Mislav Božina dog training

Mislav Božina dog training Treningu Vas i Vašeg ljubimca pristupam individualno, a osnova metode je praktičan i jednostavan reaktivni pristup koji prati vaše ponašanje i ponašanje psa.

Obuka pasa moj je poziv, svojim iskustvom i znanjem o treniranju i odgoju pasa pomažem Vam da sa svojim ljubimcem ostvarite usklađen odnos i potpuno uživate u svim iskustvima suživota, vjernosti i privrženosti - onom najboljem osjećaju na svijetu! Imam 40 godina te sam magistar struke a kroz igru i vježbu u stvarnom okruženju učim vas oboje strpljenju, dosljednosti i komunikaciji.

3. Structured walks / strukturirane šetnjeStructured walksActually pretty self explanatory; these walks have a purpose f...

3. Structured walks / strukturirane šetnje

Structured walks

Actually pretty self explanatory; these walks have a purpose from beginning to end. It is not about taking a walk but every part of the walk is treated as a training exercise. It begins at home when preparing to leave and ends there. The walk itself should be mirrored so to speak.

We leave calmly outside and return the same way. In between we train the dog in regards to his needs. At first we would let the dog run, play fetch or anything physically draining to release a bit of the energy before we start doing more focused work. After the physical part we would integrate recalls, heel training and such. With these completed successfully, we reward the dog by playing with him and/or giving them their favourite thing to do. On the way back home we would gradually calm the dog so when entering our home the energy is the same as when we left.

Ideally, you would incorporate structured walks every day remembering to prepare yourself mentally beforehand and most important, to enjoy time spent with your dog. Next time I write about recall training and the way to achieve it every time.


Strukturirane šetnje

Strukturirane šetnje imaju svoju svrhu i namjeru od samog početka pa do kraja veselog druženja. Smisao strukturirane šetnje s ljubimcem nije samo otići u šetnju već odraditi pojedine dijelove šetnje kao razvoj i trening vas oboje.

Proces započinje u domu dok se pripremate za polazak i završava povratkom u dom, oboje mirno i staloženo. Završetak šetnje odraz je njezinog početka.

Na početku šetnje, dopustite psu da trči, istražuje, igrajte se “donesi”, bacajte „lopticu“ i uživajte u sličnim aktivnostima koje će djelomično istrošiti nakupljenu energiju vašeg ljubimca. Tek tada slijedi više fokusiran rad primjerice vraćanja na poziv, „čekanje“, hodanje “uz” i slične vježbe. Kada se sve planirane vježbe odrade, manje ili više uspješno, psa ponovno nagradite igrom ili aktivnostima u kojima najviše uživa. Na povratku kući, polako smirujte atmosferu, na način da je povratak u dom iste smirene energije kao kad ste ga napustili.

Bilo bi idealno da se i Vi osobno pripremite na ovakve strukturirane šetnje, reklo bi se mentalno a najvažnije – uživate u vremenu izdvojenom i provedenom sa svojim psom!

U nastavku ćemo se dotaknuti teme – kako postignuti da se vaš pas baš svaki put odazove na vaš poziv. Do tada – vidimo se u šumi i u gradu!

2. The daily routine Dogs are creatures of habit. They love having a routine and set their biological rhythm to it. Afte...

2. The daily routine

Dogs are creatures of habit. They love having a routine and set their biological rhythm to it. After gaining trust from a dog we start teaching it acceptable behavior through the daily routine such as the time of our walks, meal time, play time, rest time etc. Every dog should have one long structured walk per day while others can just fulfill physical needs. Meal times should be after activities and a dog should have its own personal space for resting and sleeping. How much play and/or special time with you is up to your allowed schedule but none the less it is also necessary so plan accordingly. Dogs are most energetic in the morning and draining a dog in the A.M. will keep it relaxed and calm for the rest of the day. Of course certain breeds are extremely energetic and require a lot of exercise. One thing to keep in mind is the mental stimulation all dogs need. Some less, some more but without it the emotional growth of your dog will be incomplete. Mental stimulation in the beginning is simply basic obedience training such as sit, stay etc. I will not cover these as there is plenty material online on the matter. Personally, I train all my dogs with a structured walk which will be covered in more detail in my next post as it is the primary and best tool for training your dog. The finest lifelong connection, mutual respect and appreciation are made in structured walks with your dog.


2. (Svako)Dnevna rutina

Psi su robovi navike. Vole imati rutinu i prema njoj usklađuju svoj biološki ritam. Nakon uspostave međusobnog povjerenja, psa počinjemo učiti prihvatljivom ponašanju kroz dnevnu rutinu kao što je vrijeme šetnje i obroka, vrijeme za igru, vrijeme za odmor i sl. Jedanput dnevno, svaki pas treba dugu i strukturiranu šetnju, dok ostatak izlazaka može poslužiti za obavljanje fizioloških potreba. Vrijeme za obrok(e) je nakon aktivnosti i pas mora imati svoje mirno mjesto za odmor i san. Koliko i kada ćete se igrati i družiti je naravno na vama i vašem rasporedu, ali je svakako potrebno za isplanirati. Psi su prepuni energije ujutro i ako ih dobro izmorite na početku dana, ostatak će provesti opušteni i mirni. Naravno, pojedine pasmine su iznimno pune energije i zahtijevaju puno više aktivnosti i vašeg vremena. Bitno je zapamtiti da je svim psima potrebna i mentalna stimulacija. Nekima više, nekima manje, no presudna je za njihov emocionalni rast. Npr. sada u početku su to jednostavne vježbe poslušnosti (neću im se u ovom trenutku posebno posvetiti, velik je izbor izvora online). Osobno, sve svoje pse treniram kroz strukturiranu šetnju koja je primarna i najbolja metoda za trening i dugoročnu međusobnu povezanost i poštovanje, a njoj ćemo se posvetiti u idućem blogu.

1. Trust / PovjerenjeI will start with these tutorials on dog training once every week and they will incorporate all the...

1. Trust / Povjerenje

I will start with these tutorials on dog training once every week and they will incorporate all the basics you need to raise a well behaved and emotionally stable dog. The tutorials are suited for a puppy or an older dog provided there are no underlying emotional issues. These will be covered in separate posts at a later time. In addition, I am holding completely free workshops on a weekly basis at shop locations in Zagreb. Follow their Instagram/Facebook for exact times and locations and reserve your place.

So let us begin…

1. Trust

You searched the internet, visited your local shelters and finally brought home a dog, your dog. Now the fun, tears and confusion start. The first thing I will do with my dogs is create trust. Before any kind of obedience training begins, trust is essential. It is important to establish rules and boundaries from the beginning so the later training has an easier transition. From trust, respect is born and from that true love. We want the dog to follow our leadership because he trusts, respects, loves us not because of fear induced consequences.

Trust is gained by bringing the dog into his new home step by step under guidance. We start by inviting the dog inside and into each room separately. We let the dog sniff and get accustomed to the new smells, sights and sounds. Essentially we let the dog take its time in settling into his new home with rewards for good behavior and corrections for bad. Treats, toys and positive reinforcement play a big role in this period, minimize the corrections until you have gained the dogs trust to avoid the development of fear. Depending on the dogs character this part could take from 2 hours to 2 weeks before the dog accepts you as the leader and gives you his trust and opens up to you. It is a short period in a dogs life but crucial for a strong foundation in the relationship. When you believe you and the dog have connected we start setting up the daily routine for the dog according to our schedule. This will be covered in my next blog.


Krećem s objavom blogova vodiča za odgoj pasa – svaki tjedan, korak po korak, tema po tema, neophodna za dobar odgoj i stabilnog ljubimca.

Savjeti su jednako primjenjivi kako kod štenaca tako i odraslih pasa pod uvjetom da ne postoje druge karakterne crte ili nesigurnosti kojima se potrebno prije toga posvetiti, a čemu ću također posvetiti odvojenu seriju savjeta.

Dodatno, jedanput tjedno, održavam besplatne individualne radionice na lokacijama u Zagrebu. Za rezervaciju termina i lokaciju pratite novosti na njihovom Instagram ili Facebook profilu 😊

Pa krenimo…

1. Povjerenje

Pretražili ste Internet, posjetili skloništa za životinje te konačno odabrali i kući donijeli psa – svojeg psa. Zabava, suze i nered mogu započeti!

Prvi zadatak jest uspostava međusobnog povjerenja. Prije nego se uopće započne s treningom poslušnosti, neophodno je povjerenje. Kako bi kasniji odgoj i trening došao prirodno, važno je od samog početka postaviti granice i pravila. Iz povjerenja rađa se poštovanje, iz poštovanja iskrena ljubav. Zapamtite – želimo da nas pas slijedi zato što nam vjeruje, poštuje nas i voli, ne iz straha.

Povjerenje se ostvaruje tako da se psa u njegov novi dom uvodi korak po korak i strukturirano. Započinje se tako da ga se pozove unutra te zatim u svaku prostoriju zasebno. Psa pustimo da njuška i navikne se na nove mirise, zvukove i okoliš. U osnovi, dajemo mu vrijeme koje mu je potrebno da se udomaći, a istovremeno nagrađujemo dobro ponašanje i ispravljamo nepoželjno. Poslastice, igračke i općenito nagrađivanje imaju vrlo važnu ulogu tijekom ovog perioda jer smanjuju potrebu za korekcijama i pripomažu stjecanju povjerenja bez razvoja straha. Zavisno o karakteru psa, za povjerenje i prihvaćanje vašeg vodstva može biti potrebno od 2 sata pa do 2 tjedna. To je kratak period u životu vašeg psa no presudan za ostvarivanje čvrstog odnosa i privrženosti. U trenutku kada se ostvari povezanost započinjemo s dnevnom rutinom sukladno našem rasporedu. A to je tema za idući blog…

Dog training tool – the leashOne of the first tools being used in dog training will be the leash. Short or long, it does...

Dog training tool – the leash

One of the first tools being used in dog training will be the leash. Short or long, it does not matter although I do not recommend the retractable kind. For all others there is a place for them depending on what your dog needs. The leash is by default the extension of you and should be used as such. In our training you will see it is all about the energy you send via the leash to your dog. Dogs feel what you do so if you are afraid you naturally grip and yank the leash harshly and send the wrong signal to the dog. The leash is supposed to give direction and leadership to your dog and of course corrections when called for but always in a calm and assured manner. The leash should be introduced slowly and positively with pups and dogs not accustomed to them. Properly used, the dog will associate the leash with walks and fun and should be overjoyed when he sees you pick it up.

The most important word in dog trainingThe dogs name. This is the word that stays throughout your special relationship a...

The most important word in dog training

The dogs name. This is the word that stays throughout your special relationship and is the word most often used wrong. The training literally starts by teaching your dog his name. The dogs name is what I refer to as the focus command. Without mastering this one command, there is no point in going forward. Generally the dog will not respond because it has no focus on you. The name should always be said in a calming, nurturing and loving voice. Especially so if you are training a puppy. Go back to your childhood memories, bring the inner kid out and let those two interact. When moving to outdoor training, again the focus command is the priority. Never scream or get angry while calling for your dog. It does not matter what the dog did, when calling him there should only be love, love and some more love in your voice.

How long does dog training last?        Well, there is no general rule here. Depends on what you want from the dog and w...

How long does dog training last?

Well, there is no general rule here. Depends on what you want from the dog and when you start the training. If you begin with a puppy then it will probably take longer or at least until the puppy matures. The best part is we nurture it all the way into adulthood and never let bad traits develop so you have a joyful stable dog. Pay in mind though, you can train or re-establish a dogs behavior even at 10 years of age. There, of course, is the question of possible underlying psychological issues that need a special approach. These can take quite a while to properly rehabilitate and lots of work as well. Still, and I have to emphasize this, there is no such thing as a lost cause or a dog beyond approach. All you need is patience, determination and love in your heart.

First contact with a dogOne of the things that keep surprising me is the general lack of knowledge on how to approach a ...

First contact with a dog

One of the things that keep surprising me is the general lack of knowledge on how to approach a dog for the first time. People usually hold out their hand, look at the dog in the eyes and talk to it in a pitched voice as you would with an infant. All of this is wrong and should not be done in the beginning. Some dogs are naturally very relaxed and happy go lucky so this might go well but the proper way is to let the dog come to you and ignore him while he sniffs you and determines if he wants your company in any way. If he remains at your side and shows signs of joy such as a wagging tail or making eye contact then you can pet the dog and play with him. In some instances the dog will just walk away or might not even come near you. As we value our personal space so should you the dogs decision. Don’t get offended if you try to force contact and the dog reacts by soft growling, showing of the teeth or moving away. Dogs may even try to bite in these cases and although it is bad behavior from the dog you have triggered this with your inappropriate actions. Some dogs do not wish to be touched or handled and you should respect this. Sometimes gaining a dogs trust may take a while, especially as it may have had a horrible past experience with humans, but it will be all the more delightful because of it later.

In the beginning…Dog training starts with simple obedience commands. This serves to teach the dog about what is expected...

In the beginning…

Dog training starts with simple obedience commands. This serves to teach the dog about what is expected in the relationship. You say sit, he complies and rewards follow. Following through and consistency is crucial. Why? Because we are not just teaching the dog to blindly obey but we are instilling trust into the relationship. With these simple training exercises the dog will eventually understand that after he behaves as we wish both he and you will be happy. We will gain their trust and from that foundation build respect and love.

When to start puppy training?Well, as soon as the puppy arrives into your home. Sometimes dogs come to us at a very youn...

When to start puppy training?

Well, as soon as the puppy arrives into your home. Sometimes dogs come to us at a very young age, especially rescue pups so let's put a 3 months old pup as a guideline. Naturally, socialization and correct education of your pup should start immediately. For instance, explaining where the right locations for peeing and pooping are. I am an advocate that even before the pup receives all the vaccines it should be brought to other dogs you know who had all their vaccines and are safe for playing. Just stay away from dense dog traffic or dog parks but a friend's house or yard is great. The sooner the pup starts exploring sights and sounds the better as this is essential for proper mental stimulation and later stability in a dog.

A few ideas to do while waiting for the vaccination:

- Walks in isolated areas
- Hanging out at your friends home (treats and toys are most welcome)
- Car rides
- Exposing your pup to various smells, noises and things inside your home (particularly that arch nemesis the Vacuum)
- Going to the Vet for weighing
- If the weather is good, take a blanket and chill in the meadow and let them take in nature - the wind, grass, birds etc.

The most important fact in raising a dog?Simple, walking everyday with your dog. Period. Nothing comes close to this. Yo...

The most important fact in raising a dog?

Simple, walking everyday with your dog. Period. Nothing comes close to this. You can teach your dog tricks and cuddle with him and give the best food and treats but without those daily walks the bond between you may probably not be complete or respectful. On the other hand, just walking your dog regularly, albeit doing this with structure and meaning, will provide the basic info the dog needs. Dogs are the happiest when spending time with their person and will do absolutely anything to please you, it is us who have to convey the message clearly on what this is. Too many times the owners humanize the dog and treat them like another human being. This is not the way to establish a proper relationship. I provide various methods to correct this or to teach, depending on the dog and person, on creating a healthy environment filled with love and respect and, most notably, for mutual happiness. Finally, not related to the topic but there is a quote by Will Rogers I want to share:

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went”

Zdravo svima,Stalno govorim od sutra ću krenuti i sa društvenim mrežama ali nikako naći vremena. E pa odsada nadalje mož...

Zdravo svima,

Stalno govorim od sutra ću krenuti i sa društvenim mrežama ali nikako naći vremena. E pa odsada nadalje možete očekivati javljanje na tjednoj bazi. Krenuo bih sa vrlo jednostavnom temom a to je:

Zašto nabaviti psa?

Iako mi je ovo pitanje samo po sebi iz sadašnje perspektive neobično, a da ne kažem nerazumljivo mnogi ljudi nisu sigurni u nabavku psa. I to je dobro. Pas je živo biće koje zahtijeva doživotnu obvezu skoro kao i dijete i ne treba ju shvaćati olako. Unaprijed disclaimer da sam otac 3 (troje) djece stoga znam o čemu pišem. Ali kao i ostale stvari u životu sve ima svoje prednosti i mane i na Vama je da pažljivo odvagnete odluku. Osobno smatram da izuzev kratkotrajnog životnog vijeka psi drugih mana i nemaju.

A kako sad to si mislite, a što je sa dizanjem po kiši i snijegu, a što sa štenetom koje nuždi po kući, a što kad me ne sluša, a što kad želim na GO pa ne mogu svugdje sa njim itd? Dakle, svakodnevne šetnje su mi ojačale imunitet i očvrsnule karakter, štene će brzo savladati osnove ponašanja (puuuuuno prije nego dijete) dok je poanta godišnjeg odmoriti se, a bez svog ljubimca si to ne mogu niti zamisliti tako da gdje ne smije on, ne idem niti ja.

Jednostavno rečeno, psi su zakon.




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