U centru mjesta, 100 m od mora. Stone house with 3 apartments in Sutomiscica on Ugljan. Kamena kuća sa 3 apartmana u Sutomišćici na otoku Ugljanu kod Zadra, adaptirana je 2010. godine, reistrirana za turizam sa 3 zvjezdice. Nalazi se u centru mirnog mjesta - kuća je od mora udaljena 100 m, parking 100 m od kuće - autom nije moguce doci do kuće zbog uske ulice zato je mirno i nema prometa. Uživati
se moze u vrtu od 500 m2 sa kamenim kaminom za roštilj, sjenicom. bazenom velikim 25m2 i mali dječji lužaljke ružičnjak i maslinici
Stone house with 3 apartments in Sutomišćica on island Ugljan near Zadar. Adapted and restored in 2010, registered for tourism with 3 stars. The house is in center of a little village Sutomišćica - 100 m from the sea, parking 100 m from the house – it is not possible to approach the house with car because of a narrow street and that's why there's no traffic so it's is very calm, relaxing and peaceful surroundings. You can spend your time in beautiful garden (500m2) with stone barbecue and small summer house. PRVI APARTMAN na katu kuce "Giardino" 60m2, dvije spavace sobe, klasicna kuhinja s dnevnim boravkom, kupatilom, - za 4 do 5 osoba. klima, TV, terasom od 20 m2 - pogled na vrt i prilaz vrtu. cijena nocenja - apartman "Giardino" predsezona - 65 eura od 1. lipnja do 30. lipnja i od 1. rujna do 30. rujna
cijena nocenja - apartman "Giardino" sezona - 75 eura od 1. srpnja do 31. kolovoza. FIRST APARTMENT named “Giardino” (60m2) is on the first floor and it is foreseen for 4 to 5 persons. There are two bedrooms, classic kitchen with living room and bathroom. There is an air – condition, TV and terrace (20 m2) with view and approach to the garden (500m2). Price per night apartment “Giardino” (60 m2) - preseason (1th June - 30th June // 1th September - 30th September) - 65 €
Price per night apartment “Giardino” (60 m2) – season (1th July – 31th August) – 75 €
DRUGI APARTMAN na katu kuce "Santa Fe" 50 m2, dvosobni, s dnevnim boravkom i mini kuhinjom, kupatilo, za 4 osobe, balkon od 6 m2, klima, TV, mogucnost upotrebe vrta, rostilja, sjenice. cijena nocenja - apartman "Santa Fe" predsezona - 60 eura od 1. rujna. cijena nocenja - apartman "Santa Fe" sezona - 70 eura od 1. SECOND APARTMENT named “Santa Fe” (50 m2) is on the first floor and it is foreseen for 4 persons. There are two bedrooms, living room with mini kitchen and bathroom. There is an air – condition, TV and balcony (6 m2) and you have a possibility to use the garden (500 m2) with stone barbecue and small summer house. Price per night apartment - „Santa Fe“ (50 m2) – preseason (1th June - 30th June // 1th September - 30th September) - 60 €
Price per night apartment- „Santa Fe“ (50 m2) – season (1th July – 31th August) – 70 €
TREĆI APARTMAN u prizemlju kuce "Bastion" 50 m2, s velikim dnevnim boravkom i mini kuhinjom, spavacom sobom, kupatilo, klima, TV, dvorište od 20 m2, mogucnost upotreba vrta, rostilja, sjenice. za 3-4 osobe, u "Bastion" je dozvoljeno dovesti mali ljubimci (poput manjih pasa itd.) cijena nocenja - apartman "Bastion" predsezona - 50 eura od 1. cijena nocenja - apartman "Bastion" sezona - 60 eura od 1. THIRD APARTMENT named “Bastion” (50 m2) is on the ground floor and it is foreseen for 3 to 4 persons. There is a large living room with mini kitchen, one bedroom and bathroom. There is an air – condition and TV. There is a yard (20 m2) in front of the apartment and you have a possibility to use the garden (500 m2) with stone barbecue and small summer house. It is allowed to bring small pets (dogs, cats…) in apartment “Bastion”. Price per night apartment - „Bastion“ (50 m2) – preseason (1th June - 30th June // 1th September - 30th September) - 40 €
Price per night apartment - „Bastion“ (50 m2) – season (1th July – 31th August) – 50 €