Hope For Kittens

Hope For Kittens (English below)

Hope je prije nekoliko godina bila napuštena mačka u Vukovaru. Bila je mlada i moguće je da su joj to bile prve, možda druge bebe ikad. Nisu.

Kako nije bila kastrirana, na svijet je dovela još neželjenih mačića za koje se brinula na ulici. Najveći stupanj mortaliteta u mačaka imaju baš mačići tj neonatalni mačići. Ulica ih jako brzo ubije, a ako su potomci vlasničkih mačaka ubija ih se na najgore moguće načine: utapanjem u rijekama, kantama s vodom, ostavljanjem u vrećicama da se uguše po kontejnerima i ono najgore uz rubove šuma i brzi

h cesta gdje ih nitko i ne vidi da se danima pate i umiru. U Hopeinom slučaju bebe je napao pas. Ona ih je svim silama branila, pri tome je zadobila teže ozljede oka i ozljede vrata tj glasnica. Uz to sve, Hope je dojila svoje bebe, mršava i ispijena borila se da oni prežive. Jedno po jedno umrli su jer se uz ostale poteškoće iskreno ni ja nisam znala brinuti za tako malene bebe. No iz te tragedije rodilo se nešto novo. Moja želja da se educiram po tom pitanju jer sam shvatila da su tako malene bebe najugroženije mačke. Hope je danas zdrava, lijepa mačka. Kako od ljudi nije doživila ništa lijepo, plašljive je naravi i vjeruje samo svojoj teti. Kada bi ju udomljavali to bi morala biti osoba koja ima određen način života u koji bi se Hope uklapala. Hope The Cat stranica inicijalno je stvorena u svrhu udomljavanja Hope no kako su godine prolazile ustvari je postala stranica za bebe dudaše. Tako je Hope The Cat postala Hope For Kittens ❤

Hope i njena borba za svoje potomstvo bila mi je inspiracija da pokušam biti tu barem za dio tih odbačenih beba, za njihove hrabre mame kojima su nepravedno oduzeti i koje kao i Hope nemaju pravo glasa kada im se isti oduzimaju. U zadnjih nekoliko godina spasila sam veliki broj neonatalnih mačića i još se educiram kako to raditi još bolje. U suradnji sa Udrugom Devet Života iz Osijeka sve bebe su sretno udomljene u divne obitelji ❤

Uvijek trebamo donacije za mališane, a info kako donirati možete dobiti u inboksu. Budite s nama nova nada za napuštene mačiće


A few years ago, in Vukovar, Hope was an abandoned alley cat. She wasn't neutered so she brought more unwanted kittens into this world, having to take care of them on the street. She was young and possibly a mother for the first time. Kittens, i.e. neonatal kittens, have the highest mortality rate of all cats. The street kills them very fast, or they have the misfortune of suffering violent deaths if the owners of their mothers didn't plan on keeping them – those deaths include drowning in rivers, in buckets of water, being left in bags to suffocate in the dumpsters, and the worst-case scenario, being left along the edges of forests and busy roads where no one even can see them and they suffer and slowly die. In Hope's case, her babies were attacked by a dog. She defended them with all the strength that was in her and ended up with severe eye injuries, as well as injuries to the neck, i.e. the vocal cords. Hope was still nursing at the time, she was malnourished, skinny and she fought for their survival. But they didn't make it. One by one, they died because, alongside all the difficulties they endured, I was also not prepared to take care of such small babies. But something new was born of that tragedy. My desire to educate myself on the subject of hand-rearing kittens, because I realized that such small babies are the most vulnerable of all the cats. Hope is a healthy, beautiful cat today. Since she never received any kindness from humans, that left her very timid and she only trusts her foster mom. If we decided to find her a home one day, it would have to be with a person who has a certain lifestyle that Hope would fit into. Hope The Cat's page was initially created for the purpose of fostering Hope, but as the years went by it became a baby cat boom site. That's how Hope The Cat became Hope For Kittens �

Hope and her struggle for her babies was my inspiration to try to be there for at least a part of these rejected babies, for their brave moms who suffered the fate of their babies being taken away from them, and who, like Hope, had no chance to prevent the such a fate. In the last few years, I managed to save a lot of neonatal kittens and I am still educating myself on how to do that task even better. In cooperation with Udruga 9 života (NGO 9 Lives), all of those babies were happily adopted into wonderful families. We always need donations for baby cats, and you can get info on how to help via inbox. Help us become a new hope for abandoned kittens

Sarmica ❤️

Sarmica ❤️

Ovako izgledaju Primroseina pluća. Danas smo pohitali vetu jer je njen Diogo rekao da malo teže diše zadnjih par dana. S...

Ovako izgledaju Primroseina pluća.

Danas smo pohitali vetu jer je njen Diogo rekao da malo teže diše zadnjih par dana. Sutra ću vam više napisati o tome jer mi je mozak sad već kašast.

No da. Uvijek me zaboli kad ide na pregled jer moramo pratiti pluća u kojima je metak. Jedan je još sastrane no taj nije problem.
Metak koji je bio namijenjen baš njoj. Ispucan iz puške kojom je baratao netko ko zlo misli, sanja i vjerojatno živi čitav život jer upucati jednu malu staru macu na ulici može samo netko čiji život vrijedi koliko i stara zvakaća u kanti za smeće.
Rastuži me to svaki put.

Primrose je dobila terapiju za idućih nekoliko dana i nadam se da će biti bolje.

Mala Melita i Melita sada ❤️Još čeka na svoj upit za zauvijek dom ❤️

Mala Melita i Melita sada ❤️
Još čeka na svoj upit za zauvijek dom ❤️

Primrose kod veta ❤️

Primrose kod veta ❤️




Jutro 🥱

Sky radi odjavu za danas Snimamo se i slikamo sutra ❤️Sve je ok samo Mamasita ima svega danas ❤️

Sky radi odjavu za danas
Snimamo se i slikamo sutra ❤️
Sve je ok samo Mamasita ima svega danas ❤️

Bivše fipovke Seke su udomljene ❤️❤️❤️

Bivše fipovke Seke su udomljene ❤️❤️❤️

Laku noć žele vam Poppy i Pandora iz svog Zauvijek doma 💚🩵

Zagi ❤️

Zagi ❤️

Slatki Zagi u potrazi je za svojim Zauvijekom 💚💙
Kastrirani, cijepljeni, turbo umiljati dečko čeka svoju priliku

A šta je. Kad treba dežurstvo svi su tu. Još da znaju čaj skuhati 🙊🤕

A šta je. Kad treba dežurstvo svi su tu. Još da znaju čaj skuhati 🙊🤕

Zabrinuta 😂🙊

Zabrinuta 😂🙊

Ko je ova mala manekenka 🙊🙈❤️

Ko je ova mala manekenka 🙊🙈❤️

Sve sličnosti su slučajne 😂🙊

Sve sličnosti su slučajne 😂🙊


❤️ Munchkin isto treba vašu pomoć ❤️

Ima tek tri mjeseca i već je od 22.12. na terapiji za fip. Došao je ogromnog stomaka, povišene temperature, užasno dehidriran da mu nisu uspjeli niti krv izvaditi ni staviti braunilu za infuziju.
Naša teta U doma mu je davala infuziju potkožno i odmah stavila na terapiju.
Bio je Božić i praznici i ona je dala sve od sebe da maleni preživi ❤️

On i Marcelo su na terapiji i svaka pomoć im je prijeko potrebna.
Tableta je 7 eura no maleni su na pola tablete na dan tako da svakom jedna tableta kupuje dva dana terapije ❤️ bar dok ne dobiju na težini ❤️

Doniraj tebleticu i pomozi Munchkinu i Marcelu da pokore fip!
Sonja Domić
IBAN HR1223600003239018819
PayPal [email protected]

🥱 jutro 🥱

🥱 jutro 🥱

A box is a box 🙂

A box is a box 🙂





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Hope For Kittens

A few years ago, in Vukovar, Hope was an abandoned alley cat. She wasn't neutered so she brought more unwanted kittens into this world, having to take care of them on the street. She was young and possibly a mother for the first time. Kittens, i.e. neonatal kittens, have the highest mortality rate of all cats. The street kills them very fast, or they have the misfortune of suffering violent deaths if the owners of their mothers didn't plan on keeping them – those deaths include drowning in rivers, in buckets of water, being left in bags to suffocate in the dumpsters, and the worst-case scenario, being left along the edges of forests and busy roads where no one even can see them and they suffer and slowly die. In Hope's case, her babies were attacked by a dog. She defended them with all the strength that was in her and ended up with severe eye injuries, as well as injuries to the neck, i.e. the vocal cords. Hope was still nursing at the time, she was malnourished, skinny and she fought for their survival. But they didn't make it. One by one, they died because, alongside all the difficulties they endured, I was also not prepared to take care of such small babies. But something new was born of that tragedy. My desire to educate myself on the subject of hand-rearing kittens, because I realized that such small babies are the most vulnerable of all the cats. Hope is a healthy, beautiful cat today. Since she never received any kindness from humans, that left her very timid and she only trusts her foster mom. If we decided to find her a home one day, it would have to be with a person who has a certain lifestyle that Hope would fit into. Hope The Cat's page was initially created for the purpose of fostering Hope, but as the years went by it became a baby cat boom site. That's how Hope The Cat became Hope For Kittens 📷 Hope and her struggle for her babies was my inspiration to try to be there for at least a part of these rejected babies, for their brave moms who suffered the fate of their babies being taken away from them, and who, like Hope, had no chance to prevent the such a fate. In the last two years, I managed to save a lot of neonatal kittens and I am still educating myself on how to do that task even better. In cooperation with Udruga 9 života (NGO 9 Lives), all of those babies were happily adopted into wonderful families. We always need donations for baby cats, and you can get info on how to help via inbox. Help us become a new hope for abandoned kittens