一隻狗隻。幼蟲會係狗仔身體成長為成蟲,並經由血液游走到身體唔同地方及器官,影響其功能,嚴重時會有生命危險或死亡。
不過~預防勝於治療👍🏻 其實只要主人幫毛孩定期做返心絲蟲預防,就可以大大減低感染嘅機會。一般狗隻係六星期大就可以開始做心絲蟲預防,一般預防方式有口服、滴頸或者針劑。如果狗隻六個月大以上或沒有定期做預防,需要做心絲蟲測試先可以開始返做預防嫁😺.
Do you want to make a guess on what disease this pet has?
1 Giardia
2 Heartworm
3 Whipworm
This is actually called microfilaria, an early stage in life cycle of a heatworm. The microfilariae are taken up by an intermediate hosts, usually a blood-feeding arthropod vectors eg. A mosquito. In the intermediate host, the microfilariae develop into infective larvae that can be transmitted to your dog. Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease. The heartworm lives in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of affected dog, causing severe lung disease, heart failure and damage to other organs in the body.
It is important to start heartworm prevention at 2 months of age. There are many ways of prevention eg. Oral tabs, spot on and injections. If your dog is over 6 months, not up to date with preventions, or has been missing doses, then a blood test is needed before starting back on preventions.
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