Gunjy's Magic Mals

Gunjy's Magic Mals O Gunjy's Magic Mals malamutima - planirana parenja, najave legala, dostupni štenci, fotke i filmi?

Na temu displazije, iz jedne zatvorene grupe ali dozvoljeno mi je objavljivanje u edukativne svrhe...

Na temu displazije, iz jedne zatvorene grupe ali dozvoljeno mi je objavljivanje u edukativne svrhe...

How do you all deal with dog fights? A quick google search says to pull hind legs, splash water into face/ears, and most...

How do you all deal with dog fights?
A quick google search says to pull hind legs, splash water into face/ears, and most importantly, to stay calm to whole time. Yeah, my fight or flight kicks in and Im in there protecting Bear. Maybe not the smartest choice at the time, but all I could think of was not letting the other dog sink it’s teeth into him.
Bear was attacked back to back; once at his evening dog park trip and again the next morning at the same dog park.
He is used to getting harassed because he’s a big, intact guy(neutering at 14 months) , but he is also non-reactive and doesn't even pay attention and continues what ever he is doing as if nothing is happening. Lol.
Another Malamute had his eyes on Bear since he came in the park; the owner knew it and called it’s name in warning anytime it was close to Bear. The dog caved and started stalking Bear from the back while Bear was derpy, oblivious looking around for someone to play with. I seen it coming so I rushed over and before I knew it Bear turns and the dog is attacking Bear. I got in the middle kneeing the other dogs face away from Bear expecting to get mauled. Luckily Bear was backing up behind me protecting himself instead. It ended with me finding superhuman strength and picking up the other dog in a headlock until someone rushed over and took over the headlock for me so me and Bear can get away. And by the way, the owner was in the periphery yelling “stop” at her dog. After her apology she tells me “Sorry, my dog gets weird sometimes” Like, lady…
In the morning, there’s a St.Bernard ,which I learned after the attack during an apology from the owner, doesn't like husky-looking dogs. 😒 This big guy attacks Bear unprovoked and I'm in the middle again kneeing the dog away while holding Bear by his harness to the side/behind me. Luckily, again, he was not trying to lunge forward.
Anyways, my rant/vent for this morning. Im not really sure what the correct way to handle fight situations and if I'm supposed to avoid dog parks altogether? I'm a bit traumatized but Bear loves playing with friends 🥺
Edit: I see people say that grabbing/touching or getting the middle of the other dog will result in a bite, but what really wouls you guys rather do with no other options and a dog attacking your dog? Stand and watch your dog to be killed?? If there is no other immediate option and what do you do? Let them fight while you go around looking for or breaking off a big branch off a tree somewhere maybe near, maybe far? Like really? There is a risk of getting bit, but if I can save my dog, who is my child, I'm doing it- if there’s no other immediate/ semi immediate option.
By M. Biele

P.S. Vlasnici malamuta će znati o čemu piše.


Govor tijela pasa je poput čitanja knjige.
Nerijetko se dešava, da imaš osjećaj kao da je knjiga na kineskom, a onda kroz par listova opet na hrvatskom 🙂

To je normalno.
Jer i situacija, doba dana, stanje psa, sve to ima utjecaja na ono što nam pas komunicira.

Nemojte samo vaditi stvari iz konteksta, pogledajte širu sliku, budite iskreni prema sebi i prema vašem ili tuđem psu ☺️

To što je meni neki pesek sladak na cesti, ne znači da sam i ja njemu slatka. Ako mi daje neki od ovih znakova nelagode, neću ga dragati - makar bi ga najradije ukrala i odvela doma. Suzdržat ću se i biti ponosna što sam mu dala ugodu, a ne forsirala kontakt. 😎

One rečenice, “znam ja sa psima, ‘64. sam imo svog prvog Rexa…” nisu nikakav pokazatelj znanja o govoru tijela, već su samo odraz osobe koja voli pse već pol stoljeća. Ne navaljujte, ČITAJTE! ❤️


Happy international pet's day 💖🌞

‼️     VAŽNO     ‼️Netko je kreirao lažni profil s mojim imenom i prezimenom, za sada bez profilne slike i šalje zahtjev...

‼️ VAŽNO ‼️

Netko je kreirao lažni profil s mojim imenom i prezimenom, za sada bez profilne slike i šalje zahtjev za prijateljstvo moim prijateljima!



Na skrinšotu je primjer kako to izgleda.

Uskrs 2024. Dan kad sam napokon konačno progledala... Gospodine, hvala Ti i slava. Hvala Ti što uz Tvoju mudru ruku brod...

Uskrs 2024. Dan kad sam napokon konačno progledala... Gospodine, hvala Ti i slava. Hvala Ti što uz Tvoju mudru ruku brodim kroz Scile i Haribde. Hvala Ti što si nam dao primjer kako kroz muke ovozemaljskog života ući u vječni život. Amen.
Svima koji danas slave želim sretan i blagoslovljen Uskrs, onaj pravi, iz duše i srca, ne lažni iz materijalizma, konzumerizma i kapitalizma. 🌞💖🙏


Kad Mama & Tata dođu u Njivu ❤️ mi ih lijepo ugostimo.

Ipsilon im donese loptice, a Kota najčešće otpjeva neku svoju lajavu operu 😂

Ja skuham ručak & a dodatak je bio mramorni kolač (za uz kavu) 🙂

Tatek uvijek odradi neki muški posao, da mi pomogne. Na meniju je bila motorka, pa smo uredili jednu staru jabuku i malo sabrali drvarnicu.
Mama je pak samnom cijelo vrijeme vježbala NLP (jer se navukla nakon mene na edukaciju) 😃

Volim naš odnos.
Lijepo je biti veliki čovjek, njegovati odnos s roditeljima i dijeliti svoju strast 🥰


There is one more thing we need to share with you before we definitely close our entries on March 20th and those are the judges for the finals of the World dog show!

But hey, you didn’t really think we will publish them all at once? Here is the first part and we will continue with the rest in the next few days 😜

The excitement is growing, entries for all shows are amazing, three breeds are now having more than 200 dogs entered for the WDS and many are coming close to that number!

A little time is left, so hurry up with your entries as we are promising you a great show ❤

See you all very soon

online entries until March 20th:

Prvi malamut iz Gunjy's Magic Mals uzgoja Šampion Njemačke (koliko znamo), vrlo uspješan na izložbama u velikoj i jakoj ...

Prvi malamut iz Gunjy's Magic Mals uzgoja Šampion Njemačke (koliko znamo), vrlo uspješan na izložbama u velikoj i jakoj konkurenciji. Hvala, Claudia Oschmann!
First malamute from Gunjy's Magic Mals breeding program Deutsher Champion (which we knows), very nice on shows in great competition... Thanx, Claudia!


Check out belagria's video.

Specijalka tornjaka 04.05.2024., Kup kralja Tomislava

Specijalka tornjaka 04.05.2024., Kup kralja Tomislava

Za sve koje jesu ili se osjećaju ženstveno, sretan Dan žena!

Za sve koje jesu ili se osjećaju ženstveno, sretan Dan žena!

18.02.2024. CAC1, CACIB, CAC 2 Novi Grad 🥰 Ana 🥰Elmo x Pandad.o.b. 30.10.2022Međurazred (intermedia class)Uzgajivač Bori...

18.02.2024. CAC1, CACIB, CAC 2 Novi Grad
🥰 Ana 🥰
Elmo x Panda
d.o.b. 30.10.2022
Međurazred (intermedia class)
Uzgajivač Boris Panic

👑 CAC 1 👑 excellent, CAC
👑 CACIB 👑 excellent, CAC
👑 CAC 2 👑 excellent, CAC

🏆🏆 Šampion BiH (CH BiH) 🏆🏆

Zahvaljujemo sucima




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