I am finding that Vets are becoming increasingly open to the benefits of healing, which helps the horse or pony on as deep a level as possible, and which also helps the animal to communicate where the problem is. Many vets are exploring energy medicine as they seek to help the animal on the deepest possible level. For this reason I regularly demonstrate my work to vets and other animal healthcare professionals.Healing is a communication energy that you can connect with, which works deeply with your equine using soul language to rebalance and harmonise the energy field . You can use healing energy for physical as well as behavioural problems and it is the only complementary medicine therapy that can discharge whole body/mind/emotion negative energy to create harmony from chaos. Horses, ponies and donkeys cannot cry to express emotion but the healing help equines with emotional conditions to feel better about life.
All horses can benefit from healing energy. Any horse which has been traumatised for example through injury , accident, illness, bad handling, abuse, neglect etc and no matter how long ago, can benefit, as healing aims to restore balance to the energy field and discharge negative energy. Disturbed energy can lead to disease and disorder and all physical illness will have an emotional element to it. Pain and stress are very upsetting for a horse and lead to, so-called, behavioural problems. I have been asked to give healing to horses to help with numerous conditions including :
joint problems
musculo skeletal conditions
new environment and/or change of owner
disease and illness
skin conditions
pregnant mares
post birth mare and foal
sick foals
behavioural problems
trauma mental, emtional and physical
pre and post surgery
immune system conditions
stimulate cellular repair