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I first posted this in 2019, but after reading a LOT of worrying comments recently about how people don’t worm their horses at all, as they do worm egg counts, I thought it was time to do a little encysted redworm refresher, with some updates!

1. Redworm can kill your horse.

2. You need to worm for encysted redworm AFTER they encyst, and before they emerge, so NOT in the Autumn! Wait for a good, frosty cold spell.

3. Encysted small redworm are NOT DETECTABLE in worm egg counts.

4. The larvae of small redworm, “encyst” or burrow into the gut wall. These can cause fatal consequences when they re-emerge.

5. Redworm appear as tiny pieces of thread in your horse’s droppings. They are very short and thin, and can be hard to see. They are white if they haven’t yet fed, and red if they have fed.

6. A horse can appear completely normal and healthy whilst carrying a large redworm burden. However, weight loss and diarrhoea may be early indicators; don’t ignore these signs.

7. Most wormers DO NOT target encysted redworm. Only TWO do: Fenbendazole and Moxidectin.

8. Lots of combination wormers contain IVERMectin. This WILL NOT have any effect on encysted redworm. The only wormer that contains MOXIDectin, is EQUEST. The Pramox (blue) version will treat tapeworm at the same time. Don’t use Pramox if you have treated separately for tapeworm, or used a saliva or blood test for tapeworm. Use the normal Equest (green) if this is the case.

9. Redworm are eaten by the horse during grazing. The larvae start to burrow into the gut wall as temperatures drop. Treating for encysted redworm whilst temperatures are warm, is not the optimal time, as the larvae may well not have started to encyst. Treating after a few hard frosts, also reduces the level of reinfection from larvae already on the fields.

10. The larvae stay in the gut wall during the winter, and are then triggered to emerge from the gut wall as the temperatures warm up in the Spring. If the horse has not been treated for redworm during this redworm “hibernation” stage, he/she is at risk of developing CYATHOSTOMINOSIS.

11. Cyathostominosis has a mortality (death) rate of up to 50%. It presents as colitis; profuse diarrhoea and colic. Contact your vet immediately if you see these symptoms in your horse at any time of year, but it is more likely to be due to redworm if this occurs in the Spring.

12. Ensure you have treated for encysted
redworm before temperatures start to increase as Spring arrives, incase of a large encysted redworm burden that may suddenly emerge.

13. There is a blood test for all stages of redworm, including encysted. This detects antibodies, so may be positive if your horse has had a high burden in the past 6 months, even if he currently doesn’t, but worth discussing with your vet. I would not be recommending this route for high risk redworm horses ie horses in herds with no poo picking, or rescue cases.

14. 5 day Panacur Guard (Fenbendazole) is the only other wormer that can treat the encysted stage of redworm. There was widespread resistance to this wormer, and a huge move towards everyone using Moxidectin for encysted redworm. It is my wormer of choice for very sick or poor horses, due to its milder action over 5 days. However, there is some evidence that it may cause more damage to the gut than Moxidectin, so more research is definitely required!

15. Poo picking daily is perfect pasture management, but does not mean that your horse is worm free! You still need to egg count/blood test for all worms and/or worm.

16. Herbal wormers do not work.

17. Worm egg counts do not detect encysted redworms (or tapeworm/bots/pinworm). I realise I am repeating myself, but this is something that lots of people still do not realise.

18. Do not UNDERDOSE when worming, as this will aid resistance. If in doubt, add 50kg to the weigh tape weight of your horse. Wormers are very safe with regards to toxic doses.

19. The Mole Valley wormers are NOT the same as Equest!!!! I saw this misinformation posted yesterday! They contain Ivermectin, which will NOT treat for encysted redworm.

20. Do NOT overuse Equest. Moxidectin (Equest and Pramox) should only be used ONCE in a 12 month period. So know when to use it!

This is not an exhaustive review of redworm, and I may add to the list if I think of anything else, but I hope this is of some use! Worming regimes and what worm egg counts detect, seems to cause lots of confusion amongst horse owners, and even yard owners.

Blood tests currently used for tapeworm and redworm, measure antibody levels to the worm. The saliva test also measures antibodies. The concern here would be false positives. This means the test coming back as positive when your horse has been clear of the worm in question for months. Antibody levels remain high for months following successful treatment for the worm being tested for. However, a negative obviously means the horse has been clear for a good few months, and would not need worming.

Happy reading!

Please share, as this is really something that all horse owners should know, and still don’t!

No prizes for spotting the hundreds of redworm in this photo!

Ne potkivanju, osim ako baš baš nije nužno zlo 👇👇👇

Ne potkivanju, osim ako baš baš nije nužno zlo 👇👇👇



Dalmatinski konj (Dalmatinski tovarni konj, Dalmatinski bušak) je izvorni tip konja koji je nekad uzgajan na području mediteranske Hrvatske.

Riječ je o malom, izdržljivom konju skromnih zahtjeva. Već od najranije povijesti postoje dokazi o uzgoju konja na području Dalmacije, tako da se smatra da je Dalmatinski bušak izvorni potomak tih konja, koji je u zadnjih nekoliko stoljeća oplemenjen krvlju arapskih konja i konja iz BiH. Danas je populacija vrlo mala.

Glava je umjerene veličine, suha, blago konveksnog profila.
Griva je crne boje i pada postrano na umjereno dug i snažan vrat koji je kod pastuha s izbočenijim grebenom.
Greben je umjereno dug i izražen, leda i spoj srednje dugi i uleknuti.
Prsa su umjereno duboka i široka. Noge su čvrste i pravilne, kopita mala i tvrda, a hod umjereno izdašan, ali energičan.
Mirni su, ali energični, u radu izdržljivi i ustrajni.
Boja dlake je jednobojna i većinom su svjetliji do tamniji dorati.

Visoki su u grebenu do 130 cm uz dužinu trupa od 135 cm i obujam prsa 152 cm te potkoljenice do 17 cm.
Stručnjak za poljoprivredu Dalmacije Stanko Ožanić u djelu Poljoprivreda Dalmacije u prošlosti piše: „Svi koji se konjima bave i koji su mogli da prouče dalmatinskog konja, složni su u tome da je dalmatinski konj izvrstan pony rijetkih vrlina koje se teško sreću u pasminama drugih zemalja.“

Nekad proširen na području cijele Dalmacije; prema popisu Austro-Ugarske, na području je Dalmacije 1857. godine bilo u uzgoju preko 22 000 konja, a većina populacije ipak je bila i opstala ponajviše u Dalmatinskoj zagori i Dubrovačkom primorju.

U matičnim knjigama Hrvatskog centra za konjogojstvo za 2010. registrirano je 1 035 konja za područje Dalmacije, od čega prema procjeni svega nekoliko stotina grla pripada dalmatinskom bušaku, što ga čini kritično ugroženom pasminom, a trend je silazni.

Iako Dalmacija nije važnije konjogojsko područje, značajan i donekle izoliran uzgoj konja postojao je i ovdje zbog dugogodišnje tradicije uzgoja konja, manje za obavljanje poljoprivrednih radova na većim krškim poljima gdje postoje veće obradive površine, više za transport i poslove na dalmatinskim planinama Dinari, Mosoru, Biokovu i drugdje za prijenos roba, izvlačenje drva i drugo.

Nažalost, oblikovanje dalmatinskog bušaka nikada nije bilo predmetom sustavnog rada.

Trenutno se na području Dalmacije nalazi 30 živućih jedinki konja koje bi mogli svrstati u dalmatinskog bušaka.

👉Ministarstvo poljoprivrede nikada nije ni razmišljalo niti uvidjelo potrebu da zaštiti ovu autohtonu pasminu, kao što je zaštitilo druge autohtone pasmine konja u kontinentalnom djelu Hrvatske.


photo courtesy : Equus Caballus


Regions of the horse body


Poster by Emiliano/ photo Berkshire equine vet

Hranite li svoje konje specijaliziranom hranom?Cijelu godinu, a pogotovo zimi potrebno je voditi brigu o metabolizmu naš...

Hranite li svoje konje specijaliziranom hranom?
Cijelu godinu, a pogotovo zimi potrebno je voditi brigu o metabolizmu naših konja! Zato je namjenjena posebna hrana koja u sebi sadrži sve potrebne vitamine i minerale kao i vlakna. Možete ju dodavati kao dodatak volumioznoj hrani( sijeno) miješati sa zobi ili jednostavno brikete kao gotovu hranu.
U Panto asortimanu ima razne hrane a naši konji najviše vole Apfel musle, Formulu A i neizostavni Mash, pogotovo ako vam konji piju malo vode ili se jako znoje!
Za ždrebad također imamo musle koje mogu jesti vec od 6 mj. života kao i ždrebne kobile.
Tu su jos i neizostavni minerali i poslastice koje svi konji obožavaju !


Došla nam je zima!
Ukoliko trenirate sa svojim konjem a želite da vam ostane zdrav, jer duga dlaka se dugo suši na hladnoći i postoji velika mogućnost da vam se konj razboli najbolje ga je obrijati!
Brijanje konja osim ovog razloga, donosi i mnoge druge benefite!
Ukoliko ste zainteresirani za brijanje/ trimanje vašeg konja slobodno se javite!
Cijena na upit , ovisno koji tip brijanja želite!

Fino objašnjeno, obavezno pročitati !

Fino objašnjeno, obavezno pročitati !


Want to improve your horsemanship? 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗲𝗴𝘀!

Add these 𝟯 𝗲𝘅𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀 into your riding routine to get a 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗲𝗴! 🤩
𝙏𝙞𝙥: Use these exercises if you 𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣'𝙩 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 for No-Stirrup November.

Read the full article ➡️ https://bit.ly/killerlowerleg


No matter how collected the work gets…..

You must always be able to go back to relaxed, by relaxed I mean both mentally and physically. Collected work is not physically relaxed, it requires allot of effort from the horse. That physical exertion should be rewarded by a physical break.

If you do not get this balance right you will end up with a tense horse both physically and mentally. For me relaxed is not poll below the withers, the compromise to be on the forehand is too great. Horses have their heads below the withers grazing during the day, a real skill is getting the neck to lengthen with nose infront of the vertical. The horse in the below pics is neck heavy being a stallion and he is also built slightly down hill. If he was built differently(uphill) I might let the poll slightly below the withers but not enough to allow him to travel on the fores.

There is allot talk about relaxed/soft work now days but I’ve never seen an athlete use their body to it’s full potential while looking soft or relaxed. Mental relaxation is required the whole way through training but physical relaxation is the base we visit as needed.

Below is a visual representation of the difference between relaxed, lengthened and collected. The line down the middle is to show the different postures of both the hind and the front in the trot work. Even relaxed work requires effort from the horse, to carry the rider and swing the spine. Stop often, let them exhale and breath.


Carrot Stretches



It's that time of year when WE notice that it's got a little colder and we dig out our fleeces and jumpers. And many of us are likely to do the same for our horses, unpacking the stable and turnout rugs we packed away in late Spring. BUT, horses don’t feel the cold in the same way we do.

Why? The answer is pretty straightforward - they are around 7 times heavier than us and covered in hair. Although they are 7 times heavier they don’t have 7 times more skin surface. In fact, it’s only around 2.5 times more. Skin surface is the key to retaining or losing heat as this is the main route horses lose heat in cooler weather. That’s why in nature if you live in a cold climate it’s generally an advantage to be large and if you live in a hot climate it’s an advantage to be small – and yes there are exceptions to this, such as elephants!

So the temptation is to start over-rugging horses at this time of year because we are feeling cold and putting on more layers. Over-rugging may make your horse or pony feel uncomfortable and unhappy. It’s also not good for coat and skin health and it may even contribute to obesity.

What rug should I use? There are a lot of things to consider and there is no one-size fits all but some general rules do apply.

To learn more about the science of rugging……https://drdavidmarlin.com/tag/rugging/ (MEMBER CONTENT - Subscription of £8 required for 30 days access).

The wonderfully talented Erin at Chestnuts created this brilliant illustration, and we are very grateful that she has allowed us to use it. We chose the image as we think it perfectly depicts Dr Marlin's point in this post. Thank you Erin Chestnuts!


What makes a good saddle?
To reiterate from the previous post, long tree points are integral to preventing atrophy and injury to the spinalis, rhomboid and trapezius as their length (combined with correct width and angle) allow the weight to be carried by the longissimus. What happens when the points are too short? The pressure is localized at the end of the points, whether the tree angle and width are correct or not.
Think of the tree as a bridge, and the gullet plate as the supporting structure to prevent it from simply flattening. On either side of the dorsal spinous processes near the withers are the thoracic trapezius, rhomboid, spinalis and deeper in at the juncture of the transverse processes sits the multifidus. This is your "river". Further out you have the superficial muscles such as the latissimus, and underneath is the longissimus. This is your land on either side of your river.
In order to bypass the river, the tree points need to be long enough to extend beyond the river, while also taking into consideration the required space at both the top and sides of the wither with the rider in the saddle.
In the area behind the scapula where a saddle should always be positioned, if the tree points do not extend beyond these muscles you will have most of the pressure land directly on, or at the edge of those non-weight bearing muscles. What does this mean for the horse? Tripping, moving out of the elbow instead of shoulder, reduced forelimb mobility, atrophy behind the scapula (very common to see horses with huge shoulder holes from saddles with short points).
How do you tell how long your saddles tree points are?
Gently bend your panel inward and the wrinkle is where the tree ends. Mark it with chalk or even a piece of tape and place the saddle back on your horse. From the edge of the withers to 4" down, does that wrinkle in the panel fall within those 4" or lower? If they fall within, the tree points are too short.
The key here is length *for the horse*. If you ride a tiny pony, "short" tree points may not be that short for them. Always always always consider your horse first. Their physique will tell you exactly what you need in a saddle.
What sets our certified equine and saddle ergonomists apart is that they don't try and fit the horse to the saddle.
They evaluate the horse and rider, understand the needs set out by the anatomy of that particular animal and human, and then go about finding a suitable saddle based on those requirements.
Many other fitters do it the other way around - fit the horse to the saddle. They find a saddle, and try to fit the horse to it.
Would you buy an insole and then try to fit it to your foot afterwards?
Absolutely not! You would have your foot measured, gait analyzed and posture assessed and THEN find an insole that is suitable to your physique, movement and needs.
Once you understand the difference, saddle fitting becomes a lot clearer.
While it's difficult to get away from the questions like:
"Will this brand fit?"
"How about this model?"
"What do you think about this used saddle?"
When you begin to look to the horse first for your answers, the right saddles will be so much easier to find, without having to spend a not-so-small fortune on 30 different saddles by 40 different reps and fitters.


Standardbreds are often internalisers

This means their signs of anxiety will be more subtle than a thoroughbred for instance. We see a few key things around the yard at Stable to Stirrup that let us know the horse is mentally struggling. The two most common signs we see are chewing on their tongue’s/cheeks or the poo turns to water in a short period of time. There are no other outward signs like calling out, pawing, swinging side to side or kicking out at the rail. We do see all those signs as well but they aren’t as common due to the nature of being internalised.

What does being internalised mean for the horse? It means the horse has learned to mentally protect itself rather than outwardly show signs they may have been disciplined for or restricted to not show the unwanted behaviour. The problem is that once they learn to internalise their worries it can be really hard for people to spot.

Internalisers will shut down rather than respond to simple training questions and bringing them back into the space of learning can be difficult, not something you can fix love and cuddles. We often see our Standardbreds with subtle outward signs of anxiety, perhaps a wide worried eye and within 10 mins sloppy poo. If your horses gut is falling apart when you bring him in for work, there is anxiety to work through. Horses get associated feelings with work and human interactions based on history you may not be aware of. Taking it slowly with your horse is so imperative to producing a calm healthy horse but also keeping them mentally present and that’s the tricky part.

The horse who produced the picture below only showed a wide worried eye. We went on a road ride and he continued to show subtle signs of not being ok but because of the nature of Standardbreds he got the job done with no major behavioural issues. As trainers we are trying to get the horses the experience they need all the while knowing to do the right thing by the horse it would be a two year process. Part of the curse for a standardbred is that they don’t say no when they should, we as their guardians need to read the subtle signs that they aren’t ok.

At the charity we have to get a job done and we love when people take the horses home and start the relationship from scratch. Become your horses safe space, break down their worries into smaller pieces, enjoy their company and don’t use them as a means to pump up your ego.

When I go to work I have a job to do
But with my personal horses at home, we go on the journey.


Lungeing sessions should not last longer than 20 minutes. Here’s why:

• Horses did not evolve to move in circles.
• Lungeing is hard work on the horse’s joints, tendons and muscles.
• Overwork on the lunge (or any situation) can cause pain, injury, discomfort and fatigue.

According to Australian researchers, ‘In an 18-m diameter round-pen, approximately 20 circuits equal 1 km. In just 20 minutes of lunging or round-pen work, a horse may cover around 5 km in distance which, as we postulate, poses musculoskeletal risks due to the constant circular track. Therefore, round-pen/lunging sessions exceeding 20 minutes should be avoided’ (https://tinyurl.com/CuttingTheChase).

For more recommendations about lungeing for horse welfare and rider safety, download Pony Club Australia’s NEW Lungeing Guidelines https://tinyurl.com/lungeing


Zalužje, Rudina Ulica 35



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