When energy moves to the heart & you begin to feel whole, that is the door to the unknown. When you do this properly you start connecting to the unified field. That's why energy expands or moves away from the heart in a very coherent way when we are in love. When this happens, the heart autonomically feels like there's no longer a threat or a danger & it expands. Now the autonomic nervous system is resonating in order, energy moves into the brain & now the person is moving to a new consciousness.
They're no longer feeling separate from their dreams or no longer feeling separate from who they are. They're starting to feel whole, & are less preoccupied with their past. Now they have energy in their brain to create. This is essential bc when a person truly starts to open their heart & they truly start feeling whole, there is a downregulation of the genes that create disease & there's a signal genetically to the cells for restoration, wholeness, balance & order. And so genes in the immune system & nervous system upregulate. We've actually measured this. We upregulate genes for oxidative balance, which is anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-heart disease, anti-stroke, anti-neurodegenerative, anti-inflammatory, & anti-microbial.
The body releases thousands of different chemicals for it to be restored. Now the person is disinvesting their energy out of their known familiar past, & they're investing in a new possible future. When they execute this properly & they start opening their heart, there are particular efferent fibers that reset the baseline for trauma in the survival center of the brain. The heart starts sending information to the vagus nerve that it's safe again.
That future doesn't exist anymore based on the past, & the person sees their future from a different emotional state. So when they look at their past, they see it from a place of a greater consciousness, from a place of wholeness instead of separation or lack. They see the people in their past that were their betrayers, abusers, that they were victims too & they see that all that had to happen to get them to that moment. They're so in love with the moment that they no longer care about their past❤