The Welfare Education Project

The Welfare Education Project Projekt Debatnog kluba Veterina na temu dobrobiti i ponašanja životinja
Veterinarski fakultet Zagreb

Soon! Mark your 🗓️✅

Soon! Mark your 🗓️✅

egionalni centar za dobrobit životinja u suradnji s Veterinarskim fakultetom Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Hrvatskom veterinarskom komorom organizira 2. konferenciju o dobrobiti životinja od 15. do 17. listopada 2024. u Cavtatu, Hrvatska. Mjesto održavanja konferencije je Hotel Croatia, samo 6 km uda...

🐾 Join us for a day of learning and hands-on experience! 🐾On June 8th, come to Skill&Chill for a series of insightful se...

🐾 Join us for a day of learning and hands-on experience! 🐾

On June 8th, come to Skill&Chill for a series of insightful sessions led by our esteemed lecturer, Andrei-Sebastian Csiplo.

🕒 Schedule:

8:30-9:30: Welfare Assessment in Shelters (Lecture)
10:30-13:00: Practical Welfare Assessment in Dumovec (Only 10 spots available! Apply by June 3rd. Selected students will receive an email.)
15:00-16:00: Overview of the New Legislative Proposal on the Protection of Animals During Transport
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills! 🌟


🎓 Andrei-Sebastian Csiplo graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. His graduation thesis ...

🎓 Andrei-Sebastian Csiplo graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. His graduation thesis focused on shelter dogs' welfare 🐶🏠 (title: ASSESSING THE EFFECTS OF AN INTENSIVE SOCIALIZATION PROGRAM ON THE WELFARE OF DOGS IN A PRIVATE SHELTER).

📜 After his graduation, he pursued a 6-month Erasmus+ traineeship within the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe in Brussels 🇧🇪, and in parallel, he became a PhD candidate in animal welfare science 🧑‍🎓 at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

📊 During his PhD, he plans to design a unique protocol to assess companion animals' welfare during routine veterinary consultations 🩺🐱 and find means to eliminate or alleviate negative indicators affecting animals' welfare status during this sensitive time.

🌟 His main goal is to become the first specialist in animal welfare science, ethics, and law from Romania 🇷🇴. Afterwards, he aims to raise awareness about the major importance of this specialty in the veterinary sector, among farmers, and major stakeholders. He aspires to elevate the level of animal welfare standards in his native country and bring a new approach towards the development of this field by incorporating best practices from the domain 🌍🔬.

8th of June 2024 🗓️
More information soon!

🌟 Exciting Announcement! 🐾 Join us for an insightful event on Veterinary Emergencies and Disaster Management, featuring ...

🌟 Exciting Announcement! 🐾 Join us for an insightful event on Veterinary Emergencies and Disaster Management, featuring esteemed lecturer Paolo Dalla Villa from the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).

🗓️ Date & Time: May 22nd, at 16:00 GMT+2.
💻 Platform: Jitsi

👉 Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills in veterinary care! See you there! 🐶🐱

🐕🐈⚽ Podsjetnik na naše prošlo "Njuškanje i druškanje" u prosincu, kada smo organizirali edukaciju o osnovama ponašanja ž...

🐕🐈⚽ Podsjetnik na naše prošlo "Njuškanje i druškanje" u prosincu, kada smo organizirali edukaciju o osnovama ponašanja životinja, koju je pratila radionica izrade igračaka za mentalnu stimulaciju.

Jedva čekamo drugo "Njuškanje i druškanje" koje će se održati ovu nedjelju od 15 h. Iznimno nam je drago da nam se ovaj put pridružuje Gabriela Čorkalo koja će održati edukaciju i nadamo se da se vidimo u što većem broju! 💪😁

S obzirom da je na prošlom Njuškanju i druškanju bilo zabavno i poučno bilo bi šteta da se ne ponovi. 😉Ovog p**a nam u g...

S obzirom da je na prošlom Njuškanju i druškanju bilo zabavno i poučno bilo bi šteta da se ne ponovi. 😉

Ovog p**a nam u goste dolazi trenerica Gabriela Čorkalo s temom predavanja "Pseća perspektiva: Što zapravo stoji iza najčešćih "problematičnih" ponašanja?" i radionicom Freework-a. 🐕

Što nam Gabriela ima za reći o sebi?

🌸 Studentica sam socijalnog rada na Pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Na drugoj godini sam privremeno uzela štene, koje sam nakon otkrivanja da ima probleme u ponašanju, udomila. Tu je i počela moja priča o dubljem ulasku u ponašanje. Otprilike godinu dana nakon udomljavanja Buffy pokrenuta je grupa "Život sa savršeno nesavršenim psom" s ciljem educiranja što većeg broja skrbnika pasa o force free pristupu i pružanju potpore skrbnicima pasa sa problemima u ponašanju.

Prije više od 3 godine me zahvaljujući grupi zamijetila savjetnica Antonia Čirjak, KPA i IAABC, te sam zbog nje, razgovora s njom i novih spoznaja u tim razgovorima, počela ozbiljno razmišljati da i sama postanem savjetnica za ponašanje. Tad sam i počela još ozbiljnije učiti te prošla niz edukacija na IndiDog Akademiji, IAABC-u, Tromplu, Canine Principles, Simply Behaviour-u, itd.

U svibnju 2023. godine sam krenula sa potpuno besplatnom praksom kako bih stekla dovoljno iskustva da krenem naplaćivati usluge. Odaziv je bio ogroman (76 ispunjenih upitnika u 3 dana) te sam u sljedećih nekoliko mjeseci odradila preko 200 sati prakse s raznim psima i njihovim skrbnicima.

2. veljače 2024. pokrenula sam s ciljem promoviranja modernog, znanstveno utemeljenog, force free i errorless pristupa u radu sa životinjama. Trenutno se educiram da postanem instruktor scentworka te počnem raditi i na strahovima, reaktivnosti i agresivnim ponašanjima, a uz to odrađujem i besplatnu praksu za kooperativnu njegu.

Vidimo se na Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ! 🐶

Jučer smo održali prvo predavanje u 2024. godini!Petra Logožar Mlinarić, predsjednica Udruge Tvorum, podijelila je svoja...

Jučer smo održali prvo predavanje u 2024. godini!

Petra Logožar Mlinarić, predsjednica Udruge Tvorum, podijelila je svoja iskustva u više od 20 godina rada s tvorovima. Tvorum - Udruga ljubitelja tvorova

Zahvaljujemo svima na dolasku, a više o otvorenju nove sezone projekta možete pročitati u članku Zorana Juginovića, dr. med. vet. s Veterina portala.

tudentice i studenti Debatnog kluba Veterina (sekcija USVM-a) ove godine nastavljaju Welfare education project organizacijom predavanja na temu dobrobiti životinja, na kojima se redovito govori o ponašanju raznih životinjskih vrsta, a najčešće pacijenata u veterinarskim ordinacijama. Prošlogo...

Druga sezona The WEP-a službeno počinje!MEET OUR NEXT SPEAKER!🎉Petra Logožar Mlinarić magistrirala je politologiju 2003....

Druga sezona The WEP-a službeno počinje!


Petra Logožar Mlinarić magistrirala je politologiju 2003. na Fakultetu političkih znanosti u Zagrebu, a te iste godine započinje karijeru u odnosima s javnošću gdje danas na poziciji PR savjetnice i analitičarke radi u agenciji Meridian-media-evaluation.
Par dana nakon uspješnog magistriranja 2003., kako navodi, slučajno završava u pet shopu iz kojeg izlazi obogaćena tvorovima Jurom i Juricom, bratom i sestrom koji su joj promijenili život. Životni cilj postaje joj naučiti što je više moguće o pitmomim vreticama (tvorovima) kao vrsti, njihovim potrebama, zdravlju, dobrobiti, a potom prenijeti to znanje na što veći broj ljudi.

Put od Ferrets of Croatia internet foruma o tvorovima, povezivanja s jednako tako neobaviještenim vlasnicima, kupovanja sve moguće dostupne stručne literature o tvorovima i kontakata s ogromnim brojem veterinara i vlasnika u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu dovodi do inicijative 2009. te napokon osnivanja udruge Tvorum 2010. godine. Udruga je namijenjena informiranju javnosti o tvorovima, ostvarivanju stručnih suradnji sa srodnim udrugama te ostalim pripadnicima stručne javnosti, održavanju edukacija, podizanju svijesti o potrebama tvorova kao životnih suputnika i veterinarskih pacijenata te posredovanju pri udomljavanju i skrbi o neželjenima.

U 14 godina postojanja, Tvorum je educirao tisuće tvorovskih entuzijasta u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu, spasio i pomogao udomiti preko 200 pitomih vretica, postigao zakonsku zabranu prodaje pitomih vretica u trgovinama za kućne ljubimce, te kontinuirano radi na poboljšavanju uvjeta života tvorova u Hrvatskoj kroz sve dostupne kanale.
Petra trenutno posjeduje 6 pitomih vretica, a u preko 20 godina ukupno ih je imala 28. Uz njih, tu su još mnogi „udružni“ i vlasnički koji su joj prošli kroz život, dom i ruke.

Trenutno radi za klijente iz financijske, telekomunikacijske, hospitality, retail i industrije pića, dok su joj najdraži projekti koje radi oni vezani uz sportska događanja, glazbene festivale i organizacije civilnog društva.

Veselimo se ugostiti ju!😊
Vidimo se u srijedu, 13.3.!

Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

On February 27th we celebrated   ! 🐈🐕We put together key benefits of spaying and neutering so swipe left to find out mor...

On February 27th we celebrated ! 🐈🐕

We put together key benefits of spaying and neutering so swipe left to find out more! 🤔💡

We are so proud that one of the main organizers of the project, Marina, has recently joined FVE! 👏 We have no doubts tha...

We are so proud that one of the main organizers of the project, Marina, has recently joined FVE! 👏 We have no doubts that she will take every opportunity to expand her knowledge in animal welfare and we wish her the best of luck in the upcoming months! 💪

👉Since one week FVE gathered a new stagiaire from the University of Zagreb, Croatia.
Marina is a final year veterinary medicine student and she will focus on the animal welfare, antimicrobial resistance and veterinary mental health wellbeing 📁dossiers.

Keeping an eye for more details on the RAWC   conference in stunning Cavtat, Croatia. Three fantastic speakers have just...

Keeping an eye for more details on the RAWC conference in stunning Cavtat, Croatia. Three fantastic speakers have just been announced and we are excited to see the full programme in the upcoming months. 👏

With great pleasure and pride, we are presenting to you details regarding our upcoming conference.
Venue - Cavtat, Croatia;
Dates - 15 - 17 October 2024;
Keynote lectures by - prof Donald Broom, prof James Serpell, dr Svenja Springer and more to come.
Special fund for young researchers (details to come).

For more details check out the conference website and share the news.

📻🎙️Nedavno smo gostovali u emisiji Ni za glavu ni za rep HRT Radio Sljeme , gdje smo predstavili The Welfare Education P...

📻🎙️Nedavno smo gostovali u emisiji Ni za glavu ni za rep HRT Radio Sljeme , gdje smo predstavili The Welfare Education Project, misao kojom smo započeli, dosadašnja postignuća i buduće planove, ali i zašto su dobrobit i ponašanje važni dijelove veterinarske medicine. Uz to, dotaknuli smo se i aktualnih tema iz svijeta ponašanja životinja - "iznenadnih" ugriza pasa, prepoznavanja znakova stresa, povezanosti problema u ponašanju sa zdravstvenim problemima životinja, ali i savjeta za što ugodniji posjet veterinaru.

Zahvaljujemo još jednom Radiju Sljeme i voditeljici emisije, Neveni Saragi, na pozivu i prilici da predstavimo važnost poznavanja ponašanja široj publici.

Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Dana 15. prosinca u suradnji s Dječjim vrtićem Varaždin- objekt Dravska, održali smo kratku edukaciju odgojnoj skupini M...

Dana 15. prosinca u suradnji s Dječjim vrtićem Varaždin- objekt Dravska, održali smo kratku edukaciju odgojnoj skupini Mišići (dob 1-3 godine) i Pužići (dob 4-6 godina).

Razgovarali smo o tome tko su veterinari, čime se bave, kako izgledaju životinje narušenog zdravlja i kada je vrijeme za posjetiti veterinara. Neke od stvari koje rade veterinari djeca su imala priliku i probati napraviti sami.

Osim navedenog, puno smo razgovarali o tome kako se prilazi životinjama, kako se treba ponašati prema njima, o znakovima straha i napetosti kod pasa i mačaka te smo im podijelili plakatiće kako bi zajedno sa svojim vrijednim odgojiteljicama mogli ponavljati naučeno.

Edukacija o dobrobiti i ponašanju životinja važan je aspekt odgoja i obrazovanja te je cilj našeg projekta razgovarati s našim najmanjima kako bi osvijestili najvažnije aspekte ovog područja.

Zahvaljujemo Dječjem Vrtiću Varaždin na odličnoj suradnji i nadamo se ponovnom susretu! 😊🎒🐕

Prikupljanje materijala! ♻️📦🧸Na radionici ćete naučiti kako od materijala koje imate kod kuće, i koje biste inače vjeroj...

Prikupljanje materijala! ♻️📦🧸

Na radionici ćete naučiti kako od materijala koje imate kod kuće, i koje biste inače vjerojatno bacili, možete izraditi izraditi super igračke za svoje ljubimce!

Naši članovi već neko vrijeme odvajaju stvari s popisa, ali nam možete i Vi pomoći! Od ponedjeljka će u prostorijama Glavne zgrade biti postavljena kutija u koju možete ostaviti materijale s popisa, a možete nam se javiti i osobno ako želite donirati veću količinu!

Unaprijed se zahvaljujemo svima i nadamo se da se vidimo u što većem broju u subotu, 2.12.!


U subotu, 2.12. otvaramo naša vrata za sve zainteresirane te Vas pozivamo na prvo Njuškanje & Druškanje! 🐈🐶🐾🤔 Kako prepo...

U subotu, 2.12. otvaramo naša vrata za sve zainteresirane te Vas pozivamo na prvo Njuškanje & Druškanje! 🐈🐶🐾

🤔 Kako prepoznati znakove stresa kod kućnih ljubimaca? Zašto je period socijalizacije toliko važan i koliko traje? Što uključuje obogaćivanje okoliša i zašto ne smijemo zanemariti mentalni aspekt pasa i mačaka? - Odgovore na pitanja možete saznati u edukaciji o mentalnoj stimulaciji i osnovama ponašanja životinja s kojom ćemo započeti naš događaj.

Zatim Vas očekuje radionica izrade igračaka za mentalnu stimulaciju pasa i mačaka na kojoj ćete dobiti pregršt jednostavnih i pristupačnih ideja za Vaše ljubimce. Sve izrađene igračke s radionice donirat ćemo skloništima za nezbrinute životinje i ostaviti za hospitalizirane životinje na klinikama Veterinarskog fakulteta. 🏐🐻

Događaj je besplatan i otvoren za sve zainteresirane te za isti nije potrebna prijava! Vidimo se! 🎊

Zahvaljujemo HRT Radio Sljeme na pozivu u emisiju "Ni za glavu ni za rep"! 🐶🐈 Ukoliko niste uspjeli poslušati emisiju, u...

Zahvaljujemo HRT Radio Sljeme na pozivu u emisiju "Ni za glavu ni za rep"! 🐶🐈 Ukoliko niste uspjeli poslušati emisiju, uskoro će biti dostupna snimka😄

We are proud to announce that on the 104th Anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb, The Welfare Educ...

We are proud to announce that on the 104th Anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb, The Welfare Education Project was awarded by the Dean, Prof. Marko Samardžija. 🎉

We would like to thank Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu for recognizing the impact of the project and their continued support.

Moreover, this would not have been possible without our partners, OVMPH CSAVS Hrvatska veterinarska komora , for whose cooperation we are truly grateful.

You can read more about the 104th Anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb on the link:
Veterina portal

Scroll through the pictures to see what we did in-between the lectures!p.s. We've had some pretty cute 4-legged attendee...

Scroll through the pictures to see what we did in-between the lectures!

p.s. We've had some pretty cute 4-legged attendees that joined us again. In fact, it was even a work weekend for one lab from Centar za rehabilitaciju Silver!

Report from our third and final full-day lecture in The WEP!We were honoured to welcome the president of the European Co...

Report from our third and final full-day lecture in The WEP!

We were honoured to welcome the president of the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine, Prof. Anouck Haverbeke, DipECAWBM as our final lecturer (Vet Ethology). On the last full-day lecture, our goal was to provide practical information that would help you approach behavioural problems in companion animals.

Prof. Haverbeke started the lecture by sharing the guidelines to help us navigate our next (or first) behavioural consultation. The following lectures covered aggression in cats and the concept of positive training methods in dogs. Prof. Haverebeke finished the day by explaining the baseline of medical management and also brought light to other future treatment possibilities.

We thank everyone who participated in our final full-day lecture. We hope that the knowledge you gained will help you recognize, approach and treat behavioural problems in your patients.

We are honoured to have had the opportunity to host such an incredible lecturer. The knowledge and experience Prof. Anouck Haverebeke shared on key topics in behavioural medicine is invaluable and we are so grateful for the participation in The Welfare Education Project!

Photo credit:
Zoran Juginović, Veterina portal

Hrvatska veterinarska komora
Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Sweet message from Prof. Anouck Haverbeke! 😊 After everything we've learned in the past few months, we feel even more in...

Sweet message from Prof. Anouck Haverbeke! 😊 After everything we've learned in the past few months, we feel even more inspired and motivated to continue educating and working together to make this world a better place for all species!

🐾 Today, I want to give a big shoutout to all the incredible pet owners and aspiring veterinarian students! Your dedication to improving the welfare of our furry friends is truly heartwarming. 🙏 Thank you for all the amazing work you do! I feel so grateful I have received this month, as a reflection of our authentic connection! 💕

MEET OUR NEXT SPEAKER! 🎉🎉Prof. Anouck Haverbeke, DVM, PhD, DipECAWBM-BMAnouck Haverbeke qualified as a veterinarian from...


Prof. Anouck Haverbeke, DVM, PhD, DipECAWBM-BM

Anouck Haverbeke qualified as a veterinarian from the Ghent University, Belgium in 2001 and defended her thesis on horse welfare at the Compultense University of Madrid, Spain. Subsequently, Prof. Haverbeke obtained a PhD in Ethology at the University of Namur, Belgium in 2009. The results of her PhD showed that positive training improves the welfare and performance of military dogs.

Since 2013, she is an EBVS© European Veterinary Specialist in Behavioural Medicine (ECAWBM-BM). In 2021, she was nominated a Professor in veterinary behavioural medicine at the University of Ghent Universiteit Gent. Prof. Haverbeke is a President of the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine, as well as a member of different veterinary associations in animal behaviour.

Next to conducting veterinary behavioural consultations at Vet Ethology, she is teaching animal behaviour in collaboration with different institutions. She is a frequent lecturer in Belgium and abroad on the topic of animal behaviour and human-animal interactions.

Dr. Haverbeke's current teaching and research projects include (1) the effect of positive training methods on dogs and horses, (2) the effect of olfactory enrichment with essential oils on the welfare of dogs, horses, cats and rabbits, (3) the influence of different housing conditions on the welfare of horses, (4) grief in dogs.

📆 We are honoured to have Prof. Anouck Haverbeke as our lecturer in The Welfare Education Project and we couldn't be more excited for Saturday!

📝 There is still some time to apply. Check out our previous post for details!

Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Hrvatska veterinarska komora
Veterina portal

ANNOUNCEMENT 🎉🎉We are excited to announce the third and final full-day lecture in this year's The Welfare Education Proj...


We are excited to announce the third and final full-day lecture in this year's The Welfare Education Project!

We are honoured to have Prof. Anouck Haverbeke, DipECAWBM, president of the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine as our guest lecturer.

Topics we will cover are:
1️⃣ Behavioural consultation
2️⃣ Positive training methods
3️⃣ Aggression in cats
4️⃣ Medical management and possible use of nutraceuticals

Join us on Saturday, July 1st 2023! 🎉

❗Registration is mandatory. You can sign up for lectures and find the rest of the information on the following link (also in our bio):

The Welfare Education Project is organized by Debatni klub Veterina , in cooperation with Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu , Hrvatska veterinarska komora and OVMPH CSAVS .

🐈1) Make them choose!Try to find out which type of litter (wood and paper-based, silica and clay in non-clumping and clu...

🐈1) Make them choose!
Try to find out which type of litter (wood and paper-based, silica and clay in non-clumping and clumping varieties) and toilet (open, closed) your cat prefers. Getting your cat to drink more water can be tricky. You may have to experiment until you find something it likes. Water bowl should be wide enough not to touch cat’s whiskers and some cats prefer running water so you can buy water fountain.
🐈2) Mental stimulation
Break your cat's daily food quantities into smaller portions and hiding these around the house every day so your cat must stalk and hunt its food. Not only does this gets your cat a little extra exercise, but it also provides mental stimulation. You can also put some of your cat's kibble into a puzzle toy or wrap it in paper, put some wet food in licking mat or Kong etc. Make sure to often acquire new toys and rotate them often. Learning tricks is also good mental stimulation for your cat.
🐈3) Cooperative care and cat friendly clinics
Cooperative care training can help you minimize level of stress during nail trimming, transportation, grooming, vet visiting and any way of handling. Cooperative care involves training an animal to not only tolerate handling and husbandry procedures, but to be an active, willing participant in these experiences. If possible, cat friendly clinics are always better option.
🐈4) Adjust to new situations
In case there is a new situation your cat will be introduced to, it should be properly managed. New situations include newborn baby arrival, new pet arrival, housemoving, diet changing or any kind of major change in cats life and surrounding. Your cat should be introduced to this kind of situations gradually during a longer period of time along with positive reinforcement
🐈5) Health checks
Keep an eye out for behaviour changes - stressed or insecure cats can become unwell, and changes to their behaviour can be an early sign that something's wrong.
Changes may not always be obvious, as cats can have different ways of showing that they're upset or in pain. If you notice anything unusual, including changes in behaviour or grooming habits, take your cat to the vet as soon as possible.

MEET OUR NEXT SPEAKER! 🎉🎉Inês Ajuda, DVM, holds an integrated Master's Degree in veterinary medicine from the University...


Inês Ajuda, DVM, holds an integrated Master's Degree in veterinary medicine from the University of Lisbon, where she also lectured, supervised graduate students, and conducted an extensive research project on farm animal welfare indicators after her graduation, all the while practicing as a farm animal veterinary surgeon.

Inês Ajuda joined Eurogroup for Animals in 2020 as the manager of the farm team. She was also the editor of the magazine Ruminantes, a publication in Portuguese specialized in veterinary sciences and ruminants.

Prior to her current role, Inês Ajuda was a research manager for the European food business engagement team at Compassion in World Farming.

"Animal welfare is about physical wellbeing but also about mental wellbeing and the ability to express natural behaviours. Whatever consideration one may make that includes animal welfare, such as breeding, all of these factors need to be taken into account, equally."

🎉 We are honoured to have Dr. Ajuda as our next lecturer today and learn more about her impressive work in making changes on the larger scale! Dr. Ajuda will also present programs of Eurogroup for Animals, pan-European animal advocacy organisation.

🔜 Join us at 4pm on Jitsi Meet! 😊

ENCOURAGING GLOBAL MOVEMENTS IN ANIMAL WELFARE 🎤🎉It's time for the third online lecture in The Welfare Education Project...


It's time for the third online lecture in The Welfare Education Project and we are very excited to host Dr. Inês Ajuda who will present the work of Eurogroup for Animals. Eurogroup for Animals

🤔 What happens behind the scenes of global movements in animal welfare? Who are the people making these changes? What are the roles and responsibilities of veterinarians in organizations such as Eurogroup for Animals?

What changes will the new animal welfare legislation bring? Should this be a wake up call for every professional working with animals? How can we motivate veterinarians to not turn a blind eye to animal welfare issues they encounter in their daily work?

📅 Join us TOMORROW, Monday, June 12th at 4PM for a webinar on Jitsi Meet! After the lecture, we will continue with Q&A and a discussion!

You can access Jitsi Meet by typing the name of our "room" on their website - TheWelfareEducationProject or through the link

Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Hrvatska veterinarska komora

How can we make our cats happy?  5/111) Never use punishment and aversive methods!When using force free methods, you tra...

How can we make our cats happy?


1) Never use punishment and aversive methods!

When using force free methods, you train, handle, or take care of your cat without using pain, fear or force, and work with positive reinforcement.

2) Let them hunt!

Playtime is crucial for keeping an indoor cat mentally happy, physically healthy, and content to be inside. Make a habit of playing with your cat for at least 10 minutes a day. The best type of play for keeping a cat happy is interactive, where you use a toy to mimic the behavior of a cat's prey animals.

3) Let them climb and scratch!

If you don’t want your cat jumping on furniture and scratching your sofa you should ensure an alternative spot to satisfy that need for example cat trees, catwalks, cat furniture with towers, platforms and stairs, outdoor Catio, scratchers made of different materials such as raffia, sisal, carpet, wool, card board and others. Bear in mind you should introduce this equipment to your cat from kitten age. A good scratching post need to be sturdy, so there is no chance of it wobbling or falling over, tall, so the cat can fully stretch its body and covered in material that doesn't catch and pull on claws and is satisfying to scratch

4) Let them hide and rest!

Make sure that your cat has enough of hiding spots. These spots should be dark, warm and in multiple levels. In addition, it is preferable that cat toilet is positioned out of sight.

5) Cat + 1

Make sure that if you have one cat you should provide it with at least a pair of equipment, for example one cat needs 2 toilets.

🐱 FELINE WELFAREStress is the most common cause of welfare issues of household cats. How can we tell if the cat is stres...


Stress is the most common cause of welfare issues of household cats.

How can we tell if the cat is stressed out?

- reduced or increased food intake
- reduced or increased grooming
- reduced activity and playfulness
- less likely to rub face on furniture
- increased vocalization
- reduced sleep activity
- hide more often
- increased urine marking
- increased aggression
- compulsive behaviors

Some examples of compulsive disorders in cats are over-grooming, barbering, feline hyperesthesia, self-mutilation, tail chasing, pica behaviour, wool and fabric chewing, and wool sucking.

Most common unwanted behaviors of household cats are jumping on furniture, scratching furniture, excessive vocalization, aggression towards people and other animals, urination and defecation outside the toilet. To prevent that kind of behaviors we should make our cats happy and feel safe. 🐱

You can read in our next post how to make your cat happy. 😁

Source: Ivana Sabolek, DVM

MEET OUR NEXT SPEAKER! 👋🏻🎉Mario Ostović izvanredni je profesor i predstojnik Zavoda za higijenu, ponašanje i dobrobit ži...


Mario Ostović izvanredni je profesor i predstojnik Zavoda za higijenu, ponašanje i dobrobit životinja Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (od 2020.). U istom Zavodu diplomirao je 2005., a doktorirao 2012. godine s radom „Učinak gumene podne obloge u pripustilištu na dobrobit nazimica“. Na matičnom Fakultetu voditelj je poslijediplomskog specijalističkog studija Farm Animal Welfare. Kao autor ili suautor objavio je više od 200 znanstvenih i stručnih radova, odnosno sažetaka u časopisima i zbornicima skupova. Također je suurednik i suautor sveučilišnog udžbenika „Dobrobit životinja“ (2019.). Sudjelovao je na mnogim radionicama i tečajevima u zemlji i inozemstvu iz područja dobrobiti životinja.
Član je uredničkog odbora časopisa „Veterinarska stanica“, „Svinjogojstvo“ i „Stočarstvo“ te izvršni urednik časopisa „Veterinarski arhiv“. U Međunarodnom društvu za higijenu životinja predstavnik je Republike Hrvatske od 2011. godine. U Svjetskoj udruzi za znanost o peradi bio je predstavnik Republike Hrvatske u Radnoj skupini broj 9 za dobrobit i upravljanje proizvodnjom peradi od 2008. do 2019. godine. U novije vrijeme bavi se istraživanjima stavova studenata veterinarske medicine prema dobrobiti životinja.

Vidimo se danas u 16h u predavaonici Zavoda za fiziologiju! 💬

Percepcija dobrobiti životinja često je pod utjecajem osobnih vrijednosti, stavova, uvjerenja i mnogih znanstvenih, kult...

Percepcija dobrobiti životinja često je pod utjecajem osobnih vrijednosti, stavova, uvjerenja i mnogih znanstvenih, kulturnih, ekonomskih i političkih čimbenika, koji u konačnici utječu na stavove koje donosimo o životinjama. Sami stavovi koje imamo utječu na naše ponašanje i odnos prema životinjama.

Na rast obrazovanja o dobrobiti i ponašanju životinja u visokom obrazovanju i razvoj nastavnih ciljeva utjecao je sam razvoj u području znanosti o dobrobiti i ponašanju životinja, njegova važnost, te sve veća zabrinutost javnosti za dobrobit domaćih životinja i kućnih ljubimaca. Usprkos tome obrazovanje o dobrobiti i ponašanju životinja još uvijek uvelike nedostaje u nastavnim programima.

Budući da su stavovi, uvjerenja i vrijednosti često oblikovani obrazovanjem, uključivanje više kolegija, predavanja i radionica o dobrobiti i ponašanju životinja u nastavne programe ključno je za razvoj budućih veterinara.

Među studentima Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu provedena je anketa o percepciji prema različitim vrstama životinja. Kakva imaju mišljenja studenti na početku studiranja, mijenja li im se mišljenje pri završetku fakulteta? Trebamo li u nastavnom programu imati više sati o dobrobiti životinja? Smatrate li da farmske životinje imaju narušenu dobrobit u odnosu na kućne ljubimce?

Na ova i brojna druga pitanja nastojat ćemo dati odgovor u našoj sljedećoj Coffe Club raspravi - Stavovi studenata veterinarske medicine o dobrobiti životinja - Kako promijeniti percepciju o dobrobiti životinja? Izuzetno nam je drago što ćemo ugostiti izv. prof. dr. sc. Marija Ostovića.

Vidimo se u srijedu 7.6. u 16h


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