Husse - Zagorje

Husse - Zagorje Naš glavni interes je pravilna hranidba i promicanje zdravog načina života kućnih ljubimaca.


Što je "Kartica Mudrica" i kako doći do nje možete saznati više na:
Iznos popusta proizvoda iz Husse Hrvatske sa karticom Mudrica nakon isteka vremena akcije iznosi: 1.kategorija: 7%, 2.kategorija: 10%, 3.kategorija: 15%.🤗😄




Zvukovi pirotehničkih sredstva?😓
Duga putovanja?🙁
Posjeta veterinaru?🫤

Ulaganje u zdravlje vaših ljubimaca osigurava im mirniji život, a time i više radosti za Vas.

Rezervirajte na vrijeme. Istražite Husse.❤️

Husse na danima grada Oroslavja

Husse na danima grada Oroslavja


HUSSE u Stubičkima

Husse na Veterinarskom fakultetu u Zagrebu

Husse na Veterinarskom fakultetu u Zagrebu

HUSSE u Zaboku

HUSSE u Zaboku

BOND spremno čeka novu dozu hrane :)Optimal Mini, hrana posebno razvijena za aktivne pse malih pasmina!

BOND spremno čeka novu dozu hrane :)
Optimal Mini, hrana posebno razvijena za aktivne pse malih pasmina!


Feeding dogs raw food can pose risks, as certain diseases and pathogens can be transmitted through raw meat. Here’s a list of some diseases that dogs might contract from consuming raw food:

1. Salmonellosis - Caused by Salmonella bacteria, this can lead to symptoms like diarrhea, fever, and vomiting.
2. Campylobacteriosis - Resulting from Campylobacter bacteria, it can cause gastrointestinal symptoms and diarrhea.
3. Listeriosis - Caused by Listeria monocytogenes, it can lead to severe infections, particularly in young, elderly, or immunocompromised dogs.
4. E. coli infection - Certain strains of E. coli can cause severe gastrointestinal distress and more serious complications.
5. Trichinellosis - Due to Trichinella spiralis, this parasitic disease can result from eating raw or undercooked meat, especially pork.
6. Toxoplasmosis - While more commonly a concern for cats, dogs can also be affected if they consume raw meat containing Toxoplasma gondii.
7. Neosporosis - Caused by Neospora caninum, often found in raw beef and poultry.
8. Parasitic infections - Such as tapeworms and roundworms, which can be present in raw or undercooked meat.

It's very risky to use raw food for your furry friends, and it's crucial to consult with your vet or a pet food nutritionist before proceeding. They can provide guidance on how to minimize risks, although it's important to note that the risk can never be completely eliminated. Dr. Majid Rajaby Vet - MSc. , , , , , , , ,


Did you know Husse offers unique Scandinavian recipes perfected over the last 35 years? These recipes are not just tailored to meet your pet's nutritional needs—they are also designed to be delicious and irresistible, even to the fussiest of eaters. What sets Husse apart? Unlike many competitors, we own our recipes and products, offering an exclusive taste that you won't find anywhere else on the market. While others may only own the label, offering common products sourced from the same factories under different names, we ensure our customers never face confusion. Discover the delightful Scandinavian taste and unique products that make Husse the trustworthy brand your pet will love. Order your sample pack today and give your beloved furry friend a taste of health. , , , , , , , ,


Husse na Uskrsnom sajmu u Dubravici

Mala labradorica Hera dobila je svoje pakiranje hrane za štence :) U slast!

Mala labradorica Hera dobila je svoje pakiranje hrane za štence :)
U slast!

Osnovna higijena je izrazito važna za cjelokupno zdravlje i izgled vašeg psa. Za održavanje higijene krzna odaberite pri...

Osnovna higijena je izrazito važna za cjelokupno zdravlje i izgled vašeg psa. Za održavanje higijene krzna odaberite prirodne, hipoalergene sastojke i proizvode koji imaju pH vrijednost pseće kože. Redovita njega će značajno smanjiti mogućnost infekcija ili iritacija kože. Održavajte higijenu vašeg ljubimca s proizvodima koji su proizvedeni posebno za kućne ljubimce. 🐕🐈

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Još jedna godina je iza nas. Hvala vam što ste nam pružili podršku, a prije svega povjerenje da kroz hranidbu brinemo o ...

Još jedna godina je iza nas. Hvala vam što ste nam pružili podršku, a prije svega povjerenje da kroz hranidbu brinemo o vašim kućnim ljubimcima.

Sretan Božić od cijelog Husse tima 🐕🎄🐈🥳🤩🐎






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