Please keep an eye on your pets and do not let them roam unsupervised or eat anything while out on walks. The four cases have been found in the Sandy Bay area so make sure to keep an eye out on your yards as well.
If you suspect your pet has been poisoned or intoxicated, seek for medical help immediately and don’t attempt giving first aid yourself because the sooner your pet receives adequate treatment, the more chance there is for them to survive.
• Don’t attempt to give your pet regular charcoal, during poisoning episodes only ACTIVATED CHARCOAL works and regular charcoal only worsens the case; and the right amount of activated charcoal needs to be given to your pet as to not intoxicate your pet with an excessive amount of activated charcoal.
• Don’t attempt to give milk or any other substance to your pet since this stimulates digestion. The ideal scenario during poisoning/intoxication is for their stomach and intestines to be empty and the gastric functions to be stopped completely; and this way the poison/toxic can’t enter the bloodstream.
Se han registrado casos de envenenamiento de perros en la isla de Útila. 🐕
En las últimas 24 horas, al menos cuatro perros han sido víctimas de este hecho. Se hace un llamado a la comunidad para estar alerta y tomar precauciones para proteger a sus mascotas.
Cases of dog poisoning have been recorded on the island of Útila. 🐕
In the last 24 hours, at least four dogs have been victims of this incident. The community is called to be alert and take precautions to protect their pets.