Klub hrtova osnovan je 2005. kao neprofitna udruga građana, sa ciljem promocije, razvoja i poboljšanja svih pasmina hrtova u Hrvatskoj. Klub je članica Hrvatskog Kinološkog Saveza (HKS-a) te djeluje prema pravilima HKS-a i Svjetske kinološke Federacije (FCI).
Klub okuplja uzgajivače, vlasnike i ljubitelje hrtova, služi popularizaciji i promociji pasmine, brine o savjetima oko prehrane, zdravlja, odgovorne nabavke pasa, izložbi itd. Pomažemo svima koje ova pasmina interesira, te upozoravamo na prednosti i nedostatke sa kojima se budući vlasnici hrtova suočavaju.
Sighthounds Club was founded in 2005 as an non profit organization, with the aim of promoting, developing and improving the sighthound breed in Croatia. The club is part of the Croatian Kennel Club (HKS) and acts by the rules HKS and FCI.
Sighthound Club gathers breeders, owners and lovers of the X FCI group of dogs and serves the promotion and popularization of the breed, gives advice about nutrition and health, helps in the responsible purchase of a puppy, exhibitions ect. We provide information to all who show interest in the breed, about the advantages and the problems they might encounter owning this beautiful breed
Sighthound Specialty - Varaždin 2018.